import numpy as np import wave import struct from random import randint import math import pyfftw import timeit import glob import sys import os import re import itertools import difflib import subprocess import argparse import json from distutils import spawn g_sampleRate = 8000 g_sampleRateHq = 48000 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) #parser.add_argument('integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+', help='an integer for the accumulator') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tmp', dest='tmpDir', help='Temporary directory, default is /tmp', default = '') parser.add_argument('-d', '--indir', dest='inputDir', help='Input directory, default=\'.\'', default = '.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--ffmpegpath', dest='ffmpegPath', help='Path to ffmpeg executable (including exe), default=\'ffmpeg\'', default = '') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', help='Turn on piping all ffmpeg output to the std streams (otherwise it is hidden), defaults to False', action="store_true") #parser.add_argument('-r', '--transfmt', dest='transcriptFormat', help='Transcript format override option. Use if there are more than one in the fo, default=\'\'', default = '') args = parser.parse_args() g_baseDir = args.inputDir; g_tmpDir = os.path.join(g_baseDir, "tmp"); if args.tmpDir != '': g_tmpDir = args.tmpDir g_outDir = os.path.join(g_baseDir, "output"); #g_ffmpegExe = "c:\\tools\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg" g_ffmpegExe = spawn.find_executable(os.path.join(args.ffmpegPath, "ffmpeg")) g_ffprobeExe = spawn.find_executable(os.path.join(args.ffmpegPath, "ffprobe")) if g_ffmpegExe == None or g_ffprobeExe == None: print("Could not find ffmpeg! Please ensure full path is given using '-f' or that the bin directory is on the system path!"); print(" ffmpeg path: %s"%g_ffmpegExe) print(" ffprobe path: %s"%g_ffprobeExe) sys.exit(1) g_verboseOutput = args.verbose if g_verboseOutput: print(g_baseDir) print(g_tmpDir) print(g_ffmpegExe) # Create temp directory if not there if not os.path.exists(g_tmpDir): os.makedirs(g_tmpDir) if not os.path.exists(g_outDir): os.makedirs(g_outDir) def nextPot(v): return int(math.pow(2, int(math.ceil(math.log(float(v), 2)) + 0.5)) + 0.5) def wavLoad(fname): wav = (fname, "r") (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) = wav.getparams () frames = wav.readframes (nframes * nchannels) out = struct.unpack_from ("%dh" % nframes * nchannels, frames) if g_verboseOutput: print("%0.2f min"%(nframes / float(framerate * 60.0))) print("Sample Rate: %0.1f kHz"%(framerate/1000.0)) # Convert 2 channles to numpy arrays if nchannels == 2: out = out[0::2] out = np.array(out, np.float32) return out / 32768.0 def wavStore(fname, data, sampleRate): with, "wb") as wf: wf.setnchannels(1) wf.setframerate(sampleRate) wf.setsampwidth(2) tmp = np.array(data * 32768.0, np.int16) wf.writeframes(tmp) # 2. Uses numpy's built in fft, this is a lot slower. def findOffset(sound1, sound2): N = max(len(sound1), len(sound2)) # Note: this pads with zeroes up to next power of two, to ensure good fft alg perf. However, we should really just # ensure the number is factorizable into primes in range 1-9 or some such, whatever the library likes...) #print(str(N)) #N = nextPot(N) #print(str(N)) MN = 2 * N - 1 s1p = np.append(np.zeros(N - 1), sound1) s1p = np.append(s1p, np.zeros(MN - len(s1p))) s2p = np.append(sound2, np.zeros(MN - len(sound2))) fs1 = np.fft.rfft(s1p) fs2 = np.fft.rfft(s2p) scale = 1.0 / float(MN) fcorr = fs1 * np.conj(fs2) * scale corr = np.fft.irfft(fcorr) return np.argmax(corr) - N; # 2. def findOffsetFftw(sound1, sound2): N = max(len(sound1), len(sound2)) #print(str(N)) #N = nextPot(N) #print(str(N)) MN = 2 * N - 1 s1p = pyfftw.empty_aligned(MN, dtype='float32') s1p[:] = 0.0 s2p = pyfftw.empty_aligned(MN, dtype='float32') s2p[:] = 0.0 s1p[N-1:N-1+len(sound1)] = sound1 s2p[0:len(sound2)] = sound2 fs1 = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.rfft(s1p, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE') fs2 = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.rfft(s2p, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE') scale = 1.0 / float(MN) fcorr = fs1 * np.conj(fs2) * scale corr = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.irfft(fcorr, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE') return np.argmax(corr) - N; def execProc(procArgs, progressPattern): global g_verboseOutput if g_verboseOutput: return procArgs.append("-y") process = subprocess.Popen(procArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) count=0 tmpStr = "" while process.poll() == None: buff = tmpStr += buff.decode() if g_verboseOutput: sys.stdout.write(buff.decode())#, end = '', flush = True) sys.stdout.flush() tmpStr.replace('\r', '\n') #if tmpStr.find('frame') > -1: # tmpStr = tmpStr[tmpStr.find('frame'):] result =, tmpStr) if result != None and 'progress' in result.groupdict(): sys.stdout.write("\rframe=%s"%result.groupdict()['progress'])#, end = '', flush = True) sys.stdout.flush() tmpStr = "" process.wait() def findFirstFileByExt(setOfAllFiles, exts): for f in setOfAllFiles: name, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ("*" + ext.lower()) in exts: return f return "" def condLog(cond, text): if cond: sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() allFilesInDir = set(glob.glob(os.path.join(g_baseDir, "*.*"))) movieName = findFirstFileByExt(allFilesInDir, ["*.mp4", "*.mov"])#list(movieList)[0] condLog(g_verboseOutput, "Movie file name:'" + movieName + "'\n"); audioName = findFirstFileByExt(allFilesInDir, ["*.wav", "*.mp3"])#list(movieList)[0] condLog(g_verboseOutput, "Audio file name:'" + audioName + "'\n"); transcriptFileName = findFirstFileByExt(allFilesInDir, ["*.cha", "*.eaf"])#list(movieList)[0] condLog(g_verboseOutput, "Transcript file name:'" + transcriptFileName + "'\n"); sourceList = [movieName, audioName] # TODO: warning if more than one of each type in folders #if len(movieList) > 1: # if g_verboseOutput: # sys.stdout.write("More than one video file, selecting the first one") # Extract audio tracks: def getWavName(movieName): dir,name = os.path.split(movieName) #outName, ext = os.path.splitext(name) return os.path.join(g_tmpDir, name.replace(".", "_") + "_8k.wav") def getHqWavName(movieName): dir,name = os.path.split(movieName) #outName, ext = os.path.splitext(name) return os.path.join(g_tmpDir, name.replace(".", "_") + "_hq.wav") def adjustTranscript(fileName, outFileName, offsetInMs): isChaTrans = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] == ".cha" transcript = [] with open(fileName, 'r') as transcriptFile: transcript = transcriptFile.readlines() with open(outFileName, 'w') as outTranscriptFile: for line in transcript: if isChaTrans: if not line.startswith("@"): line = re.sub(r'([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)', lambda m: "%d_%d"%(int( + offsetInMs, int( + offsetInMs), line) else: line = re.sub(r'( 0: g_vidWidth = max(g_vidWidth, jj["streams"][0]["width"]); g_vidHeight = max(g_vidHeight, jj["streams"][0]["height"]); sarStr = jj["streams"][0]["sample_aspect_ratio"] if sarStr != "1:1": g_sampleAspectRatio = [int(s) for s in sarStr.split(":")] print(' %s -> %s'%(m, getWavName(m))); execProc([g_ffmpegExe, "-i", m, "-af", "aformat=channel_layouts=mono,aresample=%d"%(int(g_sampleRate)), "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", "-ac", "1", getWavName(m)], "time=\s*(?P\S+)\s") #print(' \r', end = '') # Now lets find offsets between the movie & audio file print("Finding offsets: ") sounds = {m : wavLoad(getWavName(m)) for m in sourceList} offset = findOffsetFftw(sounds[movieName], sounds[audioName]) print(" %s -> %s = %d = %6.4fs"%(movieName, audioName, offset, float(offset) / float(g_sampleRate))) # extend one or the other if offset < 0: #extendMovie(movieName, -offset) resName = os.path.join(g_outDir, "ext_" + os.path.basename(movieName)) print("Extending the movie by %6.4fs -> '%s'"%(float(-offset) / float(g_sampleRate), resName)) argList = [g_ffmpegExe] offsetSecs = float(-offset) / float(g_sampleRate) #argList.extend(["-itsoffset", str(offsetSecs), "-i", movieName, ""]) # This is the original line of code for adding grey frames: argList.extend(["-f", "lavfi", "-i", "color=c=gray:s=%dx%d:r=25:d=%f,setsar=%d:%d"%(g_vidWidth, g_vidHeight, offsetSecs, g_sampleAspectRatio[0], g_sampleAspectRatio[1]), "-f", "lavfi", "-i", "aevalsrc=0:d=%f"%offsetSecs, "-i", movieName, "-filter_complex", "[0:v] [1:a] [2:v] [2:a] concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", "[a]", "-strict", "-2", resName]) execProc(argList, 'frame=\s*(?P\d+)\s') elif offset > 0: #extendAudio(audioName, offset) resName = os.path.join(g_outDir, "ext_" + os.path.basename(audioName)) offsetSecs = float(offset) / float(g_sampleRate) print("Extending the audio file by %6.4fs -> '%s'"%(offsetSecs, resName)) argList = [g_ffmpegExe] argList.extend(["-f", "lavfi", "-i", "aevalsrc=0:d=%f"%offsetSecs, "-i", audioName, "-filter_complex", "[0:0] [1:0] concat=n=2:v=0:a=1", resName]) execProc(argList, 'frame=\s*(?P\d+)\s') # Allow running the script when there is no transcript if len(transcriptFileName) > 0: # If the audio file was padded, then we also must update the offsets in the transcript: outTranscriptName = os.path.join(g_outDir, "ext_" + os.path.basename(transcriptFileName)) print("adjusting the transcript by %dms -> '%s'"%(int(offsetSecs * 1000.0), outTranscriptName)) adjustTranscript(transcriptFileName, outTranscriptName, int(offsetSecs * 1000.0)) else: print("No transcript file to adjust found.")