CoFH - Stellar Expansion - Strategic Resources Author: King Lemming 2018-05-24: Forcing a reupload of the mod to ensure Steam didn't get a corrupt version somehow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-05-23: Bit of a rewrite. :) Buildings no longer "use" a resource. I found a more proper way to handle it, thanks to new conditionals. Should you lose access to a resource, the building will remain, but will be inactive. It will NOT be destroyed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-05-23: More rebalancing and changes to fit with the new system in terms of flavor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-05-22: Added a building for the new "Aldar Crystals" SR. New Building: Aldar Integration Factory: Empire-Unique +8 Engineering Produced +10% Ship Hull +5% Tile Minerals Rebalanced and altered abilities of existing buildings a bit to fit with the new tier system and SR distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-05-22: Updated for 2.1.0 [Niven]. No actual changes - just version incrementing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-02-24: Updated for 2.0.0 [Cherryh]. This is basically a straight port, but with the 2.0 changes in place. Some building effects have been altered to fit with 2.0 changes. I'll be revisiting this in the coming weeks to tweak and adjust things once I have a better sense of the balance, but it should be completely playable right now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-12-11: Updated for 1.9.0 [Boulle]. No actual changes - just version incrementing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-09-21: Updated for 1.8.0 [Capek]. No actual changes - just version incrementing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-06-15: Updated for 1.7.2 [Bradbury]. No actual changes - just version incrementing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-05-09: Updated for 1.6 [Adams]. Pop Growth Time has been changed to Pop Growth Speed where applicable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-08: Updated for 1.5 [Banks]. Ixrybun Crystals and their associated building and technology have been removed, as the base game has added Yurantic Crystals, which provide Energy Damage. Don't worry, they'll probably be back. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017-04-05: Updated Russian localization. Final 1.4 [Kennedy] version. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-12-13: Added Russian localization. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-12-09: Added new Strategic Resource: Ixrybun Crystals. If you're currently in a game, it won't show up. You'll need a new one for that. When SRs were overhauled in 1.3, Explosive and Kinetic Weapons received a relative boost in that there was a resource which provided +10% damage to those weapon types. Energy did not have such a resource. It now does. And yes, it's a red crystal. A red stone if you will. Those of you familiar with my Minecraft work will get it. Also, new buildings for the remaining resources, as well as Ixrybun. To keep the research "even" among these buildings, Neutronium now generates Engineering Research instead of Physics. New Buildings: Dark Matter Concentrator: Empire-Unique +8 Physics Produced +10% Ship Combat Speed +10% Ship Speed +5 Ship Evasion Ixrybun Deposition Plant: Empire-Unique +8 Physics Produced +5% Research Speed Living Metal Depot: Empire-Unique +8 Society Produced -10% Ship Upkeep Cost +25% Ship Repair Speed New Technologies: Ixrybun Crystal Mining: Industry Reveals Ixrybun Crystals Changed Buildings: Neutronium Armory: Empire-Unique +8 Engineering Produced +25% Army Damage +25% Army Health -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-12-08: Removed files which weren't ready for deployment. Sorry about that! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016-12-07: Mod now exists. :) For the moment, this is pretty simple - 9 buildings to make use of Strategic Resources. They aren't quite what the old ones used to be, but they provide slightly more incentive to acquire Strategic Resources. New Buildings: Engos Dispersal Station: Empire-Unique +8 Society Produced -10% Population Growth Time Garanthium Manufactory: Empire-Unique +8 Engineering Produced -5% Ship Build Time -5% Ship Cost Lythuric Stabilization Plant: Empire-Unique +8 Physics Produced +5% Energy Credits +25% Planetary Fortification Strength Neutronium Armory: Empire-Unique +8 Physics Produced +25% Army Damage +25% Army Health Orillium Explosives Factory: Empire-Unique +8 Engineering Produced -5% Building Time +5% Minerals Pitharan Distillation Facility: Empire-Unique +8 Society Produced +5% Energy Credits -5% Food Required for Population Satramene Infusion Plant: Empire-Unique +8 Society Produced -10% Faction Suppression Cost +10% Trade Attractiveness +10% Trust Growth Teldar Purification Plant: Empire-Unique +8 Engineering Produced -5% Building Cost +5% Minerals Zro Diffusion Station: Empire-Unique +8 Physics Produced +10% Border Extrusion Range +50% Planetary Sensor Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------