CoFH - Stellar Expansion - Strategic Resources Author: King Lemming Hello there! Some of you who played Stellaris and Stellar Expansion before the 1.3 [Heinlein] patch may remember that Strategic Resources worked in a very different way. One thing that Stellar Expansion used to do was add Strategic Resource buildings for those resources which did not have them. Since Paradox decided to remove all of those buildings from the base game, I have created new versions of them to fit with the new Strategic Resource mechanics. Unlike the old buildings, these buildings also generate a Strategic Resource, in effect NOT consuming it. The buildings themselves are Empire-Unique, however. If the original resource is made unavailable, the building will correctly stop working. ################################################################################ # Buildings ################################################################################ NOTE: All buildings require their respective Strategic Resource to construct and maintain, but also "produce" that resource, so it is not actually consumed. Aldar Integration Plant: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Engineering Research Empire Modifier: +10% Ship Hull +5% Tile Minerals Dark Matter Concentrator: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Physics Research Empire Modifier: +10% Ship Speed +5 Ship Evasion Engos Dispersal Station: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Society Research Empire Modifier: +20% Population Growth Speed Garanthium Manufactory: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Engineering Research Empire Modifier: -5% Ship Build Time -5% Ship Cost Living Metal Depot: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Engineering Research Empire Modifier: -10% Ship Upkeep Cost Lythuric Stabilization Station: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Physics Research Empire Modifier: -5% Building Cost +5% Tile Energy Credits Neutronium Armory: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Physics Research Empire Modifier: +25% Army Damage +25% Army Health Orillium Modulation Factory: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Engineering Research Empire Modifier: -10% Planetary Bombardment Damage +5% Tile Energy Pitharan Distillation Facility: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Society Research Empire Modifier: +5% Tile Energy Credits -5% Food Required for Population Satramene Infusion Station: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Society Research Empire Modifier: -10% Faction Suppression Cost +10% Trade Attractiveness +10% Trust Growth Teldar Purification Plant: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Engineering Research Empire Modifier: +10% Ship Armor +5% Tile Minerals Yurantic Deposition Plant: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Physics Research Empire Modifier: +10% Ship Shields +5% Tile Minerals Zro Diffusion Facility: Empire-Unique Build: 360 Days 350 Minerals Requires: 3 Energy Produces: 8 Society Research Empire Modifier: +1 Planet Sensor Range +5% All Research