# Devastate Mode-Z Based on [DevastateMini](https://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-devastate-mini). Slight tweaks to DevastateMini for a more cohesive UX, colours and overall feel tweaked to be in-line with my colour scheme. This theme has primarily been designed with C and C++ in mind, other languages will likely work fine but the syntax highlighting may be incomplete or not what was expected. ### DevastateMini + Mode-Z Ultra-dark neutral theme, combined with Ultra-dark neutral and balanced editor colour scheme with minimal-distractions in mind. Every colour was carefully chosen to minimize colour-clash for faster on-the-fly reading. In addition this theme utilizes Hashed Syntax Highlighting to further aid in quickly scanning identifiers. ### Installation Install with [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/), or install it manually if you know how. After installing, you can actiavate the theme either by selecting `UI: Select Theme` and `UI: Select Color Scheme` from the command palette (`ctrl+shift+p` by default) or by adding these lines to your user settings (`Preferences: Settings` in the command palette, or `Menu->Preferences->Settings`) "color_scheme": "Mode-Z.sublime-color-scheme", "theme": "DevastateModeZ.sublime-theme"", ### Screenshot ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53689060/128900539-93efa0c3-e2c5-4ee2-b56e-afea2ef222fe.png)