import datetime import time import os os.system("cls") def main(): lineBreak() print " | RaspberryPi Backup |" print " | rsync |" lineBreak() print " + Before you backup, it is wise to ensure you're not downloading, uploading +" print " + or transferring to/from the RPi. Doing any of those during backup +" print " + will give you a very slow experience. This is because of the bandwidth +" print " + limitations that the RPi has when using USB & Ethernet together. +" lineBreak() x = raw_input(" Do you wish to backup right now? (y/n): ") while x.upper() != "Y" and x.upper() != "N": x = raw_input(" Please enter y or n: ") lineBreak() if x.upper() == "Y": print " Checking if RPi is online..." ping = testConnection() if ping == 0: print ' Connection OK, initiating backup...' finishTime = rsync() else: print " Can not establish connection to RPi, quitting..." else: print " OK, will try again tomorrow." print("Total time: " + str(finishTime)) time.sleep(5) def lineBreak(): print " +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+" def testConnection(): ping = os.system('powershell.exe "Test-Connection -q ###.###.###.### | Out-Null"') return ping def rsync(): startTime = os.system("rsync -arvuih --rsync-path='rsync --log-file=/###/###/rsync.log' --delete --progress -e 'ssh -p #### -i /cygdrive/c/Users/###/###/###' '/cygdrive/c/Users/###/###' pi@###.###.###.###:/###/###/###/") finishTime = - startTime return finishTime main()