import warnings import graphviz import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def plot_stats(statistics, ylog=False, view=False, filename='avg_fitness.svg'): """ Plots the population's average and best fitness. """ if plt is None: warnings.warn("This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (matplotlib)") return generation = range(len(statistics.most_fit_genomes)) best_fitness = [ for c in statistics.most_fit_genomes] avg_fitness = np.array(statistics.get_fitness_mean()) stdev_fitness = np.array(statistics.get_fitness_stdev()) plt.plot(generation, avg_fitness, 'b-', label="average") plt.plot(generation, avg_fitness - stdev_fitness, 'g-.', label="-1 sd") plt.plot(generation, avg_fitness + stdev_fitness, 'g-.', label="+1 sd") plt.plot(generation, best_fitness, 'r-', label="best") plt.title("Population's average and best fitness") plt.xlabel("Generations") plt.ylabel("Fitness") plt.grid() plt.legend(loc="best") if ylog: plt.gca().set_yscale('symlog') plt.savefig(filename) if view: plt.close() def plot_spikes(spikes, view=False, filename=None, title=None): """ Plots the trains for a single spiking neuron. """ t_values = [t for t, I, v, u, f in spikes] v_values = [v for t, I, v, u, f in spikes] u_values = [u for t, I, v, u, f in spikes] I_values = [I for t, I, v, u, f in spikes] f_values = [f for t, I, v, u, f in spikes] fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) plt.ylabel("Potential (mv)") plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)") plt.grid() plt.plot(t_values, v_values, "g-") if title is None: plt.title("Izhikevich's spiking neuron model") else: plt.title("Izhikevich's spiking neuron model ({0!s})".format(title)) plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) plt.ylabel("Fired") plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)") plt.grid() plt.plot(t_values, f_values, "r-") plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) plt.ylabel("Recovery (u)") plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)") plt.grid() plt.plot(t_values, u_values, "r-") plt.subplot(4, 1, 4) plt.ylabel("Current (I)") plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)") plt.grid() plt.plot(t_values, I_values, "r-o") if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) if view: plt.close() fig = None return fig def plot_species(statistics, view=False, filename='speciation.svg'): """ Visualizes speciation throughout evolution. """ if plt is None: warnings.warn("This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (matplotlib)") return species_sizes = statistics.get_species_sizes() num_generations = len(species_sizes) curves = np.array(species_sizes).T fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.stackplot(range(num_generations), *curves) plt.title("Speciation") plt.ylabel("Size per Species") plt.xlabel("Generations") plt.savefig(filename) if view: plt.close() def draw_net(config, genome, view=False, filename=None, node_names=None, show_disabled=True, prune_unused=False, node_colors=None, fmt='svg'): """ Receives a genome and draws a neural network with arbitrary topology. """ # Attributes for network nodes. if graphviz is None: warnings.warn("This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (graphviz)") return # If requested, use a copy of the genome which omits all components that won't affect the output. if prune_unused: genome = genome.get_pruned_copy(config.genome_config) if node_names is None: node_names = {} assert type(node_names) is dict if node_colors is None: node_colors = {} assert type(node_colors) is dict node_attrs = { 'shape': 'circle', 'fontsize': '9', 'height': '0.2', 'width': '0.2'} dot = graphviz.Digraph(format=fmt, node_attr=node_attrs) inputs = set() for k in config.genome_config.input_keys: inputs.add(k) name = node_names.get(k, str(k)) input_attrs = {'style': 'filled', 'shape': 'box', 'fillcolor': node_colors.get(k, 'lightgray')} dot.node(name, _attributes=input_attrs) outputs = set() for k in config.genome_config.output_keys: outputs.add(k) name = node_names.get(k, str(k)) node_attrs = {'style': 'filled', 'fillcolor': node_colors.get(k, 'lightblue')} dot.node(name, _attributes=node_attrs) used_nodes = set(genome.nodes.keys()) for n in used_nodes: if n in inputs or n in outputs: continue attrs = {'style': 'filled', 'fillcolor': node_colors.get(n, 'white')} dot.node(str(n), _attributes=attrs) for cg in genome.connections.values(): if cg.enabled or show_disabled: # if cg.input not in used_nodes or cg.output not in used_nodes: # continue input, output = cg.key a = node_names.get(input, str(input)) b = node_names.get(output, str(output)) style = 'solid' if cg.enabled else 'dotted' color = 'green' if cg.weight > 0 else 'red' width = str(0.1 + abs(cg.weight / 5.0)) dot.edge(a, b, _attributes={'style': style, 'color': color, 'penwidth': width}) dot.render(filename, view=view) return dot