# Project Name / Title > Give your project a good name like: MyPantry or BestNews instead of project-01 ## 2 - 3 Sentence Project Description (Elevator Pitch) > In 2 to 3 sentences, describe what your project is, how people will use it ## What is your motivation for creating this project? > Enter your motivation for this project ## How will users interact with your web site? > Describe the user interaction involved, e.g. search form, settings check boxes, a series of steps to get some results etc. ## What 3rd Party API(s) will you integrate with? * Link to the API documentation here ## Tech Stack * CSS Framework you will use - or no framework * Any 3rd party JS libraries like maps, data viz etc. ## Will you try to implement any stretch features? * ## What will be your process? * What project management tool will you use? * How often will you commit your code? * How will you test your web site? * How will you design the layout of your website? Will you use a wireframing tool? Will you draw it on paper?