import Pkg Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(url="")) Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(url="")) Pkg.add(["OrdinaryDiffEq", "Tensors", "JLD2", "Plots"]) using Distributed nprocs() == 1 && addprocs() @everywhere using StreamMacros const bickley = @velo_from_stream psi begin psi = psi₀ + psi₁ psi₀ = - U₀ * L₀ * tanh(y / L₀) psi₁ = U₀ * L₀ * sech(y / L₀)^2 * re_sum_term re_sum_term = Σ₁ + Σ₂ + Σ₃ Σ₁ = ε₁ * cos(k₁*(x - c₁*t)) Σ₂ = ε₂ * cos(k₂*(x - c₂*t)) Σ₃ = ε₃ * cos(k₃*(x - c₃*t)) k₁ = 2/r₀ ; k₂ = 4/r₀ ; k₃ = 6/r₀ ε₁ = 0.0075 ; ε₂ = 0.15 ; ε₃ = 0.3 c₂ = 0.205U₀ ; c₃ = 0.461U₀; c₁ = c₃ + (√5-1)*(c₂-c₃) U₀ = 62.66e-6; L₀ = 1770e-3; r₀ = 6371e-3 end @everywhere using CoherentStructures, OrdinaryDiffEq, Tensors q = 81 const tspan = range(0., stop=3456000., length=q) ny = 61 nx = (22ny) ÷ 6 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 0.0 - 2.0, 6.371π + 2.0, -3.0, 3.0 xspan = range(xmin, stop=xmax, length=nx) yspan = range(ymin, stop=ymax, length=ny) P = tuple.(xspan, permutedims(yspan)) const δ = 1.e-6 @inline D(_) = SymmetricTensor{2,2}((2., 0., 0.5)) mCG_tensor = u -> av_weighted_CG_tensor(bickley, u, tspan, δ; D=D, tolerance=1e-6, solver=Tsit5()) C̅ = pmap(mCG_tensor, P; batch_size=ceil(Int, length(P)/nprocs()^2)) p = LCSParameters(2.0) vortices, singularities = ellipticLCS(C̅, xspan, yspan, p) using Plots trace = tensor_invariants(C̅)[5] fig = plot_vortices(vortices, singularities, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax); bg=trace, xspan=xspan, yspan=yspan, title="DBS field and transport barriers", showlabel=true) CG_tensor = u -> CG_tensor(bickley, u, tspan, δ; tolerance=1e-6, solver=Tsit5()) C = pmap(CG_tensor, P; batch_size=ceil(Int, length(P)/nprocs()^2)) p = LCSParameters(2.0) BHvortices, singularities = ellipticLCS(C, xspan, yspan, p) foreach(v -> plot_barrier!(v.barriers[1]; color=:red, width=1), BHvortices) fig using Distributed nprocs() == 1 && addprocs() @everywhere using CoherentStructures, OrdinaryDiffEq using JLD2 lon, lat, time, us, vs = load("docs/examples/Ocean_geostrophic_velocity.jld2", "Lon", "Lat", "Time", "UT", "VT") const VI = interpolateVF(lon, lat, time, us, vs) q = 91 t_initial = minimum(time) t_final = t_initial + 90 const ts = range(t_initial, stop=t_final, length=q) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = -4.0, 7.5, -37.0, -28.0 nx = 300 ny = floor(Int, (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin) * nx) xspan = range(xmin, stop=xmax, length=nx) yspan = range(ymin, stop=ymax, length=ny) P = tuple.(xspan, permutedims(yspan)) const ε = 1.e-5 mcg_tensor = u -> av_weighted_CG_tensor(interp_rhs, u, ts, ε; p=VI, tolerance=1e-6, solver=Tsit5()) C̅ = pmap(mcg_tensor, P; batch_size=ceil(Int, length(P)/nprocs()^2)) p = LCSParameters(2.5) vortices, singularities = ellipticLCS(C̅, xspan, yspan, p) using Plots trace = tensor_invariants(C̅)[5] fig = plot_vortices(vortices, singularities, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax); bg=trace, xspan=xspan, yspan=yspan, title="DBS field and transport barriers", showlabel=true) # This file was generated using Literate.jl,