using Distributed nprocs() == 1 && addprocs() @everywhere using CoherentStructures, OrdinaryDiffEq using JLD2 xs, ys, ts, us, vs = load("docs/examples/Ocean_geostrophic_velocity.jld2", "Lon", "Lat", "Time", "UT", "VT") const uv = interpolateVF(xs, ys, ts, us, vs) q = 91 t_initial = minimum(ts) t_final = t_initial + 90 const tspan = range(t_initial, stop=t_final, length=q) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = -4.0, 7.5, -37.0, -28.0 nx = 300 ny = floor(Int, (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin) * nx) xspan = range(xmin, stop=xmax, length=nx) yspan = range(ymin, stop=ymax, length=ny) P = tuple.(xspan, permutedims(yspan)) const δ = 1.e-5 mCG_tensor = u -> av_weighted_CG_tensor(interp_rhs, u, tspan, δ; p=uv, tolerance=1e-6, solver=Tsit5()) C̅ = pmap(mCG_tensor, P; batch_size=ceil(Int, length(P)/nprocs()^2)) p = LCSParameters(2.5) vortices, singularities = ellipticLCS(C̅, xspan, yspan, p) area.(vortices), clockwise.(vortices, interp_rhs, t_initial, p=uv) using Plots trace = tensor_invariants(C̅)[5] fig = plot_vortices(vortices, singularities, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax); bg=trace, xspan=xspan, yspan=yspan, title="DBS field and transport barriers", showlabel=true) Plots.plot(fig) using Interpolations, Tensors, StaticArrays const V = scale(interpolate(SVector{2}.(us[:,:,1], vs[:,:,1]), BSpline(Quadratic(Free(OnGrid())))), xs, ys) rate_of_strain_tensor(xin) = let V=V x, y = xin grad = Interpolations.gradient(V, x, y) symmetric(Tensor{2,2}((grad[1][1], grad[1][2], grad[2][1], grad[2][2]))) end xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = -12.0, 7.0, -38.1, -22.0 nx = 950 ny = floor(Int, (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin) * nx) xspan = range(xmin, stop=xmax, length=nx) yspan = range(ymin, stop=ymax, length=ny) P = tuple.(xspan, permutedims(yspan)) S = rate_of_strain_tensor.(P) p = LCSParameters(boxradius=2.5, pmin=-1, pmax=1, merge_heuristics=[Combine20(), Combine31()]) vortices, singularities = ellipticLCS(S, xspan, yspan, p; outermost=true) λ₁ = tensor_invariants(S)[1] fig = plot_vortices(vortices, singularities, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax); bg=λ₁, xspan=xspan, yspan=yspan, logBg=false, title="Minor rate-of-strain field and OECSs") Plots.plot(fig) using CoherentStructures import JLD2, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots xs, ys, ts, us, vs = load("Ocean_geostrophic_velocity.jld2", "Lon", "Lat", "Time", "UT", "VT") const UV = interpolateVF(xs, ys, ts, us, vs) t_initial = minimum(ts) t_final = t_initial + 90 const times = [t_initial, t_final] flow_map(u0) = flow(interp_rhs, u0, times; p=UV, tolerance=1e-5, solver=OrdinaryDiffEq.BS5())[end] LL = (-4.0, -34.0) UR = (6.0, -28.0) ctx, _ = regularTriangularGrid((150, 90), LL, UR) bdata = getHomDBCS(ctx, "all"); M = assembleMassMatrix(ctx, bdata=bdata) S0 = assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx) S1 = adaptiveTOCollocationStiffnessMatrix(ctx, flow_map) S = applyBCS(ctx, 0.5(S0 + S1), bdata); λ, v = CoherentStructures.get_smallest_eigenpairs(S, M, 6); using Clustering ctx2, _ = regularTriangularGrid((200, 120), LL, UR) v_upsampled = sample_to(v, ctx, ctx2, bdata=bdata) function iterated_kmeans(numiterations, args...) best = kmeans(args...) for i in 1:(numiterations - 1) cur = kmeans(args...) if cur.totalcost < best.totalcost best = cur end end return best end n_partition = 4 res = iterated_kmeans(20, permutedims(v_upsampled[:,1:(n_partition-1)]), n_partition) u = kmeansresult2LCS(res) u_combined = sum([u[:,i] * i for i in 1:n_partition]) fig = plot_u(ctx2, u_combined, 200, 200; color=:viridis, colorbar=:none, title="$n_partition-partition of Ocean Flow") Plots.plot(fig) # This file was generated using Literate.jl,