var fs = Npm.require('fs'); var path = Npm.require('path'); var mkdirp = Npm.require('mkdirp'); //var chokidar = Npm.require('chokidar'); FS.Store.FileSystem = function(name, options) { var self = this; if (!(self instanceof FS.Store.FileSystem)) throw new Error('FS.Store.FileSystem missing keyword "new"'); // We allow options to be string/path empty or options.path options = (options !== ''+options) ? options || {} : { path: options }; // Provide a default FS directory one level up from the build/bundle directory var pathname = options.path; if (!pathname && __meteor_bootstrap__ && __meteor_bootstrap__.serverDir) { pathname = path.join(__meteor_bootstrap__.serverDir, '../../../cfs/files/' + name); } if (!pathname) throw new Error('FS.Store.FileSystem unable to determine path'); // Check if we have '~/foo/bar' if (pathname.split(path.sep)[0] === '~') { var homepath = process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.USERPROFILE; if (homepath) { pathname = pathname.replace('~', homepath); } else { throw new Error('FS.Store.FileSystem unable to resolve "~" in path'); } } // Set absolute path var absolutePath = path.resolve(pathname); // Ensure the path exists mkdirp.sync(absolutePath); FS.debug && console.log(name + ' FileSystem mounted on: ' + absolutePath); return new FS.StorageAdapter(name, options, { typeName: 'storage.filesystem', fileKey: function(fileObj) { // Lookup the copy var store = fileObj && fileObj._getInfo(name); // If the store and key is found return the key if (store && store.key) return store.key; var filename =; var filenameInStore ={store: name}); // If no store key found we resolve / generate a key return fileObj.collectionName + '-' + fileObj._id + '-' + (filenameInStore || filename); }, createReadStream: function(fileKey, options) { // this is the Storage adapter scope var filepath = path.join(absolutePath, fileKey); // return the read stream - Options allow { start, end } return fs.createReadStream(filepath, options); }, createWriteStream: function(fileKey, options) { options = options || {}; // this is the Storage adapter scope var filepath = path.join(absolutePath, fileKey); // Return the stream handle var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(filepath, options); // The filesystem does not emit the "end" event only close - so we // manually send the end event writeStream.on('close', function() { if (FS.debug) console.log('SA FileSystem - DONE!! fileKey: "' + fileKey + '"'); // Get the exact size of the stored file, so that we can pass it to onEnd/onStored. // Since stream transforms might have altered the size, this is the best way to // ensure we update the fileObj.copies with the correct size. try { // Get the stats of the file var stats = fs.statSync(filepath); // Emit end and return the fileKey, size, and updated date writeStream.emit('stored', { fileKey: fileKey, size: stats.size, storedAt: stats.mtime }); } catch(err) { // On error we emit the error on writeStream.emit('error', err); } }); return writeStream; }, remove: function(fileKey, callback) { // this is the Storage adapter scope var filepath = path.join(absolutePath, fileKey); // Call node unlink file fs.unlink(filepath, function (error, result) { if (error && error.errno === 34) { console.warn("SA FileSystem: Could not delete " + filepath + " because the file was not found."); callback && callback(null); } else { callback && callback(error, result); } }); }, stats: function(fileKey, callback) { // this is the Storage adapter scope var filepath = path.join(absolutePath, fileKey); if (typeof callback === 'function') { fs.stat(filepath, callback); } else { return fs.statSync(filepath); } } // Add this back and add the chokidar dependency back when we make this work eventually // watch: function(callback) { // function fileKey(filePath) { // return filePath.replace(absolutePath, ""); // } // FS.debug && console.log('Watching ' + absolutePath); // // chokidar seems to be most widely used and production ready watcher // var watcher =, {ignored: /\/\./, ignoreInitial: true}); // watcher.on('add', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(filePath, stats) { // callback("change", fileKey(filePath), { // name: path.basename(filePath), // type: null, // size: stats.size, // utime: stats.mtime // }); // }, function(err) { // throw err; // })); // watcher.on('change', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(filePath, stats) { // callback("change", fileKey(filePath), { // name: path.basename(filePath), // type: null, // size: stats.size, // utime: stats.mtime // }); // }, function(err) { // throw err; // })); // watcher.on('unlink', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(filePath) { // callback("remove", fileKey(filePath)); // }, function(err) { // throw err; // })); // } }); };