state("game") { int myhp : 0xB87A20, 0x468, 0x183C; //Mega Man's current health int stage : 0xB87660, 0x150; //Stage Select(0 block, 8 tundra, 4 is all Wily stages) int wilystage : 0xC3F6C0, 0x3B48; //Wily stage select int bosshp : 0xB87660, 0x120, 0x4628; //Boss health (56 or 28 depending on difficulty) int enemyid : 0xC3EF58, 0x230, 0x1840; //Enemy ID? (can be shared with other enemies) int ydform : 0xC3EF58, 0x230, 0x187C; //Yellow Devil form indicator? int selectedindex : 0xC3EF58, 0x358, 0x4688; //Currently selected index on main menu int selecteddifficulty : 0xC3EF58, 0x358, 0x4684; //Selected difficulty on main menu int currentdifficulty : 0xC3F6C0, 0x388C; //Actual difficulty being played. This is always 2 on the main menu int igt : 0xC3F6C0, 0x3888; //frame counter starts slightly after difficulty select, resets on main menu int roomid : 0xB87F60, 0x78C; //Room ID int xpos : 0xC3EF58, 0x1D0, 0x1878; // X Pos int ypos : 0xC3EF58, 0x1D0, 0x187C; // Y Pos int refights : 0xB87E00, 0x260; //Refight kills } startup { print("--Starting up!--"); vars.stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); refreshRate = 1; settings.Add("options", true, "---Options---"); settings.Add("onteleport", true, "Split on teleport instead of on kill", "options"); settings.Add("currentroomtimer", false, "Show Current Room Timer (resource intensive)", "options"); settings.Add("currentroomid", false, "Show Current Room ID", "options"); settings.Add("lastroomtimer", true, "Show Last Room Timer", "options"); settings.Add("lastroomid", true, "Show Last Room ID", "options"); settings.Add("shopdiscount", false, "Trick game into thinking it is Saturday", "options"); //default - 48 C1 FA 17 48 8B C2 48 C1 E8 3F 48 03 D0 //always Saturday - 48 33 D2 BA A9 1F 1E 6B 90 90 90 90 90 90 settings.Add("infosection", true, "---Info---"); settings.Add("info", true, "MM11 Autosplitter v2.1 by Coltaho", "infosection"); settings.Add("info0", true, "Added option to display current/last room timer without ASL Viewer component", "infosection"); settings.Add("info1", true, "- Website :", "infosection"); vars.UpdateCurrentRoomTimer = (Action)((proc) => { if(vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer == null) { foreach (dynamic component in timer.Layout.Components) { if (component.GetType().Name != "TextComponent") continue; if (component.Settings.Text1 == "Current Room") vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer = component.Settings; } if(vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer == null) vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer = vars.CreateTextComponent("Current Room"); } if (vars.showcurrentroomid) vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer.Text2 = "Room " + vars.currentroomid + " - " + vars.FormatTimer(vars.currentroomtime); else vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer.Text2 = vars.FormatTimer(vars.currentroomtime); }); vars.UpdateLastRoomTimer = (Action)((proc) => { if(vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer == null) { foreach (dynamic component in timer.Layout.Components) { if (component.GetType().Name != "TextComponent") continue; if (component.Settings.Text1 == "Last Room") vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer = component.Settings; } if(vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer == null) vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer = vars.CreateTextComponent("Last Room"); } if (vars.showlastroomid) vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer.Text2 = "Room " + vars.lastroomid + " - " + vars.FormatTimer(vars.lastroomtime); else vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer.Text2 = vars.FormatTimer(vars.lastroomtime); }); vars.CreateTextComponent = (Func)((name) => { var textComponentAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("Components\\LiveSplit.Text.dll"); dynamic textComponent = Activator.CreateInstance(textComponentAssembly.GetType("LiveSplit.UI.Components.TextComponent"), timer); timer.Layout.LayoutComponents.Add(new LiveSplit.UI.Components.LayoutComponent("LiveSplit.Text.dll", textComponent as LiveSplit.UI.Components.IComponent)); textComponent.Settings.Text1 = name; return textComponent.Settings; }); vars.FormatTimer = (Func)((ms) => { if (ms <= 0) return "No Time"; else return (ms / 60 / 60).ToString("D2") + ":" + (ms / 60 % 60).ToString("D2") + ":" + (ms % 60).ToString("D2"); }); } init { if (modules.First().ModuleMemorySize != 234926080 && modules.First().ModuleMemorySize != 13430784) { Console.WriteLine("--Hmm, may not be Mega Man 11 or a patch was pushed? Ignoring though... " + modules.First().ModuleMemorySize); } print("--Found Mega Man 11"); refreshRate = 70; vars.ydteleport = 15500; vars.lastroomtime = 0; vars.currentroomtime = 0; vars.roomstart = 0; vars.currentroomid = 0; vars.lastroomid = 0; vars.showlastroomid = settings["lastroomid"]; vars.showcurrentroomid = settings["currentroomid"]; vars.textSettingCurrentRoomTimer = null; vars.textSettingLastRoomTimer = null; if(settings["shopdiscount"]) { print("--Making it always Saturday--"); game.WriteBytes((IntPtr)0x140911386, new byte[] {0x48, 0x33, 0xD2, 0xBA, 0xA9, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x6B, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90}); } } update { vars.showlastroomid = settings["lastroomid"]; vars.showcurrentroomid = settings["currentroomid"]; if ((settings["currentroomtimer"]) || (settings["lastroomtimer"]) && current.igt != 0) { if (current.roomid != old.roomid && current.roomid != -1) { vars.lastroomtime = current.igt - vars.roomstart; vars.lastroomid = old.roomid; vars.roomstart = current.igt; } vars.currentroomtime = current.igt - vars.roomstart; vars.currentroomid = current.roomid; if (settings["currentroomtimer"]) vars.UpdateCurrentRoomTimer(game); if (settings["lastroomtimer"]) vars.UpdateLastRoomTimer(game); } else { vars.currentroomtime = 0; vars.lastroomtime = 0; vars.roomstart = 0; if (settings["currentroomtimer"]) vars.UpdateCurrentRoomTimer(game); if (settings["lastroomtimer"]) vars.UpdateLastRoomTimer(game); } // print("--Health: " + current.myhp + " | stage: " + current.stage + " | wilystage: " + current.wilystage + " | Boss Health: " + current.bosshp + " | EnemyID: " + current.enemyid + " | Position: " + current.xpos + ", " + current.ypos + " | Difficulty: " + current.currentdifficulty + " | IGT: " + current.igt); if (current.selecteddifficulty == 2 && current.selectedindex == 2 && old.selectedindex == 0) { print("--We appear to be selecting a difficulty!"); //Set stage select to 4, so that when we start we can watch for it to be set to 0 to start timer game.WriteBytes((game.ReadPointer((IntPtr)0x140B87660) + 0x150), new byte[] {0x4}); } } start { return (current.currentdifficulty == 2 && current.igt == 0 && current.stage == 0 && old.stage == 4); } reset { return (current.igt == 0 && old.igt > 0); } split { //Split on last boss kill hit if (current.wilystage == 4 && current.enemyid == 5 && current.myhp > 0 && current.bosshp <= 0 && old.bosshp > 0) return true; //split on boss kill hit unless on refights if (current.wilystage < 3 && current.myhp > 0 && current.bosshp <= 0 && old.bosshp > 0) { //if on teleport, start a stopwatch if (settings["onteleport"]) { vars.stopwatch.Restart(); if (current.wilystage == 1 && old.ydform == 34) { vars.ydteleport = 11500; } else { vars.ydteleport = 15500; } } else { return true; } } //Split if we are standing on final capsule after 8 robos are killed if (current.wilystage == 3 && current.refights == 255 && current.xpos == 74 && old.xpos != 74 && current.ypos == 58) { vars.stopwatch.Restart(); } //split if stopwatch is ready if ((current.wilystage == 0 && vars.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 16500) || (current.wilystage == 1 && vars.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > vars.ydteleport) //11.5 if killed small, 15.5 if killed big || (current.wilystage == 2 && vars.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 11750) || (current.wilystage == 3 && vars.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 350)) { vars.stopwatch.Reset(); return true; } }