{ "data": { "metadata": { "content_type": "application/vnd.ms-excel", "extension": ".xls", "file_name": "TGA example with derivative.xls", "mime_type": "application/vnd.ms-excel", "reader": "OldExcelReader", "uploaded": "2023-10-25T12:16:40.880357" }, "tables": [ { "columns": [], "header": [ "Filename\tAG-377_neu", "Instrument name\t5500-0290 (", "Operator\tAG", "rundate\t22.09.2023", "Sample name\tAG-377_neu", "proceduresegments\tSelect Gas: Gas 1 ; Equilibrate 30,00 °C; Isothermal 3,0 min; Ramp 10,00 °C/min to 900,00 °C; Equilibrate 900,00 °C; Select Gas: Gas 2 ; Isothermal 10,0 min", "[File Parameters]\t", "Run date\t22.09.2023 23:17:31", "Trios version\t5.0.0.44608", "Original File Name\tZ:\\Alex\\AG-377_neu.tri", "Current File Name\tZ:\\Analysis\\TGA_CW\\Alex\\AG-377_neu.tri", "[Procedure]\t", "Procedure Name\tAG Standard 900 °C", "Sample Name\tAG-377_neu", "Pan Number\t5.0", "Sample Mass\t2,291 mg", "Pan Type\tPlatinum HT", "Comments\t", "Project Name\t", "Operator\tAG", "Test\tCustom", "Skip Weight Stabilization\t0", "Sample mass pre-weigh\tNot Available", "Stop on Gas Flow Error\tYes", "[Signal List]\t", "Signal #1\tTime (s)", "Signal #2\tTemperature (°C)", "Signal #3\tWeight (mg)", "Signal #4\tTemperature Difference (°C)", "Signal #5\tSample Purge (mL/s)", "Signal #6\tBalance Purge (mL/s)", "Signal #7\tSet Point Temperature (°C)", "Signal #8\tPower Delivered (W)", "Signal #9\tRamp Rate (°C/s)", "[Configuration]\t", "Company Name\tKIT", "Instrument Name\t5500-0290", "Instrument Type\tTGA5500", "Serial Number\t5500-0290", "IP\t192.168.1.99", "Location of Instrument\tManufacturing Test", "DisplayType\tTianmaV2", "Sample Interval \t0,1 s/pt", "Gas 1\tNitrogen", "Gas 2\tAir", "Selected Gas Channel\t1.0", "MTGA HiRes Licensed\tYes", "[Versions]\t", "Common IDD Version\t1.0", "Cortex Version\tVER", "Driver\t5.0.0.7", "GDM Version\t1.2.1.2", "TouchscreenVersion\t1.0.0.14551", "PCU Version\t1.2.0.22", "Transducer Version\t1.1.0.32", "[Experiment Logs]\t", "Experiment Log Entry # 1\tGas Select Segment is 1", "Experiment Log Entry # 3\tEquilibrate Segment 30 (C) Started", "Experiment Log Entry # 5\tIsothermal Segment 3 min started", "Experiment Log Entry # 7\tRamp Segment 10 C/min to 900 C Started", "Experiment Log Entry # 9\tEquilibrate Segment 900 (C) Started", "Experiment Log Entry # 11\tGas Select Segment is 2", "Experiment Log Entry # 13\tIsothermal Segment 10 min started", "[Method Log]\t", "Method Log Entry # 1\tGas Selected 1", "Method Log Entry # 2\tEquilibrate 30 °C", "Method Log Entry # 3\tIsothermal 3 minutes", "Method Log Entry # 4\t(Ramp 88036) Ramp 10 °C/minute to 900 °C", "Method Log Entry # 5\tEquilibrate 900 °C", "Method Log Entry # 6\tGas Selected 2", "Method Log Entry # 7\tIsothermal 10 minutes", "[Weight Calibration]\t", "Date Applied\t14.06.2023 07:39:55", "Empty Pan Number\t23.0", "Empty Pan Weight\t325,000 mg", "Low Reference Weight Pan Number\t24.0", "Low Reference Weight\t425,000 mg", "High Reference Weight Pan Number\t25.0", "High Reference Weight\t1.325,000 mg", "Low Gain Meter Reading\t9,5856E-006 mg/count", "High Gain Meter Reading\t8,6100E-005 mg/count", "Low Meter Offset\t47,9314 mg", "High Meter Offset\t684,5124 mg", "[Curie Calibration]\t", "Date Applied\t14.06.2023 07:05:13", "Description\tFrom 308.200 °C to 408.200 °C at 10.000°C/min", "Gas Type\tNitrogen", "Pan Type\tPlatinum HT", "Source Files 1\tC:\\Users\\ITCP-AKT.ITCP-AKT-003\\Documents\\Nickel(6).tri", "Measured 1\t3558379.0", "Known 1\t358,2" ], "metadata": { "Comments": "", "Common IDD Version": 1, "Company Name": "KIT", "Cortex Version": "VER", "Current File Name": "Z:\\Analysis\\TGA_CW\\Alex\\AG-377_neu.tri", "Date Applied": "14.06.2023 07:39:55", "Date Applied (1)": "14.06.2023 07:05:13", "Description": "From 308.200 °C to 408.200 °C at 10.000°C/min", "DisplayType": "TianmaV2", "Driver": "", "Empty Pan Number": 23, "Empty Pan Weight": "325,000 mg", "Experiment Log Entry # 1": "Gas Select Segment is 1", "Experiment Log Entry # 11": "Gas Select Segment is 2", "Experiment Log Entry # 13": "Isothermal Segment 10 min started", "Experiment Log Entry # 3": "Equilibrate Segment 30 (C) Started", "Experiment Log Entry # 5": "Isothermal Segment 3 min started", "Experiment Log Entry # 7": "Ramp Segment 10 C/min to 900 C Started", "Experiment Log Entry # 9": "Equilibrate Segment 900 (C) Started", "Filename": "AG-377_neu", "GDM Version": "", "Gas 1": "Nitrogen", "Gas 2": "Air", "Gas Type": "Nitrogen", "High Gain Meter Reading": "8,6100E-005 mg/count", "High Meter Offset": "684,5124 mg", "High Reference Weight": "1.325,000 mg", "High Reference Weight Pan Number": 25, "IP": "", "Instrument Name": "5500-0290", "Instrument Type": "TGA5500", "Instrument name": "5500-0290 (", "Known 1": "358,2", "Location of Instrument": "Manufacturing Test", "Low Gain Meter Reading": "9,5856E-006 mg/count", "Low Meter Offset": "47,9314 mg", "Low Reference Weight": "425,000 mg", "Low Reference Weight Pan Number": 24, "MTGA HiRes Licensed": "Yes", "Measured 1": 3558379, "Method Log Entry # 1": "Gas Selected 1", "Method Log Entry # 2": "Equilibrate 30 °C", "Method Log Entry # 3": "Isothermal 3 minutes", "Method Log Entry # 4": "(Ramp 88036) Ramp 10 °C/minute to 900 °C", "Method Log Entry # 5": "Equilibrate 900 °C", "Method Log Entry # 6": "Gas Selected 2", "Method Log Entry # 7": "Isothermal 10 minutes", "Operator": "AG", "Operator (1)": "AG", "Original File Name": "Z:\\Alex\\AG-377_neu.tri", "PCU Version": "", "Pan Number": 5, "Pan Type": "Platinum HT", "Pan Type (1)": "Platinum HT", "Procedure Name": "AG Standard 900 °C", "Project Name": "", "Run date": "22.09.2023 23:17:31", "Sample Interval ": "0,1 s/pt", "Sample Mass": "2,291 mg", "Sample Name": "AG-377_neu", "Sample mass pre-weigh": "Not Available", "Sample name": "AG-377_neu", "Selected Gas Channel": 1, "Serial Number": "5500-0290", "Signal #1": "Time (s)", "Signal #2": "Temperature (°C)", "Signal #3": "Weight (mg)", "Signal #4": "Temperature Difference (°C)", "Signal #5": "Sample Purge (mL/s)", "Signal #6": "Balance Purge (mL/s)", "Signal #7": "Set Point Temperature (°C)", "Signal #8": "Power Delivered (W)", "Signal #9": "Ramp Rate (°C/s)", "Skip Weight Stabilization": 0, "Source Files 1": "C:\\Users\\ITCP-AKT.ITCP-AKT-003\\Documents\\Nickel(6).tri", "Stop on Gas Flow Error": "Yes", "Test": "Custom", "TouchscreenVersion": "", "Transducer Version": "", "Trios version": "", "[Configuration]": "", "[Curie Calibration]": "", "[Experiment Logs]": "", "[File Parameters]": "", "[Method Log]": "", "[Procedure]": "", "[Signal List]": "", "[Versions]": "", "[Weight Calibration]": "", "columns": "0", "proceduresegments": "Select Gas: Gas 1 ; Equilibrate 30,00 °C; Isothermal 3,0 min; Ramp 10,00 °C/min to 900,00 °C; Equilibrate 900,00 °C; Select Gas: Gas 2 ; Isothermal 10,0 min", "rows": "0", "rundate": "22.09.2023" }, "rows": [] }, { "columns": [ { "key": "0", "name": "Column #0" }, { "key": "1", "name": "Column #1" }, { "key": "2", "name": "Column #2" }, { "key": "3", "name": "Column #3" } ], "header": [ "Isothermal 3.0 min\t\t\t", "Time\tTemperature\tWeight\tWeight", "s\t°C\tmg\t%" ], "metadata": { "Isothermal 3.0 min": "", "Isothermal 3.0 min (1)": "", "Isothermal 3.0 min (2)": "", "Time": "Temperature", "Time (1)": "Weight", "Time (2)": "Weight", "columns": "4", "rows": "1800", "s": "°C", "s (1)": "mg", "s (2)": "%" }, "rows": [ [ 0, 29.88, 2.29, 99.957 ], [ 0.1, 29.88, 2.29, 99.956 ], [ 0.2, 29.88, 2.29, 99.956 ], [ 0.3, 29.88, 2.29, 99.955 ], [ 0.4, 29.88, 2.29, 99.956 ], [ 0.5, 29.88, 2.29, 99.956 ], [ 0.6, 29.88, 2.29, 99.957 ], [ 0.7, 29.88, 2.29, 99.956 ], [ 0.8, 29.88, 2.29, 99.955 ], [ 0.9, 29.88, 2.29, 99.955 ] ] }, { "columns": [ { "key": "0", "name": "Column #0" }, { "key": "1", "name": "Column #1" }, { "key": "2", "name": "Column #2" }, { "key": "3", "name": "Column #3" }, { "key": "4", "name": "Column #4" } ], "header": [ "Ramp 10.00 °C/min to 900.00 °C\t\t\t\t", "Time\tTemperature\tWeight\tWeight\tDeriv. 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