
@mov -1 clk
@mov 0 acc
@mov 0 exit
@mov 0 &top
@mov 0 *top
@mov 1 &top
@mov 0 *top
@mov 2 &top
@mov 0 *top

mov "\n" stdin # read everything up until "\n"
mov stdin dat

teq dat "\n" # We're at the very last line.
+ mov 1 exit
+ jmp s1

jmp s2

s1: # Section 1: Bubble sort!
mov 0 i # Set our top-pointer to 0.
mov 0 j # Set our number of 'failed' swap attempts.
mov acc dat

	mov i &top
	tgt dat *top
	+ swp *top dat
	+ mov 0 j # Reset j and start over with the new value.
	- inc j
	inc i

	tgt i 3
	+ mov 0 i

	tgt j 3 # If we've compared with everything and haven't swapped, stop.
	- jmp sort

# Reset the state and prepare for section 3.
mov "" dat
mov 0 acc

tgt exit 0 # If we're not exiting, continue to sectiom 3.
- jmp s3

# Compute the sum, print it and leave.

mov 0 &top
add *top
mov 1 &top
add *top
mov 2 &top
add *top

mov acc stdout
mov "\n" stdout


s2: # Section 2

# If empty string, then there was two newlines in a row
teq dat ""
+ jmp s1

s3: # Section 3: ''Parsing''

# There was a number, add it up
swp dat acc
cst 0
add dat

mov "" dat

mov 1 stdin
mov stdin null