{ "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.108828, 42.350858]},
"properties": {
"name": "George Sherman Union",
"marker-size": "large"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.115922, 42.352333]},
"properties": {
"name": "BU dorm",
"description": "booking link",
"marker-symbol": "lodging",
"marker-color": "#0a0"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.105215, 42.354174]},
"properties": {
"name": "Hyatt",
"description": "booking link",
"marker-symbol": "lodging",
"marker-color": "#990"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.1005, 42.34576]},
"properties": {
"name": "Marriot Residence Inn",
"description": "booking link",
"marker-symbol": "lodging",
"marker-color": "#990"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.08246, 42.34723]},
"properties": {
"name": "Top of the Hub",
"description": "conference banquet",
"marker-symbol": "bar",
"marker-color": "#900"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.0634, 42.3558]},
"properties": {
"name": "Historic Boston Walking tour",
"description": "Tour start point",
"marker-color": "#0F0"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.1101, 42.3521]},
"properties": {
"name": "Kayak on the Charles",
"description": "Boat House",
"marker-color": "#0F0"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.07412, 42.3641]},
"properties": {
"name": "Duck Boat tour",
"description": "random point on tour. Need to place the marker somehwere ;-)",
"marker-color": "#0F0"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.1058, 42.3816]},
"properties": {
"name": "Brewary Tour",
"description": "This marker is at the Aeronaut Brewing company - one of the places visited during the tour.",
"marker-color": "#0F0"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.0972, 42.3465]},
"properties": {
"name": "Fenway Park tour",
"description": "Fenway park",
"marker-color": "#0F0"
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.0098, 42.3147]},
"properties": {
"name": "Harbor Island trip and clam bake",
"description": "Thompson Island",
"marker-color": "#0F0"