This is a [Sublime Text][sublime] package containing frequently used snippets for [Cotonti CMF][cotonti] developers. ## List of snippets ## * cotajax - generates an AJAX part of an extension; * cotass - a snippet for template tags assignment; * cotcheck - a snippet for input validation via cot_check(); * cotconf - inserts a new config line in an extension setup-file; * cotdbcol - fetches a single column value from the database; * cotdbdel - deletes matched rows from database; * cotdbins - inserts rows into a database table; * cotdbname - global table name declaration for variables like `$db_table_name`; * cotdbsel - common snippet for SELECTing data from the database; * cotdbupd - updates data in a database table; * cotforall - common snippet for fetching data from the database and rendering the rows in the template; * cothook - inserts a hook; * cotimp - a snippet for cot_import() function call; * cotimppagenav - imports pagination parameters; * cotlang - generates a lang-file; * cotnewxt - inserts construction of new XTemplate objects; * cotpagenav - generates pagination code with template assignment; * cotparse - inserts `$t->parse()` call; * cotplug - generates a hook-part of a plugin/module; * cotplugtpl - generates a hook-part which assigns some tpl tags; * cotreq - inserts `require_once cot_incfile()` statement; * cotset - generates a setup-file; * cotsqlcreate - inserts a CREATE TABLE statement with common properties; * cottool - a skeleton of an admin tool part of a plugin; * cottooltpl - a skeleton of a template for the admin tool part of a plugin; * cottpl - generates MAIN block of a TPL file; * cottplblock - inserts a block into a TPL file; * cottplcbk - inserts a CoTemplate callback tag; * cottplfile - inserts CoTemplate FILE statement; * cottplfor - inserts CoTemplate FOR statement; * cottplif - inserts CoTemplate IF statement; * cottplifels - inserts CoTemplate IF ... ELSE statement; ## Hotkeys ## Select a line containing a Cotonti API funcion call starting with `cot_` prefix, e.g. `cot_input(...` and then hit "Ctrl + Alt + C" to open Cotonti Reference entry for that function. ## Installation ## ### With Package Control ### If you have the [Package Control][package_control] package installed, you can install Cotonti Snippets from inside Sublime Text itself. Open the Command Palette and select "Package Control: Add Repository", then input this repository url. Reopen the Command Palette and select "Package Control: Install Package", then search for Cotonti. ### Without Package Control ### If you haven't got Package Control installed (seriously, go install it!) you will need to make a clone of this repository into your packages folder, like so: git clone Cotonti [sublime]: [package_control]: [cotonti]: