#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use Sys::Hostname; use Getopt::Long; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); use POSIX; use File::Find; use Term::ANSIColor; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin'; ## OPTIONS ## my %opts; my $domain; my $sent; my $blacklists; my $help; GetOptions( \%opts, 'domain=s' => \$domain, 'sent:s' => \$sent, 'email:s' => \$email, 'blacklists:s' => \$blacklists, 'help' => \$help ) or die("Please see --help\n"); ## GLOBALS ## my $hostname = hostname; chomp( my $queue_cnt = `exim -bpc` ); my @local_ipaddrs_list = get_local_ipaddrs(); get_local_ipaddrs(); ## GUTS ## if ($domain) { ## --domain{ hostname_check(); domain_exist(); domain_filters(); check_local_or_remote(); mx_check(); mx_consistency(); domain_resolv(); check_spf(); check_dkim(); } elsif ($help) { ##--help help(); } elsif ( defined $sent ) { sent_email(); } elsif ( defined $email ) { if ( $email =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/ ) { does_email_exist(); email_valiases(); email_filters(); email_quota(); } else { die "Please enter a valid email address\n"; } } elsif ( defined $blacklists ) { check_blacklists(); } else { ## No options passed. is_exim_running(); print_info("\n[INFO] * "); print_normal( "There are currently $queue_cnt messages in the Exim queue.\n"); nobodyspam_tweak(); check_for_phphandler(); port_26(); custom_etc_mail(); rdns_lookup(); check_closed_ports(); } ## Colors ## sub print_info { my $text = shift; print BOLD YELLOW ON_BLACK $text; print color 'reset'; } sub print_warning { my $text = shift; print BOLD RED ON_BLACK "$text"; print color 'reset'; } sub print_normal { my $text = shift; print BOLD CYAN ON_BLACK "$text"; print color 'reset'; } ##INFORMATIONAL CHEX## sub help { print "Usage: ./sse.pl [OPTION] [VALUE]\n", "Without options: Run informational checks on Exim's configuration and server status.\n", "--domain=DOMAIN Check for domain's existence, ownership, and resolution on the server.\n", "--email=EMAIL Email specific checks.\n", "-s View Breakdown of sent mail.\n", "-b Checks the Main IP and IPs in /etc/ips for a few blacklists.\n"; } sub run { #Directly ripped run() from SSP; likely more gratuitous than what is actually needed. Remember to look into IPC::Run. my $cmdline = \@_; my $output; local ($/); my ( $pid, $prog_fh ); if ( $pid = open( $prog_fh, '-|' ) ) { } else { open STDERR, '>', '/dev/null'; ( $ENV{'PATH'} ) = $ENV{'PATH'} =~ m/(.*)/; exec(@$cmdline); exit(127); } if ( !$prog_fh || !$pid ) { $? = -1; return \$output; } $output = readline($prog_fh); close($prog_fh); return $output; } sub get_local_ipaddrs { ## Ripped from SSP as well. Likely less gratuitous, but will likely drop the use of run() in the future cuz IPC. my @ifconfig = split /\n/, run( 'ifconfig', '-a' ); for my $line (@ifconfig) { if ( $line =~ m{ (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) }xms ) { my $ipaddr = $1; unless ( $ipaddr =~ m{ \A 127\. }xms ) { push @local_ipaddrs_list, $ipaddr; } } } return @local_ipaddrs_list; } ### GENERAL CHEX ### sub custom_etc_mail { print_warning("/etc/exim.conf.local (Custom Exim Configuration) EXISTS.\n") if -e '/etc/exim.conf.local'; print_warning("[WARN] * /etc/mailips is NOT empty.\n") if -s '/etc/mailips'; print_warning("[WARN] * /etc/mailhelo is NOT empty.\n") if -s '/etc/mailhelo'; print_warning("[WARN] * /etc/reversedns (Custom RDNS) EXISTS.\n") if -e '/etc/reversedns'; } sub port_26 { ## You'll need to remove the double /n as more checks are written. if (`netstat -an | grep :26`) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" Port 26 is ENABLED.\n"); return; } else { print_warning("[WARN] * Port 26 is DISABLED.\n"); } } sub rdns_lookup { my @files = qw(/var/cpanel/mainip /etc/mailips); my @ips = ''; foreach my $files (@files) { open FILE, "$files"; while ( $lines = ) { if ( $lines =~ m/([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})/ ) { $lines = $1; my $check = qx/host $lines/; chomp($check); if ( $check =~ /NXDOMAIN/ ) { print_warning( "[WARN] * $lines does not have a RDNS entry: $check\n"); } else { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" $lines has RDNS entry: $check\n"); } } } } } sub nobodyspam_tweak { my @nobodytweak = split( /=/, `grep nobodyspam /var/cpanel/cpanel.config` ); chomp( $nobodyspam = pop @nobodytweak ); print_warning( "[WARN] * Nobody user (nobodyspam) is prevented from sending mail.\n") if ($nobodyspam); if ( !$nobodyspam ) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" Nobody user tweak (nobodyspam) is disabled.\n"); } } ### DOMAIN CHEX ### sub hostname_check { if ( $hostname eq $domain ) { print_warning( "[WARN] * Your hostname $hostname appears to be the same as $domain. Was this intentional?\n" ); } } sub domain_exist { open( USERDOMAINS, "/etc/userdomains" ); while () { if (/^$domain: (\S+)/i) { my $user = $1; print_info("\n[INFO] *"); print_normal(" The domain $domain is owned by $user.\n"); my $suspchk = "/var/cpanel/suspended/$user"; if ( -e $suspchk ) { print_warning("[WARN] * The user $user is SUSPENDED.\n"); } return; } } print_warning( "[WARN] * The domain $domain DOES NOT exist on this server.\n"); close(USERDOMAINS); } sub domain_filters { print_warning( "[WARN] * The virtual filter for $domain is NOT empty (/etc/vfilters/$domain).\n" ) if -s "/etc/vfilters/$domain"; } sub check_local_or_remote { open my $loc_domain, '<', '/etc/localdomains'; while (<$loc_domain>) { if (/^${domain}$/) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" $domain is in LOCALDOMAINS.\n"); } } close $loc_domain; open my $remote_domain, '<', '/etc/remotedomains'; while (<$remote_domain>) { if (/^${domain}$/) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" $domain is in REMOTEDOMAINS.\n"); last; } } close $remote_domain; } sub mx_check { @mx_record = qx/dig mx $domain +short/; chomp(@mx_record); my @dig_mx_ip; foreach $mx_record (@mx_record) { $dig_mx_ip = qx/dig $mx_record +short/; push( @dig_mx_ip, $dig_mx_ip ); chomp(@dig_mx_ip); } foreach my $mx_record (@mx_record) { print_info("\t \\_ MX Record: $mx_record\n"); } foreach (@mx_record) { print_info( "\t\t \\_ " . qx/dig $_ +short/ ); } } sub domain_resolv { chomp( $domain_ip = run( 'dig', $domain, '@', '+short' ) ); if ( grep { $_ eq $domain_ip } @local_ipaddrs_list ) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal( " The domain $domain resolves to IP: \n\t \\_ $domain_ip\n"); return; } elsif ( ( !defined $domain_ip ) || ( $domain_ip eq '' ) ) { print_warning( "[WARN] * Domain did not return an A record. It is likely not registered or not pointed to any IP\n" ); } else { print_warning( "[WARN] * The domain $domain DOES NOT resolve to this server.\n"); print_warning("\t\\_ It currently resolves to: $domain_ip \n"); } sub check_blacklists { # Way more lists out there, but I'll add them later. my %list = ( 'sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org' => 'Spamhaus', 'pbl.spamhaus.org' => 'Spamhaus', 'sbl.spamhaus.org' => 'Spamhaus', 'bl.spamcop.net' => 'SpamCop', 'dsn.rfc-ignorant.org' => 'Rfc-ignorant.org', 'postmaster.rfc-ignorant.org' => 'Rfc.ignorant.org', 'abuse.rfc-ignorant.org' => 'Rfc.ignorant.org', 'whois.rfc-ignorant.org' => 'Rfc.ignorant.org', 'ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org' => 'Rfc.ignorant.org', 'bogusmx.rfc-ignorant.org' => 'Rfc.ignorant.org', 'dnsbl.sorbs.net' => 'Sorbs', 'badconf.rhsbl.sorbs.net' => 'Sorbs', 'nomail.rhsbl.sorbs.net' => 'Sorbs', 'cbl.abuseat.org' => 'Abuseat.org', 'relays.visi.com' => 'Visi.com', 'zen.spamhaus.org' => 'Spamhaus', 'bl.spamcannibal.org' => 'Spamcannibal', 'ubl.unsubscore.com' => 'LashBack', 'b.barracudacentral.org' => 'Barracuda', ); # Grab the mail addresses my @files = qw(/var/cpanel/mainip /etc/mailips); my @ips = ''; foreach my $files (@files) { open FILE, "$files"; while ( $lines = ) { if ( $lines =~ m/([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})/ ) { $lines = "$1\.$2\.$3\.$4"; $reverse_lines = "$4\.$3\.$2\.$1"; chomp $lines; chomp $reverse_lines; push @ips, $lines; push @reverse_ips, $reverse_lines; } } close FILE; } shift @ips; print_info("[INFO] * "); print_normal("Checking Blacklists:\n"); foreach $reverse_ip (@reverse_ips) { my $ip = shift @ips; while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %list ) { my $host = "$reverse_ip.$key\n"; chomp($host); $ret = run( "host", "$host" ); $ret2 = grep( /(NXDOMAIN|SERVFAIL)/, $ret ); $status = $ret2 ? "not listed" : "is listed"; if ( $status eq 'not listed' ) { print ""; } else { print_warning("\t\\_"); print_normal(" $ip "); print_warning("$status on $value\n"); } } } sub check_spf { my @check = qx/dig $domain TXT/; if ( grep ( m/.*spf.*/, @check ) ) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" $domain has the folloiwng SPF records:\n"); foreach my $check (@check) { if ( $check =~ m/.*spf.*/ ) { print_normal("\t\\_ $check"); } } } else { return; } } sub check_dkim { @check_dkim = qx/dig default._domainkey.$domain TXT +short/; if (@check_dkim) { foreach my $check_dkim(@check_dkim) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal( " $domain has the following domain keys:\n "); print_normal("\t\\_ $check_dkim"); } } else { print_warning("[WARN] * Domain does not have a DKIM record\n"); } } sub sent_email { open FILE, "/var/log/exim_mainlog"; print_warning("\nEmails by user: "); print "\n\n"; our @system_users = ""; while ( $lines_users = ) { if ( $lines_users =~ /(U\=)(.+?)(\sP\=)/i ) { my $line_users = $2; push( @system_users, $line_users ); } } my %count; $count{$_}++ foreach @system_users; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%count) ) { if ( $key =~ /^$/ ) { delete( $count{$key} ); } } foreach my $value ( reverse sort { $count{$a} <=> $count{$b} } keys %count ) { print " " . $count{$value} . " : " . $value . "\n"; } print "\n\n"; print "===================\n"; print " Total: " . scalar( @system_users - 1 ); print "\n===================\n"; print_warning("\nEmail accounts sending out mail:\n\n"); open FILE, "/var/log/exim_mainlog"; while ( $lines_email = ) { if ( $lines_email =~ /(_login:|_plain:)(.+?)(\sS=)/i ) { my $lines_emails = $2; push( @email_users, $lines_emails ); } } my %email_count; $email_count{$_}++ foreach @email_users; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%email_count) ) { if ( $key =~ /^$/ ) { delete( $email_count{$key} ); } } foreach my $value ( reverse sort { $email_count{$a} <=> $email_count{$b} } keys %email_count ) { print " " . $email_count{$value} . " : " . $value . "\n"; } print "\n"; print "===================\n"; print "Total: " . scalar(@email_users); print "\n===================\n"; ## Section for current working directories print_warning("\nDirectories mail is originating from:\n\n\n"); open FILE, "/var/log/exim_mainlog"; my @dirs; while ( $dirs = ) { if (( $dirs =~ /(cwd=)(.+?)(\s)/i ) && ( $dirs !~ /(cwd=\/.+?exim)/i ) && ( $dirs !~ /(cwd=.+?CronDaemon)/i ) && ( $dirs !~ /(cwd=\/etc\/csf)/i ) && ( $dirs !~ /cwd=\/\s/i ) ) { my $dir = $2; push( @dirs, $dir ); } } my %dirs; $dirs{$_}++ foreach @dirs; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%dirs) ) { if ( $key =~ /^$/ ) { delete( $dirs[$key] ); } } while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%dirs) ) { if ( $key =~ /^$/ ) { delete( $dirs{$key} ); } } foreach my $value ( reverse sort { $dirs{$a} <=> $dirs{$b} } keys %dirs ) { print " " . $dirs{$value} . " : " . $value . "\n"; } print "\n"; print "===================\n"; if (@dirs < 1 ) { print "Total: " . @dirs; } else { print "Total: " . scalar( @dirs - 1 ); } print "\n===================\n"; print_warning("\nTop 20 Email Titles:\n\n\n"); open FILE, "/var/log/exim_mainlog"; my @titles; while ( $titles = ) { if ( $titles =~ /((U=|_login:).+)((?<=T=\").+?(?=\"))(.+$)/i ) { my $title = $3; push( @titles, $title ); } } our %titlecount; $titlecount{$_}++ foreach @titles; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%titlecount) ) { if ( $key =~ /^$/ ) { delete( $titlecount[$key] ); } } my $limit = 20; my $loops = 0; foreach my $value ( reverse sort { $titlecount{$a} <=> $titlecount{$b} } keys %titlecount ) { print " " . $titlecount{$value} . " : " . $value . "\n"; $loops++; if ( $loops >= $limit ) { last; } } print "\n\n"; print "===================\n"; print "Total: " . scalar( @titles - 1 ); print "\n===================\n\n"; close FILE; } } } sub get_doc_root { my ( $user, $domain ) = $email =~ /(.*)@(.*)/; my %used; my $string = 'grep -3'; my $domainstring = "www.$domain"; my $lookupfile = '/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf'; @lines = qx/$string $domainstring $lookupfile/; @dlines = grep( /^.+?(\/.+\/.+$)/, @lines ); $numlines = scalar( grep { defined $_ } @dlines ); if ( $numlines > 1 ) { pop @dlines; foreach $dlines (@dlines) { $doc_root = $dlines; } } elsif ( $numlines < 1 ) { print_warning("[WARN] * No Document root found\n"); return; } else { foreach (@dlines) { $doc_root = $_; } } } sub does_email_exist { get_doc_root(); $| = 1; if ( ( !defined $doc_root ) || ( $doc_root eq '' ) ) { print_warning("[WARN] * Document root not found to find information from the user's shadow file. Verify that the domain and user's directories exist.\n"); exit; } elsif ( defined $doc_root ) { my ( $users, $maildomain ) = $email =~ /(.*)@(.*)/; if ( $doc_root =~ m/DocumentRoot\s(\/.+?\/.+?\/)/ ) { open FILE, "$1\/etc\/$maildomain\/shadow"; while ( @file = ) { #my @shadow = qx/cat $1\/etc\/$maildomain\/shadow/; if ( grep( /^$users/, @file ) ) { print_info("[INFO] *"); print_normal(" Email address exists on the server\n"); } else { print_warning( "[WARN] * Email does NOT exist on the server\n"); exit; } } } } } sub email_valiases { $dir = '/etc/valiases/'; opendir DIR, $dir or die "Cannot open $dir : $!\n"; my @files = readdir DIR; foreach $file (@files) { open FILE, "/etc/valiases/$file"; while ( $lines = ) { if ( $lines =~ /^$email/ ) { if ( $lines =~ /\.\bautorespond/ ) { print_warning( "[WARN] * Autoresponder found in /etc/valiases/$file\n"); print_info("\t\t\\_$lines"); } else { print_warning( "[WARN] * Forwarder found in $dir/$file\n"); print_info("\t\t\\_$lines"); } } } } sub email_filters { get_doc_root(); $| = 1; my ( $user, $maildomain ) = $email =~ /(.*)@(.*)/; if ( $doc_root =~ m/DocumentRoot\s(\/.+?\/.+?\/)/ ) { print_warning( "[WARN] * E-mail filter files exist for mailbox $email.\n") if -e -s "$1\/etc\/$maildomain\/$user\/filter"; } } sub is_exim_running { my $exim_port = qx/lsof -n -P -i :25/; if ( $exim_port =~ m/exim.+LISTEN*/ ) { print_info("[INFO] * "); print_normal("Exim is running on port 25"); } else { print_warning("[WARN] * Exim is not running on port 25"); } } sub is_ea4 { if ( -f '/etc/cpanel/ea4/is_ea4' ) { return 1; } return; } sub check_for_phphandler { my $php = {}; my @current_php = split( /\n/, `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current` ); if ( is_ea4 ) { foreach my $line (@current_php) { my $pkg; if ( $line =~ m{ DEFAULT \s PHP: \s (\S+) }xms ) { $pkg = $1; $php->{$pkg}->{default_php} = 1; $php->{default} = $pkg; next; } if ( $line =~ m{ (\S+) \s SAPI: \s (\S+) }xms ) { $pkg = $1; $php->{$pkg}->{handler} = $2; foreach ( split( /\n/, `scl enable $pkg 'php -v'` ) ) { if ( m{ PHP \s (\d+\.\S+) \s \(cli\) \s \(built: \s (\w+\s+\d+\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+) }xms ) { $php->{$pkg}->{release_version} = $1; $php->{$pkg}->{build_time} = $2; $php->{$pkg}->{build_time} =~ s/ / /; } } } } my $info; my $cgi_handler = 0; if ( defined($php) && defined( $php->{default} ) && defined( $php->{ $php->{default} }->{release_version} ) && defined( $php-> {$php->{default} }->{handler} ) ) { $cgi_handler = 1 if $php->{ $php->{default} }->{handler} eq "cgi"; $info .= "[ EA4 ]"; $info .= " [ " . $php->{ $php->{default} }->{release_version} . " ( " . $php->{default} . " ) ]"; $info .= " [ " . $php->{ $php->{default} }->{handler} . " ]"; } else { $info .= "UNKNOWN"; } print_normal('[INFO] * ' . $info . "\n"); } else { my $phpconf = '/usr/local/apache/conf/php.conf.yaml'; open my $phpconf_fh, '<', $phpconf; while (<$phpconf_fh>) { if (/^php5:[ \t]+['"]?([^'"]+)/) { $php5handler = $1; } } close $phpconf_fh; chomp $php5handler; if ( $php5handler eq "suphp" ) { print_info("[INFO] * "); print_normal("PHP5's handler is suPHP.\n"); } print_warning("[WARN] * PHP5's handler is $php5handler.\n") if $php5handler ne "suphp"; } } sub email_quota { get_doc_root(); if ( $doc_root =~ m/(\/.+?\/.+?\/)/ ) { $home = $1; } if ( $email =~ m/(^.+?)(@)(.+$)/ ) { $domain = $3; $name = $1; } my $file = "$home/etc/$domain/quota"; open FILE, "$file"; while ( $lines = ) { if ( $lines =~ m/^$name/ ) { @line = split( /:/, $lines ); my $quota_value = $line[1]; my $quota = ( $quota_value / 1048576 ); print_info("[INFO] * "); print_normal( "Mailbox Quota: " . $quota . " MB\n" ); } elsif ( $lines !~ m/^$name/ ) { print ""; } } my @unlimited = grep ( !/\^$name/, @line); if (!@unlimited) { print_info("[INFO] * "); print_normal( "Mailbox Quota: Unlimited\n"); } sub check_closed_ports { my $command = qx/iptables -nL | grep DROP/; my @rules = split /\n/, $command; @list = grep( /.*(:25\s|:26\s|:465\s|:587\s).*/, @rules ); if ( !@list ) { print ""; } else { print_info("[INFO] * Blocked ports:\n"); foreach (@list) { print_normal( "\t\\_ " . $_ . "\n" ); } } } sub mx_consistency { my $main_ip = qx/hostname -i/; chomp($main_ip); my @mxcheck_local = qx/dig mx \@$main_ip $domain +short/; my @mxcheck_remote = qx/dig mx \@ $domain +short/; if ( @mxcheck_local eq @mxcheck_remote ) { print_info("[INFO] Remote and local MX lookups match\n"); foreach (@mxcheck_local) { print_info("\t\\_ Local MX: $domain IN MX $_"); } print "\n"; foreach (@mxcheck_remote) { print_info("\t\\_ Remote MX: $domain IN MX $_"); } } else { print_warning("[WARN] * Local MX does not match remote MX\n "); foreach (@mxcheck_local) { print_info("\t\\_ Local MX: $domain IN MX $_"); } print "\n"; foreach (@mxcheck_remote) { print_info("\t\\_ Remote MX: $domain IN MX $_"); } } } } }