######################################################################## # Install/Setup Docker ######################################################################## - name: Remove old versions of Docker package: name: '{{ item }}' state: absent with_items: - docker - docker-engine - docker.io - name: Run the equivalent of "apt-get update" as a separate step apt: update_cache: yes - name: Update all packages to the latest version apt: upgrade: dist - name: Install things package: name: '{{ item }}' state: latest with_items: - apt-transport-https - ca-certificates - curl - software-properties-common - python3 - python3-pip - name: Add an Apt signing key for Docker apt_key: url: https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg state: present - name: Add Docker repo apt_repository: repo: deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic beaver stable state: present - name: Run the equivalent of "apt-get update" as a separate step apt: update_cache: yes - name: Install Docker package: name: '{{ item }}' state: latest with_items: - docker-ce - name: Start Docker service service: name: docker state: restarted enabled: yes - name: Create primary swarm manager" shell: docker swarm init --advertise-addr {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} ignore_errors: yes - name: Install docker-compose pip: name: docker-compose executable: pip3 ######################################################################## # Setup UFW ######################################################################## - name: Enable UFW and block all by default ufw: state: enabled policy: deny - name: Enable UFW logging ufw: logging: on - name: Allow SSH ufw: rule: limit port: ssh proto: tcp src: - name: Allow port 80, 443, 5000, 8080 ONLY FROM RIT ufw: rule: allow port: '{{ item }}' proto: tcp src: with_items: - 80 - 443 - 2376 - 2377 - 5000 - 7946 - 8080 #################################################################### # Slack notification #################################################################### - name: Send slack notification when done slack: token: "{{ slack_token }}" msg: '{{ ansible_nodename }}:{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} - Setup Docker - {{ ansible_nodename }}' channel: "{{ slack_channel }}" when: slack_token != None