#TestChooser A Sublime Text 2 plugin for quickly executing a RSpec & Cucumber commands in [iTerm](http://iterm.sourceforge.net/) or Apple's Terminal. ## Description It first checks the current file to see that it is either a "feature" or "spec" file. If so, it reads the file looking for "it", "describe", "context" or "scenario" keywords that are at the beginning of a line. It then displays those lines for you to choose from. Once you select an item from the list and click "Run", the test is executed in [iTerm](http://iterm.sourceforge.net/) or Apple's Terminal, whichever you have set in preferences. The default is iTerm. ## Instructions #### This Plugin Install this plugin using [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control), a package manager for Sublime Text 2. #### Key Bindings There is a menu item to access the key binding for TestChooser. "Preferences"->"Package Settings"->"TestChooser"->"Key Bindings - User" This one uses a two-key combination. The "super" is the "command" key on a Mac. `{ "keys": ["super+y", "super+y"], "command": "test_chooser" }` #### Settings "Preferences"->"Package Settings"->"TestChooser"->"Settings - User" Choose your terminal. The default is iTerm but you can also choose Apple's Terminal by using the word "Terminal" `"terminal": "iTerm"` The search terms used when searching the RSpec and Cucumber files. `"search_terms": ["it", "describe", "context", "Scenario"]` Set the RSpec terminal command. `"rspec_command": "bundle exec rspec --drb"` Set the Cucumber terminal command. `"cucumber_command": "bundle exec cucumber --drb -r features/"` ## License Read the license text file included in this package... but it's MIT. ## Changelog Changed the original plugin to now use [Package Conrol](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) Removed py-appscript dependency.