{ "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CriticalFlaw/TF2HUD.Editor/master/src/TF2HUD.Editor/JSON/Schema/schema.json", "Author": "Raysfire", "Description": "A simplistic yet bold hud for TF2 made to cut out a lot of clutter included that of the stock hud. Comes with a range of various vivid colors associated with both low health as well as ammo to make important information easily accessible and noticeable.", "Thumbnail": "https://i.imgur.com/jWOoerl.png", "Screenshots": [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mastercomfig/hud-db/main/hud-resources/rayshud/menu.webp", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mastercomfig/hud-db/main/hud-resources/rayshud/hud.webp", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mastercomfig/hud-db/main/hud-resources/rayshud/scoreboard.webp", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mastercomfig/hud-db/main/hud-resources/rayshud/loadout.webp" ], "Background": "https://i.imgur.com/vC7qekD.png", "Layout": [ "0 0 1 1 6 6", "2 2 3 3 6 6", "5 5 4 4 6 6" ], "Links": { "GitHub": "https://github.com/raysfire/rayshud", "TF2Huds": "https://tf2huds.dev/hud/rayshud", "ComfigHuds": "https://comfig.app/huds/page/rayshud/", "Steam": "https://steamcommunity.com/groups/rayshud", "Discord": "https://discord.gg/hTdtK9vBhE", "Download": [ { "Source": "GitHub", "Link": "https://github.com/raysfire/rayshud/archive/master.zip" } ] }, "CustomizationsFolder": "resource//ui//#customizations", "EnabledFolder": "resource//ui//#customizations//_enabled", "Controls": { "UberCharge": [ { "Name": "rh_color_uber_bar", "Label": "Charging", "Type": "ColorPicker", "ToolTip": "Color of the UberCharge when charging.", "Value": "235 226 202 255", "Restart": true, "Files": { "resource/scheme/clientscheme_colors.res": { "Scheme": { "Colors": { "Uber Bar Color": "$value" } } } } }, { "Name": "rh_color_uber_full", "Label": "Charged Solid", "Type": "ColorPicker", "ToolTip": "Color of the UberCharge when full.", "Value": "255 50 25 255", "Restart": true, "Files": { "resource/scheme/clientscheme_colors.res": { "Scheme": { "Colors": { "Solid Color Uber": "$value" } } } } }, { "Name": "rh_color_uber_flash1", "Label": "Charged Flash 1", "Type": "ColorPicker", "ToolTip": "Color of the UberCharge when flash style is enabled.", "Value": "255 165 0 255", 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