# Sublime Text completion and build tools for NWScript ![animated demo](messages/demo.gif) # Features - **NWScript** + **Syntax highlighting**: A bit more accurate than the C syntax + **Auto-completion**: Functions, constants, #define and include scripts names + **Documentation**: Popups containing function documentation parsed from the script, with some additional notes for known badly behaving functions. + **Snippets**: while loops with GetFirst / GetNext functions, and other useful code snippets + **Smart build tool**: Quick multi-threaded compilation (only re-compile needed scripts) - **2DA syntax hilighting**: Syntax highlighting and label column indexing (Ctrl+R) Note: This package has been designed for NWN2, but it should work with NWN1 as well. # Installation ## Compiler installation (required for using this package) Chose **either** option 1 or 2 #### Option 1: Using the prepared zip (easy) - Download and extract the [Packed NWNScriptCompiler](https://github.com/CromFr/STNeverwinterScript/releases/download/NWNScriptCompiler140705/NWNScriptCompiler.zip) in: - **Windows**: `C:\Program Files (x86)\` - **Linux**: `/opt/` #### Option 2: Making your own compiler + scripts package 1. Download the AdvancedScriptCompiler (http://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/tool/advanced-script-compiler-nwn2) and extract content of `StandaloneCompiler` in + **Windows**: C:\Program Files (x86)\NWNScriptCompiler\ + **Linux**: /opt/NWNScriptCompiler/ + or any other path (see _Custom paths_ below) 2. Extract the NWN2 script data files (located by default in `C:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\Neverwinter Nights 2\Data\Scripts*.zip`) in - **Windows**: `C:\Program Files (x86)\NWNScriptCompiler\Scripts\` - **Linux**: `/opt/NWNScriptCompiler/Scripts` + or any other path (see _Custom paths_ below) 3. [Optional] You can delete ncs files from the `Scripts` directory, since only nss are required. **Custom paths**: If you want to install the compiler somewhere else, you will need to modify the package settings (_Preferences -> Package settings -> STNeverwinterScript -> Settings_) to override the `compiler_cmd` and `include_path` variables. #### Extra steps for Linux You need wine in order to use the NWNScriptCompiler.exe ```bash apt-get install wine # Ubuntu/Debian users yum install wine # Fedora/Redhat users pacman -S wine # Arch-Linux awesome users ``` You also need to edit STNeverwinterScript settings (_Preferences -> Package settings -> STNeverwinterScript -> Settings_) to override the `compiler_cmd` and `include_path` variables for Linux (examples provided). ## Sublime package installation #### Install with PackageControl 1. From Sublime Text: press Ctrl+Shift+P, write `PCInstall`, press Enter 2. Search for `Neverwinter Script syntax and build`, press Enter 3. Follow the [Compiler installation](#Compiler-installation) instruction above, if you haven't already