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$().ready(function(){ var description = $('#videodescription').html(); // var desctags = descdata.split('_###_'); var totaloffset = parseInt(0); //newsplit var splitdesc = description.split(/\s+/); description = ""; var descoffset = 0; var termnumber = 0; $(splitdesc).each(function(index,value){ if (value.length == 0) return true; var pretext = ""; var posttext = ""; descoffset += parseInt(parseInt(value.length) + parseInt(index)); description = description +" "+ pretext + value + posttext; termnumber = index; }); $('#videodescription').html(description); var subtitles = $('#videosubtitles').html(); var totaloffset = parseInt(0); termnumber++; //newsplit var splitsubs = subtitles.split(/\s+/); subtitles = ""; $(splitsubs).each(function(index,value){ if (value.length == 0) return true; var pretext = ""; var posttext = ""; subtitles = subtitles +" "+ pretext + value + posttext; }); $('#videosubtitles').html(subtitles); $("#videodescription > .word").mousedown(function(e) { highlightTerm('#videodescription', $(; }).mouseup(function() { $('span').unbind('mouseover'); if($('#videodescription > #selection').length) { endSelection($(this).parents('.alignment')); } updateSelected(); }); $("#videosubtitles > .word").mousedown(function(e) { highlightTerm('#videosubtitles', $(; }).mouseup(function() { $('span').unbind('mouseover'); if($('#videosubtitles > #selection').length) { endSelection('#videosubtitles'); } updateSelected(); }); }); // all events that can be captured. log everything a worker does var events = ['abort', // Fires when the loading of an audio/video is aborted 'canplay', // Fires when the browser can start playing the audio/video 'canplaythrough', // Fires when the browser can play through the audio/video without stopping for buffering 'durationchange', // Fires when the duration of the audio/video is changed 'emptied', // Fires when the current playlist is empty 'ended', // Fires when the current playlist is ended 'error', // Fires when an error occurred during the loading of an audio/video 'loadeddata', // Fires when the browser has loaded the current frame of the audio/video 'loadedmetadata', // Fires when the browser has loaded meta data for the audio/video 'loadstart', // Fires when the browser starts looking for the audio/video 'pause', // Fires when the audio/video has been paused 'play', // Fires when the audio/video has been started or is no longer paused 'playing', // Fires when the audio/video is playing after having been paused or stopped for buffering 'progress', // Fires when the browser is downloading the audio/video 'ratechange', // Fires when the playing speed of the audio/video is changed 'seeked', // Fires when the user is finished moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video 'seeking', // Fires when the user starts moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video 'stalled', // Fires when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available 'suspend', // Fires when the browser is intentionally not getting media data 'timeupdate', // Fires when the current playback position has changed 'volumechange', // Fires when the volume has been changed 'waiting' // Fires when the video stops because it needs to buffer the next frame ]; $('.submit').attr('disabled',true); for(e=0; e < events.length; e++) { $('.video').on(events[e], function(event) { $(this).parents('.jsawesome').find('input.e_' + event.type).val( function(i, v) { return parseInt(v) + 1; }); if(event.type == 'ended' && $(".e_ended").filter(function() { return $(this).val() >= 1; }).length == $('.e_ended').length) { $('.submit').attr('disabled',false); } }); } $('.keywords').on('input',function(e){ var tags = $.map($(this).val().split(","), $.trim); var result = []; var error = 0; $.each(tags, function(i, v) { if(v.length > 0 && v != " ") { if(v.length < (15 * v.split(' ').length) && v.split(' ').length < 4 && v.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+)$/)) { result += "" + v + ""; } else { result += "" + v + ""; error = 1; } } }); if(error == 1) { $(this).parents('.jsawesome').find('.instructions').show(); } else { $(this).parents('.jsawesome').find('.instructions').hide(); } $(this).parents('.jsawesome').find('.tags').html(result); }); var counterId = 0; function highlightTerm(passage, start) { var id = counterId++; if(!$(start).parents('#selection').length) { // if no selection is made and maximum matches is not reached start.wrapAll(""); $(passage).find('span:not(#selection)').bind('mouseover', function(e) { highlightMultiple(start, $(, passage, id); }); } else { $(passage).find('#selection').removeAttr('id'); } } // highlight range of terms function highlightMultiple(start, end, passage, id) { // ignore margins between elements $(passage).find('#selection').contents().unwrap(); if( { // single element $(start).wrapAll(""); } else { // if range of elements if($(passage).find('span').index(start) > $(passage).find('span').index(end)) { // swap if end is before start var temp = end; end = start; start = temp; } if(!start.parent().not($('#selection')).is(end.parent().not($('#selection')))) { // common parent element var common = end.parents().not($('#selection')).has(start).first(); if(start.parent('.term').not(common).length) { // if word has a parent term start = $(common).children().has(start); // $(start).parent('.term'); } if(end.parent('.term').not(common).length) { end = $(common).children().has(end); //end = $(end).parent('.term'); } } // highlight range $(start).nextUntil(""); } } // get word range index function selectionIndex(passage) { var selection = $(passage).find('#selection .word'); var startId = $(passage).find('.word').index(selection.first()); if(selection.length == 1) { // single word return startId; } else { // range of words return startId + "-" + (startId + selection.length - 1); } } // finish selection and link terms function endSelection(alignment) { var relId = $(alignment)[0].relId; $(alignment).find('.rel' + relId + 'a').val(selectionIndex($(alignment).find('#passage1'))); $(alignment).find('.rel' + relId).before('' + $(alignment).find('#passage1 #selection .word').not(":last").append(" ").end().text() + ''); $(alignment).find('.rel' + relId).removeClass('hidden').parent().parent().removeClass('hidden'); $(alignment).find('#selection').removeAttr('id'); // updateSelected(); } function updateSelected() { var found = new Array(); $('#videodescription').find('.term').each(function(index,value) { var tempa = new Array(); var temps = ""; $(value).find(".word").each(function(index,value){ if (index != 0) temps += " "; temps+= $(value).text(); }); var selector = $(value).attr("class"); var findin = '#videodescription'; selector = "." + selector.split(" ").join("."); tempa.push(selector); tempa.push(temps); tempa.push(findin); found.push(tempa); }); $('#videosubtitles').find('.term').each(function(index,value) { var tempa = new Array(); var temps = ""; $(value).find(".word").each(function(index,value){ if (index != 0) temps += " "; temps+= $(value).text(); }); var selector = $(value).attr("class"); var findin = '#videosubtitles'; selector = "." + selector.split(" ").join("."); tempa.push(selector); tempa.push(temps); tempa.push(findin); found.push(tempa); }); $('#tags_list').html(""); var subdata = new Array(); var descdata = new Array(); var allData = new Array(); $(found).each(function (index,value){ var orig = $(value[2]).find(value[0]).first(); var newit = "[x] "+value[1]+"
"; if (value[2].indexOf("subtitle") > -1) { subdata.push(value[1]); allData.push(value[1]); } else if (value[2].indexOf("description") > -1) { descdata.push(value[1]); allData.push(value[1]); } $('#tags_list').append(newit); }); console.log(descdata); console.log(subdata); console.log(allData); $(".hidden.cml_field > .taggedindescription").attr("value",JSON.stringify(descdata)); $(".hidden.cml_field > .taggedinsubtitles").attr("value",JSON.stringify(subdata)); if (allData.length != 0) { $('.notPossible').hide(); } else { $('.notPossible').show(); // $('.submit').attr('disabled',true); } $('.deletetag').click(function(){ var selector = $(this).parent().attr("tagselector"); var findin = $(this).parent().attr("findin"); $(findin).find(selector).first().contents().unwrap(); updateSelected(); }); } });