#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2020 - 2021 Crunchy Data Solutions, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script should be run after the operator has been deployed PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE="${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE:-pgo}" PGO_USER_ADMIN="${PGO_USER_ADMIN:-pgouser-admin}" PGO_CLIENT_VERSION="${PGO_CLIENT_VERSION:-v4.5.4}" PGO_CLIENT_URL="https://github.com/CrunchyData/postgres-operator/releases/download/${PGO_CLIENT_VERSION}" PGO_CMD="${PGO_CMD-kubectl}" # Checks operating system and determines which binary to download UNAME_RESULT=$(uname) if [[ "${UNAME_RESULT}" == "Linux" ]] then BIN_NAME="pgo" elif [[ "${UNAME_RESULT}" == "Darwin" ]] then BIN_NAME="pgo-mac" else echo "${UNAME_RESULT} is not supported, valid operating systems are: Linux, Darwin" echo "Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Creates the output directory for files OUTPUT_DIR="${HOME}/.pgo/${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" install -d -m a-rwx,u+rwx "${OUTPUT_DIR}" if [ -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}/pgo" ] then echo "pgo Client Binary detected at: ${OUTPUT_DIR}" echo "Updating Binary..." fi echo "Operating System found is ${UNAME_RESULT}..." echo "Downloading ${BIN_NAME} version: ${PGO_CLIENT_VERSION}..." curl -Lo "${OUTPUT_DIR}/pgo" "${PGO_CLIENT_URL}/${BIN_NAME}" chmod +x "${OUTPUT_DIR}/pgo" # Check that the pgouser-admin secret exists if [ -z "$($PGO_CMD get secret -n ${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE} ${PGO_USER_ADMIN})" ] then echo "${PGO_USER_ADMIN} Secret not found in namespace: ${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" echo "Please ensure that the PostgreSQL Operator has been installed." echo "Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Check that the pgo.tls secret exists if [ -z "$($PGO_CMD get secret -n ${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE} pgo.tls)" ] then echo "pgo.tls Secret not found in namespace: ${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" echo "Please ensure that the PostgreSQL Operator has been installed." echo "Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Restrict access to the target file before writing kubectl_get_private() { touch "$1" && chmod a-rwx,u+rw "$1" && $PGO_CMD get > "$1" "${@:2}"; } # Use the pgouser-admin secret to generate pgouser file kubectl_get_private "${OUTPUT_DIR}/pgouser" secret -n "${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" "${PGO_USER_ADMIN}" \ -o 'go-template={{ .data.username | base64decode }}:{{ .data.password | base64decode }}' # Use the pgo.tls secret to generate the client cert files kubectl_get_private "${OUTPUT_DIR}/client.crt" secret -n "${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" pgo.tls -o 'go-template={{ index .data "tls.crt" | base64decode }}' kubectl_get_private "${OUTPUT_DIR}/client.key" secret -n "${PGO_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" pgo.tls -o 'go-template={{ index .data "tls.key" | base64decode }}' echo "pgo client files have been generated, please add the following to your bashrc" echo "export PATH=${OUTPUT_DIR}:\$PATH" echo "export PGOUSER=${OUTPUT_DIR}/pgouser" echo "export PGO_CA_CERT=${OUTPUT_DIR}/client.crt" echo "export PGO_CLIENT_CERT=${OUTPUT_DIR}/client.crt" echo "export PGO_CLIENT_KEY=${OUTPUT_DIR}/client.key"