###################### Winlogbeat Configuration Example ######################### # Winlogbeat 6, 7, and 8 are currently supported! # You can download the latest stable version of winlogbeat here: # https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/winlogbeat # For simplicity/brevity we have only enabled the options necessary for sending windows logs to HELK. # Please visit the Elastic documentation for the complete details of each option and full reference config: # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/winlogbeat/current/winlogbeat-reference-yml.html #-------------------------- Windows Logs To Collect ----------------------------- winlogbeat.event_logs: - name: Application ignore_older: 30m - name: Security ignore_older: 30m - name: System ignore_older: 30m - name: Microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational ignore_older: 30m - name: Microsoft-windows-PowerShell/Operational ignore_older: 30m event_id: 4103, 4104 - name: Windows PowerShell event_id: 400,600 ignore_older: 30m - name: Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational event_id: 5857,5858,5859,5860,5861 #----------------------------- Kafka output -------------------------------- output.kafka: # initial brokers for reading cluster metadata # Place your HELK IP(s) here (keep the port). # If you only have one Kafka instance (default for HELK) then remove the 2nd IP that has port 9093 hosts: [":9092",":9093"] topic: "winlogbeat" ############################# HELK Optimizing Latency ###################### max_retries: 2 max_message_bytes: 1000000