This schema specifies a metadata-format for describing files and folders in a SIP. An instance of this metadata-format can be used for ingest of SIPs with the Sword protocol. See also: Created 2017-05-15 Last modified 2019-10-11 Changes since 2018/02, to make it compatible with the DANS-bagit-profile, v0 * File-element is no longer required * Attribute 'filepath' is required * All 'filepath's must be unique, and start with "data/" * At least 1 dcterms element is required Changes since 2018/04 * Remove RESTRICTED_GROUP from the EasyFileAccessCategoryType Copyright (c) 2017 DANS-KNAW Container for file-specific information with qualified dcterms elements. Every file MUST specify at least a dcterms:format element. Restriction on dcterms:accessRights to indicate the accessRights to the file content. If omitted, it is implicitly derived from the accessRights in dataset.xml The accessRights to the file-metadata can be specified using visibleToRights. Element value MUST conform to EasyFileAccessRightsType. See also: Restriction on dcterms:accessRights to indicate the accessRights to the file metadata. The accessRights to the file-content can be specified using accessibleToRights. If ommitted, it is implicitly derived from the accessRights in dataset.xml (and will be set to 'ANONYMOUS') Element value MUST conform to EasyFileAccessRightsType. See also: Use on dcterms:accessRights or members of its substitutionGroup. dcterms:accessRights is interpreted as accessibleToRights Unrestricted access. Deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility. Registered EASY users. The data are not available via Easy (they are either not accessible or available elsewhere).