DANS Dataset Metadata (DDM) This schema specifies a metadata-format for describing datasets. An instance of this metadata-format can be used for ingest of datasets with the Sword protocol. Created ddm-v2 on 2022-10-25 Copyright (c) 2022 DANS-KNAW Root element of DANS Dataset Metadata. DDM-instances MUST have one ddm:profile element and MAY have one ddm:dcmiMetadata element. Container for Easy-specific information. (Required) The information in this group is essential for profiling the dataset in the Easy application. Container for dcmi metadata. (Optional) All elements of the http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ namespace can be used. All elements of the http://purl.org/dc/terms/ namespace can be used. All elements defined in this schema that are extensions or restrictions of dc or dcterms elements can be used. Where applicable the use of the xml:lang attribute is recommended. Where applicable the use of the xsi:type attribute is recommended. See also: https://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/ https://dublincore.org/schemas/xmls/qdc/dcterms.xsd Some xml-elements from the dc and dcterms namespace have possible values for the xsi:type attribute that will be interpreted during ingest.

can have an xsi:type from the "id-type" namespace. This will be interpreted as described there.
can have xsi-type="dcterms:ISO639-2". It should then be formatted accordingly: ISO639-2. Both `B` and `T` variants are supported.
can have an xsi:type="dcterms:IMT" if the value provided is valid according to that vocabulary
can have an xsi:type="dcterms:DCMIType". Only values from the set {`Collection`, `Dataset`, `Event`, `Image`, `InteractiveResource`, `MovingImage`, `PhysicalObject`, `Service`, `Software`, `Sound`, `StillImage`, `Text`} are valid.
dc:license | dcterms:license
At most one license-node is allowed. If xsi:type="dcterms:URI" is provided, this URI should denote a known license.

Restriction on dc:language. If used, the code attribute is required to record the language code in either dcterms:ISO639-1 or dcterms:ISO639-2 https://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1.html https://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2.html Restriction on dcterms:description. If used, the descriptionType attribute is required. Use dcterms:description otherwise. Restriction on dcterms:created. Element value MUST conform to the dcterms:W3CDTF format. See also: http://purl.org/dc/terms/created Restriction on dcterms:available. Element value MUST conform to the dcterms:W3CDTF format. See also: http://purl.org/dc/terms/available Restriction on dcterms:audience. Element value MUST conform to the narcis:DisciplineType. See also: http://purl.org/dc/terms/audience Use as substitute for dcterms:accessRights. Element value MUST conform to ddm:EasyAccessRightsType. See also: http://purl.org/dc/terms/accessRights Restriction on dcterms:date to record the period the data was collected. Element value MUST conform to the id-type:RKMS-ISO8601 format. See also: http://purl.org/dc/terms/created The code assigned by the funder to a sponsored award (grant). all dcterms relation types can also extend this linkedRelation, and take a 'href' attribute to include a webresource and a required scheme to indicate the scheme of the related identifier. If only the webresource is known, use @scheme=URL See https://easy.dans.knaw.nl/schemas/vocab/identifier-type.xsd for the documentation on the allowed elements Use STREAMING_SURROGATE_RELATION for the location on the video streaming service. The URI of the relation. Detailed specification of the information that is essential for profiling the dataset in the Easy application. Use on dcterms:accessRights or members of its substitutionGroup. Unrestricted access. Deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility. Unrestricted access for all registered EASY users. Registered EASY users, but only after depositor permission is granted. The data are not available via Easy (they are either accessible in another way or elsewhere). The URI of the scheme. For a SKOS scheme, the ConceptScheme in the 'skos:inScheme' value is expected The URI of the value given in the text-node. The code of the value given in the text-node. A human readable title of the scheme used. The identifying part of the report number. If the value in the text-node equals 'BAAC 123-A' the value of this attribute should be '123-A' Use this to describe the method of acquisition. Terms can be taken from a controlled vocabulary like the ABR. See https://data.cultureelerfgoed.nl/term/id/abr/554ca1ec-3ed8-42d3-ae4b-47bcb848b238.html Use this to describe the collection to which this dataset belongs. The URI of the scheme. For a SKOS scheme, the ConceptScheme in the 'skos:inScheme' value is expected The URI of the value given in the text-node. A human readable title of the scheme used. Yes, the dataset contains personal data in the sense of the GDPR No, the dataset does not contain personal data in the sense of the GDPR It is unknown whether the dataset contains personal data in the sense of the GDPR Restriction on dcterms:subject. Use this instead of dcterms:subject when the subject-term adheres to a formal subjectScheme. The URI of the scheme. For a SKOS scheme, the ConceptScheme in the 'skos:inScheme' value is expected The code of the value given in the text-node. The URI of the value given in the text-node. A human readable title of the scheme used. Restriction on dcterms:temporal. Use this instead of dcterms:temporal when the temporal-term adheres to a formal scheme.