## version: 1.1.13 - Angular 2 ( final version ) - improvements in project layout structure - improvements in sm-modal component ## version: 1.1.2 - Update to RC.6. - sm-shape is added, but it is still under construction ## version: 1.1.1 - Update to RC.5, ng-semantic now use NgSemanticModule for bootstrapping. ## version: 1.0.37 - sm-input now can exists without form. ## version: 1.0.36 - Added [(model)] two way data binding to sm-select ## version: 1.0.35 - Removed need for classes 'ui list' and 'ui menu' on sm-list and sm-menu ## version: 1.0.34 - Improved sm-message component - Improved sm-dropdown component ## version: 1.0.33 - Added smDeviceVisibility directive, with available options: mobile, table, desktop, mobile only, tablet only, computer only - Added basic implementation of smDirVisibility, http://semantic-ui.com/behaviors/visibility.html - removed requirement for class="item" on sm-item component - Improved sm-search component ## version: 1.0.32 - fixed sidebar bug ## version: 1.0.31 - sm-search simple implementation of component is added - sm-form is removed - added types to sm-checkbox ( radio, slider, toggle ) ## version: 1.0.30 - <sm-select> <sm-dropdown>, basic implementation added - <sm-modal>, <sm-popup>, <sm-sidebar> have hide() method, which work in same fashion as show() method ## version: 1.0.28 - <sm-rating>, added - <sm-modal> now accept <modal-content> and <modal-actions> ## version: 1.0.27 - Update to Angular rc.4 - Update to Semantic UI 2.2.1 - <sm-input>, <sm-textarea>, <sm-checkbox> work with new Form API - sm-modal-directive, sm-popup-directive, sm-dimmer-directive, sm-sidebar-directive are removed - <sm-modal>, <sm-popup>, <sm-dimmer>, <sm-sidebar> have show() method, so they can be controlled with template variable. - sm-dir-tooltip are pure CSS now - <sm-progress> now accept class ```indicating``` ## version: 1.0.26 - Templates for <sm-card> and <sm-accordion> is much more declarative. ## version: 1.0.25 - smModalDir - smSidebarDir - smAccordion Accept options. Options are JavaScript objects which represent settings from module. ## version: 1.0.24 In process of aligning stuff with: https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.html names are changed to: - sm-dir-sidebar -> smDirSidebar - sm-dir-dimmer -> smDirDimmer - sm-form -> smForm - sm-dir-modal -> smDirModal - sm-dir-popup -> smDirPopup - sm-dir-tooltip -> smDirTooltip