/** * Keybindings for helix editor */ // add count argument function repeatable(command) { return { command, count: "_ctx.count" }; } // record command to a register function record(command, reg) { return { command, record: reg }; } // reset previous selections but keep all cursors function reselect(command) { return [ "modalEditor.clearSelections", command ]; } // record change const recordChange = command => record(command, "change"); // record motion const recordMotion = command => record(command, "motion"); module.exports = { // Common keybindings (except for insert mode) "": { u: repeatable("undo"), U: repeatable("redo"), /* Mutli-cursor * (for insert cursor above, use keybindings.json for Alt-Shift-C) */ C: repeatable("editor.action.insertCursorBelow"), ",": "removeSecondaryCursors", J: repeatable("editor.action.joinLines"), x: repeatable([ { command: "cursorRightSelect", // move right when this line is alreay selected (because of inclusive range) when: "_ctx.selection.contains(_ctx.lineAt(_ctx.pos.line).range)" }, "expandLineSelection", // move left because it expands to a new line (because of inclusive range) "cursorLeftSelect", ]), "<": repeatable("editor.action.outdentLines"), ">": repeatable("editor.action.indentLines"), y: [ "modalEditor.yank", "modalEditor.setNormalMode" ], d: [ "modalEditor.cut", "modalEditor.setNormalMode" ], p: repeatable("modalEditor.paste"), P: repeatable({ command: "modalEditor.paste", args: { before: true } }), R: [ "modalEditor.delete", { command: "modalEditor.paste", args: { before: true } } ], "`": "modalEditor.toLowerCase", "~": "modalEditor.toUpperCase", // Replace selections r: { // Wildcard character "": { command: "modalEditor.transform", // use a js expression for computed args computedArgs: true, // replace with last key in the key sequence args: `{ transformer: text => _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1).repeat(text.length) }` } }, // into command mode ":": "modalEditor.setCommandMode", // replay last change ".": { command: "modalEditor.replayRecord", args: "change" }, // Changes c: recordChange([ "modalEditor.cut", "modalEditor.setInsertMode" ]), i: recordChange("modalEditor.setInsertMode"), I: recordChange([ "cursorLineStart", "modalEditor.setInsertMode" ]), a: recordChange([ "modalEditor.setInsertMode", "cursorRight" ]), A: recordChange([ "cursorLineEnd", "modalEditor.setInsertMode" ]), o: recordChange([ "editor.action.insertLineAfter", "modalEditor.setInsertMode" ]), O: recordChange([ "editor.action.insertLineBefore", "modalEditor.setInsertMode" ]), G: { command: "modalEditor.gotoLine", // line number is prefix count computedArgs: true, args: "_ctx.count", // only when there is a prefix count when: "_ctx.count !== undefined" }, // match mode m: { m: "editor.action.jumpToBracket" }, // goto mode g: { g: { command: "modalEditor.gotoLine", // line number is prefix count computedArgs: true, args: "_ctx.count || 1" }, e: "cursorBottom", ".": "workbench.action.navigateToLastEditLocation", p: "workbench.action.previousEditor", n: "workbench.action.nextEditor", d: "editor.action.revealDefinition" }, // space mode " ": { // yank to clipboard y: [ { command: "modalEditor.yank", args: { register: "" } }, "modalEditor.setNormalMode" ], // paste from clipbard p: { command: "modalEditor.paste", args: { register: "" } }, P: { command: "modalEditor.paste", args: { register: "", before: true } }, R: [ "modalEditor.delete", { command: "modalEditor.paste", args: { register: "", before: true } } ], f: "workbench.action.quickOpen", b: "workbench.action.quickOpenPreviousRecentlyUsedEditorInGroup", k: "editor.action.showHover", "?": "workbench.action.showCommands" }, // search "/": "actions.find", n: [ // move right to find the next instead of current { command: "cursorRight", when: "!_ctx.selection.isEmpty" }, "editor.action.nextMatchFindAction", { // move left because of inclusive range command: "cursorLeftSelect", when: "!_ctx.selection.isEmpty" } ], N: [ // move right to find the next instead of current { command: "cursorRight", when: "!_ctx.selection.isEmpty" }, "editor.action.previousMatchFindAction", { // move left because of inclusive range command: "cursorLeftSelect", when: "!_ctx.selection.isEmpty" } ], // Unimpaired "[": { d: "editor.action.marker.prev", }, "]": { d: "editor.action.marker.next", }, }, normal: { // cursor movement // clear selection first or it will move before the selection h: repeatable(reselect("cursorLeft")), j: repeatable(reselect("cursorDown")), k: repeatable(reselect("cursorUp")), l: repeatable(reselect("cursorRight")), w: repeatable(reselect([ { // move right when it's boundary of words, spaces, or newline (only zero or one char if it's newline) command: "cursorRight", when: "/(^.?$)|(\\s[^\\s])|([^\\s]\\s)|(.\\b.)/.test(_ctx.lineAt(_ctx.pos.line).text.substring(_ctx.pos.character, _ctx.pos.character+2))" }, "cursorWordStartRightSelect", // move left because the range is inclusive "cursorLeftSelect" ])), b: repeatable(reselect("cursorWordStartLeftSelect")), // Motions f: { "": recordMotion(repeatable(reselect({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), select: true }` }))) }, F: { "": recordMotion(repeatable(reselect({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), backward: true, select: true }` }))) }, t: { "": recordMotion(repeatable(reselect({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), till: true, select: true }` }))) }, T: { "": recordMotion(repeatable(reselect({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), till: true, backward: true, select: true }` }))) }, // goto mode g: { h: "cursorLineStart", l: [ "cursorLineEnd", { // move left if it's not the start of line command: "cursorLeft", when: "_ctx.pos.character > 0" } ], }, // set to select mode v: "modalEditor.setSelectMode" }, select: { // cursor movement h: repeatable("cursorLeftSelect"), j: repeatable("cursorDownSelect"), k: repeatable("cursorUpSelect"), l: repeatable("cursorRightSelect"), w: repeatable([ { // move right when it's boundary of words, spaces, or newline (only zero or one char if it's newline) command: "cursorRightSelect", when: "/(^.?$)|(\\s[^\\s])|([^\\s]\\s)|(.\\b.)/.test(_ctx.lineAt(_ctx.pos.line).text.substring(_ctx.pos.character, _ctx.pos.character+2))" }, "cursorWordStartRightSelect", // move left because the range is inclusive "cursorLeftSelect" ]), b: repeatable("cursorWordStartLeftSelect"), f: { "": repeatable({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), select: true }` }) }, F: { "": repeatable({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), backward: true, select: true }` }) }, t: { "": repeatable({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), till: true, select: true }` }) }, T: { "": repeatable({ command: "modalEditor.findText", computedArgs: true, args: `{ text: _ctx.keys.charAt(_ctx.keys.length-1), till: true, backward: true, select: true }` }) }, // goto mode g: { h: "cursorLineStartSelect", l: [ "cursorLineEndSelect", { // move left if it's not the start of line command: "cursorLeftSelect", when: "_ctx.pos.character > 0" } ] }, // set back to normal mode v: "modalEditor.setNormalMode" }, // Command mode command: { // save file w: "workbench.action.files.save" } };