EDIFACT experts from Einkaufsbüro Deutscher Eisenhändler GmbH Johannes Mäkelburg Maribel Acosta 2023-12-06 Johannes Mäkelburg Maribel Acosta An Ontology for representing EDIFACT Messages. 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 Johannes Mäkelburg Copyright © 2024 Johannes Mäkelburg, Maribel Acosta Deibe EDIFACT Ontology edifact-o https://purl.org/edifact/ontology# An Ontology for EDIFACT Messages EDIFACT Ontology 1.0 subPropertyOf disjointWith inverseOf seeEDIFACT seeXML stable shows by which formal organization a agent role is performed isPerformedBy stable shows by which E-Invoice an agent role is provided isProvidedBy stable shows which formal organization an agent role performs performsAgentRole stable shows which agnezt roles are provided by an invoice providesAgentRole stable shows the file standard resources the invoice has followsStandard stable Contains the Invoice Details of an Invoice hasInvoiceDetails stable shows which items are included in an invoice hasItem stable shows to which Invoice the Invoice Details belong isInvoiceDetailsOf stable shows to which Invoice the item belongs zeigt an zu welcher Rechnung der Artikel gehört isItemOf stable shows of which invoice the EDIFACT Structure is isStandardOf stable Cotains the country code name of a party involved in the invoice hasCountryCode D_3207 stable Date/time on which the goods are or are expected to be despatched or shipped hasDispatchDate Versanddatum stable Date when a Commercial Invoice is issued hasInvoiceDate Rechnungsdatum stable contains a date date stable identifier of a part in the invoice identifier stable Amount of money amount stable shows the currency currency stable Value of the measured unit. hasMeasurement Masangabe stable Cotains the street address of a party involved in the invoice hasStreetAddress D_3042 stable Cotains the postal code of a party involved in the invoice postalCode D_3251 stable Reference number assigned by accounts receivable department to the account of a specific debtor. accountsReceivableNumber Nummer_des_Forderungskontos stable Additional Partneridentification (GLN-Code) additionalPartnerIdentificationEANCode Zusaetzliche_Partneridentifikation_EAN_Code stable Reason for the allowance allowanceReason Zuschlag stable Indicates to which business process the invoice belongs belongsToProcess ProcessIdentification stable Reference of the beneficiary beneficiaryReference Referenz_des_Beguenstigten stable Note contains information mutually defined by trading partners bilateralAgreed Bilateral_vereinbart stable Period for which an invoice is issued. calculationPeriod Abechnungszeitraum stable Note contains change information changeInformation Aenderungsinformationen stable Company registration and place as legally required. companyOrPlaceRegistristrationNumber Unternehmes_oder_Ort_Regisstriernummer stable Numbers of consumer units in the traded unit consumerUnitsInTradingUnitQuantity Anzahl_der_Verbrauchereinheiten_in_einer_Handelseinheit stable Numbers of consumer units in the traded unit consumerUnitsInTradingUnitQuantityWithUnit Anzahl_der_Verbrauchereinheiten_in_einer_Handelseinheit stable The department or person within an organizational entity. contactDepartmentPerson D_3412 stable Contact Persons contactPerson stable Department/person responsible for the accounts payable function within a corporation. contactPersonAccounting CTA+AD Ansprechpartner_Buchhaltung stable Department/person responsible for the accounts payable function within a corporation contactPersonCreditorAccounting CTA+AP Ansprechpartner_Kreditorenbuchhaltung stable Creating/sending/receiving of unstructured free text messages or documents using computer network, a mini- computer or an attached modem and regular telephone line or other electronic transmission media. contactPersonEmailAddress COM+:EM Ansprechpartner_EmailAdresse stable Device used for transmitting and reproducing fixed graphic material (as printing) by means of signals over telephone lines or other electronic transmission media. contactPersonFaxNumber COM+:FX Ansprechpartner_TelefaxNummer stable Department/person responsible for receiving the goods at the place of delivery. contactPersonIncomingGoods CTA+GR Ansprechpartner_Wareneingang stable Department/person to contact for questions regarding transactions contactPersonInformation COM+IC Ansprechpartner_Information stable Department/person responsible for issuing this purchase order. contactPersonPurchasingDepartment CTA+PD Ansprechpartner_Einkaufabteilung stable Department/person responsible for the accounts receivable within a corporation contactPersonReceivableAccounting CTA+AR Ansprechpartner_Debitorenbuchaltung stable The sales representative or department contact within an organization. contactPersonSalesDepartment CTA+SR Ansprechpartner_Verkaufsabteilung stable Voice/data transmission by telephone contactPersonTelefonNumber COM+:TE Ansprechpartner_TelefonNummer stable Transmission of text/data via telex. contactPersonTelexNumber COM+:TL Ansprechpartner_TelexNummer stable CCITT Message handling system contactPersonX400Number COM+:XF Ansprechpartner_X400Nummer stable Reference number of a contract concluded between parties. contractNumber Vertragsnummer stable Reference number assigned by buyer to a contract. contractNumberBuyer Vertragsnummer_des_Kaeufers stable Detail/summary section separation controlSegmentBetweenItemAndTotalPart D_0081 stable Date when the message was created creationDate D_0017 stable Time of the creation of the EDIFACT message creationTime D_0019 stable Reference number assigned to a credit note. creditNoteNumber Gutschriftsnummer stable Code number of the goods in accordance with the tariff nomenclature system of classification in use where the Customs declaration is made. customsTariffNumber Zolltarifnummer stable the counter of the exchanged data dataExchangeCounter 36 D_0036 stable the reference of the exchanged data dataExchangeReference D_0020 stable Date of the reference number assigned by accounts receivable department to the account of a specific debtor. dateAccountsReceivableNumber Referenzdatum_Nummer_des_Forderungskontos stable Date of Additional Partneridentification (GLN-Code) dateAdditionalPartnerIdentificationEANCode Referenzdatum_Zusaetzliche_Partneridentifikation_EAN_Code stable Date of the reference of the beneficiary dateBeneficiaryReference Referenzdatum_Referenz_des_Beguenstigten stable Date of company registration and place as legally required. dateCompanyOrPlaceRegistristrationNumber Referenzdatum_Unternehmes_oder_Ort_Regisstriernummer stable Date of the reference number of a contract concluded between parties. dateContractNumber Referenzdatum_Vertragsnummer stable Date of the reference number assigned by buyer to a contract. dateContractNumberBuyer Referenzdatum_Vertragsnummer_des_Kaeufers stable Date of the reference number assigned to a credit note. dateCreditNoteNumber Referenzdatum_Gutschriftsnummer stable Date of the code number of the goods in accordance with the tariff nomenclature system of classification in use where the Customs declaration is made. dateCustomsTariffNumber Referenzdatum_Zolltarifnummer stable Date of the reference number assigned by issuer to a debit note dateDebitNoteNumber Referenzdatum_Nummer_der_Belastungsanzeige stable Date of the reference number assigned by the issuer to a delivery note. dateDeliveryNoteNumber Referenzdatum_Lieferscheinnummer stable Date of the reference number assigned by issuing party to a despatch advice. dateDespatchAdviceNumber Referenzdatum_Nummer_Lieferschein stable Date of the reference number given to an export shipment. dateExportReferenceNumber Referenzdatum_Exportreferenznummer stable Date of number assigned by the file issuer or sender to identify a specific line. dateFileLineIdentifier Referenzdatum_Bezeichner_Dateizeilen stable Date of the receiving company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire dateFinancialAccountNumberPayee Referenzdatum_Kontonummer_des_Zahlungsempfaenger stable Date of Tax payer's number. dateFiscalNumber Referenzdatum_Steuernummer stable Date of the refernce number given by the goverment dateGovernmentReferenceNumber Referenzdatum_Referenznummer_Regierung stable Date of the number specifying the goods classification under the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System of the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC). dateHarmonisedSystemNumber Referenzdatum_Nummer_harmonisiertes_System stable Date of the reference number assigned by the issuing authority to an Import Licence. dateImportLicenseNumber Referenzdatum_Import_Lizenznummer stable Date of the number assigned by a seller, supplier etc. to identify a customer within his enterprise. dateInternalCustomerNumber Referenzdatum_Interne_Kundennummer stable Date of the number identifying the company-internal vending department/unit. dateInternalVendorNumber Referenzdatum_Interne_Lieferantennummer stable Date of the reference number assigned by the seller to a Commercial Invoice. dateInvoiceNumber Referenzdatum_Rechnungsnummer stable Date of the reference number identifying a particular line in a document. dateLineItemReferenceNumber Referenzdatum_Referenznummer_der_Position stable Date of the consolidated invoice number with EAN code dateNumberConsolidatedInvoiceEANCode Referenzdatum_Nummer_einr_konsolidierten_Rechnung_EAN_Code stable Date of batch number identifying a batch of messages. dateNumberOfBundleMessages Referenzdatum_Nummer_eines_Buendels_von_Nachrichten stable Date of the reference number assigned by issuing party to an offer. dateOfferNumber Referenzdatum_Angebotsnummer stable Date of the reference number assigned by the buyer to an order. dateOrderNumberBuyer Referenzdatum_Auftragsnummer_Kaeufer stable Date of the reference number assigned by issuer to a delivery order. dateOrderNumberDelivery Referenzdatum_Nummer_Lieferauftrag stable Date of the reference number assigned by supplier to a buyer's purchase order. dateOrderNumberSupplier Referenzdatum_Auftragsnummer_Lieferant stable Date of the reference of the originator dateOriginatorReference Referenzdatum_Referenz_des_Absenders stable Date of the reference number assigned to a payment. datePaymentReference Referenzdatum_Zahlungsreferenz stable Date of the reference number assigned to a price list. datePriceListNumber Referenzdatum_Nummer_der_Preisliste stable Date of the reference number assigned by the seller to a Proforma Invoice. dateProformaInvoiceNumber Referenzdatum_Proforma_Rechnungsnummer stable Date of a reference number to a receiving advice. dateReceivingAdviceNumber Referenzdatum_Wareneingangsmeldung_Nummer stable Date of the reference number for a business account statement as EAN code dateReferenceNumberBusinessContactExtractEANCode Referenzdatum_Referenznummer_zu_einem_Geschaeftskontauszug_EAN_Code stable Date of the reference number assigned by the customer to a transaction. dateReferenceNumberCustomer Referenzdatum_Referenzsnummer_des_Kunden stable Date of the realted document number dateRelatedDocumentNumber Referenzdatum_zugehoerige_Dokumentennummer stable Date of the reference number assigned to a transaction by the seller dateSellersReferenceNumber Referenzdatum_Referenznummer_des_Verkaeufers stable Date of the number assigned by the issuer to his specification. dateSpecificationNumber Referenzdatum_Spezifikationsnummer stable Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit note debitNoteNumber Nummer_der_Belastungsanzeige stable Number of pieces actually received at the final destination. deliveredQuantity Menge_Geliefert stable Specifies the conditions under which the goods must be delivered to the consignee deliveryCondition Lieferbedingung stable Reference number assigned by the issuer to a delivery note. deliveryNoteNumber Lieferscheinnummer stable Plain language description of the nature of the goods sufficient to identify them at the level required for banking, Customs, statistical or transport purposes, avoiding unnecessary detail (Generic term). descriptionOfGoods Warenbeschreibung stable Reference number assigned by issuing party to a despatch advice. despatchAdviceNumber Nummer_Lieferschein stable Quantity despatched by the seller. despatchQuantity Menge_Sendungen stable Date/time when the deduction from an amount comes to an end. discountTerminationDate Datum_Rabattbeendigung stable The discrete quantity discreteQuantity Menge_Diskret stable Date/time when a document/message is issued. This may include authentication. documentDate Dokumenten_oder_Nachrichten_Datum stable Date and/or time at which specified event or document becomes effective. effectiveDate Gueltigkeitsdatum stable Date/time on which the exchange rate was fixed. exchangeRateDate Wechselkursdatum stable Reference number given to an export shipment. exportReferenceNumber Exportreferenznummer stable Number assigned by the file issuer or sender to identify a specific line. fileLineIdentifier Bezeichner_Dateizeilen stable Receiving company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire financialAccountNumberPayee Kontonummer_des_Zahlungsempfaenger stable Tax payer's number. Number assigned to individual persons as well as to corporates by a public institution; this number is different from the VAT registration number. fiscalNumber Steuernummer stable Refernce number given by the goverment governmentReferenceNumber Referenznummer_Regierung stable Contains the number of the harmonised system harmonisedSystem Harmonisiertes_System stable Date of the number specifying the goods classification under the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System of the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC). harmonisedSystemNumber Nummer_harmonisiertes_System stable Information which specifies and qualifies product identifications. hasAdditionalProductIdentification Zusaetzliche_Produktidentifikation stable Amount of the allowance hasAllowanceAmount Abschlagsbetrag stable Allowance expressed as a percentage. hasAllowancePercentage AbschlagProzentsatz stable Allowance expressed as a percentage with payment condition hasAllowancePercentagePaymentConditions AbschlagProzentsatzZahlungsbedingungen stable The reason for the allowance hasAllowanceReason Abschlag stable Amount to be paid hasAmountDueOrPayable Faelliger_Betrag_oder_zahlbarerBetrag stable Amount which is used as the basis for price adjustment calculation. hasAmountUnderPriceAdjustment Betrag_unterliegt_einer_Preisberichtigung stable The amount specified is the basis for duty/tax or fee. hasBasicTaxAmount Steuergrundbetrag stable Cash discount given by the seller to the buyer where payment is made in advance of receipt of goods. hasCashDiscount Barzahlungsrabatt stable The amount specified is the basis for calculation of charges/allowance. hasChargeAllowanceBasis Zu_Abschlagsbasis stable The amont of the charge hasChargeAmount Zuschlagsbetrag stable Charge expressed as a percentage. hasChargePercentage ZuschlagProzentsatz stable Charge expressed as a percentage with the payment conditions hasChargePercentagePaymentConditions ZuschlagProzentsatzZahlungsbedingungen stable The reason for the charge hasChargeReason Zuschlag stable Cotains the city name of a party involved in the invoice hasCity D_3164 stable The amount specified is the discount amount hasDiscountAmount Abzug_Rabatt stable Discount expressed as a percentage. hasDiscountPercentage AbzugProzentsatz stable Discount expressed as a percentage with payment condition hasDiscountPercentagePaymentConditions AbzugProzentsatzZahlungsbedingungen stable The discrete quantity with unit hasDiscreteQuantityWithUnit Diskrete_Menge_Einheit stable Indicates the function of the message hasDocumentFunction Dokumentenfunktion stable Document/message number hasDocumentNumber Dokumentennummer stable Document/message identifier expressed hasDocumentType Dokumentenname stable Due date hasDueDate Zahlungsfaelligkeitsdatum stable Amount of the discount due hasDueDeductionAmount Faelliger_Abzugsbetrag stable Amount to be paid for moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another, inclusive discounts, allowances, rebates, adjustment factors and additional cost relating to freight costs (UN/ECE Recommendation no 23). hasFreightCharge Frachtgebuehr stable Describes the role of a party involved in the invoice hasFunctionInInvoice D_PaFu stable Tax levied on the final consumption of goods and services throughout the production and distribution chain. hasGSTrate Waren_Dienstleistungssteuer stable Contains general information about the Invoice or a Item hasGeneralInformation Generelle_Informationen stable The price stated is the gross price per item to which allowances/ charges must be applied. hasGrosspriceOfItem Bruttokalkulation stable The price stated is the gross price per unit to which allowances/ charges must be applied. hasGrosspricePerUnit Bruttopreis_pro_Einheit stable Numeric value of height hasHeightDimension Hoehenmass stable Total sum charged in respect of a single Invoice in accordance with the terms of delivery. hasInvoiceAmount Rechnungsbetrag stable Percentage used in the whole invoice hasInvoicePercentage RechnungsProzentsatz stable Percentage used in the whole invoice with payment conditions hasInvoicePercentagePaymentConditions RechnungsProzentsatzZahlungsbedingungen stable Referenced price taken from an invoice hasInvoiceprice Rechnungspreis stable Length of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes hasLengthMeasurements Laengenmassangaben stable Goods item total minus allowances plus charges for line item. hasLineItemAmount Positionsbetrag stable The price stated is the net price per item including allowances/ charges. Allowances/charges may be stated for information only. hasNetPriceOfItem Nettokalkulation stable Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any packing hasNetWeight Nettonettogewicht stable Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale hasNetWeightPerUnit Nettogewicht_pro_Einheit stable The price stated is the net price per unit including allowances/ charges. Allowances/charges may be stated for information only. hasNetpricePerUnit Nettopreis_pro_Einheit stable Amount of the payment discount hasPaymentDiscountAmount Zahlungskuerzung stable Amount of the penalty hasPenaltyAmount Strafbetrag stable Penalty expressed as a percentage. hasPenaltyPercentage StrafProzentsatz stable Penalty expressed as a percentage with payment conditions hasPenaltyPercentagePaymentConditions StrafProzentsatzZahlungsbedingungen stable Specified measurement dimensions refer to physical dimensions of a product, material or package hasPhysicalDimension Physische_Abmessung stable Amount which has been prepaid in advance hasPrepaidAmount Vorausbezahlter_Betrag stable Identification of the type of price of an item hasPriceSource PreisQuelle stable Identification pricing specification hasPriceType PreisArt stable Contains measure unit qualifier of a price hasPriceUnit D_PRIMaEinheit stable Identification of the product hasProductIdentification Produktidentifikation stable Contains measure unit qualifier of a quantity hasQuantityUnit D_QTYMaEinheit stable Amount which was remitted hasRemittedtAmount Uebermittelter_Betrag stable Date on which buyer requests goods to be delivered. hasRequiredDeliveryDate geforderter_Liefertermin stable A measurement indicating limitation in relation to storage. hasStockRestriction Lagerbeschraenkung stable Contains the TAX rate hasTAXrate stable Tax imposed by government or other official authority related to the weight/volume charge or valuation charge hasTaxAmount Steuerbetrag stable Amount for tax calculation hasTaxableAmount Steuerpflichtiger_Betrag stable Date by which payment should be made if discount terms are to apply. hasTermsDiscountDueDate Faelligkeitsdatum_bei_Skontoabzug stable Date by which payment must be made hasTermsNetDueDate Faelligkeitsdatum_bei_Zahlung_ohne_Abzug stable The amount specified is the total of all charges/allowances. hasTotalAdditionsAndDeductions GesamtZu_Abschlaege stable The amount specified is the total amount hasTotalAmount Gesamtbetrag stable The total Amount of the Message hasTotalAmountMessage Gesamtbetrag_Nachricht stable Part of the invoice amount which is subject to payment discount. hasTotalAmountUnderPaymentReduction Gesamtbetrag_unterliegt_Zahlungskuerzung stable Total of all duty/tax/fee amounts. hasTotalDutyTasFeeAmount Gesamter_Zoll_Steuer_Gebuehrenbetrag_der_Nachricht stable Net price x quantity for the line item hasTotalGoodsPosition WarenpositionInsgesamt stable The sum of all the line item amounts. hasTotalLineItemAmount Gesamtpositionsbetrag stable A measurement indicating limitations in relation to transportation equipment. hasTransportRestriction Beschraekung_Transportmittels stable Contains measure unit qualifier hasUnit D_MaEinheit stable Reporting monetary amount is a 'per unit' amount hasUnitPrice Preis_pro_Einheit stable Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify the buyer for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT). hasVATIdentifierBuyer Umsatzsteuernummer_Kaeufer stable Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify the delivery party for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT). hasVATIdentifierDeliveryParty Umsatzsteuernummer_Lieferanschrift stable Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify the invoicee for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT). hasVATIdentifierInvoicee Umsatzsteuernummer_Rechnungsempfaenger stable Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify the payer for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT). hasVATIdentifierPayer Umsatzsteuernummer_Bezahler stable Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify the supplier for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT). hasVATIdentifierSupplier Umsatzsteuernummer_Lieferant stable Amount in national currency resulting from the application, at the appropriate rate, of value added tax (or similar tax) to the invoice amount subject to such tax hasVATamount Mehrwertsteuer_Betrag stable First VAT value if, for the same rate of VAT, there are 1 to 3 different ways to set this value hasVATfirstValue Umsatzsteuer_erster_Wert stable A tax on domestic or imported goods applied to the value added at each stage in the production/distribution cycle. hasVATrate Mehrwertsteuer stable Reference number assigned by the issuing authority to an Import Licence. importLicenseNumber Import_Lizenznummer stable Note contains customs declaration information. informationCustomsDeclaration Informatioen_zur_Zollerklaerung stable Note contains invoice instructions instructionForInvoicingParty Anweisung_fur_Rechnungssteller stable Number assigned by a seller, supplier etc. to identify a customer within his enterprise. internalCustomerNumber Interne_Kundennummer stable Number identifying the company-internal vending department/unit. internalVendorNumber Interne_Verkaufsnummer stable Number assigned to a manufacturer's product according to the International Article Numbering Association. internationalArticleNumber International_Article_Number stable The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for calculation in an invoice. invoiceCurrency WaehrungRechnung stable Item number assigned by the buyer to identify an article. itemNumberBuyer Artikelnummer_des_Kaeufer stable The number given to an article by its manufacturer. itemNumberManufacturer Artikelnummer_des_Herstellers stable Number assigned to an article by the supplier of that article. itemNumberSupplier Artikelnummer_des_Lieferanten stable Reference number identifying a particular line in a document. lineItemReferenceNumber Referenznummer_der_Position stable Period a specified charge is valid for. loadPeriod Belastungsperiode stable Identification of the managing organization managingOrganisations D_0051 D_0051 stable The reference number of the message messageReferenceNumber D_0062 D_0062 stable The identifier of the message type messageTypeIdentifier D_0065 D_0065 stable National product group code. Administered by a national agency. nationalProductGroupCode Nationaler_Produktgruppencode stable No increases or reduction in price (list or stated) are included. noDiscountAllowance Kein_Abschlag_Zuschlag stable identifier which is a number noteNumber stable Consolidated invoice number with EAN code numberConsolidatedInvoiceEANCode Nummer_einr_konsolidierten_Rechnung_EAN_Code stable A batch number identifying a batch of messages. numberOfBundleMessages Nummer_eines_Buendels_von_Nachrichten stable Reference number assigned by issuing party to an offer. offerNumber Angebotsnummer stable The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in an order. orderCurrency WaehrungBestellung stable Date when an order is issued. orderDate Bestelldatum stable Reference number of an order. orderNumber stable Reference number assigned by the buyer to an order. orderNumberBuyer Auftragsnummer_Kaeufer stable Reference number assigned by issuer to a delivery order. orderNumberDelivery Nummer_Lieferauftrag stable Reference number assigned by supplier to a buyer's purchase order. orderNumberSupplier Auftragsnummer_Lieferant stable Reference of the originator originatorReference Referenz_des_Absenders stable General information created by the sender of general or specific value. otherServiceInformation Andere_Serviceinformationen stable Reference number assigned by the buyer to identify an article. partNumberBuyer Teilnummer_des_Kaeufers stable Type of the payment terms paymentCondition 4279 ZahlungsbedingungsArt stable The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for payment. paymentCurrency WaehrungZahlung stable Reference number assigned to a payment. paymentReference Zahlungsreferenz stable Contains percentage percentage stable Number of the Position of the Line in the whole message positionLineNumber Positionszeilennummer stable Price and Delivery Conditions of the article displayed in the invoice priceAndDeliveryCondition PreisUndAuslieferungsbedingung stable Condition of the Price priceCondition Preis_Bedingungen stable The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for pricing purposes priceCurrency WaehrungPreisangabe stable Reference number assigned to a price list. priceListNumber Nummer_der_Preisliste stable Reference number assigned by the seller to a Proforma Invoice. proformaInvoiceNumber Proforma_Rechnungsnummer stable Number of the promotional variant number promotionalVariantNumber Nummer_der_Aktionsvariante stable Note contains purchasing information. purchasingInformation Beschaffungsinformation stable display a quantity quantity stable Date/time upon which the goods were received by a given party. receiptGoodsDate Wareneingangsdatum stable A reference number to a receiving advice. receivingAdviceNumber Wareneingangsmeldung_Nummer stable Indiactor whos the recipient of the message recipientIndicator D_0010 stable Quantity which has been received and accepted at a given location. recivedAndAcceptedQuantity Menge_Erhalten_und_akzeptiert stable Quantity which has been received and accepted at a given location with the unit recivedAndAcceptedQuantityWithUnit Erhalten_und_akzeptiert_Einheit stable Reference Date referenceDate Referenzdatum stable Reference number for a business account statement as EAN code referenceNumberBusinessContactExtractEANCode Referenznummer_zu_einem_Geschaeftskontauszug_EAN_Code stable Reference number assigned by the customer to a transaction. referenceNumberCustomer Referenzsnummer_des_Kunden stable Related document number relatedDocumentNumber zugehoerige_Dokumentennummer stable Release number within the current message version number. releaseNumberMessageType D_0054 D_0054 stable The free text contains information for regulatory authority. reportingInformation Meldeinformationen stable The return quantity returnQuantity Menge_Retour stable The return quantity with unit returnQuantityWithUnit Retourmenge_Einheit stable Reference number assigned to a transaction by the seller sellersReferenceNumber Referenznummer_des_Verkaeufers stable Indicator who the sender is senderIndicator D_0004 stable Number assigned by the issuer to his specification. specificationNumber Spezifikationsnummer stable Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services. supplierNote Lieferantenhinweis stable Identification of the used synatx synatxIdentifier SynatxKennung stable Version of the used syntax synatxVersion SyntaxVersion stable Period a tax rate/tax amount etc. is applicable. taxPeriod Steuerperiode stable Contains a time Period timePeriod stable The total number of the segments totalNumberOfSegments D_0074 stable The Unit price basis unitPriceBasis D_5284 stable Number assigned to a manufacturer's product by the Product Code Council. universalProductCode Universal_Prodcut_Code stable Document date in the future from which the agreed payment period begins valutaDate ValutaDatum stable Version number of a message type versionNumberMessageType D_0052 D_0052 stable Numeric value of width widthDimension Breitenabmessung stable Quantity of goods which are free of charge. withoutCalculationQuantity Menge_ohne_Berechnung stable Quantity of goods which are free of charge with unit withoutCalculationQuantityWithUnit Menge_ohne_Berechnung_Einheit stable The quantity as per invoice. invoicedQuantity Menge_Berechnet stable The quantity as per invoice. invoicedQuantityUnitOfMeasure Berechnete_Menge_Einheit stable Date/time on which goods or consignment are delivered at their destination. actualDeliveryDate tatsaechliches_Lieferdatum stable Date of the delivery deliveryDate stable Reference number assigned by the seller to a Commercial Invoice. invoiceNumber Rechnungsnummer stable Description of the item itemName D_7008 stable Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify a party for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT). VATIdentifier Umsatzsteuernummer stable The subdivion of the country the organization is allocated in countrySubdivision D_3229 stable Name of a party involved in the invoice formalName 3036 D_3036 stable The Global Location Number of a party involved in the invoice globalLocationNumber D_3039 stable An Organization which is recognized in the world at large, in particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and responsibilities. Examples include a Corporation, Charity, Government or Church. Note that this is a super class of `gr:BusinessEntity` and it is recommended to use the GoodRelations vocabulary to denote Business classifications such as DUNS or NAICS."""@en FormalOrganization "‘electronic invoice’ means an invoice that has been issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format which allows for its automatic and electronic processing;" (Directive 2014/55/EU) https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32014L0055 e-invoice invoiced goods and services item stable A role which perfomed by an agent for a temporal extend AgentRole stable The role of a party acting in the name of the seller as broker or as sales office. BrokerSalesOfficeRole stable The role of the party to which articles are sold BuyerRole stable The role of the party receiving goods and relevant invoice CalculateDeliverToRole stable The role of the party which is the central regulator CentralRegulatorRole stable The role of the party to which goods should be delivered, if not identical with consignee. DeliveryPartyRole stable The role of the party where goods are collected or taken over by the carrier (i.e. if other than consignor) DespatchPartyRole stable The root class of each invoice. Contains all the linked classes with information about the invoice EDIFACT E-Invoice stable The role of the party who has been designated on the invoice or packing list as the final recipient of the stated merchandise. FinalConsigneeRole stable The class containing information about the perfomed role of the involved organizations FormalOrganization stable Contains all the general information about an invoice InvoiceDetails stable The role of the party to whom an invoice is issued InvoiceeRole stable The role of the party issuing an invoice InvoicingPartyRole stable Contains all the information about a item EDIFACT Item stable The role of the party initiating payment PayeeRole stable The role of the party to whom payment for a commercial invoice or bill should be remitted. RecipientOfInvoiceRegulationRole stable The role of the party to which goods are consigned. RecipientRole stable The role of the party which is the regulator of the invoice RegulatorRole stable The role of the party representing the seller for the purpose of the trade transaction. RepresentativeOfSupplierRole stable The role of the third party who arranged the purchase of merchandise on behalf of the actual buyer SalesAgentRole stable The role of the party selling merchandise to a buyer. SellerRole stable The role of the party to where goods will be or have been shipped SendToRole stable The role of the party which manufactures or otherwise has possession of goods, and consigns or makes them available in trade. SupplierRole stable The role of the party's headquarters which manufactures or otherwise has possession of goods, and consigns or makes them available in trade. SuppliersCompanyHeadquarterRole stable The role of the party that runs the Warehouse WarehouseNumberRole stable The role of the party that is the wholesaler WholesalerRole stable The root class of each invoice. Contains all the linked classes with information about the invoice E-Invoice stable Contains all the information which are necessary for the invoice to be a valid EDIFACT Invoice EDIFACT-Structure EDIFACT-Structure stable Defined as the union of the classes Item and InvoiceDetails Defined as the union of the classes Item and InvoiceDetails Invoice Content InvoiceContent