#!/bin/sh [ $(id -u) != 0 ] && whiptail --title '/!\ WARNING - Not runned as root /!\' --msgbox " You don't run this as root! You will need to have root permissions" 8 48 # Detect package manager if hash apt-get 2>/dev/null ;then PKG=deb hash whiptail dialog 2>/dev/null && install="debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install -y" || install="apt-get install -y" remove="apt-get purge -y" elif hash dnf 2>/dev/null ;then PKG=rpm install="dnf install -y" remove="dnf remove -y" elif hash yum 2>/dev/null ;then PKG=rpm install="yum install -y" remove="yum remove -y" elif hash pacman 2>/dev/null ;then PKG=pkg install="pacman -Syu" remove="pacman -Rsy" else echo "Your operating system isn't supported" 8 48; exit 1 fi # Prerequisites hash git whiptail curl wget 2>/dev/null || $install git whiptail curl wget # Current directory DIR=$(cd -P $(dirname $0) && pwd) cd $DIR # Check available updates or clone the project [ -d $DIR/.git ] && git pull [ -d $DIR/DPlatform-ShellCore ] && DIR=$DIR/DPlatform-ShellCore || [ "${DIR##*/}" != DPlatform-ShellCore ] && git clone -b master --single-branch https://github.com/DFabric/DPlatform-ShellCore && DIR=$DIR/DPlatform-ShellCore . $DIR/dplatform.sh