#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use English; use File::Find; use File::Spec; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Archive::Tar; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX; package NIC::Archive::Tar::File; use parent "Archive::Tar::File"; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = Archive::Tar::File->new(@_); bless($self, $class); return $self; } sub full_path { my $self = shift; my $full_path = $self->SUPER::full_path(); $full_path = '' unless defined $full_path; $full_path =~ s#^#./# if ($full_path ne "" && $full_path ne "." && $full_path !~ m#^\./#); return $full_path; } 1; package main; our $VERSION = '2.0'; our $_PROGNAME = "dm.pl"; my $ADMINARCHIVENAME = "control.tar"; my $DATAARCHIVENAME = "data.tar"; my $ARCHIVEVERSION = "2.0"; our $compression = "gzip"; our $compresslevel = -1; our $admin_uniform = 0; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "auto_version"); GetOptions( 'compression|Z=s' => \$compression, 'compress-level|z=i' => \$compresslevel, 'uniform-compression' => sub { $admin_uniform = 1; }, 'build|b' => sub { }, 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(1); }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2); } ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if (@ARGV < 2); if ($compresslevel < 0 || $compresslevel > 9) { $compresslevel = 6; $compresslevel = 9 if ($compression eq "bzip2"); } if($compresslevel eq 0) { $compression = "cat"; } my $pwd = Cwd::cwd(); my $indir = File::Spec->rel2abs($ARGV[0]); my $outfile = $ARGV[1]; die "ERROR: '$indir' is not a directory or does not exist\n" unless -d $indir; my $controldir = File::Spec->catpath("", $indir, "DEBIAN"); die "ERROR: control directory '$controldir' is not a directory or does not exist\n" unless -d $controldir; my $mode = (lstat($controldir))[2]; die sprintf("ERROR: control directory has bad permissions %03lo (must be >=0755 and <=0775)\n", $mode & 07777) if (($mode & 07757) != 0755); my $controlfile = File::Spec->catfile($controldir, "control"); die "ERROR: control file '$controlfile' is not a plain file\n" unless -f $controlfile; my %control_data = read_control_file($controlfile); die "ERROR: control file '$controlfile' is missing a Package field" unless defined $control_data{"package"}; die "ERROR: control file '$controlfile' is missing a Version field" unless defined $control_data{"version"}; die "ERROR: control file '$controlfile' is missing an Architecture field" unless defined $control_data{"architecture"}; die "ERROR: package name has characters that aren't lowercase alphanums or '-+.'\n" if ($control_data{"package"} =~ m/[^a-z0-9+.-]/); die "ERROR: package version " . $control_data{"version"} . " doesn't contain any digits\n" if ($control_data{"version"} !~ m/[0-9]/); foreach my $m ("preinst", "postinst", "prerm", "postrm", "extrainst_") { $_ = File::Spec->catfile($controldir, $m); next unless -e $_; die "ERROR: maintainer script '$m' is not a plain file or symlink\n" unless (-f $_ || -l $_); $mode = (lstat)[2]; die sprintf("ERROR: maintainer script '$m' has bad permissions %03lo (must be >=0555 and <=0775)\n", $mode & 07777) if (($mode & 07557) != 0555); } if (-d "$outfile") { $outfile = sprintf('%s/%s_%s_%s.deb', $outfile, $control_data{"package"}, $control_data{"version"}, $control_data{"architecture"}); } print "$_PROGNAME: building package `" . $control_data{"package"} . ":" . $control_data{"architecture"} . "' in `$outfile'\n"; open(my $ar, '>', $outfile) or die $!; print $ar "!\n"; print_ar_record($ar, "debian-binary", time, 0, 0, 0100644, 4); print_ar_file($ar, "$ARCHIVEVERSION\n", 4); { my $tar = Archive::Tar->new(); $tar->add_files(tar_filelist($controldir)); my ($archivedata, $archivesize) = compress_tar($tar, compression_cmd($ADMINARCHIVENAME)); print_ar_record($ar, compressed_filename($ADMINARCHIVENAME), time, 0, 0, 0100644, $archivesize); print_ar_file($ar, $archivedata, $archivesize); } { my $tar = Archive::Tar->new(); $tar->add_files(tar_filelist($indir)); my ($archivedata, $archivesize) = compress_tar($tar, compression_cmd($DATAARCHIVENAME)); print_ar_record($ar, compressed_filename($DATAARCHIVENAME), time, 0, 0, 0100644, $archivesize); print_ar_file($ar, $archivedata, $archivesize); } close $ar; sub compress_tar { my ($tar, $cmd) = @_; my ($fh_out, $fh_in); my $pid = open2($fh_out, $fh_in, $cmd) or die "ERROR: open2 failed to create pipes for '$::compression'\n"; fcntl($fh_out, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); fcntl($fh_in, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); my $tmp_data = $tar->write(); my $tmp_size = length($tmp_data); my ($off_in, $off_out) = (0, 0); my ($archivedata, $archivesize); while ($off_in < $tmp_size) { my ($rin, $win) = ('', ''); my ($rout, $wout); vec($win, fileno($fh_in), 1) = 1; vec($rin, fileno($fh_out), 1) = 1; # Wait for space to be available to write or data to be available to read select($rout = $rin, $wout = $win, undef, undef); if (vec($wout, fileno($fh_in), 1)) { # Write 8KB of data my $wrote = syswrite $fh_in, $tmp_data, 8192, $off_in; $off_in += $wrote if (defined $wrote); } if (vec($rin, fileno($fh_out), 1)) { # Get the compressed result if possible my $o = sysread $fh_out, $archivedata, 8192, $off_out; $off_out += $o if (defined($o)); } } $fh_in->close(); while (1) { # Get the remaining data my $o = sysread $fh_out, $archivedata, 8192, $off_out; if (defined($o) && $o > 0) { $off_out += $o; } elsif ($! != EAGAIN) { last; } } $archivesize = $off_out; $fh_out->close(); waitpid($pid, 0); return ($archivedata, $archivesize); } sub print_ar_record { my ($fh, $filename, $timestamp, $uid, $gid, $mode, $size) = @_; printf $fh "%-16s%-12lu%-6lu%-6lu%-8lo%-10ld`\n", $filename, $timestamp, $uid, $gid, $mode, $size; $fh->flush(); } sub print_ar_file { my ($fh, $data, $size) = @_; syswrite $fh, $data; print $fh "\n" if ($size % 2 == 1); $fh->flush(); } sub tar_filelist { my $dir = getcwd; chdir(shift); my @filelist; find( { wanted => sub { return if (m#^./DEBIAN#); my $tf = NIC::Archive::Tar::File->new(file => $_); my @stat = lstat($_); my $mode = $stat[2] & 07777; $tf->mode($mode); if ($< == 0) { # Runing under fake or real root $tf->chown($stat[4], $stat[5]); } else { $tf->chown("root", "wheel"); } push @filelist, $tf; }, no_chdir => 1 }, "." ); chdir($dir); return sort { $a->full_path cmp $b->full_path } @filelist; } sub read_control_file { my $filename = shift; open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "ERROR: can't open control file '$filename'\n"; my %data; while (<$fh>) { die "ERROR: control file contains Windows/Macintosh line endings - please use a text editor or dos2unix to change to Unix line endings\n" if (m/\r/); if (m/^(.*?): (.*)/) { $data{lc($1)} = $2; die "ERROR: control file contains an unclosed parentheses\n" if (($_ =~ /\(/ && $_ !~ /\)/) || ($_ !~ /\(/ && $_ =~ /\)/)); } if (eof) { die "ERROR: control file is missing a final newline (\\n)\n" if (substr($_, -1) ne "\n"); } } close $fh; return %data; } sub compression_cmd { my $fn = shift; return "gzip -c" . $compresslevel if ($::compression eq "gzip") or ($fn eq $ADMINARCHIVENAME and not $admin_uniform); return "bzip2 -c" . $compresslevel if ($::compression eq "bzip2"); return "lzma -c" . $compresslevel if ($::compression eq "lzma"); return "xz -c" . $compresslevel if ($::compression eq "xz"); if ($::compression ne "cat") { print "WARNING: compressor '$::compression' is unknown, falling back to cat.\n"; } return "cat"; } sub compressed_filename { my $fn = shift; return $fn . ".gz" if ($::compression eq "gzip") or ($fn eq $ADMINARCHIVENAME and not $admin_uniform); return $fn . ".bz2" if ($::compression eq "bzip2"); return $fn . ".lzma" if ($::compression eq "lzma"); return $fn . ".xz" if ($::compression eq "xz"); return $fn; } __END__ =head1 NAME dm.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS dm.pl [options] =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-b> This option exists solely for compatibility with dpkg-deb. =item B<-ZEcompressionE> Specify the package compression type. Valid values are gzip (default), bzip2, lzma, xz and cat (no compression). =item B<-zEcompress-levelE> Specify the package compression level. Valid values are between 0 and 9. Default is 9 for bzip2, 6 for others, and 0 is equivalent to cat. Refer to B, B, B for explanations of what effect each compression level has. =item B<--uniform-compression> Specify that the package compression type should be used for the control archive as well as the data archive. If not specified, the control archive will be compressed as gzip for widest compatibility. Supported as of dpkg 1.17.6. =item B<--help>, B<-?> Print a brief help message and exit. =item B<--man> Print a manual page and exit. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B creates Debian software packages (.deb files) and is a drop-in replacement for dpkg-deb. =cut