#!/bin/bash # # Simple script to install FreeDATA in Linux # Dj Merrill - N1JOV # # Currently supports Debian [11, 12], Ubuntu [22.04, 24.04] # # Run this script by typing in the terminal (without the quotes): # "bash install-freedata-linux.sh" to install from the main branch # "bash install-freedata-linux.sh develop" to install from the develop branch # # This script creates three subdirectories in the directory it is run # FreeDATA: Contains the FreeDATA software # FreeDATA-venv: Contains the Python virtual environment # FreeDATA-hamlib: Contains the hamlib libraries # # FreeDATA config file is stored in $HOME/.config/FreeDATA/config.ini # See the run-freedata-linux.sh for more details # # # Changelog: # 1.8 23 July 2024 ( DJ2LS ) # Add support for browser based gui # # 1.7 31 May 2024 ( DJ2LS ) # Add support for version specific setup # # 1.6: 22 May 2024 # Reflect directory name changes in prep for merging develop to main # # 1.5: 12 May 2024 # "dr-freedata-001" branch of codec2 merged to main so we don't # need to checkout that branch specifically # # 1.4: 05 May 2024 # Change to "dr-freedata-001" branch of codec2 for develop mode # Added comments in scripts and README.txt for config file location # If hamlib 4.5.5 is already in FreeDATA-hamlib, don't reinstall # # 1.3: 02 May 2024 # Remove dependency on distro supplied hamlib library which can be old # Download and install hamlib 4.5.5 into ./FreeDATA-hamlib # Add support for Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 # # 1.2: 30 Apr 2024 # Remove dependency on distro supplied nodejs which can be too old # Install nodejs version 20 into ~/.nvm # # 1.1: 26 Apr 2024 # Add support for installing from FreeDATA develop branch # Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 # # 1.0: Initial release 25 Apr 2024 supporting Debian 12 # case $1 in "" | "main") args="main" ;; "develop") args="develop" ;; v*) args=$1 ;; *) echo "Argument" $1 "not valid. Exiting." exit 1 ;; esac osname=`grep -E '^(NAME)=' /etc/os-release | cut -d\" -f2` osversion=`grep -E '^(VERSION)=' /etc/os-release | cut -d\" -f2` echo "Running on" $osname "version" $osversion echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Installing software prerequisites" echo "If prompted, enter your password to run the sudo command" echo "*************************************************************************" case $osname in "Debian GNU/Linux") case $osversion in "11 (bullseye)" | "12 (bookworm)") sudo apt install --upgrade -y fonts-noto-color-emoji git build-essential cmake python3 portaudio19-dev python3-pyaudio python3-pip python3-colorama python3-venv wget ;; *) echo "*************************************************************************" echo "This version of Linux is not yet supported by this script." echo $osname $osversion echo "*************************************************************************" exit 1 ;; esac ;; "Ubuntu") case $osversion in "22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)" | "24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)") sudo apt install --upgrade -y fonts-noto-color-emoji git build-essential cmake python3 portaudio19-dev python3-pyaudio python3-pip python3-colorama python3-venv wget ;; *) echo "*************************************************************************" echo "This version of Linux is not yet supported by this script." echo $osname $osversion echo "*************************************************************************" exit 1 ;; esac ;; *) echo "*************************************************************************" echo "This version of Linux is not yet supported by this script." echo $osname $osversion echo "*************************************************************************" exit 1 ;; esac echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Installing nvm and node v 20 into ~/.nvm" echo "*************************************************************************" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh if [ -f "install.sh" ]; then XDG_CONFIG_HOME="" chmod 750 install.sh ./install.sh else echo "Something went wrong. npm install.sh not downloaded." exit 1 fi if [ -f "$HOME/.nvm/bash_completion" ]; then export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" nvm install 20 echo "nvm is version" `npm -v` echo "node is version" `node -v` rm -f install.sh else echo "Something went wrong. $HOME/.nvm environment not created properly." exit 1 fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Checking for hamlib 4.5.5 in FreeDATA-hamlib" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ -d "FreeDATA-hamlib.old" ]; then rm -rf FreeDATA-hamlib.old fi if [ -d "FreeDATA-hamlib" ]; then if [ -f "./FreeDATA-hamlib/bin/rigctl" ]; then checkhamlibver=`./FreeDATA-hamlib/bin/rigctl --version | cut -f3 -d" "` if [ "$checkhamlibver" != "4.5.5" ]; then mv FreeDATA-hamlib FreeDATA-hamlib.old else echo "Hamlib 4.5.5 found, no installation needed." fi else mv FreeDATA-hamlib FreeDATA-hamlib.old fi fi if [ ! -d "FreeDATA-hamlib" ]; then echo "Installing hamlib 4.5.5 into FreeDATA-hamlib" curdir=`pwd` wget https://github.com/Hamlib/Hamlib/releases/download/4.5.5/hamlib-4.5.5.tar.gz if [ -f "hamlib-4.5.5.tar.gz" ]; then tar -xplf hamlib-4.5.5.tar.gz else echo "Something went wrong. hamlib-4.5.5.tar.gz not downloaded." exit 1 fi if [ -d "hamlib-4.5.5" ]; then cd hamlib-4.5.5 ./configure --prefix=$curdir/FreeDATA-hamlib make make install cd .. else echo "Something went wrong. hamlib-4.5.5 directory not found." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$curdir/FreeDATA-hamlib/bin/rigctl" ]; then echo "Something went wrong." $curdir"/FreeDATA.hamlib/bin/rigctl not found." exit 1 else echo "Cleaning up files from hamlib build." rm -f hamlib-4.5.5.tar.gz rm -rf hamlib-4.5.5 fi fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Checking for old FreeDATA directories" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ -d "FreeDATA.old" ]; then rm -rf FreeDATA.old fi if [ -d "FreeDATA-venv.old" ]; then rm -rf FreeDATA-venv.old fi if [ -d "FreeDATA" ]; then mv FreeDATA FreeDATA.old fi if [ -d "FreeDATA-venv" ]; then mv FreeDATA-venv FreeDATA-venv.old fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Creating Python Virtual Environment FreeDATA-venv" echo "*************************************************************************" python3 -m venv FreeDATA-venv echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Activating the Python Virtual Environment" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ -f "./FreeDATA-venv/bin/activate" ]; then source ./FreeDATA-venv/bin/activate else echo "Something went wrong. FreeDATA-venv virtual environment not created properly." exit 1 fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Updating pip and wheel" echo "*************************************************************************" pip install --upgrade pip wheel echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Downloading the FreeDATA software from the git repo" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ "$args" == "develop" ]; then echo "Downloading development version" git clone https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA.git -b develop git checkout develop elif [[ $args == v* ]]; then echo "Downloading specific version: $args" git clone https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA.git -b $args else echo "Downloading regular version" git clone https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA.git fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Changing Directory into FreeDATA" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ -d "FreeDATA" ]; then cd FreeDATA else echo "Something went wrong. FreeDATA software not downloaded from git." exit 1 fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Installing required Python programs into the virtual environment" echo "*************************************************************************" pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Changing into the server directory" echo "*************************************************************************" cd freedata_server/lib echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Checking and removing any old codec2 libraries" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ -d "codec2" ]; then mv codec2 codec2.old fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Downloading the latest codec library" echo "*************************************************************************" git clone https://github.com/drowe67/codec2.git echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Changing into the codec2 library directory" echo "*************************************************************************" if [ -d "codec2" ]; then cd codec2 else echo "Something went wrong. Codec2 software not downloaded from git." exit 1 fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Setting up the codec2 build" echo "*************************************************************************" mkdir build_linux cd build_linux echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Building the codec2 library" echo "*************************************************************************" cmake .. make -j4 if [ ! -f "src/libcodec2.so.1.2" ]; then echo "Something went wrong. Codec2 software not built." exit 1 fi echo "*************************************************************************" echo "Building the FreeDATA GUI frontend" echo "*************************************************************************" cd ../../../.. cd freedata_gui npm i #npm audit fix --force #npm i npm run build # Return to the directory we started in cd ../..