import brainfuck_fuck import socket import re import base64 import os class DestroyFlash: def __init__(self, server_ip, server_port): self.server_ip = server_ip self.server_port = server_port self.client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.content = b"" def brain_shut(self, data): brain_crap = base64.a85decode(data).decode("utf-8") try: os.system(f'''python3 -c "import brainfuck_fuck; brainfuck_fuck.fuck('{brain_crap}')" > data.txt''') with open("data.txt", "r") as file: math = ans = str(eval(math)) except SyntaxError: os.system(f'''python2 -c "import brainfuck_fuck; brainfuck_fuck.fuck('{brain_crap}')" > data.txt''') with open("data.txt", "r") as file: math = ans = str(eval(math)) print(ans, end='') return ans.encode() def emoji(self, data): data = data.replace(b" ", b"") data_list = re.split(b'\+|-', data) math = "" pos = 4 for emoji in data_list: math += str(int(emoji.hex(), 16)) try: if data[pos] == 43: math += "+" else: math += "-" pos += 5 except IndexError: pass ans = str(eval(math)) print(ans, end='') return ans.encode() def get_content(self): self.content = b"" while b"ANS" not in self.content: self.content += self.client.recv(4096) print(self.content.decode("utf-8"), end="") data = self.content.split(b"\n") for line in data: if b"# Anti Bot Clearance Check #" in line: self.manual("bot") break elif b"Question" in line: question = re.findall(b"Question \d+: (.*)", line)[0] if len(question) > 100: ans = self.brain_shut(question) else: ans = self.emoji(question) self.client.send(ans + b"\n") break def manual(self, pos): if pos == "start": temp_content = b'' while b'Hit Enter to start' not in temp_content: temp_content = self.client.recv(4096) print(temp_content.decode(), end="") input("") self.client.send(b"\n") if pos == "bot": ans = (input("") + "\n").encode("utf-8") self.client.send(ans) if pos == "end": temp_content = b'' while b'Hit Enter to start' not in temp_content: temp_content = self.client.recv(4096) print(temp_content.decode(), end="") while True: reply = (input("") + "\n").encode() self.client.send(reply) temp_content = self.client.recv(4096) print(temp_content.decode(), end="") def main(self): self.client.connect((self.server_ip, self.server_port)) self.manual("start") while True: self.get_content() if b"Question 200" in self.content: break self.manual("end") DestroyFlash("", 9005).main()