# 0.0.13-14 - More cli tests, fixups of parsing errors in twig-ast # 0.0.11-12 - Adding cli tests, to check for parsing errros # 0.0.10 - Cleaned up git history # 0.0.9 - Translations of readme and changelog - Removed remote logger # 0.0.8 - Added unit tests for plugins - Added new formatter stylish, and option for a flag -f - Added extender `{% js %} {% endjs %}` - Plugins: - Wrong tab padding on logic brackets (tags-padding) - Do not use spaceless tag (no-spaceless) # 0.0.7 - Fixed `in [` with new line - Changed twig.js dependency for https://github.com/DKunin/twig.js with smaller package, and minor adjustments. - Fixed selfclosing tag bug - Plugins: - Prefer camelcase variable naming (prefer-camel-case-vars) # 0.0.6 - Failed attempt at version update notifier - Added graphana logger - Plugins: - Do not use closing bracket on selfclosing tags (`\/>` => `>`) (no-closed-self-closing-tags) # 0.0.1 - Basic functionality - Plugins: - Warn if there is no only in include function (no-only) - Variables declared, but not used (no-unused-vars) - Variables used without declaration, or docblock (no-undeclared)