CPACS root element Version V3.5 Date 2023-12-19 1. Overview The Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration Scheme (CPACS) is an XML-based data format for describing aircraft configurations and their corresponding data. This XML-Schema document (XSD) serves two purposes: (1) it defines the CPACS data structure used in the XML file (e.g., aircraft.xml) and (2) it provides the corresponding documentation (see picture below). An XML processor (e.g., TiXI or XML tools in Eclipse) parses the XSD and XML files and validates whether the data set defined by the user (or tool) conforms to the given structure defined by the schema. This documentation explains the elements defined in CPACS and its corresponding data types. Data types can either be simple types (string, double, boolean, etc.) or complex types (definition of attributes and sub-elements to build a hierarchical structure). In addition, the sequence of the elements and their occurrence is documented. To link the XML file to the XSD file, the header of the XML file should specify the path of the schema file. An example could look like this: ]]> CPACS is an open source project published by the German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.) . For further information please visit . 2. Data structure CPACS data is modeled in a hierarchical structure whose underlying concept follows a top-down description of a system-of-systems which decomposes a generic concept (e.g., an aircraft or rotorcraft) into a more detailed description of its components. This originates from the conceptual and preliminary design of aircraft, where the level of detail is initially low and continues to increase as the design process progresses. For some concepts within CPACS, however, a bottom-up approach is applied where the components are first defined in detail (sometimes referred to as library) and then linked within an instantiated higher-level concept. This is advantageous when used multiple times within complex systems, such as engines, which only have to be defined once in order to be referenced several times on the aircraft. The combination of these two methodologies is known as middle-out approach and enables the goal to fully parametrize aeronautical systems. 3. Coordinate Systems 3.1. CPACS coordinate system Coordinate systems are a regular cause for ambiguous interpretation of data. In CPACS, the reference coordinate system is the CPACS-coordinate system. This coordinate system is used for most of the data. A single exception is made in order to keep aerodynamic data in an aerodynamic coordinate system. The following paragraphs outline the determination to known coordinate systems. The CPACS coordinate system is the coordinate system identified by TiGL , CPACS's geometry library. It is a right-handed coordinate system. If an aircraft is defined in the CPACS coordinate system it will usually follow the directions listed in the table below. Therefore, the CPACS coordinate system can be confused with the body-fixed coordinate system. While often the CPACS coordinate system and the body-fixed coordinate system overlap, this must not always be true. Several definitions for body-fixed coordinate systems exist (x-axis through nose and tail, x-axis perpendicular to nose plane). For non-symmetric aircraft, body-fixed coordinate systems become even more complicated. Hence, analysis tools should stick to the CPACS coordinate system. It remains to the designer to model the geometry accordingly. The CPACS coordinate system does not rotate with flow. Hence, aerodynamic calculations do rotate their flow relative to the CPACS coordinate system. If not stated explicitly different, e.g. for target lift-coefficients, results are returned in the CPACS coordinate system, i.e. the cfx-coefficient is parallel to the CPACS x-coordinate, regardless of the way the geometry is defined. The following table gives a "best-practice" advice on how to locate a geometry within CPACS. Different approaches are, of course, valid as well. Axis Direction Description x tailwards from nose to tail y spanwise from symmetry plane to the right wingtip z upwards from landing gear to tip of vertical tailplane The following figures show an example of a geometry that is aligned with the CPACS coordinate system, i.e. the body-fixed coordinate system corresponds to the CPACS coordinate system. The aerodynamic analysis is relative to the CPACS coordinate system. That is, the angle of attack is represented by the dashed orange line. Results of the aerodynamic calculation are given in the CPACS coordinate system. The following figures give an example of a geometry that is not defined in alignment with the CPACS coordinate system. It is a valid CPACS file, but only used in this example for demonstrative purposes. The body axes and the CPACS coordinate system do not align. That is, the origin of the geometry is not at CPACS (0,0,0) but at a point in positive x- and z-direction. Again, the aerodynamic analysis is relative to the CPACS coordinate system. That is, the angle of attack is represented by the dashed orange line. Results of the aerodynamic calculation are given in the CPACS coordinate system. 3.2. Local coordinate systems via parentUID and transformation Some elements in CPACS, in particular the geometric components, are described in local coordinates. The hierarchical data structure allows to define a local coordinate system either with respect to the coordinate system of the parent element or with respect to the global CPACS coordinate system. This is achieved by combining the two elements <parentUID> and <transformation>: parentUID: An individual data hierarchy can be set up using the optional <parentUID> element. Here it is important that exactly one element does not contain the <parentUID> in order to identify the top element of this user-specific hierarchy. As soon as the parentUID (which refers to the uID of the parent element) is set, a local coordinate system of the corresponding node is instantiated. transformation: This allows the coordinate system to be transformed via <translation>, <rotation> and <scaling>. As soon as the <parentUID> is set, this transformation refers to the local coordinate system (in the current CPACS version this only affects <translation>). An attribute refType is used to either make this explicit (refType="absLocal") or to override this and reference the global CPACS coordinate system instead (refType="absGlobal"). The following table summarizes the possible combinations of <parentUID> and <transformation> and the resulting coordinate system (local or global): <parentUID> not set <parentUID> set <transformation> without refType global local <transformation> with refType="absLocal" global local <transformation> with refType="absGlobal" global global Note: The combination of <transformation> with refType="absLocal" and no <parentUID> is global, because the local coordinate system to which the transformation is referring to via refType equals the global coordinate system (see fuselage in the following example). An exemplary use case further illustrates the concept of the coordinate system hierarchy. The CPACS schema shall not specify in advance that a wing is always be part of the fuselage and engines must always be part of the wing. In other cases the engine could be attached to the fuselage, which would not be possible via a predefined XML tree. The following figure shows how components of the aircraft are related to each other via the <parentUID>. The fairing is a child of the wing and is therefore automatically translated when the wing is translated. Likewise, the horizontal tailplane is a part of the vertical tailplane and is therefore affected by translation of the latter: 4. Units There are no explicit attributes describing units in CPACS. The general convention is that all values must be given in the following SI-units: [m] Position, Distance [m2] Area [m3] Volume [kg] Mass [s] Time [K] Temperature or in derived units, e.g.: [N] Force [Nm] Moment [W] Power [J] Energy The only non SI unit used throughout CPACS is the angle in degrees [°]. For the sake of an intuitive use the angles are given in degrees rather than in radian [rad]. [°] Angle 5. Splitting up a CPACS dataset into several files To provide a better overview, it is possible to split up a CPACS dataset into several files. This can be done by inserting an <externaldata> node at an arbitrary position into the dataset. This node contains a <path> node with a URI to the external file(s), followed by one or more <filename> nodes, containing each a name of a file to be included at that position. Below, an example of such external data is given: file:://airfoils NACA0010.xml NACA2412.xml NACA 0012 Airfoil ... ]]> Such an external file would look like: NACA 0010 Airfoil ... ]]> The file would be included completely, except for its title line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>. This concept can also be used recursively (external files of external files), but it is important to prevent circle connections (file "A" loading file "B" loading file "C" loading again file "A" ...). For path URI addresses, the trailing file separator "/" may be omitted. Below, some examples for path URIs are given: Absolute local path: file:///tmp or file:///c:/windows/tmp Relative local directory: file://relativeDirectory or file://../anotherRelativeDirectory Remote net resource: With the help of the TiXI XML Interface TiXI , a CPACS dataset that is split into multiple files can be reassembled into a single tree structure for subsequent validation against the CPACS schema. The following commands are used to link external data sets: externalFileName: Name of the external data file externalDataDirectory: Directory of the external data file. Its content is analogous to the <externaldata/path> element described above. externalDataNodePath: XPath of the node which is replaced with the content of the external file. In case that it is an external file of an external file, then it is the XPath in the outer external file. If, e.g., in the example above the <pointList> element would have also been loaded from an external file, then the entry would just be:externalDataNodePath="/airfoil". This is used primarily for loop-detection. The merged data tree for the example above would look like: NACA 0010 Airfoil ... ... NACA 0012 Airfoil ... ]]> 6. UIDs and references The CPACS-dataset often uses references between nodes. Typically, these references define connections between elements which are located somewhere else in the hierarchical dataset (e.g. a <wing> is connected to a <fuselage>; a specific <engine> is connected to a <pylon>; etc.). These connections are defined by unique identifiers (uID) which are specified as attributes. Thus, there are elements which can be referenced via a uID attribute, e.g. a fuselage: ... ]]> as well as elements which refer to the former, e.g. a wing pointing to its geometrical parent: ATTAS main wing ATTAS_fuselage ... ]]> In previous CPACS versions, referencing elements were identified via the isLink="True" attribute. Since this is superfluous due to the explicit definition of the element properties via the CPACS schema, this attribute no longer needs to be listed. It is nevertheless a valid optional attribute to ensure compatibility with older datasets, but might be removed in future versions. Since uIDs are only used to link nodes within the XML file, no naming convention is required. The characters only have to conform to the conventions of the xsd:ID type standardized by the W3C . UIDs, however, must be unique! Although a common practice for naming uIDs is their position in the data hierarchy (e.g. uID="mainWingSection3"), uIDs as shown in the above example are absolutely valid as well. It is therefore recommended to use the name element to convey human-readable meanings. 7. Usage of name, description and uID CPACS is designed to serve as a central data exchange format in fully automated process chains. A key requirement is therefore that tools can automatically read and process an incoming CPACS file. A second requirement is that users can interpret the data set. To address both requirements, the following usage of the <name> and <description> elements in combination with the uID attribute is proposed: name: A specification of the <name> element is usually mandatory for sequences of elements (e.g., if max occurrence is unbounded [1..*]). Typical examples are wings/wing, aeroPerformance/aeroMap or missions/mission. Such elements must be able to be listed by tools, especially for visualization and reporting purposes, where the <name> element serves as a concise and human-readable indicator of the actual meaning of the corresponding element in the list (e.g., which wing, which aeroMap, which mission). This is usually a single word or a small number of words. description: The <description> element is usually optional and is used to add comprehensive and human-readable explanations. This is usually at least one explanatory sentence. uID: As described in more detail in Section 6, the uID attribute is mainly used for internal referencing of CPACS elements. Further processing software, e.g. TiXI and TiGL, also use the uIDs to improve the robustness of the data query. Consequently, the uID attribute serves as a machine-readable indicator and does not claim to be interpretable by human users. In some practical use cases, the same string is chosen for uID and <name>. However, restrictions on the choice of characters for the uID attribute must be considered, for example that no spaces may be used and the uID must be unique. Main wing This is the main wing which was designed by my awesome wing sizing design tool. Your tool should not try to read and interpret what I'm writing here as typos are not recognized by XML processors. ]]> 8. Symmetry 8.1. Specification of symmetric elements Sometimes it might be useful to specify a part of the aircraft as symmetric instead of holding all the data twice in nearly identical form in the dataset (e.g. left and right wing are usually identical, except for the sign of the y-coordinate). Hence, some parts offer the option to set a symmetry attribute: ]]> There are six possible attribute values: x-y-plane: Symmetry w.r.t. the x-y plane of the CPACS coordinate system x-z-plane: Symmetry w.r.t. the x-z plane of the CPACS coordinate system y-z-plane: Symmetry w.r.t. the y-z plane of the CPACS coordinate system inherit: Symmetry inherited from parent element (default behavior, i.e. also applies if attribute not set) none: Symmetry inheritance from parent element disabled Note: It must be taken from the documentation of the respective element which of these attribute values may be set. One example of how to apply the symmetry attribute is shown in Sec. 3.2. Another simplified example shown below illustrates the combination of different symmetry properties of 4 wings: Wing 1 is mirrored on the x-z plane. Wing 2 has wing 1 as parent element, but suppresses its symmetry inheritance. Wing 3 has wing 2 as parent element and sets a new symmetry at the x-y plane. Wing 4 has wing 3 as parent element and no symmetry attribute specified. Thus, it inherits the symmetry at the x-y plane from wing 3. Note: The corresponding transformations are not shown here. 8.2. Referencing symmetric elements All nodes (e.g., <parentUID>) in CPACS that refer to a component holding the symmetry attribute (e.g., <wing>) might also have a symmetry attribute to specify how symmetry is propagated through the resulting element hierarchy. The symmetry attribute of a referencing element may take three values: symm, def, full: def: The element refers to the geometric component that has a symmetry attribute and refers only to the defined side of the geometric component. symm: The element refers to the geometric component that has a symmetry attribute and refers only to the symmetric side of the geometric component. (Similar to the previous _symm solution) full: The element refers to the geometric component that has a symmetry attribute and refers to the complete component. (This is the default behaviour) For example, to refer to the "other" side of a mirrored wing the following the following syntax might be used: wing ]]> Note: This feature is not implemented in TiGL. The upper figure is manually processed to illustrate the principle. In addition, there is an ongoing debate whether the approach is suitable for CPACS due to rapidly increasing complexity and unresolved implicit assumptions as to whether it is one or two components after mirroring. Therefore, it is advised to avoid using the symmetry attribute if possible. 9. Vectors and arrays For large data sets (e.g. increments of aerodynamic coefficients due to control surface deflections) it is advantageous to map them via vectors and arrays instead of using a sequence of nodes for each data value. Therefore vectors and arrays are defined as semicolon-separated lists in CPACS. Via the documentation (derived from the XSD) of the corresponding nodes it has to be checked whether it is a vector or an array. Vector The vector is meant as a one-dimensional-array. In such a node, the values are given in a semicolon separated list: 0.;1.5;3.;4.5;6;7.5;9. ]]> Array As for vectors, multi-dimensional arrays provide values in a semicolon separated list. An array is always preceded by a sequence of vectors, containing the dimensions and index values. Which vectors of an array are dimensioning is specified in the respective documentation of the array. 1000.;2000.;3000. InnerWingFlap -1;-0.5;0;1 11.;12.;13.;14.;21.;22.;23.;24.;31.;32.;33.;34. ]]> Values for cl increments: Control parameter = -1 Control parameter = -0.5 Control parameter = 0 Control parameter = 1 Altitude = 1000m 11. 12. 13. 14. Altitude = 2000m 21. 22. 23. 24. Altitude = 3000m 31. 32. 33. 34. 10. Control Parameters Control parameters are abstract parameters, linking a generic value (i.e., the control parameter) to a configurational state of a control device (e.g., control surface, landing gear, engine settings, ...). The basic idea is that this control parameter can be used in different CPACS nodes (e.g., aeroMaps), while the relationship between the abstract control parameter and the configurative state of a controllable component is defined in the latter. Controllable compents can have multiple control functions (referred to as control devices), e.g., extraction and rotation state as well as the braking state of a landing gear. Control parameters are predominantly used for control surfaces, which is why they are discussed in more detail below as an example. However, the approach also applies to other components, such as landing gears. In future the engines and other components will also be controlable via control parameters. For control surfaces, the translation from the abstract control parameter to its physical state (i.e., deflection = rotation + translation) is defined in a so-called <path>, which is componsed of a list of <step> elements. The control parameter values for each step are arbitrary floating point values. However, it is strongly recommended to use values between -1 and +1, or between 0 and +1 (depending on the type of control surface). The smallest and the largest value implicitly define the maximum deflection limits. It is mandatory, that the value “0” is within the specified range, as this value is treated as undeflected and used to specify a “clean” aircraft configuration (e.g. used in the clean aero performance map). Furthermore, it it is mandatory for the <step> elements to be sorted in ascending order of the control parameters. It is recommended, but not mandatory to specify a <step> with a <controlParameter> of 0. Consequently, no <controlParameter> must be used twice within a single <path> definition. Deflection values between two specified steps are handled by linear interpolation. The following example shows the usage of control parameters within a control surface deflection path definition: ... ... -1 -20. -0.5 -10. 0 0. 1 5. ... ]]> There is a possibility that more than one deflection command is applied to a control surface at the same time (e.g. coming from a <configurationDefinition> and from an explicit deflection). Furthermore, a control surface could be deflected by one (or even multiple) control distributor and control device command(s) in parallel. In all these cases, the deflection commands have to be superposed in the following way: The commands for each control distributor have to be added up to get a summed-up control distributor command input. The command inputs for each control distributor have to be evaluated to come to a set of control device control parameters. The control device control parameters for each control device (coming from control distributor and from control device commands) have to be added up. The final control device control parameters for each control device have to be evaluated considering the corresponding <path> specification to come to the desired movements/deflections. If command inputs or control parameters in step 2.) or 4.) are found to exceed the or boundaries of the defined range, an error should be returned from the evaluation. 11. Atmosphere At some places in CPACS, an atmosphere has to be selected (e.g. for connecting an altitude with a certain pressure or density). Currently, CPACS does only support a single atmospheric model: The ICAO Standard Atmosphere (ISA) from 1993 (see ICAO Doc 7488/3 'MANUAL OF THE ICAO STANDARD ATMOSPHERE', third edition, 1993). It covers temperature, pressure, density, speed of sound, dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity with respect to altitude. In CPACS, <altitude> means what is called 'geopotential altitude' (H) in the ISA reference document and is given in [m]. For details, see ISA manual, section 2.3, page E-viii f. ISA covers a range from -5000 m to 80000 m. Temperature offsets are introduced on top of the definitions in the ISA manual (which does not cover such variations). The offset model is based upon the idea that the pressure at a fixed geopotential altitude is independent from temperature offset (pressure altitude). The temperature offset changes only the density (following rho = p / Gas Constant / T) (and viscosity, of course) CPACS 3.5 Release in November 2023 new headerType and versioning strategy cpacsVersion marked as deprecated and moved to versionInfo node fix typos: various fixes in documentation airportCompatibility mAdditionalCenterTanks consistency in globalBeamPropertiesType capType: add uID massBreakdown genericMassTyp: add componentUID to link the corresponding components mOperatorItemsType: add mAdditionalCenterTanks add mEngineAPUOils add mRemovableCrewRests add mToiletFluids add mUnusableFuels add mWaterReservoirs add mMiscellaneous align mLandingGear elements with more the new generic landingGears definition add mGenericFuelTanks to mFuselageStructure sparPositionType: add sparPositionCurve (defines a spar position via a point on a curve) isLink attribute: marked as deprecated Systems definition aeroMaps, loadCases configurationUID, ... --> configurationDefinitionUID aircraftAnalysesType add systemAnalyses aircraftModelType add configurationDefinitions add systemArchitectures engineType add rotors fuels replaced by chemicalEnergyCarriers and electricalEnergyCarriers make sub-elements optional genericSystemType: add components operationalCaseType add configurations mPayload optional vehiclesType add systemElements add rotorElements add energyCarriers weightAndBalanceCaseType add configurations aircraftModelType add systemAnalyses/powerBreakdowns add cryogenic fuel storage add ducts definition hinge line definition aligned with TiGL fix wront type assignment in costHydraulicSystemsType wingWingAttachmentType: upperShellAttachment and lowerShellAttachment restricted to upperShell and lowerShell add wingCutouts add fuselageStructuralMountsType controlSurfaceTrackTypeType: joint position names in figures changed to count from P1 add CI schema validation add python script for automatic syntax formatting add automatic generation and publication of html documentation via GitHub actions and Appveyor CPACS 3.4 Release in April 2022 Revision of decks definition (compatibility break) Mass breakdown: add mSparSkins and mSparCells to mSpar Mass breakdown: fix hierarchical error in mMiscellaneous (compatibility break) Mass breakdown: fix typo in mPylon (compatibility break) Nacelle guide curves: set description optional Mission definition: add uID to elements in geographicPointConstraintType Mission definition: add powerFraction, powerRemaining and powerConsumed to missionSegmentEndConditionType Mission definition: rename referenceEndCondition to referenceEndConditionUID in constraintSettingsType (compatibility break) Mission definition: rename reqClassification to requirementClassification in flightPerformanceRequirementType (compatibility break) Add contour coordinates for cell definition Add vehicle independent node for external geometry Remove paxFlow element from aircraftAnalysesType (compatibility break) Docs: improve documentation of name, description and uID usage Docs: add description of parentUID concept Docs: add description of symmetry inheritance Docs: add description of engine nacelles Docs: add description of mission definition General improvements of the documentation CPACS 3.3 Release in June 2021 Revision of the mission definition including parameter lapses within segments (compatibility break) Revision of the point performance definition (compatibility break) Revision of performance requirements (compatibility break) Revision of landing gears (compatibility break) Revision of control surface tracks definition (compatibility break) Load analysis: Revision of flightLoadCasesType (compatibility break) Load analysis: Revision of aeroCasesType (compatibility break) Load analysis: loadEnvelopesType relocated and envelope simplified to a single uID-Sequence (compatibility break) Load analysis: Replaced dynamicAircraftModel elements by loadApplicationPointSets (compatibility break) Flight dynamics: Group flightPerformance, flyingQualities and trim under flightDynamics parent node (compatibility break) Introduced a configuration node to describe aircraft and payload configurations Fuselage profiles: Introduced rectangle and super ellipse as standard profiles Fuselage profiles: Added vector to specify curve parameters for profiles with kinks Internal structure: Added standard profiles to profile based structural elements Internal structure: Added ribPosts element to wingRibCrossSectionType Internal structure: Upper and lowerCap now optional in sparCellType Internal structure: Stringers and frames can reference sections MassBreakdown: Set mass inertia Jxy, Jxz and Jyz optional MassBreakdown: Added mMiscellaneous element MassBreakdown: Added fuselage walls Added flight envelope to aircraft global element Added new base types: doubleVectorBaseType, posIntVectorBaseType, doubleArrayBaseType Added 'none' and 'inherit' to list of symmetry flags Set mapType attribute of vector and array elements to optional (requires TiXI>=3.1) AeroMaps: Defined angleOfSideslip as input and added distinction between minimum and maximum angleOfAttack in aeroLimitMaps (compatibility break) AeroMaps: Added missing singular incrementMap element to incrementMaps in aeroLimitsMap (compatibility break) AeroMaps: Adopted the camelCase style for damping derivatives (compatibility break) Introduced common nomenclature for speeds and altitudes (compatibility break) Control distributors are set to optional Added instructions for superposition of control surface deflections Further elaboration of development standards General improvements of the documentation CPACS 3.2 Release in February 2020 Replaced tool-specific elements with xsd:any element and strict schema request for validation UIDs adapted to type xsd:ID and xsd:IDREF UIDs optional for transformationType and pointTypes Replaced xsd:sequence elements with xsd:all elements where possible CpacsVersion element set to optional GuideCurves are now optional for nacelleCowlType Documentation adaptions CPACS 3.1 Release in August 2019 Redefinition of aeroPerformanceMaps Added nodes for detailed engine pylons and nacelles Added nodes to model generic walls Extension of material definition Added fuselage compartment definition Added fuselage fuel tank definition Explicit wing stringer definition integrated into wing stringer definition RelativeDeflections renamed to control parameters Control distributors modified to only have a single command input vector "cpacsVersion" restricted to current schema version Code cleanup Cpacs_schema.xml removed Documentation adaptions CPACS 3.0 Release in Jul 2018 New component segment definition; this is affecting all structural components of wings Renamed angleOfYaw into angleOfSideslip Fixes in documentation Made all uID attributes required Minor fixes in choices and typos Added nodes for the geometry of generic system components Added performance requirements for aircraft models Redefined the whole mission definition including point performances Made link to missionUID in trajectory optional Added new parameters to enginePerformanceMap Relocated mFixedLeadingEdge and mFixedTrailingEdge within the massBReakdown structure Changed aeroPerformanceMap to use altitude and standard atmosphere instead of reynolds number Added an optional local direction for guide curves and an illustration image Announced toolspecifics definitions as deprecated; will be removed from CPACS in next release and should be managed in separate namespace by tool maintainers Added an option for aerodynamic performance maps of elastic aircraft Enabled the definition of multiple aeroPerformanceMaps Enabled the use of spar points for rib placement and rib points for spar placement Added explicit stringer definitions for wing cells All issues for this release can be found online CPACS 2.3.1 Release in Jul 2016 CPACS 2.3.1 is a beta release, all parameters may be subject to change. Added a branch for the definition of design studies. Added thermal properties for materials. Revised the definition of flights/flightplans. Added an airline definition. Added structure for skid gear components. Changed the units for material density to SI units. Revised the top level fleets node and put it into the new airline node. All issues for this release can be found online CPACS 2.3 Release in Nov 2015 CPACS 2.3 is the fourth public release of CPACS. Major changes include: Included vector notation for weight and balance. Included flight system and flight dynamic information. Included top level aircraft requirements. Included a prototype for detailed nacelle geometries. Included structural mounts. Extended aero data set for loads. Extended the mass breakdown. Updated the symmetry definition, please take a look at the documentation point 5 and 6. All issues for this release can be found online CPACS 2.2.1 Release in Feb 2015 CPACS 2.2.1 is a beta release, all parameters may be subject to change. Included preliminary definition of guidecurves. Included additional means to describe the wing structure. Included preliminary fuselage fuel tanks. Included preliminary load envelope. Included preliminary flight performance and flight qualities. (flight dynamics will follow) Updated toolspecifics Updated uncertainty definition all issues can be found online CPACS 2.2 Release in May 2014 CPACS 2.2 is the third public release of CPACS. Major changes include Additions and changes to the loadCaseType. Included additional genericGeometricEntities for bellyfairings etc. The mass breakdown is extended for a more detailed fuselage structure. Steadiness information on the geometry is excluded from CPACS 2.2. CPACS 2.3 will include optional guidelines for smoother surfaces. Uncertainties can now be specified (CPACS 2.2alpha doubleBaseType, CPACS 2.2 also in vector notations) all issues can be found online CPACS 2.1 Release in May 2013 CPACS 2.1 is the second public release of CPACS. Most of the implementation was already included in CPACS 2.01 included fuselage structure and cabin definition all data is defined according to the CPACS coordinate system. That is the initial coordinate system in which geometries are defined. Therefore, it can but must not meet your body axis. the mass breakdown is extended for a more detailed wing structure profiles can now be included based on a two-dimensional class shape transformation. The old parametrization will still be available. TIGL will learn CST asap. all issues can be found online CPACS 2.01 Release in Nov 2012 CPACS 2.01 is an internal release for the VAMP project. It is the testbed for CPACS 2.1 included fuselage structure additions to the load case definition all issues can be found online CPACS 2.0 Release in Mar 2012 CPACS 2.0 is the first public release large impacts on the documentation all issues can be found online compatible with TIGL 2.0 excluded fuselage structure, reintegration in CPACS 2.1 CPACS 1.6 Release in Jul 2011 Thanks for the input on the documentation to Felix Dorbath, Till Pfeiffer, Alexander Koch, Falk Heinecke and Tom Otten preliminary added enginePylons deleted seatAssemblyPositionType updated toolspecific blocks from handbook aero and cpacs mass updater added weight and balance definition added loads reference axis and dynamic aircraft model added wing documentation added weights documentation added fleet documentation added paramam toolspecific documentation added wing tank definition changed some names in the massBreakdown deleted old loadCaseDefinitions no more plural element for loadAnalyses shifted groundforces to groundloadcases, this will need an update added noseLandingGear mainLandingGear can now have plural SideStruts CPACS 1.5 Release in Feb 2011 uID for transformation extended stringUIDBaseType with optional attribute isLink all elements xxxUID are now of Type stringUIDBaseType added new material definition from FA to distinguish between different material types changed fuselage structure definition due to input from BK changed rib definition in cells in component segments cleaned up material definition in component segments added cpacsVersion information to the header and updates types added area and length to the loadCase reference on wing strips added wingFuselageAttachment CPACS 1.4 Release in Nov 2010 Geometry definition for engine and nacelle added Trailing Edge Devices, Leading Edge Devices and Spoilers added Rotorcraft added, similar to aircraft Splitted up multiple Point Types sparCell added uID new inline Documentation introduced in CPACS type CPACS 1.3 Release in Aug 2010 Fuel definition added Introduced component segments for the wing structure Mission definition was updated VSAero toolspecific data updated CPACS 1.2 Release in May 2010 Fuselage Structure Elements are updated following the input from BK stringers>arbitrary additional parameters: yBezugAtStartX, zBezugAtStartX, yBezugAtEndX, zBezugAtEndX paxCrossBeams additional parameters: startX, endX cargoCrossBeams additional parameters: startX, endX paxCrossBeamStruts additional parameters: startX, endX cargoCrossBeamStruts additional parameters: startX, endX structure>pressureBulkhead: positionX instead of positionZ reinforcementNumberVertical: number of vertical reinforcements reinforcementNumberHorizontal: number of horizontal reinforcements maxFlectionDepth: max camber of pressure bulkhead reinforcementNumber: number of reinforcements rear pressure bulkhead sheetProperties: definition of sheet properties innerRadius: inner radius of the pressure bulkhead Dummy Wingbox element is included. This definition needs further enhancements cpacs>vehicles>aircraft>model>fuselage>fuselage>structure Wingbox: xStart: start of the wingbox area xEnd: end of the wingbox area zStart: upper limit of the wingbox area Damping Derivatives are added in the form of dcfxdp, dcfxdq, dcfxdr, dcfydp, etc. The data will be stored in the model/global/aeroperformaneMap under a new dampingDerivatives element. Unit is deg/sec. StructureProfiles are defined in the profiles element. They are referenced in structuralElements for several entities such as stringer, frame etc. Currently they are referenced via 'structuralProfileUID' for name consistency it should be either only 'structure' or only 'structural' Control Commands. The chain between pilot inputs and controlsurface deflections is now closed. Parameters located at cpacs\vehicles\aircraft\model\systems cockpitControl: links from pilotInput to commandCase commandCase: links from commandCase to controlDistributor or controlFunction controlDistributor links to the controlSurface controlLaws includes controlModes automatic and manual controlModes contain controlFunctions TraFuMo toolspecific data added CPACS 1.1 Release in Feb 2010 Fleets model added. The fleets modeling from CATS is introduced to CPACS 1.1 Reference changed. The reference type in wingSegmentStripCoefficientsType was changed from referenceType to pointType Actuator attachment Relative spanwise position of the actuator. Eta refers to the dimensions of the control surface. Definition of the position and material properties of the control surface actuator attachment. Definition of the position and material properties of the control surface actuator attachment. Please refer to the picture below for the definition of the parameters: Definition of the relative chordwise position of the parent actuator attachment. Xsi refers to the parents dimensions. Definition of the relative height position of the parent actuator attachment. relHeight refers to the parents dimensions. Definition of the material properties of the actuator attachment at the parent. actuatorFuselageWingAttachmentType actuatorFuselageWingType Reference to the actuator. Definition of the actuator to fuselage attachment. Definition of the actuator to wing attachment. Definition of the position and material properties of the parent actuator attachment. Definition of the position and material properties of the parent actuator attachment. Please refer to the picture below for the definition of the parameters: Definition of the relative chordwise position of the parent actuator attachment. Xsi refers to the parents dimensions. Definition of the relative height position of the parent actuator attachment. relHeight refers to the parents dimensions. Definition of the material properties of the actuator attachment at the parent. actuatorsFuselageWingType Definition of one actuator (e.g. trim actuator of an HTP) of the attachment. Aerodynamic loads Description of the aerodynamic loads Angle of attack [deg] Angle of sideslip [deg] Aerodynamic coefficients A set of aerodynamic coefficients in the aerodynamic coordinate system Drag coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates Coefficient of the side force vector in aerodynamic coordinates (perpendicular to lift and drag) Lift coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates Aerodynamic moment around d-axis of the aerodynamic coordinate system Aerodynamic moment around s-axis of the aerodynamic coordinate system Aerodynamic moment around l-axis of the aerodynamic coordinate system Specification Specification of the vehicle properties and dynamics Altitude Mach number Angle of sideslip [deg] Angle of attack [deg] Target lift coefficient Normalized roll rate [rad/sec]. It is specified around the global x-axis with the aircraft model's global reference point as origin and nondimensionalized by: pStar = p * reference length / flow speed. Normalized pitch rate [rad/sec]. It is specified around the global y-axis with the aircraft model's global reference point as origin and nondimensionalized by: qStar = q * reference length / flow speed. Normalized yaw rate [rad/sec]. It is specified around the global z-axis with the aircraft model's global reference point as origin and nondimensionalized by: rStar = r * reference length / flow speed. Reference to a weight and balance description Aerodynamic load cases Combines a set of aerodynamic load cases Aerodynamic load case Specification of an aerodynamic load case Name Description Aerodynamic loads of components Specification of the aerodynamic loads of components Aerodynamic data of components Aerodynamic data of individual components of the aircraft (e.g. control surface loads and hinge moments) Reference to a component uID Aerodynamic loads of the vehicle Description of the aerodynamic loads of the vehicle aeroelasticDivergenceType AeroelasticDivergence type, containing the results from aeroelastic analysis aeroelasticStaticMaxDisplacementType AeroelasticStaticMaxDisplacement type, containing the Maximum static displacement from aeroelastic analysis Maximum translation Maximum rotation Aeroelasticity Aeroelastics type, containing the results from aeroelastic analysis Increment maps for limitation values due to movable device deflections Specification of aerodynamic coefficient increments due to movable device deflections (e.g., control surfaces or landing gears). Increment maps for limitation values due to movable device deflections Specification of aerodynamic coefficient increments due to movable device deflections (e.g., control surfaces or landing gears). Configuration uID Reference to an increment map of the aeroPerformanceMap Increments of the vehicle operation limits Aerodynamic limitations This map explicitly specifies limitations of a vehicle in terms of angles of attack and sideslip angles. All vectors, i.e. altitude, machNumber, angleOfSideslip and angleOfAttack, must have the same length. To avoid redundancy with the aeroPerformanceMap, this type does not contain any aerodynamic coefficients. Since angleOfSideslip and angleOfAttack are closely interdependent for a given machNumber and altitude combination, a positive and negative maximum angleOfAttack is defined for a given combination of machNumber, altitude and angleOfSideslip. The limits of angleOfSideslip can be determined by evaluating the nominal decrease of angleOfAttack values or by agreeint with the data supplier that the minimum and maximum value of the angleOfSideslip vector corresponds with physical limits. In order to avoid data redundancy, the operational limits should not reflect the extrema of aerodynamic coefficients as these can be extracted from the performanceMap via interpolation. Note: In future CPACS versions, a revision of the aeroLimitsMap will be targeted, since operational limits are not a purely aerodynamic issue. Altitude [m] Mach number Angle of sideslip Vehicle operation limit Vehicle operation limit defined by sets of minimum and maximum angleOfSideslip and minimum and maximum angleOfAttack for a given altitude and Mach number. This might be, e.g., a safety margin to the angle of attack at maximum lift or the flight attitude a fighter aircraft is capable to fly in stalled conditions. The corresponding aerodynamic coefficients must be extracted from the aeroPerformanceMap. Minimum angle of attack defining the operation limit. Must be a vector of the same length as angleOfSideslip, machNumber and altitude. [deg] Maximum angle of attack defining the operation limit. Must be a vector of the same length as angleOfSideslip, machNumber and altitude. [deg] Aerodynamic map The aeroMap contains aerodynamic coefficients and derivatives for a specific set of aerodynamic and configurative boundary conditions. The aeroMap allows for the simultaneous specification of multiple controlDevice settings. In this case, it is assumed that a cumulative setting is built by summing up the individual settings. The correct sequence of this summation is described in the controlDistributorType documentation. Name Description Boundary conditions Specification of boundary conditions. Offset from temperature of the atmospheric model [K]. For more details on atmospheric models, please refer to documentation of the <CPACS> root element. Configuration settings Increment maps for aerodynamic coefficients Increment map from aerodynamic coefficients The increment map is composed of two-dimensional arrays. The first dimension is given by the length of the input vectors of the baseline aeroPerformanceMap and the second dimension by the vector of relative deflections (or command inputs) of control surfaces (or control distributors). An example is described in the <CPACS> root element. Reference to the uID of a control device, e.g. a control surface or a landing gear Value of the command parameters of a control distributor. If not given explicitly in the control distributor, linear interpolation between the neighboring points is required. Reference to a control distributor uID Command inputs of a control distributor given as vector. If not given explicitly in the control distributor, linear interpolation between the neighboring points is required. Increment of drag coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates Increment of coefficient of the side force vector in aerodynamic coordinates (perpendicular to lift and drag) Increment of lift coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates Increment of cmd Increment of cms Increment of cml aeroPerformanceMapRCType AeroPerformanceMapRC type, containing a performance map with aerodynamic data. Array order is: angleOfAttack min->max then angleOfSideslip then altitude then machNumber Atmospheric model and temperature offset Mach number Altitude Sideslip angle Angle of attack Name and version of the tool used to compute the aerodynamic performance Modeling level of the methods used to compute the aerodynamic performance. The higher the analysisLevel, the higher the quality of the results. Possible use of analysisLevel: 0- 9 = Statistical models, 10-19 = Analytic models, 20-29 = Lifting line method, 30-39 = Panel method, 40-49 = Panel-BL-coupled method, 50-59 = Full potential method, 60-69 = Full potential-BL coupled method, 70-79 = CFD euler method, 80-89 = CFD euler-bl coupled method, 99-99 = CFD RANS method, >=100 = Experimental data. aeroPerformanceMapsRCType aeroPerformanceMapsRC type, containing multiple aeroPerformanceMapRC nodes for different cases Aerodynamic coefficients and derivatives Description The aeroPerformanceMap contains a map with aerodynamic data of the complete aircraft in the form of nondimensional coefficients. The force coefficients in i-direction (ci) are nondimensionalized by dynamic pressure and reference area, the moment coefficients (cmi) by dynamic pressure, reference area and reference length. All coefficients in the aeroPerformanceMap relate to the aerodynamic coordinate system which is deducted from the CPACS coordinate system by the transformations of angle of attack and angle of yaw. See the documentation of the CPACS element for further details. The dependent parameters of the aeroPerformanceMap are altitude, machNumber, angleOfSideslip and angleOfAttack. These elements are vectors of equal length, where values with identical indices belong together. The solution vectors ci and cmi have the same length as the input vectors. Shown below is an example where with 10 values per vector: <altitude mapType="vector">12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02;12e+02</altitude> <machNumber mapType="vector">0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2;0.2</machNumber> <angleOfSideslip mapType="vector">0;0;0;0;0;2;2;2;2;2</angleOfSideslip> <angleOfAttack mapType="vector">-2;0;2;4;6;-2;0;2;4;6</angleOfAttack> <cd mapType="vector">0.056;0.094;0.132;0.17;0.208;0.072;0.11;0.148;0.186;0.224</cd> <cs mapType="vector">0.;0.;0.;0.;0.;0.01;0.015;0.02;0.025;0.03</cs> <cl mapType="vector">-0.1;0.04;0.18;0.32;0.46;-0.08;0.03;0.14;0.25;0.36</cl> The aerodynamic coefficients for altitude=1200m, machNumber=0.2, angleOfSideslip=0° and angleOfAttack=6° can be found at the 5th index: cd=0.208, cs=0 and cl=0.46. Altitude [m] Mach number Sideslip angle [deg] Angle of attack [deg] Drag coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates Coefficient of the side force vector in aerodynamic coordinates (perpendicular to lift and drag) Lift coefficient in aerodynamic coordinates aeroPerformanceType aeroPerformance type, containing performance maps with aerodynamic data of an airfoil. Aerodynamic performance map of the full configuration Aerodynamic performance maps of isolated fuselages Aerodynamic performance maps of isolated wings Aerodynamic performance maps of control surfaces Aerodynamic performance maps of isolated airfoils Aerodynamic performance The aerodynamic coefficients and derivatives are stored in aerodynamic maps. Individual maps can be used to gather the aerodynamic characteristics for specific boundary conditions. Global analysis information Results from several analysis modules connected to CPACS AircraftAnalyses type, containing detailed analysis data of the aircraft Within this element results from analysis modules are stored that rely to the overall definition of the aircraft. These include e.g. aerodynamic data or loadCases For further documentation please refer to the respective elements. Control elements Specification of control element settings. Control elements can be controlDistributors or individual control devices, such as control surfaces or landing gears. Control element Specification of an control element setting. A control element can be a controlDistributor or an individual control device, such as a control surface or a landing gear. Reference to the uID of a control device, e.g. a control surface or a landing gear Control parameter of the control device Reference to a control distributor uID Value of the command parameter of a control distributor. If not given explicitly in the control distributor, linear interpolation between the neighboring points is required. Global data AircraftGlobal type, containing global data of the aircraft designRange equals the full payload max range, i.e. point B in payload range diagram Aircraft model The aircraftModelType contains the geometric aircraft model and associated data. Elements specifying the geometry of the aircraft are fuselages, wings, engines (referenced via uID), enginePylons, landingGear, systems (to some extend) and genericGeometryComponents. Other elements are dedicated to additional data associated to this aircraft model. Brief and concise analysis results are stored in the global node. The analysis node contains extensive results from multidisciplinary analysis modules. In the current CPACS version requirements only refer to the aircraft performance and are therefore specified in the performanceRequirements node. Name of the aircraft model Description of the aircraft model Aircraft The aircraftType contains a list of aircraft models. Note: Since there is no distinction between plural and singular in English, aircraft refers to plural form, while a single aircraft itself is referenced as model. airfoilAeroPerformanceType airfoilAeroPerformance type, containing performance maps with aerodynamic data of an airfoil. Reference to the uID of the analysed airfoil References used for the calculation of the force and moment coefficients of the airfoil (in the airfoil axis system!) Calculated aerodynamic performance maps of the airfoil airfoilsAeroPerformanceType airfoilsAeroPerformance type, containing airfoilsAeroPerformance airframeMaintenanceCostType Airlines Contains a list of different airlines airlineType Describes a specific airline and their fleet Name of the airline Description of the airline Airport compatibility Airports Airports type, containing data of the airports airportType Airport type, containing data of an airport Name of airport Description of airport IATA 3-letter-code ICAO 4-letter-code Position in degrees north Position in degrees east Airport elevation alignmentCrossBeamType Offset in direction of extrusion, first side (absolute value) Offset in direction of extrusion, second side (absolute value) Rotation around local x axis (extrusion axis) Translation along local y axis (perpendicular to extrusion axis) Translation along local z axis (perpendicular to x ynd y axes) alignmentFloorPanelType Offset from seat rail 1 reference Position in local y direction (in plane of panel, absolute value) Offset from seat rail 2 reference position in local y direction (in plane of panel, absolute value) Offset from seat rail 1 reference position in local z direction (in plane of panel, absolute value)) alignmentStringFrameType Rotation around local x axis (extrusion axis) Translation along local y axis (perpendicular to extrusion axis) Translation along local z axis (perpendicular to x ynd y axes) alignmentStructMemberType Offset in direction of extrusion (absolute value) Rotation around local x axis (extrusion axis) Translation along local y axis (perpendicular to extrusion axis) Translation along local z axis (perpendicular to x ynd y axes) Alternating current Effective voltage (also peak voltage) [V] Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Rad] Alternating current Effective voltage (also peak voltage) [V] Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Rad] Anisotropic material properties for 2D materials Defines the material properties for a linear anisotropic material in the plane stress state (i.e., shell). The stress-strain relationship is defined as: The terminology of this complex type refers to the following literature: [1] R. M. Jones, Mechanics Of Composite Materials, 2 New edition. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Inc, 1998. [2] J. N. Reddy, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis, Second Edition. CRC Press, 2004. Coefficient 11 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 12 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 13 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 22 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 23 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 33 of reduced stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 1 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 2 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 12 [1/K] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 1 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 2 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 3 [W/(m*K)] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear [N/m^2] Allowable strain for tension in material direction 1 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 1 Allowable strain for tension in material direction 2 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 2 Allowable strain for shear Anisotropic material properties for 3D materials Defines the material properties for a linear anisotropic material in three spatial directions (i.e., solid). The stress-strain relationship is defined as: The terminology of this complex type refers to the following literature: [1] R. M. Jones, Mechanics Of Composite Materials, 2 New edition. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Inc, 1998. [2] J. N. Reddy, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis, Second Edition. CRC Press, 2004. Coefficient 11 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 12 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 13 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 14 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 15 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 16 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 22 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 23 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 24 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 25 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 26 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 33 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 34 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 35 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 36 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2]2] Coefficient 44 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2]] Coefficient 45 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 46 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 55 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 56 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Coefficient 66 of stiffness matrix [N/m^2] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 1 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 2 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 3 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient affecting strain in material direction 23 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient affecting strain in material direction 31 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient affecting strain in material direction 12 [1/K] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 1 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 2 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 3 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material which couples heat flux in material direction 2 with temperature gradient in material direction 3 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material which couples heat flux in material direction 3 with temperature gradient in material direction 1 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material which couples heat flux in material direction 1 with temperature gradient in material direction 2 [W/(m*K)] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 3 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 3 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear in 2-3 plane [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear in 3-1 plane [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear in 1-2 plane [N/m^2] Allowable strain for tension in material direction 1 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 1 Allowable strain for tension in material direction 2 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 2 Allowable strain for tension in material direction 3 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 3 Allowable strain for shear in 2-3 plane Allowable strain for shear in 3-1 plane Allowable strain for shear in 1-2 plane Category (ATA chapters) Environmental control Auto flight Communications Electrical power Equipment/furnishings Fire protection Flight controls Fuel Hydraulic power Ice and rain protection Landing gear Lights Water/waste Cabin system Cargo and accessory compartment atmosphericModelType Defines the the athmospheric model which should be used. Currently there is only a single option which is ISA for ICAO Standard atmosphere (ISA) from 1993. For more details on atmospheric models, please refer to documentation of the <CPACS> root element. Atmospheric model (e.g. ISA for ICAO Standard atmosphere (ISA) from 1993). Offset from temperature of the atmospheric model [K]. For more details on atmospheric models, please refer to documentation of the <CPACS> root element. Atmospheric model Available options: ISA. See documentation of <CPACS> root element for further details. Definition of attachment pins for the wing-fuselage attachment. Definition of attachment pins for the wing-fuselage attachment. Attachment pin of the wing-fuselage-attachment. Attachment pin of the wing-fuselage-attachment. Definition which translation degrees of freedom are blocked. Default x=0 (free); y=1 (blocked); z=1 (blocked). Bogie axle assemblies A list of axles that are attached to the bogie and their relative position to it Bogie axle assembly Description of an axle installed on the bogie and its relative position to it Relative position of the axle to the bogie (if more than one axle is defined; 0 = forward end of bogie; 1 = rear end of bogie) Axle Geometric description and material properties of the landing gear axle Length of the axle. For a single wheel, the length is equal to the distance between the center of the piston and the center of the wheel. For two wheels, the length is equal to the distance between the centers of the wheels with the axis being centered w.r.t. to the Piston. Axle shaft properties Number of wheels attached to this axle Defines the side of the first wheel (inboard or outboard; inboard corresponds to the negative y-direction or in flight direction left) for odd number of wheels on this axis. Each additional wheel is the added on the opposite site of the previous wheel. Properties of the wheel(s) attached to this axle. If more than one wheel is attached, all wheels on a single axis have the same properties. Batteries Battery beamCrossSectionType beamCrossSectionType, containing the beam geometrical properties beamStiffnessType globalBeamStiffnessType, containing the beam stiffnesses such as EA, EI blockedDOFType Bogie Geometric description and material properties of the landing gear axle bogie (including the axle configuration) Length of the bogie Tilt angle of the bogie in airborne conditions booleanBaseType Base type for boolean nodes (including external data attributes) Bounding Box Length in x Length in y Length in z Origin A list of uIDs referencing other structural/geometric elements that shall serve as a boundary of the wall element. Possible references are floor, wall or genericGeometryComponent. A major requirement is that the referenced element has an intersection with the wall for at least the distance between two wall positions. So that a full geometric face of the wall is bounded by it. Neighbouring wall faces that are not completely bounded by the reference element are not affected. UID referencing another structural/geometric element that shall serve as a boundary of the wall element. Possible references are floor, wall or genericGeometryComponent. System breakdown data Cabin aisles Aisle Aisles has as many entries as there are aisles in the cabin. In a normal single aisle there are two aisles: the cabin aisle and the aisle leading to the cockpit. Name Description Longitudinal coordinates. The number of coordinates can be chosen as appropriate, the minimum number is two. The coordinates are relative to the cabin origin. Center points of the aisle. The y-vector has to have same length as the x-vector. The aisle stretches equally left and right of the provided y-coordinate. Width of the aisle at floor level at each y-coordinate Cabin geometry contours Cabin geometry contour line collection type. By providing more than one entry, a 3D cabin space can be described. Cabin geometry contour Type to define a lateral position value "y" at a given height "z" (in the parent deck coordinate system) for each entry "x" in the parent cabin geometry definition. Vector with y-coordinates Height z Geometry [WARNING: This type is known to be susceptible to inconsistencies and might therefore be removed in a future version of CPACS] The geometry of the cabin roughly corresponds to the available design space in the cabin. It is given in terms of constant height contour lines. The lines all share a common x-vector. The y vector provides the lateral contour at z-coordinate provided by the constant value z. One or more contour lines can be given. The cabin geometry is assumed to be symmetric. Name Description Vector of x coordinates Cabin spaces Space spaces describe areas in the cabin that need to be clear for use as emergency area. Depending on the type of area, it can have a height limit. The spaces are required for downstream cabin design, for example to describe an empty cabin. Name Description Vector with x-coordinates. These describe an area, so they are not monotonous ascending. Vector with y-coordinates at given x-coordinates. Warning: x-y do not represent a function as single x-positions can have multiple y-coordinates. Hence, no interpolation is possible. Height above the floor that is required to be empty of any objects Cap SparCap type, containing the cross section area of the spar cap and the material properties. Please find below a picture where all spar cross section parameters as well as the orientation references for the material definition can be found: Area of the cap Cargo container elements Cargo container element collection type Cargo container element for use in the decks Name Description Cargo container geometry Contour: single or double Delta x Delta y Delta y of the base Delta z Delta z kink Cargo containers Cargo container instance collection type. Cargo container Cargo container type for placing an instance of a cargo container in the parent deck. Name Description UID of the cargo container element in the cpacs/vehicles/deckElements node Position in x Position in y cargoCrossBeamsAssemblyType CargoCrossBeamsAssembly type, containing cargo crossBeam assemblies cargoCrossBeamStrutsAssemblyType CargoCrossBeamStrutsAssembly type, containing cargo crossBeam strut assemblies cargoDoorsAssemblyType CargoDoorsAssembly type, containing cargo door assemblies Ceiling panel Ceiling panel element collection type Ceiling panel element for use in the decks Ceiling panels Ceiling panel instance collection type. Ceiling panel Chordwise positioning of wing cells. CellPositioningChordwise defines the chordwise direction of a wing cell either in two xsi (xsi1 at innerBorder and xsi2 at outerBorder) coordinates, via referencing a spar-uID or via a contour coordinate in chordwise direction. Relative chordwise position of the inner end. Relative chordwise position of the outer end. Reference to a spar as chordwise border. Chordwise contour coordinate as chordwise border. 0 equals LE, 1 equals TE. Spanwise positioning of wing cells. CellPositioningSpanwise defines the chordwise direction of a wing cell either in two eta (eta1 at leadingEdge and eta2 at trailingEdge) coordinates, via referencing a rib-uID or via a contour coordinate in chordwise direction. Relative spanwise position of the forward end. Relative spanwise position of the rear end. RibNumber is the reference to the rib number of the rib set which is referenced by 'ribDefinitionUID'. Reference to a ribDefinition set. The single rib of this ribDefinition set is defined by using 'ribNumber'. Spanwise contour coordinate as spanwise border. 0 equals root, 1 equals tip. centerFuselageAreasAssemblyType centerFuselageAreasAssembly type, containing center fuselage area assembly centerFuselageAssemblyType CenterFuselageAssembly type, containing wing box assemblies Choice between different center fuselage modelling options Simplified center fuselage definition (rigid body) UID of first frame in rigid center fuselage area UID of last frame in rigid center fuselage area UID of start stringer to define center fuselage area UID of end stringer to define center fuselage area Detailed low wing center fuselage definition (draft definition) Detailed high wing center fuselage definition (draft definition) centerFuselageHighWingConfiguration centerFuselageKeelbeamType CenterFuselage / Keelbeam definition between mainframe1 und mainframe3 centerFuselageLateralPanelsType CenterFuselage / lateral Panel definition between mainframe2 und mainframe3 centerFuselageLongFloorBeamConnectionType CenterFuselage / Long. floor beam connection centerFuselageLowWingConfiguration centerFuselageMainFramesType CenterFuselage / main frame definition, containing mainframe and pressure Bulkhead definitions centerFuselagePressureFloorType CenterFuselage / pressure floor definition between mainframe2 und mainframe3 centerFuselagePressureFloorType CenterFuselage / side box definition between mainframe2 und mainframe3 certificationCasesType Change log chargesCostType Aerodynamic contributions of a chrordwise part within a wing segment strip Contains a list of chordwise parts within a wing segment strip for which aerodynamic coefficients are specified Aerodynamic contributions of a chordwise part within a within a wing segment strip Describes the contributions of a specific par within a wing segment to the total aerodynamic coefficients of a wing segment strip A chordwisePart describes the contributions of a specific chordwise part within a wing strip to the total aerodynamic coefficients of this strip. It extends spatially between the two eta positions of the parent strip (see strip documentation) and four xsi positions in the segment coordinate system. As with the parent stips, only the trailing border (..ToSegmentXsi) of a chordwisePart is defined, while the leading border always equals the trailing border of the preceding chordwisePart (or 0 for the first part). To account for oblique trailing borders (e.g., to match the aileron on a tapered wing) two different toSegmentXsi positions can be defined, one at the inner border (innerBorderToSegmentXsi) and one at the outer border (innerBorderToSegmentXsi) of the parent strip. The innerBorderToSegmentXsi and outerBorderToSegmentXsi of the last chordwisePart must be equal to 1. Chordwise coordinate xsi in the segment coordinate system to define the end position of the chordwisePart at the inner eta border Chordwise coordinate xsi in the segment coordinate system to define the end position of the chordwisePart at the outer eta border Class divider Class divider element collection type Class divider element for use in the decks Class dividers Class divider instance collection type. Class divider cockpitControlsType Cockpit controls type, containing the cockpit controls Some controls are mandatory, others can be added via cockpitControl elements cockpitControlType single cockpitControl is defined by a pilotInput and a commandOutput. The commandOutput is linked to the commandCase Reference values for aerodynamic coefficients Specification of reference values for aerodynamic coefficients. Reference area Reference length Reference point Reference translation Reference rotation Aerodynamic contributions of the components Contains a list of components for which aerodynamic coefficients are specified Aerodynamic contributions of a component Describes the contributions of a specific component to the total aerodynamic coefficients Reference to a component Aerodynamic contributions of a wing segment Describes the contributions of a specific wing segment to the total aerodynamic coefficients of a wing It is obligatory to reference a segment via its uID and to provide its coefficients. The breakdown of the coefficients comprises the strips and remainingContributions. The latter must only be specified if strips is given. Reference to a wing segment uID Aerodynamic contributions of strips within a wing segment Contains a list of strips within a wing segment for which aerodynamic coefficients are specified Aerodynamic contributions of a strip within a wing segment Describes the contributions of a specific strip within a wing segment to the total aerodynamic coefficients of a wing segment The strip extends spatially between two eta coordinates (i.e., from an inner border to an outer border). In order to avoid redundancy, the inner border (denoted as from) is always identical to the outer border of the previous strip (denoted by to). Accordingly, only the to-border can be specified explicitly, while the from-border equals implicitly either to 0 (for the first strip) or the toSegmentEta value of the previous element. The toSegmentEta of the last strip must be equal to 1! It is obligatory to provide the coefficients of the strip. The breakdown comprises the chordwiseParts and remainingContributions. The latter must only be specified if the breakdown into chordwiseParts is given. This breakdown is optional. If it is specified, but the sum of all chordwiseParts does not match the strip coefficients, one or more remainingContributions may be applied to ensure consistency (sum of all chordwiseParts + sum of all remainingContributions must be equal to total strip coefficients). Spanwise coordinate eta in the segment coordinate system to define the end of the strip Aerodynamic coefficients breakdown Breakdown of the total aerodynamic coefficients into contributions from the various vehicle componenents. A detailed breakdown is only specified for the wing. Other components, such as the fuselage, are more generically referred to as otherComponents. Since the sum of the contributions within a breakdown must equal the total coefficients, the remaining contributions must be listed in remainingContributions. The remainingContributions cannot be defined alone. Either the definition of a wing, otherComponents or both together is valid and can be combined with remainingContributions. Aerodynamic contributions of wing segments Contains a list of wing segments for which aerodynamic coefficients are specified Aerodynamic contributions of the wings Contains a list of wings for which aerodynamic coefficients are specified Aerodynamic contributions of a wing Describes the contributions of a specific wing to the total aerodynamic coefficients of a vehicle It is obligatory to reference a wing via its uID and to provide its coefficients. The breakdown of the coefficients comprises the segments and remainingContributions. The latter must only be specified if segments is given. Reference to a wing uID commandCaseCommandType single commandCaseCommand can either hold a controlFunction or a controlDistributor commandCasesType plural Element for commandCase, some fixed dp, dq, dr and dx, dy, dz commandCaseType single commandCase Containing several commandCaseCommands UIDs of 2d structural fuselage elements (e.g., pressure bulkheads, walls or floors). The compartment will be enclosed with the fuselage skin The compartment defines an enclosed volume within the fuselage. It is defined by a set of border geometries. This could be pressureBulkheads, walls or floors and they are referred by their uIDs. The volume is closed with the fuselage skin. The geometry tool has to check, if the compartment definition gives a closed geometry. The compartment defines an enclosed volume in the fuselage. It is defined by a set of border geometries. This could be pressureBulkheads, walls or floors and they are referenced by their uIDs. The volume is closed with the fuselage skin. The geometry tool has to check, if the compartment definition gives a closed geometry. Compartment geometry uIDs list. Name of the compartment. Description of the compartment. Ideal design volume of the compartment. complexBaseType Base type for complex nodes (including external data attributes) componentCostType componentSegmentPathType Definition of hingePoint of the componentSegment. The hingePoint is used as reference point for the deflection definition. Definition of the orientation of the hinge line with three Euler-rotation angles. The hinge line is oriented along the global y-axis if all rotations are 0. Definition of all steps of the deflection path. componentSegmentStepsType Definition of one step of the deflection path. componentSegmentStepType The control parameter is used to reference the state of a control device, e.g. in the load case description. Can have any value and is NOT limited to the range of -1 to 1. Translation along the x-, y- and z-Coordinate of the rotated hinge coordinate system. Rotation around the hinge line. ComponentSegments of the wing. ComponentSegments type, containing all the componentSegments of the wing. ComponentSegment of the wing. Within componentSegments the wing structure, the control surfaces, the wing fuel tanks and the wingFuselageAttachment is defined by using relative coordinates. A componentSegment is defined in the same way as segments: from one cross section (sections->elements) to another. Compared to segments one componentSegment can can start and end at elements that are not consecutive. Therefore that one componentSegment can be the combination of several segments. Each wing has at least one componentSegment (from root to tip). The maximal number of componentSegments equals the number of segments (each segment is defined as one componentSegment). This also implies that each segment can only be part of one componentSegment. In principal a componentSegment can combine any number of segments. But if in one section two elements are defined, the componentSegment has to start/end there as no well-defined relative coordinates can be defined if steps in the wing occur. An example for wing componentSegments can be found in the picture below: Within componentSegments a relative spanwise coordinate (eta) and a relative chordwise coordinate (xsi) is defined. Those coordinates are used for the definition of e.g. wing structures and control surfaces. there are two types of eta xsi coordinates. Segment (eta, xsi) coordinates define the relative local coordinate system for a segment ranging from (0,0) to (1,1). The eta xsi coordinates for a component segment are based on the segment eta xsi planes. As a reference length for the component segment eta coordinate the mid chord lines of all the segments are used. The beginning of this line at from-element equals eta = 0, while the end of this line at the to-element equals eta = 1. All wing positions that lie on the same element (segment border) have the same eta coordinate. The points in between two elements are defined by the iso xsi lines of the segment eta xsi space. An example for the definition of the relative axes can be found in the picture below: In order to calculate the global coordinates of a component segment eta xsi point one first has to calculate the eta point on the xsi iso line of (xsi=0.5), and then walk along the iso eta lineof the segment. An example for determining the a component eta xsi point can be found in the picture below: Name of the wing componentSegment. Description of the componentSegment. Reference to the element from which the componentSegment shall start. Reference to the element from which the componentSegment shall end. Description of deflection path of componentSegments (e.g. used for trimmable HTPs). Components Component Name Description Link to pre-defined system element uID Link to pre-defined system element uID UIDs of the structural mounts as defined in the fuselages or wings (see structuralMountType for further details). compositeLayerType CompositeLayer type, containing data of a composite layer This type defines single composite layers by giving a ply thickness, ply reference angle and a materialUID. Name of layer Description of layer Thickness of layer Angle of layer in degree Material UID of the layer compositesType compositeType Composite type, containing data of a composite Within this type individual stackings of composites can be introduced by defining an offset and a set of composite layers. The order of the composite layers defines the stacking order. Name of composite Description of composite offset of the laminate. The reference plane of the laminate is the arithmetic mean of the laminate thickness. Vehicle configurations List of vehicle configurations (e.g., setting of control surfaces, landing gear, etc.) Vehicle configuration Name Description Configurations Configuration UID of the configuration definition Index of the weight and balance vectors to which the configuration applies to. [1;inf] Configuration Contains references to control control devices and (or) the global aircraft configuration node. Reference to the aircraft configuration definition node (aircraft/model/configurationDefinitions/configurationDefinition) State description of the control elements connectivitiesType connectivityType Constraint Specification of performance constraints. Constraints allow vectors of double values to define parameter lapses within a mission segment. The example below illustrates this by means of an exemplary climb profile of a conventional airliner, in which multiple physical and regulatory speed constraints are simultaneously specified over several altitudes (e.g., to account for the crossover altitude): <endCondition> <positionGeo> <altitude relationalOperator="ge" uID="altClimb">10058.4</altitude> <!-- FL330 --> </positionGeo> </endCondition> <constraint> <referenceEndConditionUID>altClimb</referenceEndConditionUID> <endConditionRatio>0.0;0.303</endConditionRatio> <!-- FL0, FL100 --> <continuitySetting>discrete</continuitySetting> <CAS relationalOperator="le">128.61;154.33</CAS> <!-- 250 [kt], 300 [kt]--> <machNumber relationalOperator="le">0.78;0.78</machNumber> <prioritySetting>velocity</prioritySetting> </constraint> From FL0 until FL100, the vehicle should fly at a velocity less than or equal to CAS = 250 kt or M = 0.78. In this first segment at low altitudes, the constraint on CAS is triggered. From FL100 until FL330, the vehicle should fly at a velocity less than or equal to CAS = 300 kt or M = 0.78. In this second segment, the vehicle starts by increasing velocity until 300 kt, the constraint on maximum machNumber triggers from the crossover altitude onwards Reference to the uID of the segment end condition variable to which a profile of constraintSettings is provided Vector indicating the ratios of the constraintSettings profile with respect to the provided referenceEndCondition, ranging from 0 to 1. If this vector is defined, the provided constraintSettings are expected to be vectors with the same length providing ratio-value pairs. Example: for referenceEndCondition <range><z> (i.e.: flown distance in z direction of the segment), a vector of <CAS> and <machNumber> is provided to define a climb profile. Defines how to interpret the parameter lapses within the segment: discrete steps (C0 continuity) or linear interpolation (C1 continuity) Calibrated airspeed within the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Mach number within the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Climb angle within the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Rate of climb within the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Specific excess power within the segment (e.g.: for defining minimum SEP to remain after step climbs have been performed). Altitude difference of each step climb Flight heading at the end of the segment in compassAngle with reference to true North [deg]. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Total change of heading angle during segment (a full turn is 360 degrees) [deg]. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Rate of turn within the segment [deg/s]. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Thrust setting for derated engine as fraction of max. Thrust (e.g.: for powered descents, deceleration not at IDLE, manoevres). If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Rate of velocity within the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Load factor experienced during segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Constant altitude of the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Priority setting indicating which constraint is preferred within the segment. If a vector is provided, a constraint profile is defined with respect to the <referenceEndCondition> using the <endConditionRatio> vector. Mission segment constraints Contains a set of constraints for the segment Airfoil definition of an control surface at the inner/outer border. Optional definition of the exact airfoil shape at the inner/outer border of the control surface. The airfoil shape is defined via referencing to the airfoilUID. As the leading and trailing edge point is fix due to the outer shape definition of the control surface the airfoil can only be rotated around the x-axis (axis going from leading to trailing edge of the inner/outer border of the control surface). Scaling in x-direction is also defined by the outer shape, wherefore only scaling in y and z direction is allowed. Reference to the airfoil uID. Rotation around an axis, going from the leading edge point to the trailing edge point of the inner/outer border of the control surface. Defaults to 90°, which is equivalent to perpendicular on the control surface middle plane. Scaling of the airfoil in spanwise direction (not used for 2D airfoils). Scaling in thickness direction of the airfoil. controlDistributorsType plural Element for controlDistributor controlDistributorType single controlDistributor bundling several controlElements Within some analyses, it might occur that overlapping control element settings are specified. In this case, it is assumed that a cumulative setting is built by summing up the individual settings. As the behavior of these settings is not necessarily linear, a certain order of summation has to be followed: The command inputs for each controlDistributor, coming from the configurationUID, as well as from separate settings have to be summed up to a total commandInput. With this total commandInput, each corresponding controlDistributor definition has to be evaluated, in order to get controlParameter settings for a number of controlDevices. All controlParameter settings for a controlDevice, coming from the configurationUID , from the controlDistributors and from separate controlDevice settings have to be summed up to get a total controlParameter for each controlDevice. With this total controlParameter, each corresponding controlDevice definition has to be evaluated, in order to find out what the control device finally is doing. During the summation process (depending on the order of processing within step 1 to 4), commandInputs or controlParameters might exceed the specified limits for that controlDistributor or controlDevices. As an intermediate result, this should be accepted – however, when it comes to evaluation in step 2 and 4, all commandInputs and controlParameters have to be within the specified limits. Vector of command inputs. The minimum and maximum value is given by the lowest and highest entry of the vector, respectively. controlElementsType plural Element for controlElement controlElementType Single controlElement linking the inputs of a controlDistributor via a gain table to a control device by using its uID. Controls can be ControlSurfaces and in the future thrust. UID of the control device, e.g. a control surface. It is not allowed to reference another control distributor. Vector of control device states resulting from the input commands. It must be of the same length as the inputCommands element. The minimum and maximum values are defined according to the minimum and maximum values of the input commands. controlFunctionsType plural Element for controlFuntion controlFunctionType single controlFunction containing the controller's parameters Controllability requirements Contains a list of controllability requirements Controllability requirement Name Description UID of point performance definition UID of weight and balance description controlLawModesType Control Laws type, containing the aircraft's control law modes controlLawModeType Control Laws type, containing the aircraft's control law mode controlLawsType Control Laws type, containing the aircraft's control laws Definition of actuators of the control surface, that are not placed within a track. Definition of actuators of the control surface, that are not placed within a track. Definition of an actuator of the control surface, that is not placed within a track. Definition of an actuator of the control surface, that is not placed within a track. Reference to the actuator (actuator definition currently not available in CPCAS, status 1.6). Airfoil definition of an control surface between inner and outer border. Optional definition of the exact airfoil shape between the inner and outer border of the control surface. The airfoil shape is defined via referencing to the airfoilUID. As the leading and trailing edge point is fix due to the outer shape definition of the control surface the airfoil can be rotated around the x-axis (axis going from leading to trailing edge of the control surface) and around the z-axis (normal axis on the control surface middle plane). Scaling in x-direction is also defined by the outer shape, wherefore only scaling in y and z direction is allowed. Relative spanwise coordinate (eta) of the control surface, where the leading edge of the airfoil is placed. Reference to the airfoil uID. Rotation around an axis, going from the leading edge point to the trailing edge point of the control surface. Defaults to 90°, which is equivalent to perpendicular on the control surface middle plane. Rotation of the airfoil around the control surface middle plane normal direciotn. Reference point is the most forward point of the airfoil. Defaults to 90°, which is equivalent to the airfoilplacement in flight direction (along wings-x axis). Scaling of the airfoil in spanwise direction (not used for 2D airfoils). Scaling in thickness direction of the airfoil. Inner/outer border of the control surface. Definition of the inner/outer border of the control surface. The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent. In addition, optionally, the airfoil shape of the control surface can be defined closer. For the leading edge devices 'hollow'. If an exact control surface airfoil definition should be used, outerShape->airfoils can be used. Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar. Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Defaults to 'etaLE'. Relative chordwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Inner/outer border of the control surface. Definition of the inner/outer border of the control surface. The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent. In addition, optionally, the airfoil shape of the control surface can be defined closer. For the spoiler'relHeightLE' is used. If an exact control surface airfoil definition should be used, outerShape->airfoils can be used. Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar. Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Defaults to 'etaLE'. Relative chordwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Relative chordwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Defines the relative high of lowest point of the spoiler leading edge, relative to the airfoil height of the parent at this position. See picture below. Inner/outer border of the control surface. Definition of the inner/outer border of the control surface. The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent. In addition, optionally, the airfoil shape of the control surface can be defined closer. For the trailing edge device this is done at 'leadingEdgeShape', for the spoiler 'relHeightLE' is used and for the leading edge devices 'hollow'. If an exact control surface airfoil definition should be used, outerShape->airfoils can be used. Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar. Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Relative spanwise inner/outer position of the trailing edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Defaults to 'etaLE'. Relative chordwise inner/outer position of the leading edge of the control surface. Reference is eta/xsi from the parent. Optional definition of the exact airfoil shape of the control surface. This type contains a list of control surfaces and their deflection vectors 0. General overview In this type, a list of control surfaces is defined. 1. <controlSurface> (mandatory) One of these nodes per deflected control surface is required here. This type contains a vector of deflection values for a single control surface 0. General overview In this type, a vector of deflections of a single control surface is specified. 1. <controlSurfaceUID> (mandatory) A reference to a control surface from the aircraft model 2. <controlParameters> (mandatory) A vector of controlParameters of the selected control surface (with respect to the defined deflection path). Reference to a control surface Control parameters of the control surface controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapsType controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapsType type, containing the aerodynamic moment maps for one or more control surfaces. controlSurfaceHingeMomentMapType controlSurfaceHingeMomentMap type, containing a moment map with aerodynamic data for a control surface. Array order is: controlParameters min->max then angleOfAttack then angleOfSideslip then reynoldsNumber then machNumber. AngleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip, reynoldsNumber and machNumber are taken from the basic performance map one level above. Reference to the control surface Control parameters of the control surface Hinge point The deflection path of a control surface is described with respect to two hinge points - one at the inner border of the control surface and one at the outer border of the control surface. These two points are defined by the xsi and relative height coordinates of the parent. In addition, a translation (with respect to the wing coordinate system) can be applied. Therefore they can also be defined outside of the control surface. These two points define the hinge line, which is a straight line between them. An example is shown below: Relative chordwise coordinate (xsi) of the hinge line point. Reference is the parent chord. Relative height of the hinge line point. Reference is the parent airfoil height. Optional absolute translation of the hinge point. This can be used to move the hinge points outside of the wing shape. Outer shape definition of the control surface. Definition of the outer shape of the leading edge control surface. The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent. Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar. Outer shape definition of the spoiler control surface. Definition of the outer shape of the control surface. The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent. Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar. Outer shape definition of the control surface. Definition of the outer shape of the trailing Edge control surface. The position on the planform of the control surface is defined by defining the eta/xsi coordinates of the inner/outer and forward/rear border. The eta/xsi coordinates refer to the parent. Please find below an example for the definition of the planform of a trailing edge device. Other controlsurfaces are similar. Definition of the deflection path of the control surface. The deflection path of a control surface is described with respect to two hinge points - one at the inner border of the control surface and one at the outer border of the control surface. Those two points are defined using the xsi and relative height coordinates of the parent. Therefore those points can also lay outbound of the control surface. Those two points defined the hinge line, which is a straight line between the two points. The deflection path of the control surface is defined within the hinge line coordinate system. This is defined as follows: The x-hinge coordinate equals the wing x-axis. The y-hinge coordinate equals the hinge line axis (see above; positive from inner to outer hinge point). The z-hinge line is perpendicular on the x-hinge and y-hinge coordinate according to the right hand rule. The rotation of the control surface is defined as rotation around the positive y-hinge line. The deflection of the control surface is defined by at least two steps. It is specified as follows: First the x-deflection at the inner and outer border; afterwards the z-deflection of the inner and outer border; last the y-deflection of the inner border. The y-deflection is only defined at the inner border, as it is identical to the outer border. If no values for the outer border deflection are given, they default to the values of the inner border. An example can be found below: controlSurfacePerformanceMapType ControlSurfacePerformanceMap type, containing a delta performance map with aerodynamic data for a control surface. Array order is: relativeDeflection min->max then angleOfAttack then angleOfSideslip then altitude then machNumber. AngleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip, altitude and machNumber are taken from the basic performance map one level above. Reference to the control surface Relative deflection of the control surface controlSurfacePerformanceMaps controlSurfacePerformanceMaps type, containing the aerodynamic delta performance maps for one or more control surfaces. Border type for the inner and outer border of a wing cut out Maybe applied to specify inner and outer border of the cutout either via eta or rib references Link to a rib definition Rib number in the corresponding ribDefinitionUID Spanwise location of the border at the leading edge of the cut out Spanwise location of the border at the trailing edge of the cut out Cut out of the parents upper/lower skin due to a control surface. Optional. Definition of the skin cut out due to a control surface. The cut out of the skin can either be defined by referencing to a spar uID or by defining the relative chord values (xsi) of the cut at the inner and outer border of the control surface. The xsi value is based on the parents chord. For leading edge devices additional parameters can be defined. An example for wing cut outs can be found in the picture below: Xsi value of the inner border, where the cut out begins. Xsi value of the outer border, where the cut out begins. Reference to a spar, defining the skin cut out. Definition of the steps of the control surface deflection path. List of steps. controlSurfaceStepType The deflection path of the control surface is defined within the hinge line coordinate system. This is defined as follows: The x-hinge coordinate equals the wing x-axis. The y-hinge coordinate equals the hinge line axis (see above; positive from inner to outer hinge point). The z-hinge line is perpendicular on the x-hinge and y-hinge coordinate according to the right hand rule. The rotation of the control surface is defined as rotation around the positive y-hinge line. The deflection of the control surface is defined by at least two steps. It is specified as follows: First the x-deflection at the inner and outer border; afterwards the z-deflection of the inner and outer border; last the y-deflection of the inner border. The y-deflection is only defined at the inner border, as it is identical to the outer border. If no values for the outer border deflection are given, they default to the values of the inner border. An example can be found below: The control parameter links a generic floating point value to a certain status of a control device (e.g. control surface, landing gear, suction system, brake parachute, ...). See the documentation of the global CPACS-Element for further information. Translation of the inner hinge line point within the hinge line coordinate system. Defaults to zero. Not allowed for spoilers! Translation of the outer hinge line point within the hinge line coordinate system. Defaults to the values of the inner hinge line point. Not allowed for spoilers! Positive rotation around the hinge line, heading from the inner to the outer border. Defaults to zero. controlSurfacesType Definition of the outer shape, structure and deflection of all control surfaces (flaps, slats, soiler, ailerons...) of the wing. Control surface tracks (mechnaical link between control surface and parent). Control surface tracks (mechnaical link between control surface and parent). A track generally describes the structural connection between a control surface and a wing (or parent element). For example, a track can be a flap track, a revolute joint connecting an aileron or spoiler, or the kinematics of slats on a wing. The spanwise position of the track is defined by etaPosition, which refers to the control surface dimensions. The structural properties of the track (e.g. materials) are defined in trackStructure. If an actuator is included into the the track, a reference is given in actuator. The principal kinematic of the track is defined by setting the trackType and trackSubType. Please refer to the tables below for setting the trackType and trackSubType parameter. Note, those tables are not final - they are extended continuously. Trailing edge track types trackType picture description trackSubType picture description 1 Revolute joint; no actuators; the revolute joint is on TED hinge line. 1 Revolute attached at the wings rear spar and the TEDs front spar respectively the load carrying ribs of the TED. 2 Revolute joint; dropped hinge; linear or rotary actuator (subtype-dependent) included. The drive strut (if any) is defined as strut1. 1 Box beam design as wing attachment; rotary drive attached at wing rear spar. 2 Wing attachment at wing rear spar; rotary drive attached at wing rear spar 3 Track mounted inside the fuselage at wing root. 3 Upside-down, forward link in conjunction with a straight track on a fixed structure as aft. support; including rotary drive. 1 Wing attachment using a box beam design where track is mounted; rotary actuator mounted at the wing rear spar. 2 Track mounted inside the fuselage at wing root. 4 Straight and sloped track on a fixed structure as forward support and an upright link as aft. support; linear or rotary actuator (subtype-dependent) included. 1 Wing attachment using a box beam design where the track is mounted; rotary actuator at the wing rear spar. 2 Wing attachment using a box beam design where track is mounted; rotary actuator mounted on the track. 3 Track mounted inside the fuselage at wing root. Relative chordwise position of the track. Eta refers to the control surface. Type of the track. Please refer to the remarks of the controlSrufaceTrackTypeType for details. Type of the track. Please refer to the remarks of the controlSrufaceTrackTypeType for details. Cut out of the parents structure due to a control surface. Optional. Definition of the parents structure cut out due to a control surface. The cut out is split into three parts: cut out of the upper and lower skin and the definition of an profile connecting the cut out of the upper and lower skin. An example for wing cut outs can be found in the picture below: In the default configuration the cut out is as wide as the control surface. If additional spacing is necessary inner and outer border may be set. costAirConditioningSystemsType costAutomaticFlightSystemsType costAuxilaryPowerUnitsType costBleedAirSystemsType costCommunicationSystemsType costComponentsType costDeIcingSystemsType costElectricalSystemsType costEnginePylonsType costEquippedEnginesType costFireProtectionSystemsType costFixedEmergencyOxygenSystemsType costFlightControlSystemsType costFuelSystemsType costFurnishingElementsType costFurnishingsType costFuselagesType costHydraulicSystemsType costInstrumentSystemsType costLandingGearType costLightingSystemsType costNacellesType costNavigationSystemsType costPowerUnitsType costSystemsType costWaterInstallationSystemsType costWingsType crashLoadCasesType crashLoadcaseType CrashLoadcase type, containing a crash loadcase Optional start of crash section: Default: first frame of model Optional end of crash section: Default: last frame of model Initial velocities Initial rotations around axes, roll, pitch, yaw Initial rotational velocities around axes Definition of reference point to consider rotation AccelerationFields, usually gravity in z Definition of impact Surface for crash simulation crewCostType crossBeamAssemblyPositionType CrossBeamAssemblyPosition type, containing the position of a crossBeam assembly UID of profile based structural element to be used as crossbeam UID of the frame to which the crossbeam is attached Referenze z position of the crossbeam crossBeamStrutAssemblyPositionType CrossBeamStrutAssemblyPosition type, containing a crossBeam strut assembly position UID of profile based structural element to be used as crossbeam strut UID of the frame to which the crossbeam strut is attached UID of the crossbeam to which the crossbeam strut is attached Referenze y position of the strut at the crossbeam intersection angle of the strut in global yz plane cruiseRollersType Definition of one cruise rollers/mid-span stops. cruiseRollerType Definition of the position of the mid point of the roll of the cruise roller. Definition of the attachment of the cruise roller to the parent of the flap. This is the track on which the roll rolls during retracted flap position Definition of the attachment of the cruise roller to the flap. Degree of freedom that is blocked by the cruise roller if the flap is in retracted position. Positive = cruise roller blocks bending in the direction of the upper skin of the parent. Negative = cruise roller blocks bending in the direction of the lower skin of the parent. cst2DType A 2D implementation for Class shape transformations. For more details look at AIAA Journal of Aircraft Vol.45 No.1 2008 The psi vector for definition of the class and shape function, i.e. the points at which the CST functions will be evaluated N1 for the class function for the upper side of the profile N2 for the class function for the upper side of the profile B Coefficients for the Bernstein polynominal on the upper side N1 for the class function for the lower side of the profile N2 for the class function for the lower side of the profile B Coefficients for the Bernstein polynominal on the lower side Optionally, the trailingEdgeThickness of the profile Maps points (actually the index in the point list) to a curve parameter. Which parameters are allowed depends on the context. For example in a wing profile, values between -1 and 1 are valid. List of indices of points to be mapped. Each index must be in the range [1, npoints]. List of parameters on the curve, that is mapped to the points defined by their index. A curve that interpolates a list of points. The curve interpolates the list of points, typically with a b-spline. In theory, the interpolation is somewhat ambiguous as it is not defined at which curve parameter a point will be interpolated. To solve is ambiguity, an optional parameter map can be defined that maps point indices with curve parameters. Kinks can also be modeled by populating the "kinks" array with the indices of points that should be on a kink. As an example, look at the following image: In this example, the kinks array will be "3;7". Optionally, the parameters of the kinks can be set in the parameter map. The whole profile looks as follows: <pointList> <x>...</x> <y>...</y> <z>...</z> <kinks>3;7</kinks> <parameterMap> <pointIndex>3;5;7</pointIndex> <paramOnCurve>0.2;0.5;0.8</paramOnCurve> </parameterMap> </pointList> Indices of points at which the curve has a kink. Each index is in the range [1, npoints]. Map between point index and curve parameter. curvePointType Point on a curve in normalized curve coordinates. The referenceUID must reference a one-dimensional curve such as spars. Relative position on the referenced line/curve. This reference uID determines the reference curve. If it points to a spar, then the eta value is considered to be a spar coordinate between start (eta=0) and end (eta=1) of the spar. cutLoadIntegrationPointsType cutLoadIntegrationPoints are defined in a vector notation, due to the high amounts of data. Usually they well be defined in between the ribs. Each point must have an id. Optionally it is possible to rotate the orientation within a cutloadIntegrationPoint to obtain meaningful results. The orientation is optional and relative to the CPACS coordinate system cutOutControlPointsType Additional definition of the leading edge cut out. Optional. Definition of additional parameters, describing the shape of the parents leading edge of the cut out due to leading edge devices. The parameters are described in the picture below: Relative height of the most forward position of the parents leading edge, relative to the airfoil height without cut out. Relative chordwise position of the most forward position of the parents leading edge, relative to the parents chord without cut out. Definition of cut out profiles. Definition of cut out profiles. Optional, the exact shape between the upper and lower skin cut out can be given by using cutOutProfiles. In general cut out profiles are open profiles and not closed profiles as e.g. wing airfoils. The placement, scaling and (partly) rotation of the cut out profiles is fixed as the beginning and ending point of the profile is fixed as can be seen in the two pictures below. Reference to the profile uID. Profiles should be linked in profiles/structuralProfiles Relative spanwise position of the cut out profile. The eta coordinate refers to the control surface and describes the cut out profile at the leading edge of the control surface. Rotation of the airfoil around the control surface middle plane normal direciotn. Reference point is the most forward point of the airfoil. Defaults to 90°, which is equivalent to the airfoilplacement in flight direction (along wings-x axis). cutOutType CutOut type, containing cut-outs Name of the cut out element Description of the cut out element Width of the cut element (absolute value) Height of the cut element (absolute value) Fillet radius of the cut element (absolute value) UID of a structural element that reinforces the cut out Damping derivatives for positive and negative rotation rates 0. General overview This type contains the damping derivatives. They are split up into those derivatives for positive rotation rates, and those for negative rotation rates. 1. <positiveRates> (optional) Damping derivatives, calculated by positive rotation rates. 2. <negativeRates> (optional) Damping derivatives, calculated by negative rotation rates. Damping derivatives for positive and negative rotation rates 0. General overview This type contains the damping derivatives. They are split up into those derivatives for positive rotation rates, and those for negative rotation rates. 1. <positiveRates> (optional) Damping derivatives, calculated by positive rotation rates. 2. <negativeRates> (optional) Damping derivatives, calculated by negative rotation rates. Damping derivatives This type contains aerodynamic performance maps with the damping derivatives. The derivatives are calculated using rotational rates [rad/s], normalized by: Rate*ReferenceLength/flow speed. The rotations are performed around the global axis directions with the aircraft model's global reference point as origin. The damping derivative performance maps are vectors of the same length as the input vectors of the baseline aerodynamic performance maps, consisting of semicolon separated values. Change of cd by normalized roll rate Change of cd by normalized pitch rate Change of cd by normalized yaw rate Change of cs by normalized roll rate Change of cs by normalized pitch rate Change of cs by normalized yaw rate Change of cl by normalized roll rate Change of cl by normalized pitch rate Change of cl by normalized yaw rate Change of cmd by normalized roll rate Change of cmd by normalized pitch rate Change of cmd by normalized yaw rate Change of cms by normalized roll rate Change of cms by normalized pitch rate Change of cms by normalized yaw rate Change of cml by normalized roll rate Change of cml by normalized pitch rate Change of cml by normalized yaw rate damTolBehaviourType Damage tolerance law, Walker approach Damage tolerance law, Forman approach damTolFormanType Parameter Kc [Pa m^0.5] Parameter C2 [m/cycle] Parameter m2 [-] damTolWalkerType Fracture toughness KIc [Pa m^0.5] Parameter C0 [m/cycle] Parameter m [-] Parameter gamma [-] dateBaseType Base type for date nodes (including external data attributes). This date type is based on the xsd:date definition. "To specify a time zone, you can either enter a date in UTC time by adding a "Z" behind the date - like this: 2002-09-24Z or you can specify an offset from the UTC time by adding a positive or negative time behind the date - like this: 2002-09-24-06:00 or 2002-09-24+06:00" (description taken from dateTimeBaseType Base type for dateTime nodes (including external data attributes) Deck component Name Description UID of the corresponding element in the cpacs/vehicles/deckElemets node Deck component Name Description UID of the corresponding element in the cpacs/vehicles/deckElemets node Deck doors Deck door doors describe all doors of the cabin. They are linked to a structural door description. The cabin door is usually equal in size to the door, but does not need to be. The structural door might describe a wider cut-out, while the cabin door is primarily intended for evacuation modeling and cabin layout. In order to obtain a 3-dimensional door representation, the local cabin geometry shall be used. Name Description Number of passengers this door adds to the overall exit capacity limit of the aircraft. Opening geometry of the door Door type (boarding, cargo, evacuation or service) Deck elements A list of predefined elements which can be linked in the actual deck of the aircraft or rotorcraft model via referencing its uID. Ceiling panel elements for use in the decks Class divider elements for use in the decks Galley elements for use in the decks Generic floor elements for use in the decks Lavatory elements for use in the decks Luggage compartment elements for use in the decks Seat elements for use in the decks Sidewall panel elements for use in the decks Cargo container elements for use in the decks Deck Data of an aircraft or rotorcraft deck Name Description UID of the object used as parent coordinate system (typically the fuselage uID) UID of the floor structure which supports this deck The reference point of the deck/cabin. In a conventional aircraft like the A320, it would be the rear wall of the cockpit. The transformation is relative to the parent object defined by “parentUID”, which should be the fuselage. Deck type: passanger, VIP, cargo or livestock Seat modules Aisles Spaces Sidewall panels Luggage compartments Ceiling panels Galleys Generic floor modules Lavatories Class dividers Cargo containers Doors Structural mounts Structural mount type containing the structural connections of cabin elements Structural mount Structural mount type containing the structural connections of cabin elements Name Description UID of the component to connect to Decks List of decks deltaTemperatureType Design masses The design mases are requerments which can com form the TLARs Take off mass Zero Fuel mass Maximum landing mass Maximum ramp mass (the maximum weight authorised for the ground handling) Design parameters list Contains a list of all design parameters. Design parameter definition Contains a the values of a parameter and its uid as reference. Design space definition Contains the definition of the design space. Design study definitions Contains the data of design studies definitions. directOperatingCostType divergenceCasesType DivergenceCases type, containing the cases for aeroelastic divergence analysis divergenceCaseType DivergenceCase type, containing a case for aeroelastic divergence analysis Mach number of divergence case Divergence stagnation pressure Dome Type doorAssemblyPositionType DoorAssemblyPosition type, containing the position of a door assembly optional definition of door type (restricted to pax, service, emergency, cargo) UID of the door element description UID of the forward door frame UID of the backward door frame UID of the stringer at the upper door edge UID of the stringer at the lower door edge Lower height of the door with respect to the floor. (Information necessary for boarding and evacuation analysis not necessarily linked to structures) Minimum widh of the door element. (Information necessary for boarding and evacuation analysis not necessarily linked to structures) Minimum height of the door element. (Information necessary for boarding and evacuation analysis not necessarily linked to structures) Door on right side of the fuselage = 1; on the left = -1. (Information necessary for boarding and evacuation analysis not necessarily linked to structures) doorCutOutType CutOut type, containing cut-outs Name of door cutout element Description of door cutout element Fillet radius of door cutout element Reference UID to the description of a DSS (door surround structure) doorOpeningLegacyType doors describe all doors of the cabin. They are linked to a structural door description. The cabin door is usually equal in size to the door, but does not need to be. The structural door might describe a wider cut-out, while the cabin door is primarily intended for evacuation modeling and cabin layout. In order to obtain a 3-dimensional door representation, the local cabin geometry shall be used. This is the forward x-coordinate of the door relative to the cabin origin. the door sill height relative to cabin origin. The width of the door in x-direction. the effective height of the door. "doorOpeningType" Ceiling panel instance collection type. doorsType Doors type, containing doors doorSurroundStructurePositionType DoorSurroundStructurePosition type, containing the position of a door surround structure number of bays effected by DSS in front of door number of bays effected by DSS in behind of door number of bays effected by DSS number of bays effected by DSS doorSurroundStructuresAssemblyType doorSurroundStructuresAssembly type, containing dorrSurroundStructure definitions Array with semicolon separated values of type double In CPACS arrays are used to exchange values in full-factorial parameter spaces, for example to describe the aerodynamic coefficients depending on Mach number and altitude. Thus, the dimensions of the array are spanned by the input vectors. See the following example where two input vectors are defined. For clarification the entries of the array result from the multiplication of the index values of the corresponding input vectors: <inputVector1>1;2;3</inputVector1> <inputVector2>4;5;6;7</inputVector2> <array>4;5;6;7;8;10;12;14;12;15;18;21</array> Any entries of type double separated by semicolons are valid, e.g.: <doubleArrayTest>123.456;+123.456;-1.234e56;-.45E-6;NaN;0</doubleArrayTest> <doubleArrayTest>123.456</doubleArrayTest> <doubleArrayTest>123.456,+1234.456</doubleArrayTest> <doubleArrayTest>123.456;mainWingUID</doubleArrayTest> <doubleArrayTest>1234.4E 56;-1.234e5.6</doubleArrayTest> Please note that the syntax of arrays in the current CPACS version correspond exactly to the syntax of vectors. There is no special character indicating the dimensions. Thus, the input vectors have to be determined from the documentation of the corresponding elements and splitting of the one-dimensional vector has to be done manually. doubleBaseType Base type for double nodes (including external data attributes) The double base type can include optional uncertainty information. The description of uncertainties is placed in additional attributes. First, it is described by an attribute that describes the type of uncertainty function called functionName. The functionName attribute includes the tag name of the distribution function which is listened in the table shown below. Each uncertainty function is further describes by a set of parameters that are described in the table below. doubleConstraintBaseType Base type for double nodes including a relational operator attribute indicating valid constraint region The doubleConstraintBaseType extends the doubleBaseType and thus inherits all its attributes. Vector with semicolon separated values of type double Any entries of type double separated by semicolons are permitted, e.g.: <doubleVectorTest>123.456;+123.456;-1.234e56;-.45E-6;NaN</doubleVectorTest> <doubleVectorTest>123.456</doubleVectorTest> <doubleVectorTest>123.456,+1234.456</doubleVectorTest> <doubleVectorTest>123.456;mainWingUID</doubleVectorTest> <doubleVectorTest>123.456;1234.4E 56;-1.234e5.6</doubleVectorTest> doubleVectorConstraintBaseType Base type for double vectors including a relational operator attribute indicating valid constraint region. The doubleVectorConstraintBaseType extends the doubleVectorBaseType and thus inherits all its attributes. Drag contributions The drag contributions relate to different physical mechanisms. The sum of the contributions does not have to be equal to the total drag. Drag contributions due to the displacement of the flow around a component. Zero for irrotational two-dimensional flows. Drag contributions due to shear forces on surfaces Drag contributions due to friction Drag contributions due to energy loss through vortex structures caused by the pressure difference between the upper and lower sides of three-dimensional lifting surfaces. Drag contributions due to mixing of streamlines between airframe components (e.g., interaction between wing and fuselage or pylon and wing). Drag contributions due to energy dissipation in shock waves Drag contributions due to trimmed aircraft configuration driveSystemsType DriveSystems Type, containing all the drive systems (combination of transmissions/gearboxes and shafts and their links to engines and rotors) of a rotorcraft model. driveSystemType DriveSystem Type, defining a drive system (combination of transmissions/gearboxes and shafts and their links to engines and rotors) of a rotorcraft model. Duct assembly Name Description UID of part to which the duct is mounted (if any) Duct structure Ducts Duct Name Description dynamicAircraftModelAnalysisType Electric motors Electric motor Electric power Electric power values Direct current voltage [V] Electric power Electric power value Direct current voltage [V] Geometry Mass Description of mass, center of gravity and inertia. Density should only be specified in combination with a valid geometry. Density Mass Center of gravity (x,y,z) Ellipsoid dome Half axis fraction Emissivity map, containing the diffuse emissivity of a material at different spectral lengths. The emissivity of a material can vary with the spectral wave length. The vectors diffuseEmissivity and waveLength must have the same size to be valid. The data should be linearly interpolated. Wave length in [m] Diffuse emissivity of the material Emtpy element Base type for string nodes (including external data attributes) Energy Carriers engineAnalysisType Thrust at takeoff Fan pressure ratio at takeoff Bypass ratio at takeoff overall pressure ratio at takeoff Maximum rotations per second, shaft 1 Maximum rotations per second, shaft 2 Design tip relative mach number (FAN) DryMass of engine Definition of global geometry parameters of the engine fan. Inner radius of the fan. Outer radius of the fan. Definition of the global engine geometry. All engine geometry definitions refer to the engine coordinate system. The engine coordinate system has its orgine in the middle of the fan plan. The positive x-axis is heading to the rear, the positive z-axis to the top and the y-axis according to the right hand rule. length of engine diameter of engine dProp Chordlength of a fan blade engineGlobalType EngineGlobal type, containing global engine data Concept of engine Year of first certification Rotation direction of the engine if looking at it from the front, i.e. from propeller/fan to exhaust Hub to tip ratio Number of rotor blades of fan Number of outlet guiding vanes Rotor stator spacing (relative to chordlength) List of all engine mounts. Definition of one engine mount. Name of the engine mount. Description of the engine mount. position of the engine mount referring to the engine coordinate system. UID of the engine mount. Engine nacelle The engine nacelle is part of an engine. It allows to define the outer geometry of the following engine components: Fan cowl Core cowl Center cowl All geometric values refer to the fan position. The common use case for this definition includes bypass engines. In the case of non-bypass engines, the core cowl should be omitted. Fan cowl Core cowl enginePerformanceMapsType enginePerformanceMapType EnginePerformanceMap type, containing a performance map with engine data Flight Level Mach number Absolute thrust [N] Fuel mass flow Speed at core engine nozzle Total temperature at core engine nozzle Mass flow through core engine nozzle Speed at bypass nozzle Total temperature at bypass nozzle Mass flow through bypass nozzle Percent of n1Max, shaft 1 Percent of n2Max, shaft 2 Fan pressure ratio Fan efficiency Turbine entry total temperature Emission index Carbon Monoxide Emission index Nitrogen Oxide Emission index Sulfur Oxide Emission index Soot Emission index unburned hydrocarbon air density at core outlet 8 air density at bypass outlet 18 area at core outlet area at bypass outlet Engine references EnginePositions type, containing a reference to the used engines and their positions at the configuration enginePositionType EnginePosition type, containing data for a single engine Name of the engine Description of the engine Reference to the used engine Component, to which the engine is mounted Engine pylons Definition of one engine pylon. Name of the engine pylon. Description of the engine pylon. UID of the parent (normally wing or fuselage). UID of the engine pylon. Rotors Propeller Definition of the engine spinner geometry. Most forward x-position of the spinner. X-position of the spinner base. Radius of the spinner at the base position. Engines Engines type, containing complete engine configurations engineType Engine type, containing engine data. Name of engine Description of engine Scaling of engine take-off thrust Environmental conditions Specification of environmental conditions Delta temperature with respect to the standard temperature of the selected atmosphere [K] etaIsoLineType Iso line described by point of the same eta coordinate. Can be either segment or component segment coordinates. Relative spanwise position. Eta refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. This reference uID determines the reference coordinate system. If it points to a segment, then the eta value is considered to be in segment eta coordinate; if it points to a componentSegment, then componentSegment eta coordinate is used. Point in eta and xsi coordinates Point described by eta-xsi coordinates. Can be either segment or component segment coordinates. Relative spanwise position. Eta refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. Relative chordwise position. Xsi refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. This reference uID determines the reference coordinate system. If it points to a segment, then the eta-xsi values are considered to be in segment eta-xsi coordinates; if it points to a componentSegment, then componentSegment eta-xsi coordinates are used. Relative height at eta, xsi position Point described by eta-xsi and a relative height coordinate. Can be either segment or component segment coordinates. If relHeight is not given, the point has no offset from the eta-xsi plane Relative spanwise position. Eta refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. Relative chordwise position. Xsi refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. Relative height position. relHeight is relative to the local airfoil thickness. This reference uID determines the reference coordinate system. If it points to a segment, then the eta-xsi values are considered to be in segment eta-xsi coordinates; if it points to a componentSegment, then componentSegment eta-xsi coordinates are used. fatigueBehaviourType Fatigue law, stress based Brown Miller approach [N/m^2] fatigueStressBasedBrownMillerType Parameter sigma_f [N/m^2] Parameter b [-] Parameter epsilon_f [-] Parameter c [-] fleetType Each fleet can be divided into sub fleet groups Name of fleet Description of the fleet Description of sub-fleets. flightAnalysisType Flight dynamics Linear model parameters Trim result Mach number True airspeed Angle of attack Altitude Flight envelope speed Specification of the V-speed Vector with altitudes Vector with True Airspeeds Flight Envelopes Specification of flight envelopes Flight Envelope Specification of a flight envelope Offset from temperature of the atmospheric model [K] Flight load cases Load conditions Inertia load conditions acting on the aircraft Description Safety factor applied on the loads Rotational rates around centre of gravity Enumeration flag stating the typ of the load case (i.e. limit or ultimate loads) Angle of sideslip [deg] Angle of attack [deg] Flight loads Loads resulting from the load case analysis Flight path Definition of a flight path by points of longitude, latitude and a descriptive waypoint code. Vector of waypoint codes. If waypoint codes are not available put empty items into the waypoint string Vector of waypoint latitude values in [deg] Vector of waypoint longitude values in [deg] Indicates the type of the way point. Performance cases List of performance cases Performance case Name Description UID of flight performance requirement Results of the landing analysis Determined landing distance. Determined ground phase distance. Level flight Specific excess power Flight performance requirements Contains a list of flight performance requirements Flight performance requirement Name of the performance case Description of the performance case Reference to the considered weightAndBalance case The UID of the mission to be flown List of point performance uIDs constraining the mission Results of the take-off analysis Main element containing the results for take-off calculations optimized for min-imum liftoff speed VLOFmin. Main element containing the results for take-off calculations optimized for min-imum safety speed V2min. Turn ... ... Flight Cases flightPointType Flights Flighs type, containing all flight definitions Flight systems flightType Flight type, containing data of a scheduled flight MissionUID for the flights mission definition ModelUID of the aircraft appointed to perform the flight Departure day of the flight Time of departure - the time is defined as SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time) / STD (Scheduled Time of Departure) Arrival day of the flight Time of arrival - the time is defined as SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time) / STA (Scheduled Time of Arrival) Reference to the operating airline of a flight floorPanelsType FloorPanels type, containing floor panel definitions floorPanelAssemblyPositionType FloorPanelAssemblyPosition type, containing a floor panel assembly position x coordinate of the begin of the floor panel (absolute value) x coordinate of the end of the floor panel (absolute value) UID of the first long. floor beam to be connected to the floor panel UID of the second long. floor beam to be connected to the floor panel UID of structural sheet element used for the floor panel Flying qualities Provides a list of flying qualities cases Flying qualities case Name Description Aircraft Class; Class 1 small light aircraft; Class 2 medium weight aircraft, low to medium maneuverability; Class 3 large, heavy aircraft, low to medium maneuverability; Class 4 high maneuverability aircraft Flight Phase Category; Category A Non-terminal flight phases requiring maneuvering, precision tracking, or precise flight-path control (e.g. air-to-air combat, terrain following). Category B Non-terminal Flight Phases with gradual maneuvers and without precision tracking, although accurate flight-path control may be required (e.g. climb, cruise). Category C Terminal Flight Phases are normally accomplished using gradual maneuvers and usually require accurate flight-path control (takeoff, approach and landing). main element containing longitudinal transfer functions main element containing lateral directional transfer functions main element containing characteristic parameters of the handling qualities criteria main element containing handling qualities ratings fqCharParametersType static margin [-] main element containing characteristic parameter of phugoid damping main element containing characteristic parameters of short period mode criteria main element containing characteristic parameters of roll oscillation criterion coupling of roll and spiral mode: normal = no coupling of roll and spiral mode coupled = coupling of roll and spiral mode main element containing characteristic parameters of lateral eigenvalues main element containing characteristic parameters of effective roll time constant criterion main element containing characteristic parameters of roll performance criterion fqEiglatType natural frequency of dutch roll mode [rad/s] damping of dutch roll mode [-] roll time constant [s] time to double of spiral mode [s] ratio of bank to sideslip angle [-] natural frequency of coupled rollspiral motion [rad/s] damping ratio of coupled roll-spiral motion product of roll-spiral damping and natural frequency [rad/s] handling qualities level of roll time constant handling qualities level of roll spiral mode fqLateralType numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to bank angle numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to yaw rate numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to sideslip angle numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to bank angle of reduced 4th order system numerator of transfer function roll control surface deflection to sideslip angle of reduced 4th order system numerator of transfer function yaw control surface deflection to yaw rate numerator of transfer function yaw control surface deflection to sideslip angle numerator of transfer function roll stick input to roll rate numerator of transfer function roll stick input to yaw rate numerator of transfer function roll stick input to bank angle numerator of transfer function roll stick input to sideslip angle numerator of transfer function pedal input to roll rate numerator of transfer function pedal input to yaw rate numerator of transfer function pedal input to bank angle numerator of transfer function pedal input to sideslip angle denominator of lateral motion denominator of lateral motion of reduced 4th order system fqLongitudinalType numerator of transfer function pitch stick input to pitch rate numerator of transfer function pitch control surface deflection to pitch angle numerator of transfer function pitch stick input to pitch angle numerator of transfer function pitch stick input to angle of attack numerator of transfer function pitch stick input to vertical load factor denominator of longitudinal motion fqPhugoidType damping ratio of phugoid mode [-] time to double amplitude of unstable phugoid mode [s] fqRatingsType handling qualities level of phugoid damping handling qualities level of C* criterion main element containing handling qualities levels of short period mode main element containing handling qualities levels of roll oscillation criterion main element containing handling qualities levels of lateral eigenvalues handling qualities level of effective roll time constant handling qualities level of roll performance fqRollPerfType time to reach critical bank angle [s] critical bank angle that has to be reached [deg] fqRoloscType ratio of oscillatory component of the roll rate to the average roll rate [-] phase angle of dutch roll oscillation in sideslip [deg] phase angle between roll rate and sideslip in dutch roll mode [deg] ratio of first minimum roll rate to first maximum [-] handling qualities level of ratio of oscillatory component of roll rate to average roll rate fqShortPeriodType steady state normal acceleration change with angle of attack [g/rad] short period natural frequency of reduced order system [rad/s] short period damping ratio of reduced order system [-] equivalent pitch time delay of reduced order system [s] handling qualities level of CAP criterion fqTreffType effective roll time constant [s] time where tangent of bank angle step response is placed [s] framesAssemblyType FramesAssembly type, containing frames assembly frameType frame type, containing frame definition (V1.5+) freePathType Frustum The component coordinate system of the frustum is centered on the center of its geometrically defining variables, which is half the height and center of the lower and upper circular faces. The upper radius is optional. If not specified, it defaults to the lower radius, resulting in a cylinder. Upper radius [m] Height [m] Upper radius [m] (if not defined: equals lowerRadius) Fuel flows Fuel flow Fuel Mass Fraction Describing the mass fraction considered for a mission segment sequence Reference to the segment from which the fuel fraction should be considered Reference to the segment to which the fuel fraction should be considered Float value of the mass fraction defined as fraction = m_end / m_start Storage conditions Fuels Definition of different volumes of the fuel tank. Theoretical volume if material thicknesses (ribs, spars, skins, stringers) and systems (fuel pumps, pipes...) are neglected. Usable fuel volume aircraft operations. Total real fuel tank volume. Factor between the usalbe fuel volume and the real fuel volume. Factor between the real fuel volume and the theoretical optimum fuel volume. Fuel Name Description Type of energy carrier Lower heating value Density at 15deg C CO2 emission index H2O emission index N2 emission index Energy specific cost Freezing point fuselageAeroPerformanceType fuselageAeroPerformance type, containing performance maps with aerodynamic data of a fuselage. Reference to the uID of the analysed fuselage References used for the calculation of the force and moment coefficients of the fuselage (in the fuselage axis system!) Calculated aerodynamic performance maps of the fuselage fuselageCutOutsType fuselageCutOuts type, containing fuselage cutouts fuselageCutOutType fuselageCutOut type, containing a fuselage cutout definition Name of the cutout Description of the cutout X position of the cutout center point Y offset of the cutout reference point Z offset of the cutout reference point Angle in degrees of the vector pointing from the cutout reference point to the cutout center point, measured relative to the direction of the fuselage z axis. Coordinates of the unit vector defining the direction of extrusion Coordinates of the unit vector defining the y-axis of the local cutout coordinate system. Must be normal to the orientationVector. This value is used to define the width of the cutout This value is used to define the height of the cutout This value is used to define the width of the cutout This value is used to define the height of the cutout Fillet radius of the cut element (absolute value) Cutout type. Determines the type of the cutout and how it is treated by the tools. Possible values: ("window"|"door"|"ramp") fuselageElementsType FuselageElements type, containing the elements of a fuselage section fuselageElementType FuselageElement type, containing fuselage element data Name of fuselage element Description of fuselage element Reference to a fuselage profile List of fuel tanks The fuselage fuel tank geometry is defined by a link to a fuselage geometry compartment. The fuel tank volume type should also be used for the wing fuel tank fuselageProfilesType FuselageProfiles type, containing fuselage profile geometries. See profileGeometryType for further documentation fuselagesAeroPerformanceType fuselagesAeroPerformance type, containing fuselagesAeroPerformance fuselageSectionsType FuselageSections type, containing fuselage sections fuselageSectionType FuselageSection type, containing fusleage section and element data Name of fuselage section Description of fuselage section fuselageSegmentsType FuselageSegments type, containing fuselage segment definitions (from sections and elements) fuselageSegmentType FuselageSegment type, containing data of a fuselage segment Name of fuselage segment Description of fuselage segment Reference to element from which the segment shall start Reference to element at which the segment shall end Optional and additional guidecurves to shape the outer geometry. Structural mounts fuselageStructureType FuselageStructure type, containing data of the fuselage's structure Fuselages Fuselages type, containing the fuselages of the configuration fuselageType Fuselage type, containing all data related to a fuselage Name of fuselage Description of fuselage UID of part to which the fuselage is mounted (if any) Galley elements Galley element collection type Galley element for use in the decks Galley element Galley element type, containing the base elements of the cabin Number of trolleys Galleys Galley instance collection type. Galley Gas turbines GasTurbine Gear boxes Gear box This type contains a list of gears and their deflection vectors 0. General overview In this type, a list of gears is defined. 1. <gear> (mandatory) One of these nodes per deflected gear is required here. This type contains a vector of deflection values for a single gear 0. General overview In this type, a vector of deflections of a single gear is specified. 1. <gearUID> (mandatory) A reference to a gear from the aircraft model 2. <controlParameters> (mandatory) A vector of control parameters of the selected gear Reference to a gear Control parameters of the gear stringerFramePositionType stringerFramePosition type, containing individual stringer / frame position definition (CPACS V2.1+) Continuity definition for profile extrusion: 0= C0 (allows sharp edges, default), 2= C2 (defines curvature continuity) Definition of interpolation between different profiles: 0= no interpolation 1= interpolation of structural profile generalStructuralMembersAssemblyType generalStructuralMembersAssembly type, containing structural member assemblies generalStructuralMemberType Generators Generator Generic components genericCostType Generic floor elements Generic floor element collection type Generic floor element for use in the decks Generic floor modules Generic floor module instance collection type. Generic floor module Global design parameters Inner radius of the cylinder Inner length of the cylinder Generic fuel tank Cryogenic tank Name Description Volume Burst pressure genericGeometricComponentType In some cases additional geometric components need to be linked to a CPACS, but these components are not yet handled by CPACS explicitly. For example, a belly fairing and/or external tanks. A generic geometric component may be applied to include such a geometry from an external file (preferably STEP) in the context of the overall aircraft. Name of genericGeometricComponent Description of genericGeometricComponent UID of part to which the component is mounted (if any) Generic geometric components Generic geometry component Mass description parentUID not set parentUID set location without refType global local location with refType="absLocal" global local location with refType="absGlobal" global global Note: The combination of location with refType="absLocal" and no parentUID is global, because the local coordinate system to which the location is referring to via refType equals the global coordinate system. ... ... ... ... ]]> ... ... ... ... ]]> ... ... ... ... ]]> wingUID ... ... ... ... ]]> wingUID ... ... ... ... ]]> wingUID ... ... ... ... ]]> Name Description UID of the component which serves as parent element, i.e. whose coordinate system is to be used as a reference for the mass properties (CoG location, orientation and massInertia). Thus, two cases can occur: (1) it is set: local coordinate system of the parent; (2) it is not set: global CPACS coordinate system. UID of the geometric description of the component. Mass [kg] Mass location. If the optional refType attribute is set, it explicitly specifies whether the location of the mass refers to the global CPACS coordinate system (absGobal) or the local coordinate system of the parent element (absLocal, given by the CPACS hierarchy OR by parentUID). If it is not set, the global CPACS coordinate system is considered as default. To ensure consistency, the same settings apply as well to orientation and massInertia. Orientation. The reference coordinate system (absGlobal or absLocal) is identical to location. Mass inertia. The reference coordinate system (absGlobal or absLocal) is identical to location. genericSystemsType Node for geometrical layout of system components based on simple geometric shapes Generic system Name Description geographicPointConstraintType Geographic point constraint, containing a longitude, latitude, altitude data triplet. Longitude coordinate 0-360 Latitude coordinate 0-360 Altitude in meters geographicPointType Geographic point type, containing a longitude, latitude, altitude data triplet. Longitude coordinate 0-360 Latitude coordinate 0-360 Altitude in meters airfoilAeroPerformanceType airfoilAeroPerformance type, containing performance maps with aerodynamic data of an airfoil. References used for the calculation of the force and moment coefficients Calculated aerodynamic performance maps of the full configuration globalBeamPropertiesType globalBeamPropertiesType, containing the global beam properties such as EA, EI, mass Flight point Mach number Calibrated air speed True air speed Performance Cases Specification of performance cases required for the performance evaluation of air vehicles (aircraft, rotorcraft, etc.). The information in this node is generally applicable to any kind of vehicle. Vehicle-specific information is provided through the performanceRequirements node found under: /cpacs/vehicles/../model/performanceCases. Ground load Cases guideCurveProfileGeometryType A guide curve profile is defined by a profile name, an optional description and a 3-dimensional relative pointlist with all three coordinates mandatory. For typical profiles, one of the coordinate vectors contains only "0" entries. All point coordinates are transferred to the global coordinate system. First and last point may, but need not to, be identical. The points have to be ordered in a mathematical positive sense. A profile can be symmetric. In that case the profile is interpreted as being not closed and will be closed by mirroring it on the symmetry plane. Curves have to go continuously over the whole wing or fuselage Connection of guide curves from segment to segment Please note, currently it is not possible to apply any means of class based transformation in the description. However, this may be an addition for the future. Name of profile Description of profile guideCurveProfilesType Guide Curve Profiles type. This type is used to describe guide curves that enable designers to create a geometry that deviates from a standard loft. Guide Curves Type Guide Curve type. This type is used to describe guide curves that enable designers to create a geometry that deviates from a standard loft. Guide Curve Type A guide curve may be used to alter the shape of the outer geometry and "guide" the loft. The guide curve profiles are defined in the guideCurveProfileGeometryType. Their use on wing and fuselage components is illustrated in the image below. Name of guide curve Description of guide curve Reference to a guide curve profile For the first segment fromGuideCurveUID is not a valid entry! For the first guideCurve fromRelativeCircumference must be applied! fromGuideCurveUID is exclusive. Reference to the previous guide curve from which this guide curve shall start. Continuity definition for geometry generation. Possible options: C0, C1 from previous, C2 from previous, C1 to previous, C2 to previous Reference to the relative circumference position from which the guide curve shall start. Valid values are in the interval -1.0...1.0. Reference to the parameter position from which the guide curve shall start. Valid values are in the interval -1.0...1.0. Tangent at first point The relative circumference position at which the guide curve shall end. Valid values are in the interval -1.0,..,1.0. The parameter position at which the guide curve shall end. Valid values are in the interval -1.0...1.0. Tangent at last point Local direction along which the relative x-coordinates of the guide curve points are defined. For the wing the default is the wing's local x-axis, for the fuselage its the fuselage's local z-axis. CPACS header Header type, containing CPACS dataset description Name of CPACS dataset Description of CPACS dataset Version of initial CPACS dataset according to the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 standard. DEPRECATED: Should only be set to allow TiGL to open the file until TiGL is adopted accordingly. Will be replaced by the cpacsVersion element in versionInfos. Heat exchangers Heat exchanger Heat flow Heat flow value Heat flow Heat flow value hingeMomentsMapType hingeMomentsMap type, containing a hinge moments map with aerodynamic data. Array order is: angleOfAttack min->max then angleOfSideslip then reynoldsNumber then machNumber. All coefficients in the aeroperformanceMap relate to the CPACS coordinate system. See documentation of the CPACS-Element for further information. Name of the AeroPerformanceMap. Description of the AeroPerformanceMap. Mach number Reynolds Number Sideslip angle Angle of attack htpFwdInterfaceDefType Definition of the interface of forward HTP attachment Definition of the forward HTP attachment interface relative width of reinforcement at fwd HTP attachment, between 0.0 and 1.0 relative width of plate at fwd HTP attachment (only applicable for Type1 model), between 0.0 and 1.0, smaller than htpPlateWidth UID of panel element at HTP forward attachment in x-direction (shell elements) UID of panel element at HTP forward attachment in z-direction (shell elements) UID of reinforcements for panel element at HTP forward attachment in z-direction (beam elements) UID of the element to fix HTP to fuselage (beam elements) htpInterfaceDefType Definition of the interface of HTP Definition of the HTP interface UID of the fuselage frame at the forward HTP attachment UID of the fuselage frame at the backward HTP attachment maximum HTP deflection (nose up in degrees) maximum HTP deflection (nose down in degrees) angle of the reinforcements at backward HTP attachment (in degrees) Defines area (absolute) in x-direction around htpFrame2UID where the HTP attachmentpoint has correct position ==> check and potentially warning message Defines area (absolute) in y-direction around the outer edge of htpFrame2UID where the HTP attachmentpoint has correct y-position ==> check and potentially warning message Defines allowed z-position for rear HTP attachment relative to total frame height ==> check and potentially warning message ==> check and potentially warning message Definition of HTP structural elements Definition of HTP forward attachment to structure htpStructElemDefType definition of structural elements in HTP attachment Definition of tailplane attachment area (Standard Configuration) UID of structural element for HTP front crossbeams UID of structural element for HTP rear crossbeams UID of structural element for HTP diagonal beams UID of structural element for HTP side beams UID of structural element for upper HTP cutout reinforcement beams, also used for lower cutout reinforcement, when not explicitly defined UID of structural element for lower HTP cutout reinforcement beams (optional) Skin Layers Structure Hulls Hulls Name Description indirectOperatingCostType Individual system categories Generic integerBaseType Base type for integer nodes (including external data attributes) List of fuselage fuel tanks integrated in compartments. The integral fuel tank geometry is defined by a link to a fuselage geometry compartment. The fuel tank volume type should also be used for the wing fuel tank Definition of one fuel tank integrated in a fuselage compartment. The definition of fuselage tanks is still preliminary. Currently, there is no link to any structural elements Name of the fuselage fuel tank. Description of the fuselage fuel tank. Link to the tank geometry defined by a compartment. interConnectionStrutAttachmentType Definition of the position of the attachment joint in relative coordinates. Material settings of the attachment. interconnectionStrutsType Definition of one interconnection strut. interconnectionStrutType uID of control surface where this flap is attached to by the interconnection strut. Material settings of the strut (if strut is modeled as a simple strut). Definition of the attachment on this control surface. Definition of the attachment on the other control surface Free path in positive (tensil) and negative (compression) direction before interconnection strut blocks. intercostalPositionType intercostalPosition type, containing the position of intercostals in DSS UID of the frame at which intercostal starts UID of the forward door frame UID of the door non-dimensional value ranging between 0 and 1 UID of profileBasedStructuralElement used for intercostal IntercostalsAssemblyType IntercostalsAssembly type, containing intercostal definitions structuralElementsConnectionsType StructuralElementsConnections type, containing connections between structural elements Flag for automatic generation of interface definitions (draft version) Isotensoid dome Radius of the fitting/smaller polar opening Isotropic material properties Defines the material properties for an isotropic material. Note that the shear modulus G is defined in terms of the elastic modulus E and the Poisson's ratio nu as: Specifying a value for all three properties E, G and nu therefore results in an overdetermined material definition and must be avoided. Young's modulus [N/m^2] Shear modulus [N/m^2] Poisson's ratio Thermal expansion coefficient [1/K] Thermal conductivity of the material in [W/(m*K)] Allowable stress for tension [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear [N/m^2] Allowable strain for tension Allowable strain for compression Allowable strain for shear Yield strength, tension [N/m^2] Yield strength, compression [N/m^2] Plastification curves for isotropic materials incl. element elimination Optional knockdown factor for fatiuqe (defaults to 1) Fatigue behaviour of the material Damage tolerance behaviour of the material Landing gear base Base type for landing gears (i.e. nose gear, main gear and skid gear). An example of a nose and main gear is shown below: Name Description UID of the parent component. If set, the position of the main strut is defined relative to the parent coordinate system. Total length of landing gear, equals the distance from the middle of the bogie/axles to the axis of rotation of the pintle strut. Distance is measured while landing gear is fully extended and in airborne condition (i.e., if a spring is present, the totalLength includes the springDeflectionLength) Static suspension travel means the positive distance between the total length in airborne condition and the reduced length due to compression on the ground. Compressed suspension travel means the positive distance between the total length in airborne condition and the maximum reduced length due to maximum compression on the ground (e.g., landing shock). Transformation with respect to the uppermost point of the main strut. From this point the landing gear is oriented in negative z-direction by default. Braking function Describes the braking state of the landing gear. Control parameter indicating that the brake is set Control parameter indicating that the brake is released Assembly of landing gear components Describes an assembly of the various landing gear components Main strut Drag strut (Assumption: one end of the strut will connect to the main strut and the other end will be given as endPoint) Landing gear control functions A list of functions which can be addressed by the controlDistributor. Extension path Steering path Braking state Landing gear control parameters Parameters of a landing gear control such as extraction or steering. Retraction angle of the main landing gear. Equals a rotation around the global z-axis in degrees. 0 = retraction to the front; 90 = retraction to the left; 180 = retraction to the rear; 270 = retraction to the right. Distance of the center of rotation to the top of the main strut for retracting and extending the landing gear. I.e., a value of 0 means that the landing gear will rotate around the upper end of the main strut during retraction. If this value is greater than 0, the center of rotation is shifted by this value above the main strut end point (translation along the main strut axis). Extension step Describes a step with the extension path of the landing gear. Make sure to provide a least one step with stepType=extracted! Step type (retracted or extracted) Control parameter Extension angle of the main strut [deg] Extension path Describes the extension path of the landing gears via a list of steps. Step within the extension path landingGearInterfaceDefinitionsType CenterFuselage landing gear interface definitions keelbeamType HighWingCenterFuselage / Keelbeam definition between mainframe1 und mainframe2 lateralPanelsType HighWingCenterFuselage / lateral Panel definition between mainframe1 und mainframe2 longFloorBeamConnectionType HighWingCenterFuselage / Long. floor beam connection centerFuselageMainFramesType High wing main frame definition, containing mainframe UIDs pressureFloorType High Wing Center Fuselage / pressure floor definition between mainframe1 und mainframe2 sideboxType HighWingCenterFuselage / side box definition between mainframe1 und mainframe2 Landing gear position safety margins LandingGearPositionSafetyMargins type, containing the safety margins of the gear due to its position Safety margin for landing gear x position regarding tail clearance at takeoff pitch angle Safety margin for landing gear x position to avoid tail dropping down during touchDown and ground maneuvering Safety margin for landing gear y position to avoid wing tip dropping down during ground maneuvering Safety margin for landing gear y position regarding wingtip or engine nacelle clearance at a certein roll angle Steering step Describes a step with the steering path of the landing gear. Step type (centered, fullBackboard or fullStarboard) Control parameter Steering angle [deg] Steering path Describes the steering path of the landing gears via a list of steps. Step within the steering path Definition of the wing attachment Definition of the wing attachment, if attached to the wing. The definition includes the position of the landing gear as well as the information to which spars resp. supportBeam the gear is attached. UID of the second spar, where the landing gear is attached to. Only used, if the landing gear is attached between two spars. UID of a set of ribs (ribDefinition) Number of the rib in the rib set (ribDefinition) UID of the structural mount Landing gears Contains a list of landing gears. Definition of the main landing gear support beam position Definition of the main landing gear support beam position Relative chordwise coordinate (xsi) of the inner end of the support beam. The eta position of the inner end is defined by the eta position of the wing root (=wing-fuselage attachment). Relative spanwise coordinate (eta) of the outer end of the support beam. The xsi coordinate of the outer end is defined by the spar position (first spar), where the support beam is attached to. Landing gears LandingGear type, containing the definition of nose, main and skid gears. Lavatories Lavatory instance collection type. Lavatory Lavatory elements Lavatory element collection type Lavatory element for use in the decks Definition of the wings leading edge devices. Definition of the wings leading edge devices. Trailing edge device of the wing. A leadingEdgeDevice (LED) is defined via its outerShape relative to the componentSegment. The WingCutOut defines the area of the skin that is removed by the LED. Structure is similar to the wing structure. The mechanical links between the LED and the parent are defined in tracks. The deflection path is described in path. Additional actuators, that are not included into a track, can be defined in actuators. Leading and trailing edge are defined by the outer shape of the wing segments, i.e. the trailing edge of a trailingEdgeDevice is the trailing edge of the wing. This is also valid for kinks that are present in the wing but not explicitly modeled in the control surface. The edges of the control surface within the wing are a straight line in absolute coordinates! Hence, there needs to be a straight connection between the eta-wise outer and inner points of the edge that is within the wing in absolute coordinates. Name of the leading edge device. Description of the leading edge device. UID of the parent of the LED. The parent is the componentSegment, where it is attached to. Optional definition of the airfoil inner shape of leading edge devices (LED). All parameters are optional. For the definition of the parameters, please refer to the picture below. Parameters from the outer border default to the parameters of the inner border. Relative height of the most forward point of the LED's rear part, based on the airfoil height of the parent at this position. Optional. Relative chordwise position of the most forward point of the LED's rear part, based on the chord of the parent at this position. Optional. Optional definition of the leading edge shape of trailing edge devices (TED). All parameters are optional. For the definition of the parameters, please refer to the picture below. Parameters from the outer border default to the parameters of the inner border. Relative height of the leading edge of the TED, based on the airfoil height of the parent at this position. Optional. Relative chordwise upper skin position, of the border, where the airfoil of the TED is equivalent of the airfoil from the parent. Measured from the rear to the front (0 = TED trailing edge; 1 = TED leading edge). Values form the outer border default to the value of the inner border. Optional. Relative chordwise lower skin position, of the border, where the airfoil of the TED is equivalent of the airfoil from the parent. Measured from the rear to the front (0 = TED trailing edge; 1 = TED leading edge). Values form the outer border default to the value of the inner border. Optional. linerType Liner type, containing liner data Type of liner % of fan diameter % of fan diameter Link to file (Step, Iges or Stl) Please provide a link to the additional file that shall be loaded by the TIGL library. Furthermore it is necessary to provide the format attribute so that the file type can be identified. Several CAD formats provide multiple endings, and hence, this measure seems necessary. Load analysis Load application points Multiple sets of scattered load application points can be defined. However, no specific information about the corresponding loads (e.g. whether aerodynamic or structural loads are involved) or mesh topologies are specified here, as such assumptions are tool-specific. Load application point set A point set contains discrete spatial points at which loads are applied (e.g., aerodynamic or structural loads). A typical procedure in CPACS is as follows: Reference a wing, fuselage or control surface by its uID using the componentUID node. Define a reference axis through the above component with the loadReferenceLine element to specify where a load distribution shall be applied. Compute the intersections with (e.g.) ribs of the referenced component (wing, fuselage or control surface) and write the results into loadApplicationPoints. This procedure results from common practice where the forces in structural analyses are typically introduced at structural elements such as ribs and spars. With respect to preliminary aircraft design a two-dimensional load distribution is preferred. However, an arbitrary distribution of the load application points is possible (without the intersection of structural elements with a reference axis in the previous step), for example to define discrete load distributions on the wing surface in streamwise and spanwise direction. Specify the location and orientation of cut loads in the cutLoadIntegrationPoints element and the corresponding connectivity information in the connectivities node. UID of a wing, fuselage or control surface Reference axis (line) for load distribution List of points at which load vectors are applied to List of points at which cut loads are applied to Specification of connectivity properties between points dynamicAircraftModelCoordinatesType loadBreakdownType Accelerations Translational or rotational accelerations acting on the aircraft Rotational accelerations acting around aircraft centre of gravity [deg/s^2] Gust definition The coordinate system of the gust corresponds to the CPACS coordinate system. Parameters describing the shape of the gust Angle between gust and vehicle [deg] (e.g., 0deg: from right to left; 90 deg: downwards; 180deg: from left to right; 270/-90deg: upwards) Gust length: length of ramp or gradient distance of 1-cos gust Gust velocity Load factors Load factor in x-direction Load factor in y-direction Load factor in z-direction Load case specification Input values defining a load case Environment Altitude above sea level Mach number UID of the aerodynamic loads (aeroCase) Controller description. Note: Since there is no controller description in CPACS yet, the expected content of this string element has to be defined individually for each project. UID referencing the mass state of aircraft for this load case Load cases Load case superposition List of uIDs referencing load cases that are superimposed to the current load case UID reference to another load case to be superimposed Load case This node defines the load case Name of the load case Description of the load case Load envelopes The loads envelope is the results of the loadsAnalysis and lists those loadcases that are limiting for the design Load envelope List of load cases defining a load envelope Name Description UID of the corresponding point set List of uIDs defining the loads envelope loadReferenceAxisPointsType loadReferenceAxisPointType Relative spanwise position. Eta refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. Relative chordwise position. Xsi refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. Relative height position. relHeight is relative to the local airfoil thickness. This reference uID determines the reference coordinate system. If it points to a segment, then the eta-xsi values are considered to be in segment eta-xsi coordinates; if it points to a componentSegment, then componentSegment eta-xsi coordinates are used. Load sets A list of load sets Load set A set of forces and moments Description UID of load application point set (analysis/global/loadApplicationPoints) Force in x-direction [N] Force in y-direction [N] Force in z-direction [N] Moment around x-axis [Nm] Moment around y-axis [Nm] Moment around z-axis [Nm] Nodal displacement in x-direction [m] Nodal displacement in y-direction [m] Nodal displacement in z-direction [m] Nodal rotation around x-axis [deg] Nodal rotation around y-axis [deg] Nodal rotation around z-axis [deg] Load brake-down Log entry Description of CPACS dataset Timestamp Creator (tool, person, etc.) logFloorBeamPositionType longFloorBeamPosition type, containing individual position definition UID of structural element UID of crossbeam to which the long. beam is attached y position of long. beam Continuity definition for profile extrusion: 0= C0 (allows sharp edges, default), 2= C2 (defines curvature continuity) Definition of interpolation between different profiles: 0= no interpolation 1= interpolation of structural profile longFloorBeamsAssemblyType longFloorBeamsAssembly type, containing long. floor beam assemblies longFloorBeamType longFloorBeam type, containing a long. floor beam definition Luggage compartment elements Luggage compartment element collection type Luggage compartment element for use in the decks Luggage compartments Luggage compartment Additional Center Tanks Additional center tank Main actuator Definition of the landing gear main actuator. Reference to the main actuator uID of the landing gear Main landing gear List of main gears mainStrutInterfaceDefinitionsType HighWingCenterFuselage main strut interface definitions mainStrutFuselageAttachmentType HighWingCenterFuselage / main strut attachment to fuselage frame and stringer reference to the structural element that comprises this connection. maintenanceCostType mAirConditioningType Air conditioning mass description Mass breakdown 1. General The massBreakeDown is subdivided in designMasses, fuel, payload and mOME (operating empty mass). designMass The design masses contain the overall values for mTOM and so forth. These should be listed as specified by the TLAR or found from initial sizing. fuel and payload The fuel and payload nodes should contain maximum values, i.e. full fuel tanks, all passengers on board and full cargo holding. These values may exceed the maximum allowable take-off mass as the actual loading of the aircraft should be specified in the weight and balance section of the aircraft. mOEM The operation empty mass structure is based on the Airbus Mass Standard brake down [AIRBUS MASS STANDARD 2008]. The operator’s mass empty (OME) is defined by the sum of the following component masses: operator’s items manufacturer’s mass empty (MME) 2. massDescription Each sub component has the following massDescription which include a: Name Description parentUID Mass value Mass location Mass orientation Mass Inertia. The massdescription can be found at the designMasses direct under each item. At the fuel, payload and mOME under massDescription in each item and sub item. Concerning symmetry please note that any item referenced by its UID, e.g. wingUID, accounts for the complete component, e.g. right and left side. Hence for these items their complete mass needs to be specified. If the mass of geometricallly symmetrical components is different, please use the symmetry modifyers for UIDs: _symm and _mirror. See also the overall CPACS definition section on symmetry Mass composition Mass flow Mass flow value Mass flow Mass flow value Mass inertia massInertiaType massInertiaVectorType materialDefinitionForProfileBasedPointType MaterialDefinitionForProfileBased type, containing a material definition (Reference to material and thickness) for profile based objects, addition point reinforcements uID of the profile point to which the additional stiffness shall be applied. uID of a material definition. cross sectional area of additional long. stiffener at strctural element point optional auxiliary parameter for special use (no physical meaning) optional auxiliary parameter for special use (no physical meaning) Definition of the properties of the structural profile sheet MaterialDefinitionForProfileBased type, containing a material definition (Reference to material and thickness) for profile based objects. UID of the sheet to which the material properties shall be applied Predefined ID of the sheet of a standard profile Length of the sheet of a standard profile [m] uID of a composite definition. Orthoropy direction of the composite. Scaling factor of the composite thickness. uID of a material definition. Absolute thickness of the material [m] Material Definition MaterialDefinition type, containing a material definition (Reference to material and thickness) choice between composite / isotropic material definition uID of a composite definition. Orthotropy direction of the composite. Scaling factor of the composite thickness. Absolute thicknesses are defined in each composite material separately uID of a material definition. Absolute thickness of the material. Materials Materials type, containing material and composite data. A material describes the properties of a certain material. Several materials can be combined within one composite. Material Definition of the material properties for one of the following material types: isotropic materials anisotropic 2D and 3D materials orthotropic 2D and 3D materials The nonemclature is adopted from [1] to define the material properties in an orthotogonal 1-2-3 coordinate system. This may be illustrated by the stresses of a three-dimensional cube: [1] R. M. Jones, Mechanics Of Composite Materials, 2 New edition. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Inc, 1998. Name of the material Description of the material Material density [kg/m3] Reference temperature for thermal expansion coefficient [K] mAutomaticFlightSystemType Automatic flight system mass description mAuxillaryPowerUnitType Auxiliary power unit masse description Axle Axle mass description mBellyFairingsType mBleedAirSystemType Bleed air system mass description Bogie Bogie mass description mBulkCargosType mBulkCargoType mBulkheadsType mCabinFloorsType mCabinLightingsType mCargoFloorsType mCargoLiningsType mCargoLoadingsType Cargo masses Cargo masses description Cargo mass description mCarriagesType mCarryOnsType mCarryOnType mCateringsType mCellsType mCockpitLightingsType mCommunicationType Communication mass description mComponentSegmentsType mComponentSegmentType mControlSurfaceSupportsType mControlSurfaceSupportType mCrewMembersType mCrewSeatsType mDeIcingType De-icing mass description mDocumentsToolsType mDoorsType Mechanical power Mechanical power value [W] Torque [Nm] Force [N] Mechanical power Mechanical power value [W] Torque [Nm] Force [N] mElectricalDistributionType Electrical distribution mass description mElectricalGenerationType Electrical generation mass description mEmergencyEquipmentsType mEmergencyOxygenSystemsType mEmptyULDsType mEmptyULDType Engine APU oils Engine APU oil mEngineControlType Engine control mass description mEquippedEnginesType Equipped engines mass description mExtLightingsType mFireProtectionType Fire protection mass description mFixedGalleysType mFixedLeadingEdgesType mFixedLeadingEdgeType mFixedTrailingEdgesType mFixedTrailingEdgeType mFlightControlsType Flight controls mass description mFloorCoveringsType mFramesType mFreshWaterSystemsType Fuel in tanks mFuelSystemType Fuel system mass description Fuel mass Fuel mass description Mass Furnishing mass description mFuselagesStructureType Fuselages structure mass description mFuselageStructureType Fuselage structure mass description Generic fuel tanks mHydraulicDistributionType Hydraulic distribution mass description mHydraulicGenerationType Hydraulic generation mass description In-flight entertainment systems mInstrumentPanelType Instrument panel mass description mInsulationsType mIntegratedModularAvionicsType Integrated modular avionics mass description mInterGasSystemType Inter gas system mass description Mission definitions General description Specifies mission profiles required for the performance evaluation of air vehicles (aircraft, rotorcraft, etc.). The missionDefininitions node is constructed in such a way, that all civil aircraft missions and missions from MIL-STD-3013A can be specified. > Hierarchical buildup of the mission definition The mission definition is built-up in a hierarchical way. As the topmost element of the hierarchical mission definition, missions are created within the missions node. Here, one or more segmentBlocks are referenced. These again link to a sequence of segments, making up parts of the missions: <missions> containing the <startCondition> and a sequence of <segmentBlockUIDs> <segmentBlocks> grouping multiple <segments> and providing overall information concerning the block of segments: constraints in the form of an endCondition or given flightPath, variableSegments and the corresponding variableConditions in case a segment should be adjusted such to meet the segmentBlock's endCondition, fuelPlanningType (designFuel, reserveFuel , additionalFuel), segmentDirection and numberOfRepetitions. <segments> containing detailed information per segment: EITHER segmentType, endConditions, constraints, environmentalConditions OR massFraction OR mass startConditions, constraints, endConditions and the relationalOperator attribute the startCondition is provided at the mission node. Each subsequent segmentBlock/segment ends by the provided endCondition. <startCondition> start condition of the mission (can be an airfield or mid-air condition) <endCondition> specific end condition for a segmentBlock or segment (e.g.: an altitude or velocity) <constraint> specific performance settings for a segmentBlock or segment (e.g.: a cruise Mach number) attribute  @relationalOperator Indicate how conditions should be interpreted: enum: „lt“, „le“, „eq“, „ne“, „ge“, „gt“ Examples: 0.78 1800 ]]> Example implementation for a civil transport mission In the figure above, an example for a civil aircraft transport mission is provided. The mission starts at a position of 0, 0, 0 with 0 velocity, as provided by the of the mission node. Furthermore, the environmental conditions are provided: ISA atmosphere with a deltaTemperature of 0 [K]. The mission consists of three segmentBlocks: a designMission, reserves and the taxiIn segmentBlock. example mission this is an example mission 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ISA 0.0 designMission reserves endPhase ]]> The designMission segmentBlock is shown below. It provides a set of five segments, together making up a mission with a range of 1000 [nm] or 1852 [km]. The “cruise” segment is the variable segment, which thereby should have a range of: 1852000 – range(climb) – range(descent), provided the taxiOut and takeOff segments are not providing any range credit. The fuel burned during this segmentBlock should be added to the designFuel, the segmentDirection is provided for illustration purposes. design mission segment block for the design mission 1852000 cruise range designFuel outbound taxiOut takeOff climb cruise descent ]]> The first and second segment are providing input for the part of the segmentBlock that doesn’t need simulation. During the taxiOut phase, 50 [kg] of fuel is burned. The takeOff phase has a duration of 30 [sec]. taxi out taxi out segment massFraction 50 take off take off segment takeOff 00:00:30 ]]> The rest of the segments make-up the flying part of the designMission. The climb phase, ending at an altitude of FL330 or 10058.4 [m], provides a constraint-lapse having discrete steps, typical for transport aircraft (a 250 kt / 300 kt / M 0.78 climb profile). Through the referenceEndconditionUID “altClimb”, a link to the altitude endCondition of the segment at the basis of this climb profile is provided. Altitude from Altitude to calibratedAirspeed machNumber 0.0 [m] 0.303 * 10058.4 = 3047.7 [m] ≤ 128.61 [m/s] ≤ 0.78 [-] 0.303 * 10058.4 = 3047.7 [m] 10058.4 [m] ≤ 154.33 [m/s] ≤ 0.78 [-] The cruise phase is not fixed to a certain altitude and has no endCondition, since its range is determined by the segmentBlock information. The descent phase makes sure the vehicle lands at an altitude of 0 [m]. In this case, since the values are not explicitly provided, it is up to the mission simulation software to determine, when the cruise phase ends and the descent phase starts. climb climb with: speed @ MFCS (set to machNumber le 0.78 [-]), altitude @ FL330 climb 10058.4 altitude 0.0;0.303 discrete 128.61;154.33 0.78;0.78 velocity cruise cruise with: speed @ optimum cruise speed, altitude @ optimum cruise altitude cruise descent to MSL descent to MSL altitude descent 0 ]]> Two more segmentBlocks make up the mission. The “reserves” segmentBlock provides information for the cruise to alternate airport and loitering phase and the corresponding burnt fuel is considered reserveFuel. The mission ends with a landing and taxiIn phase within the “endPhase” segmentBlock, of which the burnt fuel is considered additionalFuel. The following then holds: blockFuel = designFuel + additionalFuel. UID of the runway Offset from runway threshold in cartesian coordinates in the runway coordinate system Setting default and specific performance maps to be used for a model Default performance map which is used if no other performance map is assigned through the specificPerformanceMap node List of specific performance maps used on dedicated mission segments or pointPerformance requirements Specific performance settings for the segmentBlock (e.g.: a cruise Mach number) Segment blocks A list of segment blocks. A segment block specifies conditions for a predefined combination of segments (e.g.: setting the total range for a block of segments consisting of a takeOff, climb, cruise, descent and landing segment). Segment block A segment block specifies conditions for a predefined combination of segments (e.g.: setting the total range for a block of segments consisting of a takeOff, climb, cruise, descent and landing segment). Name Description Segment direction. Either 'outbound' or 'inbound'. Only needed for radiusOfAction kind of missions. List of segment uID's making up the segmentBlock. These should be ordered, such that the segment connections are correct. Specifies to which type of mass the segment fuel mass should be added (blockFuel = designFuel + additionalFuel; Total fuel requirement = blockFuel + reserveFuel; designFuel = the fuel of the segmentBlock is part of the design mission) Number of repetitions of this segment block, e.g. to perform repeated holding patterns End condition Specifies the end conditions for a segment or segment block (e.g.: an altitude or velocity). If a phase has no endCondition, it will base its endCondition on the segmentBlock settings (e.g.: it is the cruise segment, retrieving its total length based on the length of the segmentBlock minus all other segment lengths available within the segmentBlock). Calibrated airspeed at the end of the segment [m/s] Mach number at the end of the segment Position at the end of the segment in xyz coordinates Position at the end of the segment in geo coordinates Reference to the runway on which the segment ends massFraction ending the segment [-] massFraction of remaining fuel ending the segment [-] Absolute mass of remaining fuel ending the segment [kg] Consumed fuel ending the segment [kg] Power fraction of remaining at the end of the segment Absolute power left ending the segment [W] Consumed power ending the segment [W] Flight heading at the end of the segment in compassAngle with reference to true North [deg] Total change of heading angle during segment (a full turn is 360 degrees) [deg] Flown distance ending the segment Duration of the segment [hh:mm:ss] UTC time at end of segment [hh:mm:ss] Specific excess power at the end of the segment Rate of climb ending the segment [m/s] Achieved flightPathAngle ending the segment [deg] List of stores released in the segment. The corresponding weightAndBalance vector for retrieving the new state as well as a potential change in aerodynamicPerformanceMap (if external stores are released) should be reflected within the configuration node at model level. Mission segments A collection of mission segments which can be reused to define missions. Segment Definition of a mission segment which can be used to define missions. Name Description Type of the mission segment (takeOff, clime, cruse, ...) Indication whether the distance flown during the segment is to be taken into account in the segmentBlock's distance calculation. Environmental conditions. If the environmentalCondition is not provided at segment level, the conditions of the previous segment are inherited (this inheritance can continue until the startCondition, where the initial environmentalConditions are provided). Fuel mass Start conditions Conditions which define the start of a mission Calibrated airspeed at the start of the mission [m/s] Mach number at the start of the mission Global coordinate at the start of the mission in xyz coordinates Global coordinate at the start of the mission in geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude) UID of the runway at which the mission starts Flight heading at the start of the mission, in compassAngle with reference to true North UTC time at start of mission UID of the runway Offset from runway threshold in the runway coordinate system Missions A list of missions. Mission Contains a list of segmentBlock uID's forming the mission along with additional mission information. Name Description List of segmentBlock uID's forming the mission. Segments must first be grouped in segmentBlocks to be assigned to a mission. mLandingGearsType Landing Gears mass description mLandingGearSupportsType mLandingGearType Landing Gear mass description mLavatoriesType mLiningsType Mass Manufacturer empty mass description mMillitarySystemsType Military systems mass description mMoveableLeadingEdgesType mMoveableLeadingEdgeType mMoveablesType mMoveableTrailingEdgeType mNavigationType Navigation mass description Monetary values Mass Operator items mass description mOverheadBinsType mPartStowDoorsType mPassengersType mPassengerType Passengers masses Passanger masses Description Passanger mass Description Payload mass Payload mass description Pintle struts Pintle struts mass description Mass Power units mass description mPylonAttachmentsType mPylonsType Pylons mass description Removable crew rests Removable crew rest mRibsType mRibType mSeatsType mShellsType mShellType Side Struts Side struts mass description mSkinPanelsType mSkinsType mSparCellsType mSparSkinsType mSparsType mSparType mSpecialStructuresType mSpoilersType mStringersType Mass Structure mass description Mass Systems mass description Toilet fluids Toilet fluid mTrailingEdgeDevicesType mTrailingEdgeDeviceType mULDContentsType mULDContentType UnusableFuels Unusable fuel mVacuumWasteSystemsType mWallsType mWasteWaterSystemsType Water reservoirs Water reservoir Wheels Wheels mass description mWindowsType mWingBoxType mWingsStructureType Wings structure mass description mWingStructureType Wing structure mass description Center cowl The centerCowl is defined by the rotation of a given curve profile (referenced via curveUID) around the x-axis. Offset of the rotation curve in x-direction UID of the curve profile (vehicles/profiles/curveProfiles/..) Nacelle cowl Describes the cowl geometry for nacelles using sections positioned around the rotational center of the engine. Guide curves Guide curve The following figure shows the basic setup of the guide curves. They always start at a given ζ-position (fromZeta) on the profile of the specified start section (startSectionUID) and end at the ζ-position (toZeta) on the profile of the subsequent section. The relative coordinates of the guide curves are specified in cpacs/vehicles/profiles/guideCurves and referenced via its uID. Note: Guide curves and profiles must result in a valid curve network. The guide curve points are interpreted as (Δr and Δx) offsets from a cubic polynomial. This polynomial serves as a baseline for guide curves between segments located on different radial positions with smooth transitions: Note: Currently, the nacelles do not have an explicit guide curve type but employ the standard guide curve definition, which is used in wings and profiles. Therefore, the parameters have a different meaning: Standard guide curve parameter Nacelle guide curve equivalent Description rX φ Independent variable normalized to [0,1] rY Δx Orthogonal offset (translation in x-direction) rZ Δr Radial offset Name Description UID of the guide curve profile UID of the start section Curve coordinate of the referenced section profile at which the guide curve shall start. Valid values are in the interval -1,..,1. Curve coordinate of the profile following the referenced section profile. It defines where the guide curve ends. Valid values are in the interval -1,..,1. nacelleProfilesType Nacelle profiles type, containing nacelle profile geometries. See profileGeometryType for further documentation Sections Section An engine nacelle is defined by sections, where at least one and up to an infinite number of sections can be specified. Lofting of the nacelle surface along the sections is done in cylindrical coordinates. The coordinate origin refers to the center of the fan, i.e. the sections and their profiles are typically shifted in negative x-direction. Note: In the current CPACS release, transformations are still labeled as Cartesian coordinates. It is current work in progress to explicitly introduce cylindrical coordinates. Until this is implemented in a future CPACS release, the implicit conventions listed below apply: Translation component Cylindrical coordinate equivalent Description x ϑ Rotation angle around x y h Horizontal translation z r Radial translation The following example illustrates the setup of a nacelle with 4 sections. These are rotated by 0, 120, 180 and 240 degrees around the x-axis (given by translation/x). To illustrate the possible transformations, the profile of the upper section is shifted slightly further in the negative x-direction (translation/y), while the lower section has a smaller radial distance from the rotation axis (translation/z). In addition, the sections are scaled differently (transformation/scaling; not shown in the example figures) in order to create a straight trailing edge and to realize a flattened profile near the ground. The following example also shows the profile cut-outs due to the radially symmetric inner region of the nacelle defined by therotationCurve. For detailed information, please refer to the documentation of the rotationCurve element. The first section is not rotated (x=ϑ=0), but shifted vertically in negative direction (y=h=-0.257). The radial distance is given by z=r=0.365: Upper section 1.055 1 1 0.0 -0.257 0.365 fanCowlUpperSectionProfile ]]> The second section is rotated around the x-axis (x=ϑ=120) as well as scaled by a factor of 1.1 in its profile height: Inboard section 1 1 1.1 120.0 -0.2 0.365 fanCowlUpperSectionProfile ]]> The third section is rotated around the x-axis by 180° and scaled by a factor of 0.8 in its profile height: Lower section 1 1 0.8 180.0 -0.2 0.33 fanCowlUpperSectionProfile ]]> Name Description UID of the profile Noise FAR approach noise level FAR sideline noise level FAR take-off noise level Nose landing gears List of nose gears Operating empty mass Operating empty mass description operationalCasesType operationalCaseType Operation Limit Increments Changes of the deltas of operation limit angles with respect to the corresponding increment aeroPerformanceMaps. Values are specified as an array with same indices like the corresponding increment map. Minimum delta angle of attack [deg] Maximum delta angle of attack [deg] Orthotropic material properties for 2D materials Defines the material properties for an orthotropic material in the plane stress state (i.e., shell). The strain-stress relationship is defined as: Inverting the strain-stress relation and introducing thermal expansion yields: with: The terminology refers to the following literature: [1] R. M. Jones, Mechanics Of Composite Materials, 2 New edition. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Inc, 1998. Young's modulus in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Young's modulus in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Shear modulus in material in 2-3 plane [N/m^2] Shear modulus in material in 3-1 plane [N/m^2] Shear modulus in material in 1-2 plane [N/m^2] Poisson's ratio Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 1 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 2 [1/K] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 1 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material in material direction 2 [W/(m*K)] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear [N/m^2] Allowable strain for tension in material direction 1 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 1 Allowable strain for tension in material direction 2 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 2 Allowable strain for shear Orthotropic material properties for 3D materials Defines the material properties for an elastic orthotropic material in three spatial directions (i.e., solid). The strain-stress relationship is defined as: Note that nuij is related to nuji by: The terminology refers to the following literature: [1] R. M. Jones, Mechanics Of Composite Materials, 2 New edition. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Inc, 1998. Young's modulus in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Young's modulus in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Young's modulus in material direction 3 [N/m^2] Shear modulus in the 2-3 plane [N/m^2] Shear modulus in the 3-1 plane [N/m^2] Shear modulus in the 1-2 plane [N/m^2] Poisson's ratio in in 2-3 plane Poisson's ratio in in 3-1 plane Poisson's ratio in in 1-2 plane Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 1 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 2 [1/K] Thermal expansion coefficient in material direction 3 [1/K] Thermal conductivity of the material which couples heat flux in material direction 2 with temperature gradient in material direction 3 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material which couples heat flux in material direction 3 with temperature gradient in material direction 1 [W/(m*K)] Thermal conductivity of the material which couples heat flux in material direction 1 with temperature gradient in material direction 2 [W/(m*K)] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 1 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 2 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for tension in material direction 3 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for compression in material direction 3 [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear in 2-3 plane [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear in 3-1 plane [N/m^2] Allowable stress for shear in 1-2 plane [N/m^2] Allowable strain for tension in material direction 1 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 1 Allowable strain for tension in material direction 2 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 2 Allowable strain for tension in material direction 3 Allowable strain for compression in material direction 3 Allowable strain for shear in 1-3 plane Allowable strain for shear in 1-3 plane Allowable strain for shear in 1-2 plane outerCutOutProfileType Parallelepiped The component coordinate system is located in the center of the cuboid. This means that "length" extends in the x-direction, "width" in the y-direction and "height" in the z-direction, half in the positive and half in the negative direction. Length [m] Width [m] Height [m] Angle between b and c [deg] Angle between a and c [deg] Angle between a and b [deg] Container for parameter definitions Contains a of the design parameter definitions. Parameter definition for design studies. Contains a name for the design parameter to give semantic meaning to parameters used in design studies. Name of parameter paxCrossBeamsAssemblyType PaxCrossBeamsAssembly type, containing pax crossBeam assemblies paxCrossBeamStrutsAssemblyType PaxCrossBeamStrutsAssembly type, containing pax crossBeam strut assemblies paxDoorsAssemblyType PaxDoorsAssembly type, containing pax door assemblies payloadGlobalType Selection of performance maps Engine performance map selection Aerodynamic performance map selection Configurations which apply for this performance requirement Default configuration uID Performance requirements performanceTargetsGlobalType Multi-phase mass flow Pressure Temperature Multi-phase mass flow Pressure Temperature Pintle strut(s) (Assumption: one end of the strut will connect to the main strut and the other end will be given as endPoint) Pintle strut (one or two pintle struts are supported) Piston Geometric description and material properties of the landing gear piston. The figure below shows the condition of the uncompressed piston, where the length of the exposed part is the sum of the maxSpringDeflection and the compressedExternalLength : Length of the piston Maximum spring deflection of the piston (difference between minimum and maximum deflection) Length of the piston that remains outside of the main strut in fully compressed state Points on plasticity curve of material (min. 1 point) plasticityCurvePointType Tangent modulus [N/m^2] True stress [N/m^2] plasticityCurvesType Plastification curve incl. element elimination (isotropic materials). The data may be used to describe the plastic behavior of isotropic materials in non-linear analysis, such as crash simulations. The input is defined according to the needs of Material 103 (single stress strain option) in the PAM-CRASH explicit Finite Element code, but can also be used for equivalent material laws in alternative simulation environment (see PAM-CRASH Solver Reference Manual., Material 103). This type describes the plasticity curve of isotropic materials ... Plastification curve incl. element elimination (isotropic materials) Plastification curve incl. element elimination (isotropic materials) The data may be used to describe the plastic behavior of isotropic materials in non-linear analysis, such as crash simulations. The input is defined according to the needs of Material 103 (single stress strain option) in the PAM-CRASH explicit Finite Element code, but can also be used for equivalent material laws in alternative simulation environment (see PAM-CRASH Solver Reference Manual., Material 103) Source: PAM-CRASH V2010 - Notes Manual Name of the post failure definition Description of the post failure definition Strain rate for following plastcity curve [1/s] plasticEliminationStrain [-]; Plastic strain for element elimination during the non-linear analysis Point with global/local reference PointAbsRel type, containing an xyz data triplet. Each of the components is optional. The refType attribute defines, whether coordinates are absolute in the global coordinate system [absGlobal], absolute in the parent element's local coordinate system [absLocal]. If the object does not have a parent, only [absGlobal] is permitted. X-Component Y-Component Z-Component Absolute values in global coordinate system Absolute values in local coordinate system (default) Point with constraints Point constraint type, containing an xyz data triplet. X-Component Y-Component Z-Component List of 3D points, kept in three relative coordinate vecors (rX, rY, rZ) This set of vectors contains an ordered list of points for rX, rY, and rZ coordinates in the form of stringBased Vectors. The x, y and z vector elements with the same index specify a 3D point relative to a geometric segment. Vector of rX coordinates. Relative circumferential coordinate on wing, fuselage or nacelle profile Vector of rY coordinates. Relative span coordinate along a segment Vector of rZ coordinates. Relative coordinate normal to the linear strake (normalised with chordlength / diameter c*) List of points PointList type, containing an ordered list of points Data point List of points in x,y PointList type, containing an ordered list of points Data points in x-y-space. List of 2D points, kept in two coordinate vecors (x, y) This set of vectors contains an ordered list of points for x and y coordinates in the form of stringBased Vectors. The x and y vector elements with the same index specify a 2D point. The coordinates of the x vector of [0, 1]. Vector of x coordinates Vector of y coordinates List of 3D points, kept in three coordinate vecors (x, y, z) This set of vectors contains an ordered list of points for x, y and z coordinates in the form of stringBased Vectors. The x, y and z vector elements with the same index specify a 3D point. Vector of x coordinates Vector of y coordinates Vector of z coordinates Constraints Constraint settings for the point performance definition Calibrated airspeed [m/s] Mach number [-] Climb angle [deg] Rate of climb [m/s] Rate of turn [deg/s] Thrust setting for derated engine as fraction of max. thrust (e.g.: for powered descents, deceleration not at IDLE, manoevres) Rate of velocity [m/s^2] Duration [s] Angle of attack [deg] Constant altitude [m] Point performance definitions List of point performance definitions pointPerformanceType Specific performance settings for the point performance calculation (e.g.: a cruise Mach number) Name Description Defines at which part of the mission the point performance should be considered - after indicated segment of the mission as defined in performanceCase Defines at which part of the mission the point performance should be considered - at the defined massFraction within the mission as defined in performanceCase (mCurrent/mTO) Defines at which part of the mission the point performance should be considered - at the defined fuelFraction within the mission as defined in performanceCase (mFuelCurrent/mFuelTO) Indicates the type of point performance Requirements Requirement settings for the point performance definition Sustained load factor to be achieved Instantaneous load factor to be achieved Specific excess power to be achieved [m/s] Roll rate to be achieved [deg/s] Roll acceleration to be achieved upon control onset [deg/s^2] Roll acceleration to be achieved upon control stop [deg/s^2] Point: x,y,z Point type, containing an xyz data triplet. X-Component Y-Component Z-Component Point: x Point type, containing a x data. X-Component Point: x,y Point type, containing an xy data doublet. X-Component Y-Component Point: x,y,z Point type, containing an obligatory xyz data triplet. X-Component Y-Component Z-Component Point: x, z Point type, containing an xz data doublet. X-Component Z-Component Point: y Point type, containing a y data. Y-Component Point: y, z Point type, containing an yz data doublet. Y-Component Z-Component Point: z Point type, containing a z data. Z-Component Positive double values larger than 0 Positive integer values larger than 0 Vector with semicolon separated positive integer values Any positive integer values separated by semicolons are permitted, e.g.: <intVectorTest>0;1;2;3;4;5</intVectorTest> <intVectorTest>1</intVectorTest> <intVectorTest>0,1,2,3,4,5</intVectorTest> <intVectorTest>0.;1.;2.</intVectorTest> <intVectorTest>-1;0;1</intVectorTest> Positionings of the wing. Positionings type, containing all the positionings of the wing sections. Positioning of the wing section The positionings describe an additional translation of sections. Basically, the positioning is a vector having the length 'length' and an orientation that is described by the parameters 'sweepAngle' and 'dihedralAngle'. If the 'sweepAngle' and the 'dihedralAngle' are set to zero (or left blank) the positioning vector equals the positive y-axis of the coordinate system (in case of a positive 'length'). If the parameter 'fromSectionUID' is set, the positioning describes the translation between the 'from' towards the 'to' section. If the parameter 'fromSectionUID' is left blank the origin of the positioning vector is the origin of the parent coordinate system. The origin of the section coordinate system is the position which is described by the positioning vector PLUS the translation which is described in the section. Please note: If the origin of the positioning vector is defined by using another section, i.e. fromSection is defined, the origin of this vector equals the end of the positioning vector of the previous section. This means that the section translation of the from-section has no influence on the positioning of the to-section. Therefore the total translation, which is described by positionings, is the sum of the current positioning and all positionings that are defined 'before'. An example for this is given at positioning 3 and 4 at the picture below. Please note, that any other combination of positionings would be possible. Application of the sweepangle does not lead to a rotation of the section. Application of the dihedral does not lead to a rotation of the section. Name of the positioning. Description of the positioning. Distance between inner and outer section (length of the positioning vector). Sweepangle between inner and outer section. This angle equals a positive rotation of the positioning vector around the z-axis of the wing coordinate system. Dihedralangle between inner and outer section. This angle equals a positive rotation of the positioning vector around the x-axis of the wing coordinate system Reference to starting section of the positioning vector. If missing, the positioning is made from the origin of the wing coordinate system. Reference to ending section (section to be positioned) of the positioning vector. Specification of the power breakdown case Altitude Mach number Calibrated air speed True air speed UID of global flight point at cpacs/vehicles/flightPoints/flightPoint Configuration Power breakdowns Power flow Name Description UID of the system architecture connection Power flow Power flow pressureBulkheadAssemblyPositionType PressureBulkheadAssemblyPosition type, containing a pressure bulkhead assembly position Frame to which bulkhead is attached to UID of bulkhead element description pressureBulkheadAssemblyType PressureBulkheadAssembly type, containing pressure bulkhead assemblies pressureBulkheadsType PressureBulkheads type, containing pressure bulkheads pressureBulkheadType PressureBulkhead type, containing data of a pressure bulkhead Name of the pressure bulkhead structural element Description of the pressure bulkhead structural element UID of structural sheet element used for the bulkhead Choice between flat and curved bulkhead types additional data for flat (forward) pressure bulkhead Number of vertical reinforcements on flat bulhhead UID of structural elements used as vertical reinforcements Number of horizontal reinforcements on flat bulhhead UID of structural elements used as horizontal reinforcements additional data for curved (rear) pressure bulkhead Radius of bulkhead calotte in the plane of the adjacent frame maximum flection of the pressure bulkhaed calotte Number of radial reinforcements (equally distributed) on curved bulhhead UID of structural elements used as radial reinforcements on curved bulkheads structuralElementType profileBasedStructuralElements type, containing a list of profile based structural elements Structural elements based on profiles Short description The ProfileBasedStructuralElement type containins the data of a structural element, that are based on 2-dimensional profiles. There are three approaches to model profile based structural elements: by specifying global beam properties by referencing a structuralProfile2D element by choosing one of the prescribed standard profiles 1. Global beam properties In the section globalBeamProperties the properties of the structural profile in an equivalent beam representation are defined. 2. Structural 2D profile The structuralProfileUID element refers to the uID of the structuralProfile2D element. As described in the corresponding documentation, this profile is defined by several points in the x-y-space. Two points always form a sheet. The properties of each sheet are defined in the sheetProperties element. The orthotropy direction of composite materials equals the sheets' x-axis. The orthotropy direction angle equals a positive rotation around the sheets' z-axis as indicated in the picture below (part 3), which shows an example of a wing stringer.: 3. Standard structural 2D profile Instead of referencing a structuralProfile2D element, it is also possible to select a predefined standard profile. These profiles are listed in the figure below. Under sheetProperties, only the standardProfileSheetID (equals S1, S2, ...) must now be specified along with a corresponding length. Name of the profile based structural element Description of the profile based structural element Choice between global beam properties and sheet properties Choice between general profile element description (referencing a structuralProfile) and predefined standard profiles Definition based on structuralProfile definition Reference to the structural profile profile uID Reference point in structural profile definition for structural element definition Standard Profile Type, see picture below for further information. profileGeometry2DType A profile is defined by a profile name, an optional description and a 2-dimensional pointlist with both coordinates mandatory. All point coordinates are transferred to the global coordinate system depending on the context they are used in. The points have to be ordered in a mathematical positive sense. The x-coordinates of the profile has to be normalized between 0 and 1. First and last point may, but need not to, be identical. Hence, it is possible to include "open" profiles. However, the trailing edge position of the upper and lower point need to be identical. No crooked trailing edges are possible. Example 1: For a conventional nacelle profile, the airfoil coordinates are defined in x and y. The points have to be ordered from the trailing edge along the lower side to the leading edge and then along the upper side back to the trailing edge. When used for a nacelle the profile axis align with the global axes as follows: +x_profile -> +x_global; +y-profile -> -z_global Example 2: For a fuselage, the coordinates are also given in x and z with x as the normalized fuselage height. Starting point of the profile should be the lowest point (typically in the symmetry plane), then upwards on the positive x-side up to the highest point (again, typically in the symmetry plane). Depending on, whether the fuselage shall be specified with symmetry condition or not, the profile either ends there, or continues on the negative x-side back down to the lowest point. Alternatively, it is possible to specify the coordinates of a profile via the CST (class function /shape function transformation technique) notation. Please see the cst2DType for further information. A profile can be symmetric. In that case the profile is interpreted as being not closed and will be closed by mirroring it on the symmetry plane. Name of profile Description of profile profileGeometryType A profile is defined by a profile name, an optional description and a 3-dimensional pointlist with all three coordinates mandatory. For typical profiles, one of the coordinate vectors contains only "0" entries. All point coordinates are transferred to the global coordinate system. The points have to be ordered in a mathematical positive sense. Normalized coordinates are not required. First and last point may, but need not to, be identical. Hence, it is possible to include "open" profiles. However, the trailing edge position of the upper and lower point need to be identical. No crooked trailing edges are possible. Example 1: For a conventional wing, the airfoil coordinates are defined in x and z with all the y-coordinates set to "0". The points have to be ordered from the trailing edge along the lower side to the leading edge and then along the upper side back to the trailing edge. Example 2: For a fuselage, the coordinates are typically given in y and z with x set to "0". Starting point of the profile should be the lowest point (typically in the symmetry plane), then upwards on the positive y-side up to the highest point (again, typically in the symmetry plane). Depending on, whether the fuselage shall be specified with symmetry condition or not, the profile either ends there, or continues on the negative y-side back down to the lowest point. Alternatively, it is possible to specify the coordinates of a profile via the CST (class function /shape function transformation technique) notation. Please see the cst2DType for further information. A profile can be symmetric. In that case the profile is interpreted as being not closed and will be closed by mirroring it on the symmetry plane. Name of profile Description of profile Profiles Profiles type, containing profile geometries Attachments of the pylon to the parent. Attachment of the pylon to the parent. Material properties of the attachment. Link to the structural profile of the attachment. UID of the attachment. Structural properties of the pylon box (ribs, upper, lower and side panels). UID of the pylon box. Definition of pylon pins. Definition of one pylon pin. First element (parentAttachmentUID, engineUID or uID of a pylon structure. Second element (parentAttachmentUID, engineUID or uID of a pylon structure. Position of the pylon pin related to the pylon coordinate system. Blocked DOFs. Refers to the rotated coordinate system that is defined in 'orientation'. UID of the pin. Structural properties of all tibs of the engine pylon box. Definition of a rib set. RibDefinitionType, containing the definition for ribs. Ribs are defined in sets of one or more ribs. The positions of the rib, as well as the orientation of the ribs are defined in 'ribPositioning'. The cross section properties, as e.g. materials, are defined in 'ribCrossSection'. Name of the rib set. Description of the rib set. pylonRibsPositioningType Within the ribsPositioning type the position and the orientation of the ribs of the rib set are defined. The forward and the rear beginning of the rib set is defined using relDepthStart and relDepthEnd. The orientation of the ribs is defined in ribRotaton. The number of ribs of the current rib set is either defined by ribNumber or by spacing. relDepthStart defines the forward location of the beginning of the rib set. 0 equals the forward end of the pylon box, while 1 equals the rear end of the pylon box. relDepthEnd defines the rear end. 0 equals the forward end of the pylon box, while 1 equals the rear end of the pylon box. Ribs can be rotated in the side view. The defaults to 90°, which equals an orientation along the pylons z-axis. The angle is measured around the positive y-direction of the pylon. The spacing of the ribs defines the distance between two ribs, measured along the pylons x-axis. First rib is placed at relDepthStart. RibNumber defines the number of ribs in this ribSet. First rib is at relDepthStart along the pylons x-axis, last rib is at relDepthEnd. The spacing is constant. RibCrossingBehaviour can either be "cross" or "end". If it is end then ribs will end it they intersect another rib. It it is cross ribs are placed uncut. Structural properties of pylon shackles (for pylon to parent attachment), if existing. Structural properties of a pylon shackle. Material properties of the shackle. Link to the structural profile of the shackle. UID of the shackle. Structural properties of the pylon shells. UID of the structural profile. Material settings. UID of the structure. Definition of the load carrying structure of the engine pylon. Structural properties of struts (drag struts, upper links and tangent links), if existing. radiativeForcingType Rectangle The width of the profile is always 1, since scaling is performed after referencing it (e.g., in the fuselage). The resulting profile is defined by the following equation: with c = cornerRadius and r = heightToWidthRatio. Example: Rectangle with cornerRadius=0.125 and heightToWidthRatio=0.5 Corner radius Height-to-width ratio recurringCostType Reference values Reference type, containing the reference values of the aircraft model Reference area (typically planform area) Reference length (typically Mean Aerodynamic Chord MAC). In CPACS, only one reference length exists (and is used, e.g. for all three moment coefficients. Coordinates given relative to MAC shall always use this length as MAC. Moment reference point (in global coordinate system). The x-coordinate is typically chosen same as of the leading edge of the wing in the spanwise section having a chordlength identical to MAC. Coordinates given as %MAC shall always use this x-coordinate and length (e.g. 0%MAC = x, 100%MAC = x + length). The y coordinate is typically 0. The z coordinate is often chosen either as 0., or as z of fueselage nose or as z of middle of center fuselage part. Released stores Released store uID of the released store(s). Quantity of released stores Remaining contributions to aerodynamic coefficients This node lists the remaining contributions which were not specified so that the sum of the coefficients are equal to the total coefficients. Remaining contribution to aerodynamic coefficients This node lists a remaining contribution which was not specified so that the sum of the coefficients are equal to the total coefficients. Name Description Type (numerical/unspecified): "numerical", for example, describes rounding errors to clearly separate them from other effects currently labelled as "unspecified". The latter usually summarizes physical effects such as viscosity and should be further described via "description". The approach is currently being tested in practice in order to derive a robust definition of categories in the future. Requirement classification based on the MoSCoW method (must, should, could or wont) requirementType RibIdentificationType, defining one rib. UID of the rib definition set. Number of the rib of the rib definition set. Definition of the rib rotation The rotation around z describes the rotation around the wings midplane normal axis. The defaults to 90°. The reference for the 'zero-angle' of the z-rotation is defined in ribRotationReference. RotationReference defines the reference for the z-rotation it is either sparUID, „LeadingEdge“, „TrailingEdge“, "globalX", "globalY" or "globalZ". If it is not defined the rotation reference is the eta-axis (=leading edge, that is projected on the wings y-z-plane). A z-rotation angle of 90 degrees means, that the rib is perpendicular on the ribRotationReference (e.g. spar, leading edge...). The rib itself is always straight, and the rotation is defined with respect of the intersection point of the rib with the ribRotationReference. The rotation around z describes the rotation around the wings midplane normal axis. The defaults to 90°. The reference for the 'zero-angle' of the z-rotation is defined in ribRotationReference. rivetJointAreaAssemblyPositionType RivetJointAreaAssemblyPosition type, containing a rivet joint area assembly position rivetJointAreasAssemblyType RivetJointAreasAssembly type, containing rivet joint area assemblies rivetsType Rivets type, containing rivets rivetType Rivet type, containing a rivet Name of the rivet type Description of the rivet type Tensile Strength of the rivet type Shear Strength of the rivet type Rotation curve The figure below shows an example of a rotation curve. Together with the corresponding XML code, the definition is explained in more detail. First, the reference system is defined via referenceSectionUID, for which in this example the section with uID="engine_nacelle_fanCowl_section1" is referenced. This in turn contains a transformation (not shown here), for example a translation by z=0.4 and a scaling, where the x-direction is stretched by a factor of two. The rotation curve is now described in this reference system. It is predefined in the profile library and referenced via a its uID. Note that the curve is defined in the range x=[0,..,1] in order to be reasonably transformed by the reference system. Next, the blending from the rotated profile of the nacelle segment to the rotation curve is defined. The corresponding start and end points are given in curve coordinates zeta of the corresponding profiles. Note that the lower part of the segment profile counts from zeta=[-1,..,0] and the upper part counts from zeta=[0,..,1]. In between, the blending is linear. engine_nacelle_fanCowl_section1 fanCowl_upperSection -0.6 -0.5 -0.2s -0.1 ]]> Fan cowl rotation curve profile 0;0.5;1 -0.1;-0.2;-0.05 ]]> UID of the section which serves as reference Start zeta [-1,..,1]; relative curve coordante along the rotation curve from which it will be inserted in the nacelle. End zeta [-1,..,1]; relative curve coordante along the rotation curve up to which it will be inserted in the nacelle. Start zeta for blending [-1..1]; relative curve coordinate along the nacelle profile at which blending from the nacelle profile to the rotation curve will begin. End zeta for blending; relative curve coordinate along the nacelle profile at which blending from the rotation curve to the nacelle profile will end. UID of the rotation curve profile; the profile should be defined in x=[0..1] to be transformed by the section which is referenced by referenceSectionUID. rotorAirfoilsType RotorAirfoils type, containing rotor airfoil geometries. See profileGeometryType for further documentation rotorBladeAttachmentsType RotorBladeAttachments type, containing all hinges and blade UIDs attached to the current rotor hub. rotorBladeAttachmentType RotorBladeAttachment type, defining the elements used to attach one or more rotor blades to the rotor head. Name of the blade attachment. Description of the blade attachment. The azimuthAngles element is used to specify a list of discrete azimuth angles (in deg) at which instances of attached blades are to be created. The number of blades will equal to the number of elements of the vector. E.g. <azimuthAngles>0;90;180;270</azimuthAngles> for a four blade rotor with equal equiangularly distributed blades. The transformation of the respective rotor blade corresponds to a rotation by azimuthAngle around the z axis of the rotor coordinate system in mathematically positive sense of rotation. If only the number of blades is specified, the attached blades will be distributed equiangularly and the first blade will be attached at azimuth angle 0. (Formula: azimuthAngle[i] = i*360deg/numberOfBlades, i=0..numberOfBlades-1) Definition of all hinges used to attach the rotor blade. UID of the rotorBlade which should be attached to the rotor hub. rotorBladesType RotorBlades type, containing all the rotor blade gometry definitions of an rotorcraft model. Rotor blade geometries are defined using the same data structure as wings (wingType). But in order to be compatible with the other rotor blade related types (e.g. rotorType, rotorHubType, rotorHubHingeType) there are some additional conventions/requirements regarding the definition and orientation of rotorBlade geometries: Rotor blades should be positioned relative to the global z-axis the way they will be positioned to the rotor shaft (when blade azimuth=0deg). The global x-axis should be used as radial axis (usually the quarter chord line of the rotor blade coincides to a great extent with the x-axis of the rotor blade coordinate system). All sections should be positioned in the positive x halfspace. Segments should connect sections with ascending x coordinates. Airfoils defined in the rotorAirfoils node should be used instead airfoils from the wingAirfoils node. Rotor blade geometries are defined using the same data structure as wings (wingType). But in order to be compatible with the other rotor blade related types (e.g. rotorType, rotorHubType, rotorHubHingeType) there are some additional conventions/requirements regarding the definition and orientation of rotorBlade geometries: see remarks. rotorcraftAnalysesType, results from several analysis modules connected to CPACS RotorcraftAnalyses type, containing detailed analysis data of the rotorcraft Within this element results from analysis modules are stored that rely to the overall definition of the rotorcraft. These include e.g. aerodynamic data or loadCases For further documentation please refer to the respective elements. rotorcraftGlobalType RotorcraftGlobalType type, containing global data of the rotorcraft Number of passenger seats Cargo transport capacity [kg] Cruise Mach Number Configuration of the rotorcraft: standard(single main rotor, single tail rotor) / tandem / coaxial/intermeshing / sideBySide/tiltRotor/tiltWing massBreakdownType 1. General The massBreakeDown is subdivided in designMasses, fuel, payload and mOME (operating empty mass). designMass The design mass is a description from TLARs and can be understand as design criteria. fuel and payload The fuel and payload mass are the maximum masses which can be achieved. Full fuel tanks, all passengers on board and full cargo holding. mOEM The operation empty mass structure is based on the Airbus Mass Standard brake down [AIRBUS MASS STANDARD 2008]. The operator’s mass empty (OME) is defined by the sum of the following component masses: operator’s items manufacturer’s mass empty (MME) 2. massDescription Each sub component has the following massDescription which include a: Name Description parentUID Mass value Mass location Mass orientation Mass Inertia. That massdescription can be found at the designMasses direct under each item. At the fuel, payload and mOME under massDescription in each item and sub item. For the clean up the mOME there is consisting a script witch is programmed in Matlab but also as standalone vision available. Setting for that tool can be done under toolspesifics/cmu. Mass Manufacturer empty mass description Mass Group mass of hierarchy level 1 Mass Group mass of hierarchy level 2 Operating empty mass Operating empty mass description rotorcraftModelType RotorCraftModel type, containing a complete rotorcraft model (Geometry and all specific data). The rotorcraftModelType is basically a copy of the aircraftModelType with the following additional elements: rotors, rotorBlades, driveSystems. Furthermore the following elements have been adapted for rotorcraft: global and analyses (aeroPerformance and massBreakdown). Name of rotorcraft model Description of rotorcraft model Rotorcraft Rotorcraft type, containing all the rotorcraft models. Most of the extensions used in the rotorcraft type have been defined as part of the work in the DLR project RIDE (Rotorcraft Integrated Design and Evaluation, 2009-2012). Therefore some of the definitions and conventions are tightly coupled to the RIDE toolchain and tools. Further generalization and assimilation of these parts to the definitions for fixed-wing aircraft is planned for the near future. Rotor blade elements RotorBlades type, containing all the rotor blade gometry definitions of an rotorcraft model. Rotor blade geometries are defined using the same data structure as wings (wingType). But in order to be compatible with the other rotor blade related types (e.g. rotorType, rotorHubType, rotorHubHingeType) there are some additional conventions/requirements regarding the definition and orientation of rotorBlade geometries: Rotor blades should be positioned relative to the global z-axis the way they will be positioned to the rotor shaft (when blade azimuth=0deg). The global x-axis should be used as radial axis (usually the quarter chord line of the rotor blade coincides to a great extent with the x-axis of the rotor blade coordinate system). All sections should be positioned in the positive x halfspace. Segments should connect sections with ascending x coordinates. Airfoils defined in the rotorAirfoils node should be used instead airfoils from the wingAirfoils node. Rotor blade geometries are defined using the same data structure as wings (wingType). But in order to be compatible with the other rotor blade related types (e.g. rotorType, rotorHubType, rotorHubHingeType) there are some additional conventions/requirements regarding the definition and orientation of rotorBlade geometries: see remarks. Rotor blade Name of the wing. Description of the wing. Rotor Rotor type, containing a rotor (main rotor, tail rotor, fenestron, propeller,...) of an rotorcraft model. Rotor type, containing a rotor (e.g. main rotor, tail rotor, fenestron, propeller,...) definition of a rotorcraft model. The position and attitude of the rotor is defined using the transformation element. The following image shows the CPACS conventions for the orientation of rotors and rotor axis systems: The origin coincides with the center of rotation. The z-axis corresponds to the axis of rotation and thus coincides with the rotor shaft centerline. It Points in the main thrust direction of the rotor (usually upwards for a main rotor, forwards for a propeller). The x-axis points from nose to tail (usually rearwards for main and tail rotors, upwards for a propeller). The y-axis completes the right-handed orthogonal coordinate system. Rotor hub attributes, hinges and references to attached rotor blades are defined in the rotorHub element. Note that rotor blade geometries are only referenced and not defined in the child nodes of the rotor element. Refer to the documentation of rotorBladesType (Empty#T/rotorBladesType) and wingType (Empty#T/wingType) for information on the definition of rotor blade geometries. The following figure shows the transformations to be applied to rotorBlade geometries to visualize them in the rotor frames for a given state (each rotor: rotorAzimuth given, each hinge: hingeDeflection given): Name of the rotor. Description of the rotor. Nominal value of the angular rotation speed in rotations per minute (rpm). The rotorHub element contains the definition of the rotor hub type and number and azimuth angles of the attached blades and their hinges. The rotor hub position and attitude coincides with the rotor axis system's origin and z axis. Rotor elements rotorHubHingesType RotorHubHinges type, defining hinges used to attach a rotor blade to the rotor head. Definition of a flap, lead-lag or pitch hinge. rotorHubHinge type, containing a rotor hub hinge (flap/leadLag/pitch). RotorHubHinge type, containing a rotor hub hinge (flap/leadLag/pitch) of a rotorcraft model. Name of the hinge. Description of the hinge. Hinge type. Possible values: "flap", "pitch" "leadLag". This is used to define the rotation axis of the hinge (flap = y-axis in blade cs, pitch = x-axis in blade cs, lead-lag = z-axis in blade cs). The angle (in deg) at which the hinge is in neutral position. This element is normally used to define precone or prelag angles of the attached blade. Defaults to 0. Static stiffness of the hinge in (N/m) for linear hinges and (N.m/deg) for angular hinges. Default value: +inf (statically rigid hinge) Dynamic stiffness of the hinge in (N/m) for linear hinges and (N.m/deg) for angular hinges. Default value: +inf (statically rigid hinge) Damping of the hinge in (N/(m/s)) for linear hinges and (N.m/(deg/s)) for angular hinges. Default value: +inf rotorHubType RotorHub type, containing definitions for the rotor hub and attached hinges and blades. Name of the rotor hub. Description of the rotor hub. Rotor head type. Possible values: "semiRigid", "rigid", "articulated", "hingeless" Rotor blade attachments are used to define how many rotor blades are attached at which azimuth positions of the rotor hub and the used hinges. rotorsType Rotors type, containing all the rotors (mainRotors, tailRotors, fenestrons, propellers, ...) of an rotorcraft model. Rotor type, containing a rotor (main rotor, tail rotor, fenestron, propeller,...) of an rotorcraft model. Rotor type, containing a rotor (e.g. main rotor, tail rotor, fenestron, propeller,...) definition of a rotorcraft model. The position and attitude of the rotor is defined using the transformation element. The following image shows the CPACS conventions for the orientation of rotors and rotor axis systems: The origin coincides with the center of rotation. The z-axis corresponds to the axis of rotation and thus coincides with the rotor shaft centerline. It Points in the main thrust direction of the rotor (usually upwards for a main rotor, forwards for a propeller). The x-axis points from nose to tail (usually rearwards for main and tail rotors, upwards for a propeller). The y-axis completes the right-handed orthogonal coordinate system. Rotor hub attributes, hinges and references to attached rotor blades are defined in the rotorHub element. Note that rotor blade geometries are only referenced and not defined in the child nodes of the rotor element. Refer to the documentation of rotorBladesType (Empty#T/rotorBladesType) and wingType (Empty#T/wingType) for information on the definition of rotor blade geometries. The following figure shows the transformations to be applied to rotorBlade geometries to visualize them in the rotor frames for a given state (each rotor: rotorAzimuth given, each hinge: hingeDeflection given): Name of the rotor. Description of the rotor. UID of the part to which the rotor is mounted (if any). The parent of the rotor can e.g. be the fuselage. In each rotorcraft model, there is exactly one part without a parent part (The root of the connection hierarchy). Rotor type. Possible values: "mainRotor" (default), "tailRotor", "fenestron" or "propeller".. Nominal value of the angular rotation speed in rotations per minute (rpm). Transformation (scaling, rotation, translation). This element is used to define the position and attitude of the rotor relative to the global or the parent component's axis system. Note that an anisotropical scaling transformation should not be applied to the rotor. The rotorHub element contains the definition of the rotor hub type and number and azimuth angles of the attached blades and their hinges. The rotor hub position and attitude coincides with the rotor axis system's origin and z axis. runwayILSType RunwayILS type, containing ILS data of a runway Position of the localizer antenna Position of the glide slope antenna Angle of the glide path Runway start position Description of the vehicle on the runway relative to the runway threshold. X-position in cartesian coordinates in the runway coordinate system Y-position in cartesian coordinates in the runway coordinate system Z-position in cartesian coordinates in the runway coordinate system Lengthwise distance along the runway centerline from the runway threshold Lateral offset from the runway centerline. Positive values on the starboard side. runwaysType Runways type, containing data of the airport's runways runwayType Runway type, containing data of a runway Name of runway Description of runway Position in degrees north Position in degrees east Threshold elevation Runway heading Takeoff run available Landing distance available Conditions of the runway Seat elements Seat element collection type Seat element for use in the decks Seat element Seat element type, containing the base elements of the cabin Number of seats Seat modules Seat module instance collection type. Seat module shaftLinkedComponentsType ShaftLinkedComponents type, containing UIDs of engines, transmissions and rotors linked by a shaft. UID of a linked engine. UID of a linked transmission shaft input. UID of a linked transmission shaft output. UID of a linked rotor. shaftsType Shafts type, containing all the shafts of a drive system. shaftType Shaft type defining a shaft used as a link between drive system components. sheet3DType sheetBasedStrcuturalElementsType sheetBasedStrcuturalElementsType, containing sheet based structural element definitions sheetBasedStructuralElementType sheetBasedStructuralElementType type, sheet definition for use in fuselage/structure Material definition of the skin segment (Material, thickness, (lay-up)) sheetList3DType List of sheets, connecting 2-dimensional profile points. SheetList type, containing a list of sheets. Each sheet combines two points to one sheet. sheetPointsType sheetType Sheet type, containing connection data of a sheet Name of sheet within the profile definition Description of sheet within the profile definition Point from which the sheet definition starts start Continuity definition for profile geometry generation. 0= C0 (allows sharp edges, default), 1= C1 (defines tangential continuity), 2= C2 (defines curvature continuity) 2=all Definition of an orientation vector at P1 Point at which the sheet definition ends Continuity definition for profile geometry generation. 0= C0 (allows sharp edges, default), 1= C1 (defines tangential continuity), 2= C2 (defines curvature continuity) 2=all Definition of an orientation vector at P2 Side strut(s) (Assumption: one end of the strut will connect to the main strut and the other end will be given as endPoint) Sidewall panel elements Sidewall panel element collection type Sidewall panel element for use in the decks Sidewall panels Sidewall panel instance collection type. Sidewall panel singleGenericMassType Skid landing gears List of skid gears fuselageSkinSegmentType FuselageSkinSegment type, containing material on skin over circumference fuselagePanelType FuselagePanel type, panel of the fuselage between stringers/ frames (new in V1.5) UID of sheetBasedStructuralElement used for the panel UID of frame at start of the skin segment UID of frame at end of the skin segment UID of stringer at start of the skin segment UID of stringer at end of the skin segment skinType Containing data defining the skin Default UID of sheetBasedStructuralElement used for the fuselage skin not covered by individual panels Source / Target UID of a component defined under aircraft(rotorcraft)/model UID of a sub-component External element (ambient | passengers), which is not explicitly defined in CPACS. External elements indicate that this is an element relevant to modeling the system, but is not itself contained in the system. Source / target system according to ATA chapter UID of another systemArchitecture SparCells of current spar. sparCells are an optional Element. They are defined via the etaCoordinates and define a region of special cross section and material properties. Spar cell of the spar. Within spar cells a special area of the spar is defined where different cross section and material properties shall be defined. The area of the spar is defined by using the parameters 'fromEta' and 'toEta'. The definition of the caps, webs and rotation is equivalent to the cross section definition of the complete spar. Beginning (= inner border) of the spar cell. Ending (= outer border) of the spar cell. Upper Cap Lower Cap Web 1 Web 2 The angle between the wing middle plane and web 1 [deg]. Default is 90 degrees. Positive rotation is around the spar axis heading along with the positive eta-axis. Definition of the spar cross section. Spar type, containing the cross section definition of a spar. The spar middle point is defined by the intersection of the wing middle plane and web1. This equals the coordinate defined within the sparPosition. Please find below a picture where all spar cross section parameters as well as the orientation references for the material definition can be found: The angle between the wing middle plane and web1. Default is 90 degrees. Positive rotation is around the intersection axis of the spar and the wing middle plane. The positive heading of this axis is inline with the positive heading of the componentSegment eta-axis. Spar definition points on the wing. sparPositionType, a sparPostion defines a location within the componentSegment where a spar in mounted. Eta and xsi are relative to the componentSegment. Please find below a picture for an example definition of 3 spars in one wing, by using spar position points and spar segments: Spar position on the wing sparPositionType, a sparPostion defines a location within the componentSegment where a spar in mounted. Eta and xsi are relative to the componentSegment. Please find below a picture for an example definition of 3 spars in one wing, by using spar position points and spar segments: As an alternative to the relative eta coordinate it is possible to specify an elementUID so that the spar position is relative to the outer geometry, e.g. kink, of the wing. Defines a spar position on an existing rib using a relative xsi coordinate to determine the chord wise position on that rib Defines a spar position using relative eta/xsi coordinates Defines a spar position via a point on a curve sparPositionUIDs of the spar. sparPositionType, a sparPostion defines a location within the componentSegment where a spar in mounted. Those positions are combined to spars by using a list of spar position uIDs. The order of the sparPositionUIDs must be the same as the order of the points on the real spar (from root to tip or from tip to root). Please note: orientation of a spar must be always outbound or always inbound. A zigzag spar orientation where e.g. the spar starts at the root, goes to the tip and goes back to another point at the root is not allowed. Please find below a picture for an example definition of 3 spars in one wing, by using spar position points and spar segments: List of spar position uIDs. Spar segments of the wing. sparSegmentsType, containing multiple sparSegment (=spars) of the wing. SparSegments (=spars) of the wing. SparSegmentType, each spar is defined by multiple sparPositions that are referenced via their uID. The spar cross section is defined in 'sparCrossSection'. Name of the spar segment (=spar). Description of the spar segment (spar). Species Share Species type List of segment uIDs to which the configuration is to be applied Specification of a segment uID and index of the parameter lapses UID of the segment for which the specific configuration holds. Vector with semicolon separated indices of the parts of the respective segment within the mission definition for which the specific configuration setting holds. Example: scheduling configurations for a climb or descent segment (different settings of moveables and gears) on altitudes/velocities Specific configuration uIDs Connection between segments, pointPerformances and a configurationUID Configuration uID List of pointPerformanceUIDs Specific heat map, containing the specific heat capacity of a material at different temperatures. The specific heat of a material can vary with the temperature. The vectors specificHeat and temperature must have the same size to be valid. The data should be linearly interpolated. Temperature in [K] Specific heat capacity of the material in [J/(kg*K)] specificPerformanceMapsType Collection of all assignments of specific performance maps to selected mission segments Specific performance map Applying a specific performance map to selected mission segments. In addition to the obligatory defaultPerformanceMapUID at least a segmentUID or pointPerformanceUID must be given. UID of performance map to be used for mission segments List of all mission segment UIDs to which the performance map is to be applied List of point performance UIDs to which the performance map is to be applied List of point performance UIDs to which the performance map is to be applied Speed designators Provides an enumerated list of V-speeds as defined by regulations. Design maneuvering speed Design speed for maximum gust intensity Design cruise speed, used to show compliance with gust intensity loading Design diving speed, the highest speed planned to be achieved in testing Designed flap speed Stall speed or minimum steady flight speed for which the aircraft is still controllable Stall speed or minimum flight speed in landing configuration Stall speed or minimum steady flight speed for which the aircraft is still controllable in a specific configuration Minimum control speed Never exceed speed Maximum operating limit speed Sphere The local component coordinate system of the sphere lies in its center. From there, the "radius" extends to the edge of the sphere. Radius [m] Definition of the wings spoilers. Definition of the wings spoilers. Spoilers of the wing. A spoiler is defined via its outerShape relative to the componentSegment. The WingCutOut defines the area of the upper skin that is removed by the spoiler. Structure is similar to the wing structure. The mechanical links between the spoiler and the parent are defined in tracks. The deflection path is described in path. Additional actuators, that are not included into a track, can be defined in actuators. Name of the spoiler. Description of the spoiler. UID of the parent of the spoiler. The parent is the componentSegment, where the spoiler is attached. Standard profile State parameters list Contains a list of all state parameters. State parameter definition Contains the values of a parameter and its uid as reference. Static power breakdowns Static power breakdown case Name Description stiffnessType Storage components Storage component Fill factor Fill factor reference (optimalVolume | usableVolume | realVolume) Energy carrier configuration Stored fuels Stored fuel stringArrayBaseType Base type for string array nodes (including maptype array attribute) DEPRECATED: As of CPACCS version 3.3, the mapType attribute is set to optional to ensure the compatibility of older data records. However, since the type is uniquely defined via the XSD, the attribute is superfluous and will therefore be completely omitted in future versions. stringBaseType Base type for string nodes (including external data attributes) stringerFramePositionType Description of individual stringer / frame positions UID of profile based structural element x position in absolute value UID reference to a fuselageSectionElement y coordinate of reference system z coordinate of reference system angle definition to calculate intersection with loft Continuity definition for profile extrusion: 0= C0 (allows sharp edges, default), 2= C2 (defines curvature continuity) Definition of interpolation between different profiles: 0= no interpolation 1= interpolation of structural profile framePositionUIDs of the frame A framePostion defines a location where a frame in mounted. framePositionUID of the frame, where the landing gear is attached to. stringersAssemblyType StringersAssembly type, containing an assembly of stringers (new V1.5) arbitraryStringerType ArbitraryStringer type, containing stringer definition (CPACS V1.5+) stringUIDBaseType This is the base type that links to other components. It should always contain a UID. This node has an additional attribute isLink that will be used if a stringBaseType refers to a uID. TIXI can then perform automatic validation for the existence of the referenced uID. Furthermore this node contains an additional attribute symmetry. The symmetry attribute may take three values: symm, def, full def: The element refers to the geometric component that has a symmetry attribute and refers only to the defined side of the geometric component. symm: The element refers to the geometric component that has a symmetry attribute and refers only to the symmetric side of the geometric component. (Similar to the previous _symm solution) full: The element refers to the geometric component that has a symmetry attribute and refers to the complete component. (This is the default behaviour) DEPRECATED: The isLink attribute is set to optional to ensure the compatibility of older data records. However, since the linking character is explicitly defined by the stringUIDBaseType, the attribute is superfluous and will therefore be completely omitted in future versions. stringVectorBaseType Base type for string vector nodes The vector base type can include optional uncertainty information. The description of uncertainties is placed in additional attributes. First, it is described by an attribute that describes the type of uncertainty function called functionName. The functionName attribute includes the tag name of the distribution function which is listened in the table shown below. Each uncertainty function is further describes by a set of parameters that are described in the table below. If the uncertainty values change for the elements of the vector than the attribute may be written as a list of values separated by semicolons DEPRECATED: As of CPACS version 3.3, the mapType attribute is set to optional to ensure the compatibility of older data sets. However, since the type is uniquely defined via the XSD, the attribute is superfluous and will therefore be completely omitted in the next major release (Note: requires TiXI >= 3.3). Please contact the CPACS team if for any reason you see a long-term need for the mapType attribute. Structural elements structuralElements Type, containing the different structural elements Seat elements (Deprecation warning: This element will soon be removed from the official CPACS. Use the new seat modules located at cpacs/vehicles/deckElements!) Structural mount In order to place non-structural masses in a model, it is necessary to define where these masses are attached to the structure. For example, you want to model a heavy on-board system, a piece of payload, a fuel tank, an engine, etc. as a fixed point mass. The first step would be to create a mass point at the center of gravity of your component. For some components this is directly available, the a fuel tank you would evaluate the volume and fill rate from its CPACS definition to get the CoG. The next step is to connect the mass point to the structure in a physically meaningful way to properly introduce any inertial loads generated by that mass into the structure. This purpose is fulfilled by the structural mounts. The logic of these mounts is to identify points or lines in the geometry created by the intersection of two referenced structural components ("fromStructureUID" and "toStructureUID"). These points or lines are then connected to the center of gravity of the mass point. The reasoning behind this is that the intersections between two structural objects (e.g., rib and spar) usually represent locations in the model that are stiff enough to support the additional loads from any equipment. For example, the following figure shows a heavy system represented by a generic sphere attached to the structure by three structural mounts: From left to right: The leftmost attachment uses the end points of the intersection line between the starboard wall and the forward bulkhead. The middle attachment uses all points (here only 7 points are drawn for visualization) on the intersection line between the middle wall and the front bulkhead. The rightmost attachment has a similar definition to the left one, using the end points of the intersection line between the port wall and the front bulkhead. When creating a structural FEM model of this CPACS representation, a rigid body element (e.g. Nastran RBEx) can be generated based on the yellow lines. This is used, for example, to attach landing gear struts to the aircraft structure. In short, structural mounts identify points or lines by intersecting two structural components, the resulting points or lines are then attached to a third component that references this structural mount as its attachment. Typically, as in the example above, components reference more than one structural mount as their attachment points. If this value is set to true then only the end points of the intersection shall be included as nodes in the model. The UID for the first connection UID may include for wings: skin, sparUID, ribDefinitionUID, ribNumber, stringerUID, stingerNumber, and for fuselages: skinSegmentUID, frameUID, stringerUID, crossBeamUID, crossBeamStrutUID, longFloorBeamUID. Optional counter to specify numbered items, e.g. ribs in a ribSet. The UID for the second connection UID may include for wings: skin, sparUID, ribDefinitionUID, ribNumber, stringerUID, stingerNumber, and for fuselages: skinSegmentUID, frameUID, stringerUID, crossBeamUID, crossBeamStrutUID, longFloorBeamUID. Optional counter to specify numbered items, e.g. ribs in a ribSet. structuralProfile3DType Definition cross sections of structural profiles. Structuralprofiles type, containing cross section information of structural profiles. 2-dimensional cross sections of structural profiles. StructureProfile type, containing data of a structure profile cross sections. The cross section profile is defined by several points (->pointList) in the x-y-space. Two points are combined to one sheet (->sheetList) by using the pointUIDs. This profile is defined by several points in the x-y-space. Always two points are combined to one sheet. The properties of each sheet are defined in the 'sheetProperties' section by referencing on the sheetUID and the material properties. The orthotropy direction of composite materials equals the x-sheet axis. The orthotropy direction angle equals a positive rotation around the z-sheet axis as indicated in the picture below (part 3.), where a wing stringer is defined as an example: Name of the structure profile. Description of the structure profile. List of structural profile points, only x and y. Structural wall reinforcement definition specifying physical properties of a fuselage wall segment. Reference to a sheet element definition specifying the physical properties of the wall's shell. Reinforcements running along the position polygon of the wall positions. Reinforcements running in lateral/radial direction in the wall segment plane. Reinforcement at inner side of wall. This is either, depending on the extrusion direction flag, the edge of the wall that connects the positions ("positiveDirection") or the edge of the wall where the wall intersects with the fuselage skin in the opposite direction of the extrusion direction. Reinforcement at outer side of wall. The outer side of the wall is defined as the edge of the wall at the intersection of the wall with the fuselage skin running along the main direction of the wall. Lateral caps are the reinforcements of the wall at the edges lateral to the main direction of the wall. These caps can be either defined at start, end, start and end or at all wall positions according to the placement flag. Strut assembly Geometric description, spatial placement and specification of material parameters Strut properties The starting point of the support strut must connect to the main strut. This element specifies the relative position on the main strut (0 -> top end, 1 -> bottom end). End position in absolute coordinates. Coordinates are relative to parent if it has a parentUID reference (otherwise global). End position in eta/xsi/relHeight coordinates End position as a relative position on another strut of this landing gear Attachment to an aircraft wing or fuselage component Reference to an actuator uID Strut properties Geometric description and material properties of a strut (Outer) radius of the strut Material of the strut Inner radius of the strut Reference to structural element for a more detailed cross section definition Geometric description and material properties of a strut Length of the strut Design study parameters and results Contains optimization data such as definitions of design parameters and design studies. subFleetsType Contains a list of different sub fleets subFleetType Each fleet can be divided into sub fleet groups Name of fleet Description of the fleet A ; separated list of all tailsign strings subLoadType Superellipse A profile based on superellipses is composed of an upper and a lower semi-ellipse, which may differ from each other in their parameterization. The total width and height of the profile is always 1, since scaling is performed after referencing (e.g., in the fuselage). This lowerHeightFraction describes the portion of the lower semi-ellipse on the total height. The resulting profile is defined by the following set of equations: with The following examples indicate the various possibilities of parametric profiles: Example 1: (mUpper,nUpper,mLower,nLower, lowerHeightFraction) = (0.5; 2; 5; 3; 0.25) Example 2: (mUpper,nUpper,mLower,nLower, lowerHeightFraction) = (2; 2; 2; 2; 0.5) = a circle Example 3: (mUpper,nUpper,mLower,nLower, lowerHeightFraction) = (1; 1; 1; 1; 0.5) = a square / diamond Note: For exponents that are infinitely large, the superellipse converges to a rectangle. However, the value Inf is not a valid entry at this point. Use the square element instead. Exponent m for upper semi-ellipse Exponent n for upper semi-ellipse Exponent m for lower semi-ellipse Exponent n for lower semi-ellipse Fraction of height of the lower semi-ellipse relative to the total height Main landing gear support beam Definition of the main landing gear support beam, if a support beam is used for the attachment. The definition includes cross section properties as well as the position of the support beam. Symmetry (see CPACS root node documentation for details) Symmetry inheritance from parent element disabled Symmetry inherited from parent element (default behavior, i.e. also applies if attribute not set) Symmetry w.r.t. the x-y plane of the CPACS coordinate system Symmetry w.r.t. the x-z plane of the CPACS coordinate system Symmetry w.r.t. the y-z plane of the CPACS coordinate system System architectures System architecture Name Description ATA Chapter | generic Connections Connection Name Description Type of the connection. Control devices Control function indicating the activation state System elements Control parameter definition for System or Connection state Control parameter indicating active state Control parameter indicating inactive state Systems Systems type, containing the aircraft's control system data Please see the attached picture for further documentation Node for geometrical layout of system components based on simple geometric shapes Cockpit controls, e.g. stickRoll, pedals Different commandCases that are commanded, e.g. roll, accelerate Control Distributors, deliver inputs to the control actuators. E.g. different angles of different ailerons. Control laws, for regulated actuation tailplaneAttachmentAreaType tailplaneAttachmentArea type, containing dat on fuselage structure to attach tailplaine Definition of tailplane attachment area (Standard Configuration) type of tailplane attachment: Currently restricted to 'Type1' and 'Type2' (see documentation) Definitions of VTP interface Definitions of VTP interface takeoffPerformanceParametersType Take-off distance at liftoff speed VLOF. Take-off distance at safety speed V2. Optimal speed Velev at point of initiating take-off rotation by elevator deflection for a minimum take-off distance. Optimal rotation speed VR for a mini-mum take-off distance Liftoff speed VLOF. Safety speed V2. Take-off decision speed V1 Minimum control speed ground VMCG. Flight path angle being achieved at V2 with one engine failure in 400 ft height above ground. This is the result of a post trim calculation using the deter-mined V2. If the trim calculation fails the entry is set to -90. Structural properties of the tangent links, if existing. The tangent links do connect the engine pylon with the engine to carry the thrust forces. simpleConnectionsType SimpleConnections type, containing simple connections simpleConnectionType SimpleConnection type, containing a simple connection Can be each structural member (skinSegment, stringer, frame, paxCrossBeam, cargoCrossBeam, paxCrossBeamStrut, cargoCrossBeamStrut, long. floor beams, floorPanel, seatModule) Can be each structural member (skinSegment, stringer, frame, paxCrossBeam, cargoCrossBeam, paxCrossBeamStrut, cargoCrossBeamStrut, long. floor beams, floorPanel, seatModule) timeBaseType Base type for time nodes (including external data attributes) This time type is based on the xsd:time definition. "To specify a time zone, you can either enter a time in UTC time by adding a "Z" behind the time - like this: 09:30:10Z or you can specify an offset from the UTC time by adding a positive or negative time behind the time - like this: 09:30:10-06:00 or 09:30:10+06:00" (description taken from timeConstraintBaseType Base type for time nodes including a relational operator attribute indicating valid constraint region The timeConstraintBaseType extends the timeBaseType and thus inherits all its attributes. Toolspecific data This type contains a list of tools each specifying some basic tool information as well as the actual toolspecific part. The toolspecific elements must be defined in a separate namespace which can be specified and linked with the corresponding XSD file in the CPACS header: <cpacs xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="pathToSchemaFile/cpacs_schema.xsd" xsi:schemaLocation=" pathToToolspecificSchemaFile/toolspecific_myTool.xsd"> A simple example could look like this: <toolspecific> <tool> <name>myToolName</name> <version>1.2.3</version> <myTool xmlns="" schemaVersion="1.0"> <parentElement> <childElement1>stringValue</childElement1> <childElement2>1.0</childElement2> </parentElement> </myTool> </tool> </toolspecific> Tool identification Tool information as described in the toolspecificType. Name of the tool Version of the tool Wildcard for the root element of a toolspecific namespace topologyEntriesType topologyEntryType A topology entry is used to combine the dynamic aircraft models of several components, e.g. wing and fuselage. By default these will be stiff. If desired stiffness and rotation with respect to the CPACS coordinate system may be specified. Torispherical dome R1: dish radius R2: knuckle radius totalOperatingCostType trackActuatorType Reference to the uID of the actuator of the track. Definition of the material properties of the actuator to track attachment. Joint coordinates Definition of a joint coordinates. Joint name (P1|P2|..|P8) Specification of joint coordinates. Specification of joint coordinates. Set of joint coordinates Definition of a set of joint coordinates. Value of the command parameter of a control distributor. If not given explicitly in the control distributor, linear interpolation between the neighboring points is required. wingSparsType Spars type, a spar is defined by sparSegments that stretch between multiple sparPositions Definition of the struts of a control surface track. Definition of the struts of a control surface track. Definition of a strut of a control surface track. Definition of a strut of a control surface track. Definition of the wings trailing edge devices. Definition of the wings trailing edge devices. Trailing edge device of the wing. A trailingEdgeDevice (TED) is defined via its outerShape relative to the componentSegment. The WingCutOut defines the area of the skin that is removed by the TED. Structure is similar to the wing structure. The mechanical links between the TED and the parent are defined in tracks. The deflection path is described in path. Additional actuators, that are not included into a track, can be defined in actuators. Leading and trailing edge are defined by the outer shape of the wing segments, i.e. the trailing edge of a trailingEdgeDevice is the trailing edge of the wing. This is also valid for kinks that are present in the wing but not explicitly modeled in the control surface. The edges of the control surface within the wing are a straight line in absolute coordinates! Hence, there needs to be a straight connection between the eta-wise outer and inner points of the edge that is within the wing in absolute coordinates. Name of the trailing edge device. Description of the trailing edge device. UID of the parent of the TED. The parent can either be the uID of the componentSegment of the wing, or the uID of another TED. In the second case this TED is placed within the other TED (double slotted flap). In this way n-slotted TEDs can be created. Definition of cruise rollers/mid-span stops. Those features are small rolls at the leading edge of a flap that keep the flap within the bending wing at cruise configuration. Definition of interconnection struts. Those struts connect two neighbouring flaps and are load carrying in case of an actuator of flap track failour. Definition of z-couplings. Those elements couple two neighbouring flaps in z-direction. Trajectories trajectoryGlobalType trajectoryType 2D transformation Scaling of the structural profile rotation around z-axis of profile definition translation of profile definition Transformation Transformation type, containing a set of transformations. The order of the transformations is scaling -> rotation -> translation, and they are executed in this order. Any of them can be omitted; it will be replaced by its defaults. Transformations are always executed relative to the child not the parent. I.e. a scaling does not have an influence on the parent item. For example in the outer geometry of a wing the element scaling does not influence the section. Scaling does also not effect rotation and translation. Scaling data default: 1,1,1. Those parameters describe the scaling of the x-, y-, and z-axis. Rotation data default: 0,0,0. The rotation angles are the three Euler angles to describe the orientation of the coordinate system. The order is always xyz in CPACS. Therefore the first rotation is around the x-axis, the second rotation is around the rotated y-axis (y') and the third rotation is around the two times rotated z-axis (z''). Translation data default: 0,0,0. Translations can either be made absolute in the global coordinate system (absGlobal) or absolute in the local Coordinate system (absLocal). Scaling Rotation Translation Rotation Translation Translation Transformation Transformation type, containing a set of transformations. The order of the transformations is scaling -> rotation -> translation, and they are executed in this order. Any of them can be omitted; it will be replaced by its defaults. Transformations are always executed relative to the child not the parent. I.e. a scaling does not have an influence on the parent item. For example in the outer geometry of a wing the element scaling does not influence the section. Scaling does also not effect rotation and translation. Scaling data default: 1,1,1. Those parameters describe the scaling of the x-, y-, and z-axis. Rotation data default: 0,0,0. The rotation angles are the three Euler angles to describe the orientation of the coordinate system. The order is always xyz in CPACS. Therefore the first rotation is around the x-axis, the second rotation is around the rotated y-axis (y') and the third rotation is around the two times rotated z-axis (z''). Translation data default: 0,0,0. Translations can either be made absolute in the global coordinate system (absGlobal) or absolute in the local Coordinate system (absLocal). System breakdown data Specification of the power breakdown case UID of the corresponding trajectory Power breakdowns Power breakdown case along a trajectory Name Description transmissionGearRatioType TransmissionGearRatio type, defining the ratio of output rotation velocity to input rotation velocity. transmissionShaftInputsType TransmissionShaftInputs type, defining the shaft inputs of a transmission. transmissionShaftInputType TransmissionShaftInput type, defining a shaft input for a transmission. transmissionShaftOutputsType TransmissionShaftOutputs type, defining the shaft outputs of a transmission. transmissionShaftOutputType TransmissionShaftOutput type, defining a shaft output for a transmission. transmissionsType Transmissions type, containing all the transmissions/gearboxes of a rotorcraft model. transmissionType Transmission type, defining a transmission/gearbox. Trim case Name Description UID of trim requirement Description of the linear model Trim requirements Contains a list of trim requirements Trim requirement Name Description UID of a predefined flight point UID of weight and balance description Trim Provides a list of trim cases Turbo generators Turbo generator UIDGroupDefinitionsType UIDGroupDefinitionType List of uIDs Reference to a uID Structural properties of the upper links, if existing. The upper links do connect the upper forward part of the pylon box with the forward wing attachment. List of segments that are allowed to be varied within a mission optimization. Provides a list of segments having variable conditions within the segmentBlock. Example: a segmentBlock containing takeOff, climb, cruise, decent, landing segments has a cruise segment for which the range is variable. The range of this segment is then to be calculated using the range defined for the segmentBlock while concerning the known ranges of all other segments within the segmentBlock. This concept needs to be practically tested. Does it suffice to mention (a list of) segments that are free to change to fit the overall block constraints? What happens if a segment is variable, though it has some constraints? When to define a segment as variable (climb until endPosition z, then endPosition x should be left free. Is the segment then variable? Probably not.). Somehow the 'free' segment should be in between fully defined segments (i.e.: a cruise+descent in between endPosition z == ICA and endPosition z == 0 for landing to define max range. How to define this exactly?) variableSegmentType Containing the definition of variable segments for a segment block defines uID of the segment having variable conditions defines which condition(s) are variable within the segment (must be one of the defined endConditions for the segmentBlock) System element Name Description Vehicles The vehiclesType contains all vehicle-specific data. This includes the vehicle itself (i.e. aircraft and rotorcraft). Furthermore, components (e.g. engines, structuralElements, etc.) as well as physical properties of materials and fuels can be predefined for easy and consistent reuse via uID-references. Version Informations Version Information CPACS version of the dataset Description of CPACS dataset Timestamp of initial CPACS dataset creation Creator of initial CPACS dataset vtpFrameDefType Definition of the individual VTP attachments Definition of tailplane attachment area (Standard Configuration) UID of the fuselage frame at this VTP attachment Flag for option for VTP attachment between defined FrameUID and the next one UID of panel element at VTP attachment (shell elements) UID of structural element at VTP attachment (base, beams) UID of structural element at VTP attachment (horizontal, beams) UID of structural element at VTP attachment (radial, beams) vtpInterfaceDefType Definition of the interface of the VTP Definition of the VTP interface Definition of the VTP attachment frames and their reinforcement Defines area for valid x-position of VTP (just used if attachmentpoint is directly based on frame) ==> check and potentially warning message Definition of the max. distance between fuselage and the defined VTP pins ==> check and potentially warning message Definition of reinforcement area at VTP frame positions (relative coordinate, smaller than 1.0) Definition of vertical reinforcements at VTP frame positions (relative coordinate, smaller than 1.0) value to change from horizontal to radial reinforcements for VTP frame plates UID of elements to connect VTP pins with fuselage (beam elements) Definition of wall positions to place walls inside fuselage. Wall position definition specifying a point in the fuselage to be connected to a wall segment. Definition of a wall position to place walls inside fuselage. UID of a bulkhead determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates. UID of a wall segment determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates. UID of fuselage section determining the x-coordinate of the position with the given y- and z-coordinates. Absolute x-coordinate of wall position in fuselage coordinate system. Absolute y-coordinate of wall position in fuselage coordinate system. Absolute z-coordinate of wall position in fuselage coordinate system. Reference to wall position uID. Wall segment definition. Defines extrusion direction. Rotation angle around fuselage x-axis of extrusion direction. A value of 0deg means fuselage z-axis as extrusion direction. Default: 0.0deg. By default, the wall is only extruded in positive direction. If doubleSidedExtrusion is true, the wall is additionally extruded in negative direction as well. Default: false. Rotates the first edge of the wall segment so that it is adjacent with the structural element defined in the first wall position (bulkhead, fuselage section or another plane wall). Default: false. Rotates the last edge of the wall segment so that it is adjacent with the structural element defined in the last wall position (bulkhead, fuselage section or another plane wall). Default: false. A list of uIDs referencing other structural/geometric elements that shall serve as a boundary of the wall element. Possible references are floor, wall or genericGeometryComponent. A major requirement is that the referenced element has an intersection with the wall for at least the distance between two wall positions. So that a full geometric face of the wall is bounded by it. Neighbouring wall faces that are not completely bounded by the reference element are not affected. Reference to the structural property definition of this wall segment. List of wall position uIDs that are used for this wall segment. At least two positions must be defined (for start and end position of wall). If more than two positions are referenced here, the wall is constructed out of several planar faces that connect two consecutive positions (Note: Order of position uIDs defines connectivity). Definition of wall positions to place walls inside fuselage. List of wall segments. webType SparWeb type, containing the cross section area of the spar web and the material properties. Please find below a picture where all spar cross section parameters as well as the orientation references for the material definition can be found: Material definition of the spar web. relPos ranges from 0 to 1 It defines the position of the web relative to the caps (see picture below).. weightAndBalanceCaseType WeightAndBalanceCase type, containing weight and balance data for one case weightAndBalanceFuelInTanksType weightAndBalanceFuelInTankType Ranges from 0 for empty tank to 1 weightAndBalanceFuelType weightAndBalancemCargosType For a higher ganularity it is possible to add more information on the actual Cargo that are included in the operational case. Please note that the information needs to be identical with the massBreakdown. Hence, only links via uIDs can be specified. weightAndBalancemPaxxType For a higher ganularity it is possible to add more information on the actual Pax that are included in the operational case. Please note that the information needs to be identical with the massBreakdown. Hence, only links via uIDs can be specified. weightAndBalancePayloadType Weight and balance WeightAndBalance type, containing weight and balance datasets Definition of the landing gear wheel. The center plane of the wheel is located on the end point of the axle. Wheel radius With of the wheel Brake: false = not braked; true = braked. windowAssemblyPositionType WindowAssembly type, containing an the position of a windows assembly UID of the window element to be used x position of window element on global x axis z position of window element reference point angle around global x axis to define window position with respect to positionX and postionZ windowsAssemblyType WindowsAssembly type, containing an assembly of windows windowsType Windows type, containing windows wingAeroPerformanceType wingAeroPerformance type, containing performance maps with aerodynamic data of a wing. Reference to the uID of the analysed wing References used for the calculation of the force and moment coefficients of the wing (in the wing axis system!) Calculated aerodynamic performance maps of the wing wingAirfoilsType WingAirfoils type, containing wing airfoil geometries. See profileGeometryType for further documentation Position of the landing gear on a wing Definition of the position of the landing gear (intersection point of main strut and pintle sturt) on a wing, using relative componentSegment coordinates Relative height of spar or rib at which landing gear is attached. Relative spanwise position (eta) of spar at which landing gear is attached. Relative chordwise position (xsi) of the rib at which landing gear is attached. Cells of the wing. WingCells type, containing all the cells of the wing. Cell of the wing A cell defines a special region of the wing. Within this region skin and stringer properties can be defined that differer from the properties of the rest of the wing. In general a cell is defined by defining four borders – the cell leading and trailing edge and the inner border and the outer border. Those borders can either be defined by using eta/xsi coordinates or by referencing to spars and ribs. Mixed definitions (e.g. forward border is defined due to a spar, side borders due to eta coordinates) is allowed. In general a cell is quadrilateral. But if e.g. the spar, which is used for the definition of the trailing edge, has a kink, the cell can have more than four corners. The cell leading and trailing edge (= forward and rear border) can either be defined by referencing to a spar (->sparUID) or by the defining the xsi (=relative chord) coordinates of the border (xsi1 = inner end; xsi2 = outer end). The cell inner and outer border can either be defined by referencing to a rib (->ribDefinitionUID and ribNumber) or by the defining the eta (=relative spanwise) coordinates of the border (eta1 = forward end; eta2 = rear end). Some examples for wing cells can be found in the picture below: Structure of the wing wingComponentSegmentStructure type, containing the whole structure (skins, ribs, spars...) of the wing. CutOuts of the wing CutOut of the wing A wing cutout is defined using any combination of eta-xsi-spar-rib-uids. It has the similar syntax to a wingCell. The cell leading and trailing edge (= forward and rear border) can either be defined by referencing to a spar (->sparUID) or by the defining the xsi (=relative chord) coordinates of the border (xsi1 = inner end; xsi2 = outer end). The cell inner and outer border can either be defined by referencing to a rib (->ribDefinitionUID and ribNumber) or by the defining the eta (=relative spanwise) coordinates of the border (eta1 = forward end; eta2 = rear end). Some examples for wing cells can be found in the picture below: Type of the cutout (upper|lower|both): upper shell, lower shell or both. Elements of the wing. WingElements type, containing the elements of a wing section. Element of the section. Within elements the airfoils of the wing are defined. Each section can have one or more elements. Within each element one airfoil have to be defined. If e.g. the wing should have a step at this section, two elements can be defined for the two airfoils. Mathematically spoken a element is a coordinate system that is translated, rotated and scaled relative to the section coordinate system. This transformation parameters are defined within the transformation section. The wirfoil, which is linked by using the parameter airfoilUID is directly 'copied' in the element coordinate system. If e.g. the airfoil is defined from 0 to 1 in x-direction and the total scaling of the elements x-axis equals 3.5 the wing chord is 3.5 m long. An example for wing element can be found in the picture below: Name of the wing element. Description of the wing element. Reference to a wing airfoil. Border of the fuel tank (either rib or spar). Spar uID of the bordering spar. UID of the rib set of the bordering rib. RibNumber of the rib set of the bordering rib. Definition of the geometry of the wing fuel tank by defining a continouse list of borders. List of wing fuel tanks. Definition of one wing fuel tank. Name of the wing fuel tank. Description of the wing fuel tank. Definition of the wing-fuselage attachment. Definition of the wing-fuselage attachment Definition of the wing-fuselage attachment Definition of the wing-fuselage attachment. The area of the fuselage attachment (resp. center wing box, CWB) is defined by defining one resp. two ribs from the rib definition. If one rib is defined (rib1) the CWB goes from the closer end of the componentSegment (e.g. wing symmetry plane) to the defined rib. If two ribs are defined (rib1 and rib2), the CWB is between both ribs. Additionally attachment pins can be defined. At those positions the wing is attached to the fuselage. This can be e.g. used for defining the wing-attachment of high wing configurations, HTPs or VTPs. Definition of first (=inner) rib of the fuselage attachment. Definition of the second (=outer) rib of the fuselage attachment. Optional. Only to be used if attachment is defined over two ribs. Definition of position, orientation, materials and blocked DOFs of attachment pins. Definition of actuators (e.g. trim actuator of an HTP) of the attachment. wingInterfaceDefinitionsType CenterFuselage high wing interface definitions centerFuselageMainFramesType High wing main frame definition, containing mainframe UIDs wingInterfaceSupportStrutsAssemblyType wingInterfaceSupportStrutsAssembly type, containing support struts assembly wingInterfaceSupportStrutType wingInterfaceSupportStrut type, containing support strut definition Name of support strut. Type description: lateral or longitudinal support strut. IntermediateStructure cells Definition of the intermediateStructure of the componentSegment of the wing. Definition of the cell of the intermediateStructure IntermediateStructure: It defines the filling materials between the upper and lower shell (e.g. honeycombe structures in a smeared representation). IntermediateStructure is optional.The position of the intermediateStructure is defined in so called cells (= special areas on the wing). Default is no intermediateStructure. Material Definition of intermediateStructure: The material of the intermediateStructure is reference by 'material'. The material orientation is defined by 'rotX' and 'rotZ'. 'rotZ' is defined equivalent to the stringer angle resp. the skin orthotropyDirection. 'rotX' equals a positive rotation around the wings x-axis, while a rotation of zero is equivalent to the wing middle plane. A picture to clarify the reference direction of rotZ (equivalent to orthothropy direction of the wing) can be found in the picture below: Position definition by using cells: A cell defines a special region of the wing. Within this region the cell properties are defined. In general a cell is defined by defining four borders – the cell leading and trailing edge and the inner border and the outer border. Those borders can either be defined by using eta/xsi coordinates or by referencing to spars and ribs. Mixed definitions (e.g. forward border is defined due to a spar, side borders due to eta coordinates) is allowed. In general a cell is quadrilateral. But if e.g. the spar, which is used for the definition of the trailing edge, has a kink, the cell can have more than four corners. The cell leading and trailing edge (= forward and rear border) can either be defined by referencing to a spar (->sparUID) or by the defining the xsi (=relative chord) coordinates of the border (xsi1 = inner end; xsi2 = outer end). The cell inner and outer border can either be defined by referencing to a rib (->ribDefinitionUID and ribNumber) or by the defining the eta (=relative spanwise) coordinates of the border (eta1 = forward end; eta2 = rear end). Some examples for wing cells can be found in the picture below: Reference to the material of the intermediate structure. 'rotX' equals a positive rotation around the wings x-axis, while a rotation of zero is equivalent to the wing middle plane direction. 'rotZ' is defined equivalent to the stringer angle resp. the skin orthotropyDirection. Definition of a ribCell RibCells are optional elements. They are defined via a fromRib and a toRib. The enumeration is within the ribSet. RibNumber 1 starts at etaStart. Defines the beginning of the ribCell. The enumeration is within the ribSet. Defines the ending of the ribCell. The enumeration is within the ribSet. WING: The Rotation along the x describes a rotation around a line, that is defined by the intersection of the rib with the wing middle plane (orientated from leading to trailing edge). This angle defaults to 90° which means, that the rib is perpendicular on the wings middle plane. PYLON: The Rotation along the z describes a rotation around the pylons z-axis (= rotation in top view). This angle defaults to 90° which means, that the rib is perpendicular to the pylons x-axis. The orthotropyDirection is defined as rotation around the ribs z-axis. The rib coordinate system is defined as follows: x-axis is from leading to trailingeEdge of the componentSegment in the direction of the rib elongation. z-axis is normal to the rib in the direction of positive eta. y is defined by right hand rule. Rotation is around the z-axis. Zero degrees are at the x-axis positive direction. Cross section properties of a wing rib wingRibCrossSectionType, containing the definition of ribsCrossSection The orthotropyDirection is defined as rotation around the ribs z-axis. The rib coordinate system is defined as follows: x-axis is from leading to trailingeEdge of the componentSegment in the direction of the rib elongation. z-axis is normal to the rib in the direction of positive eta. y is defined by right hand rule. Rotation is around the z-axis. Zero degrees are at the x-axis positive direction. WING: The Rotation along the x describes a rotation around a line, that is defined by the intersection of the rib with the wing middle plane (orientated from leading to trailing edge). This angle defaults to 90° which means, that the rib is perpendicular on the wings middle plane. The rotation angle is defined at the intersection point of the rib with the ribReference line. The rib itself is always straight and not twisted. PYLON: The Rotation along the z describes a rotation around the pylons z-axis (= rotation in top view). This angle defaults to 90° which means, that the rib is perpendicular to the pylons x-axis. Post element definition applied to all vertical intersections with spars Explicit positioning of a wing rib Use this type for an explicit positioning of a rib. As opposed to ribsPositioning, this defines a single rib connecting a specified start and end point. Defines the start of the rib defined in eta-xsi coordinates of a reference plane Defines the start of the rib defined by a point on a reference curve such as a spar, but not an explicit sparPosition Defines the location of the beginning of the rib using a specific sparPosition. Defines the end of the rib defined in eta-xsi coordinates of a reference plane Defines the end of the rib given by a point on a reference curve such as a spar, but not an explicit sparPosition Defines the location of the end of the rib using a specific sparPosition. Defines the forward beginning of the ribs. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge". RibEnd defines the backward ending of the ribs. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge". wingRibPointType The wingRibPointType is used to define reference points on ribs. It can be used for rib set definitions (wingRibsPositioningType) as well as explicit rib definitions (wingRibExplicitPositioningType). The UID of the rib definition. Can be a reference to nodes of either wingRibsPositioningType or wingRibExplicitPositioningType. For references of type wingRibsPositioningType this node indicates the rib number of the rib set. If not given it defaults to 1. Normalized xsi coordinate of the rib point which is measured along the rib from the start point [0] towards the end point [1]. Wing ribs RibDefinitions type, containing the definition of all ribs of the wing. Definition of a set of ribs RibDefinitionType, containing the definition for ribs. Ribs are defined in sets of one or more ribs. The positions of the rib, as well as the orientation of the ribs are defined in 'ribPositioning'. The cross section properties, as e.g. materials, are defined in 'ribCrossSection'. Name of the rib set Description of the rib set Positioning of a set of wing ribs The ribsPositioning type allows the definition of a set of ribs which is distributed over a specified spanwise area. The positions of the ribs are defined by placing the ribs on a reference line on the wing (ribReference). The inner and the outer beginning of the rib set is defined using etaStart and etaEnd. The position of the forward and rear end of the ribs is defined by ribStart and ribEnd. The orientation of the ribs is defined in ribRotation. The number of ribs of the current rib set is either defined by ribNumber or by spacing. Three examples how ribs can be placed on the wing are illustrated in the picture below. For more detailed information, please refer to the description of each parameter. Defines the start of the rib defined in eta-xsi coordinates of a reference plane Defines the start of the rib by a point on a reference curve, such as a spar, but not an explicit sparPosition Defines the location of the beginning of the rib using a specific sparPosition Defines the end of the rib defined in eta-xsi coordinates of a reference plane Defines the end of the rib defined by a point on a reference curve such as a spar, but not an explicit sparPosition Defines the location of the end of the rib using a specific sparPosition Defines the forward beginning of the ribs. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge". Defines the backward ending of the ribs. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge". The spacing of the ribs defines the distance between two ribs, measured on the ribReferenceLine. First rib is placed at etaStart. Defines the number of ribs in this ribSet. First rib is at etaStart on the referenceLine, last rib is at etaEnd. The spacing is constant on the ribReferenceLine. The ribReference is the reference line for the computation of the rib set spacing. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge" RibCrossingBehaviour can either be 'cross' or 'end'. If it is set to'end' the ribs of this rib set will end at the intersection with another rib. If it is set to 'cross' the ribs of this rib set will continue at the intersection with another rib. wingsAeroPerformanceType wingsAeroPerformance type, containing wingsAeroPerformance Sections of the wing. WingSections type, containing all the sections of the wing. Section of the wing. WingSection type, containing a wing section. The sections contains elements, where the airfoils are defined. For the definition of a wing at least two sections (root and tip) have to be defined, but any number greater than 2 is also possible. Mathematically spoken a section is a coordinate system that is translated, rotated and scaled relative to the wing coordinate system. This transformation parameters are defined within the transformation section. In addition to the translation, which is defined in the transformation part, the section can be translated by using the positionings vectors (wing->positiongs). Translation of the positionings vectors is added to the translation of the section. An example for wing sections can be found in the picture below: Name of wing the wing section. Description of the wing section. Segments of the wing. WingSegments type, containing all the segments of the wing. Segment of the wing. A segment defines which two wing elements (=cross sections) are linked to one wing segment. An example for wing segments can be found in the picture below: Name of wing the wing segment. Description of the wing segment. Reference to the element from which the segment shall start. Reference to the element at which the segment shall end. Optional and additional guidecurves to shape the outer geometry. Shells of the wing Within the wingShellType the upper and lower skin of a and the skin stringers are defined. At 'skin' and 'stringer' the skin and stringer properties of the complete componentSegment are defined. If different skin or stringer properties should be defined in a special region of the wing this can be done within 'cells'. If the stringer should not be defined explicitly, they can be defined implizite by defining an equivalent material layer and using a composite as material. Material properties of the wing skin. The wingSkinType describes the material properties of the wing. For composites materials: the positive z-direction is from the outer side to the inner side. For composites materials: the reference axis for the orthotropyDirection is defined by the two leading edge points of the 'from'- and the 'to'-element of the componentSegment definition. The angle between the reference axis and the orthotropyDirection equals the rotation around the z-reference axis. For details, please refer to the picture below: Material properties of the wing skin. Wing spars Spars type, a spar is defined by sparSegments that stretch between multiple sparPositions. The spar definition is very flexible in CPACS. Spars can start and end at any position of the wing, spars can have kinks at any position of the wing and spars can cross each other or merge. At first the spar points (->sparPositions) have to be defined. Spar points are defined using the relative coordinates eta and xsi. Spar points do lay on wing middle plane. Two or more spar points are connected to on spar segment (->sparSegments). Each spar segment can be seen as one spar. The spar geometry between two spar points is defined as a direct/straight connection in global coordinate system and not in eta xsi coordinates of the component segment. One spar point can be used by more than one spar, if e.g. two spars are merging. The detailed cross section of the spar is also defined with sparSegments. Please find below a picture for an example definition of 3 spars in one wing, by using spar position points and spar segments: Definition of the wing stringers. Within the wingStringerType wing stringers are defined. The stringer are defined by referencing on the stringerStructureUID, where the shape and material settings of one single stringer is defined. In addition the orientation and the stringer pitch have to be defined: One stringer intersects the point at the given xsi and eta position. Alternatively, an explicit stringer definition can be applied if the stringers shall be tapered. This is the simple and default stringer definition The pitch describes the distance between to adjacent stringers in the plane rectangular to the stringer elongation direction. Stringer angle: the reference axis for the stringer angle is defined by the two leading edge points of the 'from'- and the 'to'-element of the componentSegment definition. The angle between the reference axis and the stringers equals the rotation around the z-reference axis. For details, please refer to the picture below. If the reference of the stringer angle shall be different from the default implementation then this parameter may be set. Allowed values include: leadingEdge, trailingEdge and globalY. Furthermore, it is possible to provide the UID of a spar. This is the explicit stringer definition. Please note that for a consistent definition two out of the possible three elements innerBorder (xsiLE, xsiTE), outerBorder (xsiLE, xsiTE) and stringer angle (and angle reference) must be defined. Any combination of two of the three is valid The number of stringers; default is 0 Stringer angle: the reference axis for the stringer angle is defined by the two leading edge points of the 'from'- and the 'to'-element of the componentSegment definition. The angle between the reference axis and the stringers equals the rotation around the z-reference axis. For details, please refer to the picture below. If the reference of the stringer angle shall be different from the default implementation then this parameter may be set. Allowed values include: leadingEdge, trailingEdge and globalY. Furthermore, it is possible to provide the UID of a spar. Inner border xsi coordinate at the leading edge of the stringer definition Outer border xsi coordinate at the leading edge of the stringer definition Inner border xsi coordinate at the trailing edge of the stringer definition Outer border xsi coordinate at the trailing edge of the stringer definition wingStructuralMountsType Wings Wings type, containing all the lifting surfaces (wings, HTPs, VTPs, canards...) of an aircraft model. Wing type, containing all a lifting surface (wing, HTP, VTP, canard...) of an aircraft model. Wing type, containing all a lifting surface (wing, HTP, VTP, canard...) of an aircraft model. Position of the wing: The position of the wing is defined using the transformation parameters. Using those parameters, the wing coordinate system is translated, rotated and scaled. Definition of the wings outer shape: The outer shape of the wing is defined by airfoils that are placed within the 3D space. Two airfoils are combined to one wing segment within the segments. For the definition of the positions of the airfoils, different sections are defined. Within each section one or more elements are defined. The airfoil shape is defined within the elements. If the wings outer shape should e.g. have a step it is possible to define two different airfoils in one section by using two elements. In most cases each section will only include one element. Positionings are vectors that are used for an additional translation of the sections by using 'user friendly paramaters' as e.g. sweep and dihedral. Please note, the first positioning may be non-zero. Often it will be zero just to locate the wing at the position stated by the translation, but this is not necessary. Finally the wing segments are defined by combining two consecutive elements. A more detailed description is given within the different parameters. Definition of control surfaces, wing structures, wing fuel tank and wing fuselage attachment: those parts are defined within componentSegments. Please refer to the documentation there. Name of the wing. Description of the wing. UID of part to which the wing is mounted (if any). The parent of the wing can e.g. be the fuselage. In each aircraft model, there is exactly one part without a parent part (The root of the connection hierarchy). The two elements that where the structural connection is placed. Element uID of the element of the CURRENT componentSegment where the structural connection is placed. Element uID of the element of the second componentSegment where the structural connection is placed. Two spars that are structurally connected. Spar uID of the CURRENT componentSegment. Spar uID of the second componentSegment. wingWingAttachmentsSparsType List of wingWingAttachments. wingWingAttachmentType Definition of the structural connection between two wings resp. two componentSegments. Note: All structural connections between two wings/componetSegments have to be defined using wingWingAttachments. The wingWingAttachment has only be defined in one of the two componentSegments, that are connected. UID of the componentSegment, that is connected with the current one. Defines if the upper shell of the current componentSegment is structurally connected to the upper or lower shell of the second componentSegment. Can have the values 'upperShell' or 'lowerShell'. Defines if the lower shell of the current componentSegment is structurally connected to the upper or lower shell of the second componentSegment. Can have the values 'upperShell' or 'lowerShell'. xsiIsoLineType Iso line described by point of same xsi coordinate. Can be either segment or component segment coordinates. Relative spanwise position. Xsi refers to the segment or componentSegment depending on the referenced uID. This reference uID determines the reference coordinate system. If it points to a segment, then the eta value is considered to be in segment eta coordinate; if it points to a componentSegment, then componentSegment eta coordinate is used. zCouplingsType Definition of one z-coupling. zCouplingType Reference to the control surface that is connected to this control surface by the z-coupling.. Material of the movable part of the z-coupling. Definition of the attachment of the z-coupling to this control surface. Definition of the attachment of the z-coupling to the other control surface.