{ "supportURL": "https://discord.gg/tTeWvUHev4", "module": [ { "name" : "πŸ”Œ About Time", "source": "about-time", "manifesturl": "https://gitlab.com/tposney/about-time/raw/master/package/module.json", "coreVersion": "10", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10", "system": [ "dnd5e" ], "title" : "πŸ”Œ About Time", "id": "about-time", "manifest": "https://gitlab.com/tposney/about-time/raw/master/package/module.json", "description": [ "A module to support a game time clock in Foundry VTT. Arbitrary calendars are supported Gregorian and Greyhawk supplied but it is easy to add your own. See notes in the Readme.md and please have a look at Gettingstarted.md it has more information.", "DateTime Arithmentic is supported allowing calculations like DateTime.Now().add({days:1}) (increments can be negative, but must be integers)", "DateTime represents a date and time comprising ({years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds}) and repsents an actual date and time. DTMod is a class for representing time intervals, game.Gametime.DTMod.create({years, months, days, hours. minutes, seconds}) only represents an interval to be applied to a DateTime. Typically you would do things like DateTime.now().add({days: 5})", "The gametime clock can bet set/advanced as you wish. The clock can also be set to run in real time at a multiple/fraction of real world time. The game clock is snchronised betwee all clients and time updates are broadcast to each client. You can register for them via Hooks.on(\"pseudoclockUpdate\"). When combat starts the clock enters a special mode that advances a fixed interval at the end of each combat round.", "You can trigger fairly arbitrary events to occur at specified times or intervals.", "The real use for the clock is having events fire at predefined times or intervals. You can call arbitrary code or macros based off the game time clock. Allowing things like game.Gametime.doEvery({hours:24}, \"Eat Food\")" ], "keyworkds": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "", "authors": [{"name": "tim posney"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": 10, "maximum": 10 }, "relationships": { "systems": [{ "id": "DnD5e", "type": "system", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/master/system.json", "compatibilty": { "maximum": "1.3.0", "verified": "1.2.4" } }] }, "size": 2430 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ Animated Spell Effects", "source": "animated-spell-effects", "manifesturl": "https://github.com/jackkerouac/animated-spell-effects-cartoon/releases/download/latest/module.json", "minimumCoreVersion": "0.5.5", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10", "title" : "πŸ”Œ Animated Spell Effects", "id": "animated-spell-effects", "manifest": "https://github.com/jackkerouac/animated-spell-effects-cartoon/releases/download/latest/module.json", "description": [ "More than 450 (and growing!) animated effects for spells for use with various VTT's in the top-down/overhead perspective. All files are in transparent webm format. In Foundry VTT, fiiles will be located in your \"Data\\modules\\animated-spell-effects\\spell-effects\" folder. If you like my work, consider saying thanks on Discord: jackkerouac#0624." ], "keywords": [ "plugin","resource","effects"], "version": "0.6.8", "authors": [{"name": "jackkerouac"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": 10, "maximum": "0.8.1" }, "size": 22100 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ Monarch", "source": "monarch", "manifesturl": "https://github.com/zeel01/monarch/releases/download/v0.4.1/module.json", "minimumCoreVersion": "9", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10", "title" : "πŸ”Œ Monarch", "id": "monarch", "manifest": "https://github.com/zeel01/monarch/releases/download/v0.4.1/module.json", "description": [ "Monarch is currently in beta. There are some rough edges and incomplete features. Feel free to open issues if you find problems. Monarch is an enhanced card UI for Foundry VTT v9+ which provides replacements for card, hand, deck, and pile sheets." ], "keywords": [ "plugin","resource"], "version": "0.4.1", "authors": [ {"name": "zeel"} ], "compatibility": { "minimum": 9, "verified": 10, "maximum": 10 }, "size": 41900 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ Combat Carousel", "source": "combat-carousel", "manifesturl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/death-save/combat-carousel-public/main/module.json", "minimumCoreVersion": "10.275", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.290", "title" : "πŸ”Œ Combat Carousel", "id": "combat-carousel", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/death-save/combat-carousel-public/main/module.json", "description": [ "A Foundry VTT module to display CRPG-style Combatant cards in carousel-like format." ], "keywords": [ "plugin","resource"], "version": "0.3.1", "authors": [{"name": "errational"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": 10, "maximum": "0.8.1" }, "size": 369000 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ Combat Enhancements", "source": "combat-enhancements", "manifesturl": "https://gitlab.com/asacolips-projects/foundry-mods/combat-enhancements/raw/1.2.0/module.json", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.273", "tile" : "πŸ”Œ Combat Enhancements", "id": "combat-enhancements", "manifest": "https://gitlab.com/asacolips-projects/foundry-mods/combat-enhancements/raw/1.2.0/module.json", "description": [ "This small module adds a radial health bar, an editable HP field, and drag/drop re-ordering to the combat tracker." ], "keywords": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "1.2.0", "authors": [{"name": "Asacolips"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.273" }, "size": 9360 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ DF Scene Enhancements", "source": "df-scene-enhance", "manifesturl": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-scene-enhance", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.288", "title" : "πŸ”Œ DF Scene Enhancements", "id": "df-scene-enhance", "manifest": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-scene-enhance", "description": [ "A few enhancements to scene management for players and GMs." ], "keywords": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "3.6.0", "authors": [{"name": "flamewave000"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.288" }, "size": 29400 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ DF Active Lights", "source": "df-active-lights", "manifesturl": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-active-lights", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.290", "title" : "πŸ”Œ DF Active Lights", "id": "df-active-lights", "manifest": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-active-lights", "description": [ "Lights can now have complex animations attached to their various properties such as the direction or colour." ], "keywords": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "1.3.1", "authors": [{"name": "flamewave000"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.290" }, "size": 26600 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ DF Architech", "source": "dfarchitech", "manifesturl": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-architect", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.286", "title" : "πŸ”Œ DF Architech", "id": "dfarchitech", "manifest": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-architect", "description": [ "Welcome to the great big Architect’s Tool Suite. This module provides many many many new Quality of Life features to the Foundry Walls and Lighting layers. As well as a few extras that are just fun to have and make life a little easier.", "I hate big walls of text, so I’ve done my best to provide some animated previews of what each feature does. I hope you enjoy what this module brings to your FoundryVTT experience!" ], "keywords": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "4.0.0", "authors": [{"name": "flamewave000"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.286" }, "size": 2620 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ DF Curvy Walls", "source": "df-curvy-walls", "manifesturl": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-curvy-walls", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.288", "title" : "πŸ”Œ DF Curvy Walls", "id": "df-curvy-walls", "manifest": "https://dragonflagon.cafe/mods/man/df-curvy-walls", "description": [ "Creates wall segments along a Bezier Cubic or Quadratic curve, an ellipse, or a rectangle." ], "keywords": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "3.4.0", "authors": [{"name": "flamewave000"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.288" }, "size": 10400 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ DFreds Droppables", "source": "dfreds-droppables", "manifesturl": "https://github.com/DFreds/dfreds-droppables/releases/download/v2.0.5/module.json", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.291", "title" : "πŸ”Œ DFreds Droppables", "id": "dfreds-droppables", "manifest": "https://github.com/DFreds/dfreds-droppables/releases/download/v2.0.5/module.json", "description": [ "DFreds Droppables is a FoundryVTT module which allows you to drag and drop an entire folder of tokens or journal entries onto the canvas." ], "keywords": [ "plugin", "resource" ], "version": "2.0.5", "authors": [{"name": "DFreds"}], "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.291" }, "size": 11100 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ DFreds Pocket Change", "source": "dfreds-pocket-change", "manifesturl": "https://github.com/DFreds/dfreds-pocket-change/releases/download/v4.0.1/module.json", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.286", "title" : "πŸ”Œ DFreds Pocket Change", "id": "dfreds-pocket-change", "manifest": "https://github.com/DFreds/dfreds-pocket-change/releases/download/v4.0.1/module.json", "description": [ "

Have you ever watched as the peaceful NPCs of the town you've lovingly crafted get slaughtered by your players, only for them to ask how much money was in their pockets so they could loot them afterwards? Well, now you can automate that part. The money part. Not the slaughter. That would be weird.

Oh yeah. This module is useless without Loot Sheet NPC 5e by ChalkOne. So get that bad boy.

" ], "keyword": [ "plugin", "loot" ], "version": "4.0.1", "authors": [{"name": "DFreds"}], "relationships": { "requires": [{ "id": "lootsheet-simple", "type": "module", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jopeek/fvtt-loot-sheet-npc-5e/lootsheet-simple/module.json", "compatibilty": { "maximum": "1.3.0", "verified": "5.0.6" } }] }, "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": "10.286" }, "size": 14500 }, { "name" : "πŸ”Œ Dynamic Active Effects", "source": "dae", "manifesturl": "https://gitlab.com/tposney/dae/raw/v10/package/module.json", "compatibleCoreVersion": "10.279", "minimumCoreVersion": "10", "minimumSystemVersion": "2.1.5", "systems": ["dnd5e", "sw5e"], "title" : "πŸ”Œ Dynamic Active Effects", "id": "dae", "manifest": "https://gitlab.com/tposney/dae/raw/v10/package/module.json", "description": [ "

DAE is the successor to Dyanmiceffects and dynamic effects does not work in 0.7+

You do not need to use DAE for most of the active effect funcitonality to work. You might choose to use it if you want one or more or of:

A Collection of Various Decks for Tabletop Games, or as Accessories with another Games

DAE adds some features to core Active Effects.