# parental-control A set of resolvers blocking popular websites that may not be appropriate for children. This is not bulletproof. In particular, websites in languages that are not English will require additional, local rules. To use that list, add this to the `[sources]` section of your `dnscrypt-proxy.toml` configuration file: [sources.'parental-control'] urls = ['https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers/master/v3/parental-control.md', 'https://download.dnscrypt.info/resolvers-list/v3/parental-control.md'] minisign_key = 'RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3' cache_file = 'parental-control.md' In order to enforce safe search results from Google and Youtube, you may also want to enable cloaking (`cloaking_rules` in the configuration file). -- ## adguard-dns-family Adguard DNS with safesearch and adult content blocking Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAETk0LjE0MC4xNC4xNTo1NDQzILgxXdexS27jIKRw3C7Wsao5jMnlhvhdRUXWuMm1AFq6ITIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZmFtaWx5Lm5zMS5hZGd1YXJkLmNvbQ sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAETk0LjE0MC4xNS4xNjo1NDQzILgxXdexS27jIKRw3C7Wsao5jMnlhvhdRUXWuMm1AFq6ITIuZG5zY3J5cHQuZmFtaWx5Lm5zMS5hZGd1YXJkLmNvbQ ## adguard-dns-family-doh Adguard DNS with safesearch and adult content blocking (over DoH) sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADDk0LjE0MC4xNC4xNSCaOjT3J965vKUQA9nOnDn48n3ZxSQpAcK6saROY1oCGQw5NC4xNDAuMTQuMTUKL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADDk0LjE0MC4xNS4xNiCaOjT3J965vKUQA9nOnDn48n3ZxSQpAcK6saROY1oCGQw5NC4xNDAuMTUuMTYKL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ ## adguard-dns-family-ipv6 Adguard DNS with safesearch and adult content blocking (Over IPv6) Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAGVsyYTEwOjUwYzA6OmJhZDE6ZmZdOjU0NDMguDFd17FLbuMgpHDcLtaxqjmMyeWG-F1FRda4ybUAWrohMi5kbnNjcnlwdC5mYW1pbHkubnMxLmFkZ3VhcmQuY29t sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAGVsyYTEwOjUwYzA6OmJhZDI6ZmZdOjU0NDMguDFd17FLbuMgpHDcLtaxqjmMyeWG-F1FRda4ybUAWrohMi5kbnNjcnlwdC5mYW1pbHkubnMxLmFkZ3VhcmQuY29t ## cisco-familyshield Block websites not suitable for children (DNSCrypt protocol) Warning: Doesn't work any more in some countries such as France and Portugal. Warning: modifies your queries to include a copy of your network address when forwarding them to a selection of companies and organizations. Currently incompatible with DNS anonymization. sdns://AQEAAAAAAAAADjIwOC42Ny4yMjAuMTIzILc1EUAgbyJdPivYItf9aR6hwzzI1maNDL4Ev6vKQ_t5GzIuZG5zY3J5cHQtY2VydC5vcGVuZG5zLmNvbQ ## cisco-familyshield-ipv6 Block websites not suitable for children (IPv6) Warning: Doesn't work any more in some countries such as France and Portugal. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. Warning: modifies your queries to include a copy of your network address when forwarding them to a selection of companies and organizations. sdns://AQEAAAAAAAAAEVsyNjIwOjExOTozNTo6MzVdILc1EUAgbyJdPivYItf9aR6hwzzI1maNDL4Ev6vKQ_t5GzIuZG5zY3J5cHQtY2VydC5vcGVuZG5zLmNvbQ ## cleanbrowsing-adult Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites. It does not block proxy or VPNs, nor mixed-content sites. Sites like Reddit are allowed. Google and Bing are set to the Safe Mode. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. By https://cleanbrowsing.org/ sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAEzE4NS4yMjguMTY4LjEwOjg0NDMgvKwy-tVDaRcfCDLWB1AnwyCM7vDo6Z-UGNx3YGXUjykRY2xlYW5icm93c2luZy5vcmc sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAEzE4NS4yMjguMTY5LjExOjg0NDMgvKwy-tVDaRcfCDLWB1AnwyCM7vDo6Z-UGNx3YGXUjykRY2xlYW5icm93c2luZy5vcmc ## cleanbrowsing-adult-doh Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites over DoH. It does not block proxy or VPNs, nor mixed-content sites. Sites like Reddit are allowed. Google and Bing are set to the Safe Mode. sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADjE4NS4yMjguMTY4LjEwoPn_N_AuYyy3OHAlwH5XkIo9Nxt8ldjN0DkN4jHtlDoSoCso0AXN1mJZ2xEYZeoXy7YLPI9UcGhjjZAqZL54Sv34IOaSTdvwPj_u_RiUGT7gQuBqadbySK2eIW2kKyiPLBAZEWNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3JnES9kb2gvYWR1bHQtZmlsdGVy sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADzE4NS4yMjguMTY4LjE2OKD5_zfwLmMstzhwJcB-V5CKPTcbfJXYzdA5DeIx7ZQ6EqArKNAFzdZiWdsRGGXqF8u2CzyPVHBoY42QKmS-eEr9-CDmkk3b8D4_7v0YlBk-4ELgamnW8kitniFtpCsojywQGRFjbGVhbmJyb3dzaW5nLm9yZxEvZG9oL2FkdWx0LWZpbHRlcg ## cleanbrowsing-adult-ipv6 Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites over IPv6. It does not block proxy or VPNs, nor mixed-content sites. Sites like Reddit are allowed. Google and Bing are set to the Safe Mode. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFVsyYTBkOjJhMDA6MTo6MV06ODQ0MyC8rDL61UNpFx8IMtYHUCfDIIzu8Ojpn5QY3HdgZdSPKRFjbGVhbmJyb3dzaW5nLm9yZw sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFVsyYTBkOjJhMDA6Mjo6MV06ODQ0MyC8rDL61UNpFx8IMtYHUCfDIIzu8Ojpn5QY3HdgZdSPKRFjbGVhbmJyb3dzaW5nLm9yZw ## cleanbrowsing-family Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites. It also blocks proxy and VPN domains that are used to bypass the filters. Mixed content sites (like Reddit) are also blocked. Google, Bing and Youtube are set to the Safe Mode. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. By https://cleanbrowsing.org/ sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFDE4NS4yMjguMTY4LjE2ODo4NDQzILysMvrVQ2kXHwgy1gdQJ8MgjO7w6OmflBjcd2Bl1I8pEWNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3Jn sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFDE4NS4yMjguMTY5LjE2ODo4NDQzILysMvrVQ2kXHwgy1gdQJ8MgjO7w6OmflBjcd2Bl1I8pEWNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3Jn ## cleanbrowsing-family-doh Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites over DoH. It also blocks proxy and VPN domains that are used to bypass the filters. Mixed content sites (like Reddit) are also blocked. Google, Bing and Youtube are set to the Safe Mode. sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADjE4NS4yMjguMTY4LjEwoPn_N_AuYyy3OHAlwH5XkIo9Nxt8ldjN0DkN4jHtlDoSoCso0AXN1mJZ2xEYZeoXy7YLPI9UcGhjjZAqZL54Sv34IOaSTdvwPj_u_RiUGT7gQuBqadbySK2eIW2kKyiPLBAZEWNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3JnEi9kb2gvZmFtaWx5LWZpbHRlcg sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADzE4NS4yMjguMTY4LjE2OKD5_zfwLmMstzhwJcB-V5CKPTcbfJXYzdA5DeIx7ZQ6EqArKNAFzdZiWdsRGGXqF8u2CzyPVHBoY42QKmS-eEr9-CDmkk3b8D4_7v0YlBk-4ELgamnW8kitniFtpCsojywQGRFjbGVhbmJyb3dzaW5nLm9yZxIvZG9oL2ZhbWlseS1maWx0ZXI ## cleanbrowsing-family-ipv6 Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites over IPv6. It also blocks proxy and VPN domains that are used to bypass the filters. Mixed content sites (like Reddit) are also blocked. Google, Bing and Youtube are set to the Safe Mode. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFFsyYTBkOjJhMDA6MTo6XTo4NDQzILysMvrVQ2kXHwgy1gdQJ8MgjO7w6OmflBjcd2Bl1I8pEWNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3Jn sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAFFsyYTBkOjJhMDA6Mjo6XTo4NDQzILysMvrVQ2kXHwgy1gdQJ8MgjO7w6OmflBjcd2Bl1I8pEWNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3Jn ## cloudflare-family Cloudflare DNS (anycast) with malware protection and parental control - aka / sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAABzEuMS4xLjMABzEuMS4xLjMKL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAABzEuMC4wLjMABzEuMC4wLjMKL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ ## cloudflare-family-ipv6 Cloudflare DNS over IPv6 (anycast) with malware protection and parental control sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAAAAAWWzI2MDY6NDcwMDo0NzAwOjoxMTEzXQovZG5zLXF1ZXJ5 sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAAAAAWWzI2MDY6NDcwMDo0NzAwOjoxMDAzXQovZG5zLXF1ZXJ5 ## dns0-kids A free, sovereign and GDPR-compliant recursive DNS resolver with a strong focus on security to protect the citizens and organizations of the European Union. This version blocks content not suitable for children. Also blocks new domains, dynamic DNS, parked domains, uncommon TLDs, etc. https://www.dns0.eu/ sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAAACCaOjT3J965vKUQA9nOnDn48n3ZxSQpAcK6saROY1oCGQxraWRzLmRuczAuZXUKL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ ## dnsforfamily (DNSCrypt Protocol) (Now supports DNSSEC). Block adult websites, gambling websites, malwares, trackers and advertisements. It also enforces safe search in: Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex. Social websites like Facebook and Instagram are not blocked. No DNS queries are logged. As of 26-May-2022 5.9 million websites are blocked and new websites are added to blacklist daily. Completely free, no ads or any commercial motive. Operating for 4 years now. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. Provided by: https://dnsforfamily.com sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADDc4LjQ3LjY0LjE2MSATJeLOABXNSYcSJIoqR5_iUYz87Y4OecMLB84aEAKPrRBkbnNmb3JmYW1pbHkuY29t ## dnsforfamily-doh (DoH Protocol) (Now supports DNSSEC). Block adult websites, gambling websites, malwares, trackers and advertisements. It also enforces safe search in: Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex. Social websites like Facebook and Instagram are not blocked. No DNS queries are logged. As of 26-May-2022 5.9 million websites are blocked and new websites are added to blacklist daily. Completely free, no ads or any commercial motive. Operating for 4 years now. Provided by: https://dnsforfamily.com sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADzE2Ny4yMzUuMjM2LjEwN6DMEGDTnIMptitvvH0NbfkwmGm5gefmOS1c2PpAj02A5qD39a8ogB6HfX3zor4o_hSfMnSn7SnxNv1QPOOYy6gLDaCzXgWVDPvYJZ-TdboQGHC4w8TA7FpSl1fmMWfp3iap6KBETr1nu4P4gHs5Iek4rJF4uIK9UKrbESMfBEz18I33zqDmRLppY-M1_nZcuZdrErEOtUKUtCR3dkzLOjrMo6yy_CAqrj-3vwXkyBxBlNykRRHU-a8wR4bsGuchhAnPYqCDVRhkbnMtZG9oLmRuc2ZvcmZhbWlseS5jb20KL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ ## dnsforfamily-doh-no-safe-search (DoH Protocol) (Now supports DNSSEC) Block adult websites, gambling websites, malwares, trackers and advertisements. Unlike other dnsforfamily servers, this one does not enforces safe search. So Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex are completely accessible without any restriction. Social websites like Facebook and Instagram are not blocked. No DNS queries are logged. As of 26-May-2022 5.9 million websites are blocked and new websites are added to blacklist daily. Completely free, no ads or any commercial motive. Operating for 4 years now. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. Provided by: https://dnsforfamily.com sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAADzE2Ny4yMzUuMjM2LjEwN6DMEGDTnIMptitvvH0NbfkwmGm5gefmOS1c2PpAj02A5qD39a8ogB6HfX3zor4o_hSfMnSn7SnxNv1QPOOYy6gLDaCzXgWVDPvYJZ-TdboQGHC4w8TA7FpSl1fmMWfp3iap6KBETr1nu4P4gHs5Iek4rJF4uIK9UKrbESMfBEz18I33zqDmRLppY-M1_nZcuZdrErEOtUKUtCR3dkzLOjrMo6yy_CAqrj-3vwXkyBxBlNykRRHU-a8wR4bsGuchhAnPYqCDVSdkbnMtZG9oLW5vLXNhZmUtc2VhcmNoLmRuc2ZvcmZhbWlseS5jb20KL2Rucy1xdWVyeQ ## dnsforfamily-no-safe-search (DNSCrypt Protocol) (Now supports DNSSEC) Block adult websites, gambling websites, malwares, trackers and advertisements. Unlike other dnsforfamily servers, this one does not enforces safe search. So Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex are completely accessible without any restriction. Social websites like Facebook and Instagram are not blocked. No DNS queries are logged. As of 26-May-2022 5.9 million websites are blocked and new websites are added to blacklist daily. Completely free, no ads or any commercial motive. Operating for 4 years now. Warning: This server is incompatible with anonymization. Provided by: https://dnsforfamily.com sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADzEzNS4xODEuMTkzLjIyMiDrxcZ_hFtGE6tfATvQZYjxgl5pTY_e2cRH_ms8bEWofBBkbnNmb3JmYW1pbHkuY29t ## dnsforfamily-v6 (DNSCrypt Protocol) (Now supports DNSSEC) Block adult websites, gambling websites, malwares, trackers and advertisements. It also enforces safe search in: Google, YouTube, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex. Social websites like Facebook and Instagram are not blocked. No DNS queries are logged. As of 26-May-2022 5.9 million websites are blocked and new websites are added to blacklist daily. Completely free, no ads or any commercial motive. Operating for 4 years now. Provided by: https://dnsforfamily.com sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAF1syYTAxOjRmODoxYzE3OjRkZjg6OjFdIBMl4s4AFc1JhxIkiipHn-JRjPztjg55wwsHzhoQAo-tEGRuc2ZvcmZhbWlseS5jb20 ## doh-cleanbrowsing-adult Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites. It does not block proxy or VPNs, nor mixed-content sites. Sites like Reddit are allowed. Google and Bing are set to the Safe Mode. By https://cleanbrowsing.org/ sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAAAAAVZG9oLmNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3JnEi9kb2gvYWR1bHQtZmlsdGVyLw ## doh-cleanbrowsing-family Blocks access to adult, pornographic and explicit sites. It also blocks proxy and VPN domains that are used to bypass the filters. Mixed content sites (like Reddit) are also blocked. Google, Bing and Youtube are set to the Safe Mode. By https://cleanbrowsing.org/ sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAAAAAVZG9oLmNsZWFuYnJvd3Npbmcub3JnEy9kb2gvZmFtaWx5LWZpbHRlci8 ## mullvad-family-doh Same as mullvad-doh but blocks ads, trackers, malware, adult content, and gambling. sdns://AgMAAAAAAAAACzE5NC4yNDIuMi42ABZmYW1pbHkuZG5zLm11bGx2YWQubmV0Ci9kbnMtcXVlcnk ## safesurfer Family safety focused blocklist for over 2 million adult sites, as well as phishing and malware and more. Free to use, paid for customizing blocking for more categories+sites and viewing usage at my.safesurfer.io. Logs taken for viewing usage, data never sold - https://safesurfer.io Warning: this server is incompatible with DNS anonymization. sdns://AQIAAAAAAAAADzEwNC4xNTUuMjM3LjIyNSAnIH_VEgToNntINABd-f_R0wu-KpwzY55u2_iu2R1A2CAyLmRuc2NyeXB0LWNlcnQuc2FmZXN1cmZlci5jby5ueg ## sfw.scaleway-fr Uses deep learning to block adult websites. Free, DNSSEC, no logs. Hosted in Paris, running on a 1-XS server donated by Scaleway.com Maintained by Frank Denis - https://fr.dnscrypt.info/sfw.html sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADzE2My4xNzIuMTgwLjEyNSDfYnO_x1IZKotaObwMhaw_-WRF1zZE9mJygl01WPGh_x8yLmRuc2NyeXB0LWNlcnQuc2Z3LnNjYWxld2F5LWZy