@prefix : . @prefix adms: . @prefix cnt: . @prefix dash: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dcat-us: . @prefix dcat-us-shp: . @prefix dcatap: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix dqv: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gsp: . @prefix locn: . @prefix odrl: . @prefix odrs: . @prefix org: . @prefix owl: . @prefix prov: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix sdmx-attribute: . @prefix sh: . @prefix skos: . @prefix spdx: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xsd: . dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Access Restriction" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape-restrictionNote, dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape-restrictionStatus, dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape-specificRestriction ; sh:targetClass dcat-us:AccessRestriction . dcat-us-shp:Activity_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Activity" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Activity_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:Activity_Shape-label ; sh:targetClass prov:Activity . dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Address (Contact Point)" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-country-name, dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-locality, dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-postal-code, dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-region, dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-street-address ; sh:targetClass vcard:Address . dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Address (Location)" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-adminUnitL1, dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-adminUnitL2, dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-postCode, dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-postName, dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-thoroughfare ; sh:targetClass locn:Address . dcat-us-shp:Agent_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Agent" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Agent_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:Agent_Shape-name ; sh:targetClass foaf:Agent . dcat-us-shp:Attribution_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Attribution" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Attribution_Shape-agent, dcat-us-shp:Attribution_Shape-hadRole ; sh:targetClass prov:Attribution . dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "CUI Restriction" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction-cuiBannerMarking, dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction-designationIndicator, dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction-requiredIndicatorPerAuthority ; sh:targetClass dcat-us:CUIRestriction . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Catalog Record" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-conformsTo, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-language, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-primaryTopic, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-source, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-status, dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-title ; sh:targetClass dcat:CatalogRecord . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Catalog" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-accessRights, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-catalog, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-conformsTo, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-contactPoint, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-creator, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-dataset, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-hasPart, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-homepage, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-keyword, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-language, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-license, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-publisher, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-qualifiedAttribution, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-record, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-rights, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-rightsHolder, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-service, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-spatial, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-subject, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-temporal, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-theme, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-themeTaxonomy, dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-title ; sh:targetClass dcat:Catalog . dcat-us-shp:Checksum_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Checksum" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Checksum_Shape-algorithm, dcat-us-shp:Checksum_Shape-checksumValue ; sh:targetClass spdx:Checksum . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Concept Scheme" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-created, dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-title, dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-version ; sh:targetClass skos:ConceptScheme . dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Concept" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-altLabel, dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-definition, dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-inScheme, dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-notation, dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-prefLabel ; sh:targetClass skos:Concept . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Data Service" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-accessRights, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-conformsTo, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-contactPoint, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-created, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-creator, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-endpointDescription, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-endpointURL, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-geographicBoundingBox, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-hasPolicy, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-hasQualityMeasurement, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-keyword, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-language, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-license, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-publisher, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-qualifiedAttribution, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-rights, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-rightsHolder, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-servesDataset, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-spatial, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-spatialResolutionInMeters, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-temporal, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-temporalResolution, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-theme, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-title, dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-wasUsedBy ; sh:targetClass dcat:DataService . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Dataset Series" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-accrualPeriodicity, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-contactPoint, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-first, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-last, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-publisher, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-seriesMember, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-spatial, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-temporal, dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-title ; sh:targetClass dcat:DatasetSeries . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Dataset" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-accessRights, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-accrualPeriodicity, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-conformsTo, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-contactPoint, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-contributor, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-created, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-creator, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-describedBy, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-distribution, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-first, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-geographicBoundingBox, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasCurrentVersion, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasPart, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasQualityMeasurement, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasVersion, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-image, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-inSeries, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-isReferencedBy, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-keyword, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-landingPage, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-language, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-liabilityStatement, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-metadataDistribution, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-otherIdentifier, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-page, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-previousVersion, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-provenance, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-publisher, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-purpose, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-qualifiedAttribution, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-qualifiedRelation, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-relation, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-replaces, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-rights, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-rightsHolder, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-sample, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-scopeNote, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-source, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-spatial, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-spatialResolutionInMeters, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-status, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-subject, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-supportedSchema, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-temporal, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-temporalResolution, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-theme, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-title, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-version, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-versionNotes, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-wasAttributedTo, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-wasGeneratedBy, dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-wasUsedBy ; sh:targetClass dcat:Dataset . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Distribution", "Document" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessRestriction, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessRights, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessService, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessURL, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-availability, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-byteSize, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-characterEncoding, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-checksum, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-compressFormat, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-conformsTo, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-cuiRestriction, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-describedBy, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-downloadURL, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-format, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-hasQualityMeasurement, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-image, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-language, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-license, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-mediaType, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-packageFormat, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-page, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-representationTechnique, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-rights, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-spatialResolutionInMeters, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-status, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-temporalResolution, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-title, dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-useRestriction ; sh:targetClass dcat:Distribution . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Document" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-abstract, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-bibliographicCitation, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-conformsTo, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-creator, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-creators, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-mediaType, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-publisher, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-publishers, dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-title ; sh:targetClass foaf:Document . dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Geographic Bounding Box" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-eastBoundingLongitude, dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-northBoundingLatitude, dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-southBoundingLatitude, dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-westBoundingLongitude ; sh:targetClass dcat-us:GeographicBoundingBox . dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Identifier" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-creator, dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-notation, dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-schemaAgency, dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-version ; sh:targetClass adms:Identifier . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Contact" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-address, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-family-name, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-fn, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-given-name, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-hasEmail, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-organization-name, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-tel, dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-title ; sh:targetClass vcard:Kind . dcat-us-shp:LiabilityStatement_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Liability Statement" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:LiabilityStatement_Shape-label ; sh:targetClass dcat-us:LiabilityStatement . dcat-us-shp:LicenseDocument_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "License Document" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:LicenseDocument_Shape-licenseText ; sh:targetClass dcterms:LicenseDocument . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Location" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-altLabel, dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-bbox, dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-centroid, dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-geometry, dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-inScheme, dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-prefLabel ; sh:targetClass dcterms:Location . dcat-us-shp:MediaType_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "MediaType" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:MediaType_Shape-label ; sh:targetClass dcterms:MediaType . dcat-us-shp:Metric_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Metric" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Metric_Shape-expectedDataType, dcat-us-shp:Metric_Shape-inDimension ; sh:targetClass dqv:Metric . dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Organization", "Person" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-altLabel, dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-name, dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-notation, dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-prefLabel, dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-subOrganizationOf ; sh:targetClass org:Organization . dcat-us-shp:PeriodOfTime_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Period of Time" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:PeriodOfTime_Shape-endDate, dcat-us-shp:PeriodOfTime_Shape-startDate ; sh:targetClass dcterms:PeriodOfTime . dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Person" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-firstname, dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-givenName, dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-memberOf, dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-name ; sh:targetClass foaf:Person . dcat-us-shp:ProvenanceStatement_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Provenance Statement" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:ProvenanceStatement_Shape-label ; sh:targetClass dcterms:ProvenanceStatement . dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Quality Measurement" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape-isMeasurementOf, dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape-unitMeasure, dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape-value ; sh:targetClass dqv:QualityMeasurement . dcat-us-shp:Relationship_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Relationship" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Relationship_Shape-hadRole, dcat-us-shp:Relationship_Shape-relation ; sh:targetClass dcat:Relationship . dcat-us-shp:RightsStatement_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Rights Statement" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:RightsStatement_Shape-attributionText ; sh:targetClass dcterms:RightsStatement . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Standard" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-category, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-created, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-description, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-identifier, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-inScheme, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-issued, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-modified, dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-title ; sh:targetClass dcterms:Standard . dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape a sh:NodeShape ; rdfs:label "Use Restriction" ; sh:property dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape-restrictionNote, dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape-restrictionStatus, dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape-specificRestriction ; sh:targetClass dcat-us:UseRestriction . dash:DateOrDateTime a rdf:List ; rdf:first [ sh:datatype xsd:date ] ; rdf:rest ( [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ] ) . : a owl:Ontology ; dcterms:conformsTo ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description "This document specifies the constraints on properties and classes expressed by DCAT-US 3.0 in SHACL." ; dcterms:license ; dcterms:publisher ; dcterms:title "DCAT 3.0 Application Profile" ; owl:imports sh: ; owl:versionInfo "3.0.0" ; foaf:homepage . dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape-restrictionNote a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "restriction note" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A note related to the access restriction" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "restrictionNote" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcat-us:restrictionNote ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape-restrictionStatus a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "restriction status" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The indication of whether or not there are access restrictions on the data." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "restrictionStatus" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:restrictionStatus ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:AccessRestriction_Shape-specificRestriction a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "specific restriction" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The specific NARA restriction associated with the access restriction" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "specificRestriction" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:specificRestriction ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Activity_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The category of the Activity " ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Activity_Shape-label a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "label" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property is used to give a human-readable label for the activity." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "label" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path rdfs:label ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-country-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "country" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The country of an Address of the Kind." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "country-name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:country-name ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-locality a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "locality" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The city of an Address of the Kind." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "locality" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:locality ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-postal-code a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "postal code" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The postal code of an Address of the Kind." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "postal-code" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:postal-code ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-region a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "administrative area" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The administrative area of an Address of the Kind. Depending on the country, this corresponds to a province, a county, a region, or a state." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "region" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:region ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Contact_Shape-street-address a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "street address" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The street name and civic number of an Address of the Kind." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "street-address" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:street-address ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-adminUnitL1 a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "country" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The country of an Address of the Agent." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "adminUnitL1" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path locn:adminUnitL1 ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-adminUnitL2 a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "administrative area" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The administrative area of an Address of the Agent. Depending on the country, this corresponds to a province, a county, a region, or a state." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "adminUnitL2" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path locn:adminUnitL2 ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-postCode a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "post code" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The post code of an Address of the Agent." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "postCode" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path locn:postCode ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-postName a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "locality" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The key postal division of the address, usually the city." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "postName" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path locn:postName ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Address_Location_Shape-thoroughfare a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "street address" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The street name and civic number of an Address of the Agent." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "thoroughfare" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path locn:thoroughfare ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Agent_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a type of the Agent that makes the Catalog, Catalog Record, Data Service, or Dataset available" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Agent_Shape-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "The name of the software agent" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path foaf:name ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Attribution_Shape-agent a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "agent" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The agent property references an Agent that plays a role in the resource" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "agent" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path prov:agent ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Attribution_Shape-hadRole a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "role" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "hadRole" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Role ] ) ; sh:path dcat:hadRole ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction-cuiBannerMarking a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "CUI banner marking" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) banner marking is required for any unclassified information that is deemed sensitive and requires protection." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "cuiBannerMarking" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:cuiBannerMarking ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction-designationIndicator a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "CUI designation indicator" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "Designation Indicator shows which agency made the document CUI" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "designationIndicator" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:designationIndicator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CUIRestriction-requiredIndicatorPerAuthority a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "required indicator per authority" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "free text (e.g., text of the category description or the distribution statement)" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "requiredIndicatorPerAuthority" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:requiredIndicatorPerAuthority ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "application profile" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "An Application Profile that the Catalog Record's metadata conforms to." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "conformsTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Standard ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A free-text account of the Catalog Record. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "listing date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The date on which the description of the Dataset was included in the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-language a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "language" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Catalog Record." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "language" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LinguisticSystem ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:language ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "update/modification date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The most recent date on which the Catalog Record's entry was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-primaryTopic a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "primary topic" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "A link to the Dataset, Data service or Catalog described in the Catalog Record." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "primaryTopic" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Resource ] ) ; sh:path foaf:primaryTopic ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-source a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "source metadata" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The original metadata that was used in creating metadata for the datasets, data services, or catalogs in the Catalog Record." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "source" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:source ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-status a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "change type" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The status of the catalog record in the context of editorial flow of the dataset and data service descriptions." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "status" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path adms:status ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:CatalogRecord_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A name given to the Catalog Record." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-accessRights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to information that indicates whether the Catalog is open data, has access restrictions or is not public." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessRights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:accessRights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-catalog a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "catalog" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a catalog whose contents are of interest in the context of this catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "catalog" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Catalog ] ) ; sh:path dcat:catalog ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The category of the Catalog " ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "schema version" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "An established standard to which the described catalog conforms." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "conformsTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Standard ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-contactPoint a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "contact point" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Catalogue." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "contactPoint" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class vcard:Kind ] ) ; sh:path dcat:contactPoint ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-creator a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creator" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The entity responsible for creating the resource." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "creator" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:creator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-dataset a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "dataset" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property links the Catalog with the Dataset(s) that is/are part of the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "dataset" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:dataset ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Free-text description of the catalog (in the language indicated in the attribute)." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-hasPart a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "has part" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a related catalog that is part of the described catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasPart" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Catalog ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:hasPart ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-homepage a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "homepage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A homepage of the catalog (a public Web document usually available in HTML)." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "homepage" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Document ] ) ; sh:path foaf:homepage ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the main identifier for the Catalog, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "release date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-keyword a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "keyword/tag" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A keyword or tag describing the resource." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "keyword" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcat:keyword ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-language a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "language" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "language" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LinguisticSystem ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:language ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-license a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "license" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to the license under which the Catalog can be used or reused." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "license" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LicenseDocument ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:license ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "update/modification date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Most recent date on which the resource was changed, updated or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-publisher a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Entity responsible for making the catalog available." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "publisher" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-qualifiedAttribution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "qualified attribution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a link to an Agent having some form of responsibility for the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "qualifiedAttribution" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class prov:Attribution ] ) ; sh:path prov:qualifiedAttribution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-record a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "catalog record" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A record describing the registration of a single resource (e.g., a dataset, a data service) that is part of the catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "record" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:CatalogRecord ] ) ; sh:path dcat:record ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-rights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a statement that specifies rights associated with the Catalogue." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-rightsHolder a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights holder" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an organization holding rights on the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rightsHolder" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rightsHolder ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-service a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "service" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a site or end-point (Data Service) that is listed in the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "service" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:DataService ] ) ; sh:path dcat:service ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-spatial a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "spatial/geographic coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The geographical area covered by the catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatial" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Location ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:spatial ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-subject a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "subject" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Primary subject of the catalog" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "subject" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:subject ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-temporal a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "temporal coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A temporal period that the Catalog covers." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporal" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:PeriodOfTime ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:temporal ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-theme a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "theme/category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a category of the Catalog. A Catalog may be associated with multiple themes." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "theme" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat:theme ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-themeTaxonomy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "themes" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A knowledge organization system (KOS) used to classify the resources documented in the catalog (e.g., datasets and services)." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "themeTaxonomy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:ConceptScheme ] ) ; sh:path dcat:themeTaxonomy ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Catalog_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The title of the catalog in the indicated language" ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Checksum_Shape-algorithm a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "algorithm" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The algorithm used to produce the subject Checksum." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "algorithm" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class spdx:ChecksumAlgorithm ] ) ; sh:path spdx:algorithm . dcat-us-shp:Checksum_Shape-checksumValue a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "checksum value" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:hexBinary ; sh:description "A lower case hexadecimal encoded digest value produced using a specific algorithm." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "checksumValue" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path spdx:checksumValue . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-created a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creation date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the date on which the Concept Scheme has been first created." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "created" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:created ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a description of the Concept Scheme. " ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publication date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Concept Scheme." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "update/modification date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the most recent date at which the Concept Scheme was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The title of the concept scheme in the indicated language." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:ConceptScheme_Shape-version a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "version info" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains a version number or other version designation of the Concept Scheme." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "version" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:version ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-altLabel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "alternate label" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Alternative labels for a concept." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "altLabel" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:altLabel ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-definition a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "definition" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Definition of the controlled vocabulary term." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "definition" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:definition ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-inScheme a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "in scheme" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description """ Concept scheme defining the concept.""" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "inScheme" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:ConceptScheme ] ) ; sh:path skos:inScheme ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-notation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "notation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "abbreviations or codes from code lists for an organization." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "notation" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path skos:notation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Concept_Shape-prefLabel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "preferred label" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Preferred label for the controlled vocabulary term (one per language)." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "prefLabel" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:prefLabel ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-accessRights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property MAY include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessRights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:accessRights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Category of the data service" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "conforms to" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property is used to indicate the general standard or specification that the Data Service endpoints implement." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "conformsTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Standard ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-contactPoint a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "contact point" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "contactPoint" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class vcard:Kind ] ) ; sh:path dcat:contactPoint ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-created a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creation date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the date on which the Data Service has been first created." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "created" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:created ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-creator a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creator" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to the Agent primarily responsible for producing the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "creator" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:creator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains a free-text account of the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-endpointDescription a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "endpoint description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "endpointDescription" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcat:endpointDescription ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-endpointURL a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "endpoint URL" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The root location or primary endpoint of the service (a Web-resolvable IRI)" ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "endpointURL" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcat:endpointURL ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-geographicBoundingBox a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "geographic bounding box" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property describes the spatial extent of domain of application of an data service and is standardized in WGS 84 Lat/Long coordinate system." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "geographicBoundingBox" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat-us:GeographicBoundingBox ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:geographicBoundingBox ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-hasPolicy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "has policy" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "An ODRL conformant policy expressing the rights associated with the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasPolicy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class odrl:Policy ] ) ; sh:path odrl:hasPolicy ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-hasQualityMeasurement a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "quality measurement" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Refers to the performed quality measurements." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasQualityMeasurement" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dqv:QualityMeasurement ] ) ; sh:path dqv:hasQualityMeasurement ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the main identifier for the Data Service, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-keyword a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "keyword/tag" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "keyword" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcat:keyword ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-language a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "language" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a language supported by the Data Service. This property can be repeated if multiple languages are supported in the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "language" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LinguisticSystem ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:language ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-license a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "license" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to the license under which the Data Service is made available." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "license" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LicenseDocument ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:license ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "update/modification date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the most recent date on which the Data Service was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-publisher a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property refers to an entity (organization) responsible for making the Data Service available." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "publisher" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-qualifiedAttribution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "qualified attribution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a link to an Agent having some form of responsibility for the DataService." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "qualifiedAttribution" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class prov:Attribution ] ) ; sh:path prov:qualifiedAttribution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-rights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A statement that concerns all rights for the Data Service not addressed with dcterms:license or dcterms:accessRights, such as copyright statements." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-rightsHolder a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights holder" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an Agent (organization) holding rights on the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rightsHolder" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rightsHolder ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-servesDataset a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "serves dataset" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The Dataset that is served by this data service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "servesDataset" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:servesDataset ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-spatial a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "spatial/geographic coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatial" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Location ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:spatial ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-spatialResolutionInMeters a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "spatial resolution in meters" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "This property refers to the minimum spatial separation resolvable in a Data Service, measured in meters." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatialResolutionInMeters" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-temporal a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "temporal coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A temporal period that the DataService covers." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporal" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:PeriodOfTime ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:temporal ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-temporalResolution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "temporal resolution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The minimum time period resolvable by the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporalResolution" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:temporalResolution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-theme a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "theme/category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a theme of the Data Service. A Data Service may be associated with multiple themes." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "theme" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat:theme ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The title of the data service in the indicated language" ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DataService_Shape-wasUsedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "was used by" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an Activity that used the Data Service." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "wasUsedBy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class prov:Activity ] ) ; sh:path prov:wasUsedBy ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-accrualPeriodicity a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "frequency" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to the frequency at which the Dataset Series is updated." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accrualPeriodicity" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Frequency ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:accrualPeriodicity ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-contactPoint a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "contact point" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset Series." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "contactPoint" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class vcard:Kind ] ) ; sh:path dcat:contactPoint ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "A free-text account of the Dataset Series." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-first a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "first" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The first dataset in an ordered dataset series, to which the current dataset belongs." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "first" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:first ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "release date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The date of formal issuance (e.g.,publication) of the Dataset Series." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-last a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "last" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The last resource in an ordered dataset series" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "last" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:last ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "update/modification date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains the most recent date on which the Dataset Series was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-publisher a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "An entity (organization) responsible for ensuring the coherency of the Dataset Series." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "publisher" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-seriesMember a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "series member" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A member of the Dataset Series." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "seriesMember" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:seriesMember ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-spatial a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "spatial/geographic coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Dataset Series." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatial" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Location ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:spatial ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-temporal a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "temporal coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A temporal period that the Dataset Series covers." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporal" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:PeriodOfTime ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:temporal ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:DatasetSeries_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "A name given to the Dataset Series." ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-accessRights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Information that indicates whether the Dataset is open data, has access restrictions or is public." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessRights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:accessRights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-accrualPeriodicity a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "frequency" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to the frequency at which the Dataset is updated." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accrualPeriodicity" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Frequency ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:accrualPeriodicity ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Category of the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "conforms to" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an standard which the described Dataset conforms." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "conformsTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Standard ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-contactPoint a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "contact point" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "contactPoint" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class vcard:Kind ] ) ; sh:path dcat:contactPoint ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-contributor a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "contributor" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an agent contributing to the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "contributor" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:contributor ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-created a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creation date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the date on which the Dataset has been first created." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "created" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:created ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-creator a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creator" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an entity responsible for producing the dataset." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "creator" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:creator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-describedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "data dictionary" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a distribution describing the Data Dictionary." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "describedBy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Distribution ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:describedBy . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property contains a free-text account of the Dataset. " ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-distribution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "dataset distribution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property links the Dataset to an available Distribution." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "distribution" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Distribution ] ) ; sh:path dcat:distribution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-first a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "first" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "the first item of the sequence the dataset belongs to" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "first" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:first ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-geographicBoundingBox a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "geographic bounding box" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "WGS84 Geographic Bounding Box for this dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "geographicBoundingBox" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat-us:GeographicBoundingBox ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:geographicBoundingBox ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasCurrentVersion a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "current version" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "reference to the current (latest) version of a dataset" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasCurrentVersion" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:hasCurrentVersion ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasPart a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "has part" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to a related dataset that is part of the described dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasPart" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:hasPart ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasQualityMeasurement a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "quality measurement" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "property referring to a quality measurement for the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasQualityMeasurement" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dqv:QualityMeasurement ] ) ; sh:path dqv:hasQualityMeasurement ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-hasVersion a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "has version" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A related Dataset that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described Dataset. " ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasVersion" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:hasVersion ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains the unique identifier for the Dataset, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalog." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-image a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "image" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A thumbnail picture illustrating the content of the dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "image" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class schema:ImageObject ] ) ; sh:path schema:image ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-inSeries a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "in series" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Dataset Series this dataset belong to" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "inSeries" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:DatasetSeries ] ) ; sh:path dcat:inSeries ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-isReferencedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "is referenced by" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property is about a related resource, such as a publication, that references, cites, or otherwise points to the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "isReferencedBy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:isReferencedBy ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "release date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the dataset." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-keyword a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "keyword/tag" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "keyword" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcat:keyword ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-landingPage a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "landing page" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "landingPage" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Document ] ) ; sh:path dcat:landingPage ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-language a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "language" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A language used in the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "language" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LinguisticSystem ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:language ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-liabilityStatement a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "liability statement" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A liability statement about the dataset" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "liabilityStatement" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat-us:LiabilityStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:liabilityStatement ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-metadataDistribution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "metadata distribution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Distribution to \"original\" metadata document" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "metadataDistribution" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Distribution ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:metadataDistribution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "last modified" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The most recent date on which the Dataset was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-otherIdentifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "other identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "reference to a structure identifier." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "otherIdentifier" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class adms:Identifier ] ) ; sh:path adms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-page a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "documentation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A page or document about this dataset" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "page" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Document ] ) ; sh:path foaf:page ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-previousVersion a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "previous version" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "previous dataset version " ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "previousVersion" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcat:previousVersion ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-provenance a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "provenance" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A statement about the lineage of a Dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "provenance" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:ProvenanceStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:provenance ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-publisher a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property refers to an organisation responsible for making the Dataset available." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "publisher" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-purpose a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "purpose" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The purpose of the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "purpose" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcat-us:purpose ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-qualifiedAttribution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "qualified attribution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "An agent having some form of responsibility for the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "qualifiedAttribution" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class prov:Attribution ] ) ; sh:path prov:qualifiedAttribution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-qualifiedRelation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "qualified relation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Qualified relationship with role of the dataset with another resource" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "qualifiedRelation" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Relationship ] ) ; sh:path dcat:qualifiedRelation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-relation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "related resource" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Reference to a related source" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "relation" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:relation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-replaces a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "replaces" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Reference to the replaced Dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "replaces" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:replaces ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-rights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A statement that concerns all rights for the Dataset not addressed with dcterms:license or dcterms:accessRights, such as copyright statements." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-rightsHolder a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights holder" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an Agent (organization) holding rights on the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rightsHolder" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rightsHolder ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-sample a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "sample" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Links to a sample of an Dataset, which is a dcat:Distribution." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "sample" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Distribution ] ) ; sh:path adms:sample ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-scopeNote a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "usage note" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "usage note for the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "scopeNote" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:scopeNote ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-source a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "data source" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Reference to the source of the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "source" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:source ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-spatial a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "spatial/geographic coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatial" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Location ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:spatial ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-spatialResolutionInMeters a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "Spatial resolution (meters)" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "Spatial resolution in meters" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatialResolutionInMeters" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-status a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "lifecycle status" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The status of the dataset in the context of maturity lifecycle." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "status" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path adms:status ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-subject a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "subject" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Primary subject of the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "subject" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:subject ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-supportedSchema a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "supported schema" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "supported schema for this dataset" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "supportedSchema" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Dataset ] ) ; sh:path adms:supportedSchema ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-temporal a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "temporal coverage" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A temporal period that the dataset covers." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporal" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:PeriodOfTime ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:temporal ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-temporalResolution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "temporal resolution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:duration ; sh:description "Temporal resolution using xsd:duration syntax" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporalResolution" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:temporalResolution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-theme a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "theme/category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A theme of the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "theme" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat:theme ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "This property contains a name given to the Dataset. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name" ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-version a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "version" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The version indicator (name or identifier) of a resource" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "version" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:version ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-versionNotes a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "version notes" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "version notes for this dataset" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "versionNotes" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path adms:versionNotes ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-wasAttributedTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "attribution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Agent attributed to this dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "wasAttributedTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Agent ] ) ; sh:path prov:wasAttributedTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-wasGeneratedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "was generated by" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "An activity that generated, or provides the business context for, the creation of the dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "wasGeneratedBy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class prov:Activity ] ) ; sh:path prov:wasGeneratedBy ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Dataset_Shape-wasUsedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "used by" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an Activity that used the Dataset" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "wasUsedBy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class prov:Activity ] ) ; sh:path prov:wasUsedBy ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessRestriction a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access restriction" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Access restriction related to the distribution" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessRestriction" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat-us:AccessRestriction ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:accessRestriction ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessRights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property MAY include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessRights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:accessRights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessService a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access service" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A data service that gives access to the distribution of the dataset." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessService" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:DataService ] ) ; sh:path dcat:accessService ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-accessURL a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "access URL" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "accessURL" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcat:accessURL ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-availability a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "availability" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "An indication how long it is planned to keep the Distribution of the Dataset available." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "availability" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcatap:availability ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-byteSize a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "byte size" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; sh:description "The size of a Distribution in bytes." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "byteSize" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:byteSize ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-characterEncoding a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "character encoding" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property SHOULD be used to specify the character encoding of the Distribution, by using as value the character set names in the IANA register " ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "characterEncoding" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path cnt:characterEncoding ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-checksum a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "checksum" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of a distribution have not changed." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "checksum" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class spdx:Checksum ] ) ; sh:path spdx:checksum ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-compressFormat a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "compression format" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The format of the file in which the data is contained in a compressed form, e.g. to reduce the size of the downloadable file" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "compressFormat" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:MediaType ] ) ; sh:path dcat:compressFormat ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "linked schemas" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an established schema or reference systems which the described Distribution conforms." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "conformsTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Standard ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-cuiRestriction a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "CUI restriction" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Controlled Unclassified Information restriction related to the distribution" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "cuiRestriction" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat-us:CUIRestriction ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:cuiRestriction ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-describedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "data dictionary" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to a distribution describing the Data Dictionary." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "describedBy" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Distribution ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:describedBy . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A free-text account of the Distribution." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-downloadURL a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "download URL" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "downloadURL" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcat:downloadURL ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-format a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "format" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The file format of the Distribution." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "format" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:MediaType ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:format ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-hasQualityMeasurement a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "quality measurement" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "property referring to a quality measurement for the distribution" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "hasQualityMeasurement" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dqv:QualityMeasurement ] ) ; sh:path dqv:hasQualityMeasurement ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a unique identifier for the Distribution (e.g. DOI, ISBN)" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-image a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "image" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A thumbnail picture illustrating the content of the distribution" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "image" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class schema:ImageObject ] ) ; sh:path schema:image ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "release date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Distribution." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-language a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "language" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A language used in the Distribution." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "language" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LinguisticSystem ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:language ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-license a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "license" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A licence under which the Distribution is made available." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "license" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:LicenseDocument ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:license ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-mediaType a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "media type" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The media type of the Distribution as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "mediaType" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:MediaType ] ) ; sh:path dcat:mediaType ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "last modified" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The most recent date on which the Distribution was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-packageFormat a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "packaging format" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The format of the file in which one or more data files are grouped together, e.g. to enable a set of related files to be downloaded together." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "packageFormat" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:MediaType ] ) ; sh:path dcat:packageFormat ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-page a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "documentation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "A page or document about this Distribution." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "page" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Document ] ) ; sh:path foaf:page ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-representationTechnique a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "representation technique" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property MAY be used to provide more information about the format in which an Distribution is released. This is different from the file format as, for example, a ZIP file (file format) could contain an XML schema (representation technique). In DCAT-US profile, this property SHOULD be used to express the spatial representation type (grid, vector, tin), by using the URIs of the corresponding code list operated by an approved registry. " ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "representationTechnique" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path adms:representationTechnique ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-rights a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "rights" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "rights" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:rights ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-spatialResolutionInMeters a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "Spatial resolution (meters)" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset distribution, measured in meters." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "spatialResolutionInMeters" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-status a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "lifecycle status" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The status of the distribution in the context of maturity lifecycle." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "status" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path adms:status ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-temporalResolution a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "termporal resolution" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:datatype xsd:duration ; sh:description "The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset distribution." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "temporalResolution" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:temporalResolution ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A name given to the Distribution." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Distribution_Shape-useRestriction a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "use restriction" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Use restriction related to the distribution" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "useRestriction" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcat-us:UseRestriction ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:useRestriction ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-abstract a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "abstract" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Text abstract of the document" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "abstract" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:abstract ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-bibliographicCitation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "bibliographic citation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Bibliographic citation as text" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "bibliographicCitation" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:bibliographicCitation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Category of the document" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "conforms to standard" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property refers to an standard which the described Document conforms." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "conformsTo" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:Standard ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-creator a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "corporate author", "individual author" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The organization responsible for creating the resource.", "The person responsible for creating the document." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "creator" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ), ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class foaf:Person ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:creator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-creators a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "author(s) as literal" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "list of authors as a literal" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "creators" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dc:creator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "A free-text account of the Document" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a unique identifier for the Document (e.g. DOI, ISBN)" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publication date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "publication date of the document" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-mediaType a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "media type" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The file format of the Document." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "mediaType" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcterms:MediaType ] ) ; sh:path dcat:mediaType ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-publisher a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "publisher organization of the document" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "publisher" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-publishers a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "publisher(s) as literal" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "list of publishers as a literal" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "publishers" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dc:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Document_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The title of the document in the indicated language" ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-eastBoundingLongitude a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "east bounding longitude" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "East bound longitude in decimal degrees" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:maxInclusive 180.0 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:minInclusive -180.0 ; sh:name "eastBoundingLongitude" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:eastBoundingLongitude ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-northBoundingLatitude a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "north bounding latitude" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "North bound latitude in decimal degrees" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:maxInclusive 90.0 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:minInclusive -90.0 ; sh:name "northBoundingLatitude" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:northBoundingLatitude ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-southBoundingLatitude a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "south bouding latitude" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "South bound latitude in decimal degrees" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:maxInclusive 90.0 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:minInclusive -90.0 ; sh:name "southBoundingLatitude" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:southBoundingLatitude ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:GeographicBoundingBox_Shape-westBoundingLongitude a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "west bounding longitude" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:description "West bound longitude in decimal degrees" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:maxInclusive 180.0 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:minInclusive -180.0 ; sh:name "westBoundingLongitude" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat-us:westBoundingLongitude ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-creator a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creator" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "the agency that manages the identifier scheme" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "creator" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:creator ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "issued" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Identiifer." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-notation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "notation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "abbreviations or codes from code lists for an identifier" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "notation" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path skos:notation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-schemaAgency a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "schema agency" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The name of the agency that issued the identifier." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "schemaAgency" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path adms:schemaAgency ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Identifier_Shape-version a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "version" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "version of the identifier scheme" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "version" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:version ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-address a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "address" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property specifies the address of the contact" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "address" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ] [ sh:class vcard:Address ] ) ; sh:path vcard:address ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-family-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "family name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "This property specifies the family name of the person to contact" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "family-name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:family-name . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-fn a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "formatted name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "The formatted text corresponding to the name of the contact" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "fn" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:fn ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-given-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "given name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "This property specifies the given name of the person to contact" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "given-name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:given-name . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-hasEmail a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "email" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The email address of the contact" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:message "Invalid email format. Should be a URI starting with mailto:" ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "hasEmail" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path vcard:hasEmail ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-organization-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "organization name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "This property specifies the name of the organization to contact" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "organization-name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:organization-name . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-tel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "telephone" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property specifies the telephone number for telephony communication with the person or organization." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:message "Invalid telephone format. Should be a URI starting with tel:" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "tel" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path vcard:tel ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Kind_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "position title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "This property specifies the position role of the person to contact" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path vcard:title . dcat-us-shp:LiabilityStatement_Shape-label a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "liability statement text" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Full text of the liability statement" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "label" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path rdfs:label ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:LicenseDocument_Shape-licenseText a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "license text" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Full text of the license." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "licenseText" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path spdx:licenseText ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-altLabel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "alternative names" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property provides alternative names for a location" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "altLabel" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:altLabel . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-bbox a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "bounding box" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "bounding box associated location (in any coordinate system)" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "bbox" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:GeometryAsWKTorGMLorGeoJSON ; sh:path dcat:bbox ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-centroid a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "centroid" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "The geographic center (centroid) of a spatial thing" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "centroid" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:GeometryAsWKTorGMLorGeoJSON ; sh:path dcat:centroid ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-geometry a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "geometry" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Associates a location with a corresponding geometry." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "geometry" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:GeometryAsWKTorGMLorGeoJSON ; sh:path locn:geometry ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the geographic identifier for the Location, e.g., the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the relevant gazetteer." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-inScheme a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "gazetteer" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property MAY be used to specify the gazetteer to which the Location belongs." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "inScheme" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:ConceptScheme ] ) ; sh:path skos:inScheme ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Location_Shape-prefLabel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "geographic name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a preferred label of the Location." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "prefLabel" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:prefLabel ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:MediaType_Shape-label a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "label" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains the denomination of the Media Type." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "label" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path rdfs:label ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Metric_Shape-expectedDataType a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "expected datatype" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Represents the expected data type for the metric's observed value (e.g., xsd:boolean, xsd:double etc...)" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "expectedDataType" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class xsd:anySimpleType ] ) ; sh:path dqv:expectedDataType ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Metric_Shape-inDimension a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "in dimension" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Represents the dimensions a quality metric, certificate and annotation allow a measurement of." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "inDimension" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dqv:Dimension ] ) ; sh:path dqv:inDimension ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-altLabel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "alternative label" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) for an organization" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "altLabel" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:altLabel ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "The full name of the Organization" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path foaf:name ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-notation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "notation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "abbreviations or codes from code lists for an organization (e.g. DOI, DOD)" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "notation" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path skos:notation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-prefLabel a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "preferred label" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Preferred or legal name of the organization" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "prefLabel" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path skos:prefLabel ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Organization_Shape-subOrganizationOf a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "suborganization of" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this Organization." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "subOrganizationOf" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path org:subOrganizationOf ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:PeriodOfTime_Shape-endDate a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "end date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The end date of the period of time" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "endDate" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcat:endDate ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:PeriodOfTime_Shape-startDate a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "start date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The start date of the period of time" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "startDate" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcat:startDate ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-firstname a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "first name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "The first name of the Person" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "firstname" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path foaf:firstname ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-givenName a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "given name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "The given name of the Person" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "givenName" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path foaf:givenName ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-memberOf a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "member of" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property MAY be used to specify the affiliation of the Person to an organization." ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "memberOf" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class org:Organization ] ) ; sh:path org:memberOf ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Person_Shape-name a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "name" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:description "The full name of the Person" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "name" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path foaf:name ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:ProvenanceStatement_Shape-label a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "provenance statement text" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains the text of the Provenance Statement. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "label" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path rdfs:label ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape-isMeasurementOf a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "is measurement of" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Indicates the metric being observed." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "isMeasurementOf" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dqv:Metric ] ) ; sh:path dqv:isMeasurementOf ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape-unitMeasure a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "unit of measure" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "Unit of measure associated with the value" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "unitMeasure" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:QualityMeasurement_Shape-value a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "value" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Refers to values computed by metric." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "value" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dqv:value ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Relationship_Shape-hadRole a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "role" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "hadRole" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class dcat:Role ] ) ; sh:path dcat:hadRole ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Relationship_Shape-relation a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "relation" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "The resource related to the source resource." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "relation" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class rdfs:Resource ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:relation ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:RightsStatement_Shape-attributionText a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "attribution text" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The custom attribution text for the right statement" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "attributionText" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path odrs:attributionText ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-category a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "category" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property refers to the type of the Standard. A controlled vocabulary for the values has not been established." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "category" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:type ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-created a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "creation date" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the date on which the Standard has been first created." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "created" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:created ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-description a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "description" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a free-text account of the Standard. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "description" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:description ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-identifier a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "identifier" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains the main identifier for the Standard, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalogue, or of a reference register" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "identifier" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:identifier ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-inScheme a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "in scheme" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property MAY be used to specify the reference register to which the Standard belongs." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "inScheme" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:ConceptScheme ] ) ; sh:path skos:inScheme ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "issued" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Standard." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "issued" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "last modified" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "This property contains the most recent date on which the Standard was changed or modified." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "modified" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:Standard_Shape-title a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "title" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "This property contains a name given to the Standard. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name" ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "title" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcterms:title ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape-restrictionNote a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "restriction note" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Optional ; sh:description "Significant information pertaining to the use or reproduction of the data." ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "restrictionNote" ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:or dash:StringOrLangString ; sh:path dcat-us:restrictionNote ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape-restrictionStatus a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "restriction status" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Mandatory ; sh:description "Indication of whether or not there are use restrictions on the archival materials" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:name "restrictionStatus" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:restrictionStatus ; sh:severity sh:Violation . dcat-us-shp:UseRestriction_Shape-specificRestriction a sh:PropertyShape ; rdfs:label "specific restriction" ; dcat-us-shp:requirementLevel dcat-us-shp:Recommended ; sh:description "The specific NARA restriction associated with the use restriction" ; sh:maxCount 1 ; sh:minCount 0 ; sh:name "specificRestriction" ; sh:or ( [ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ] [ sh:class skos:Concept ] ) ; sh:path dcat-us:specificRestriction ; sh:severity sh:Violation . a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Stephane Fellah" . dcat-us-shp:GeometryAsWKTorGMLorGeoJSON a rdf:List ; rdf:first [ sh:datatype gsp:wktLiteral ] ; rdf:rest ( [ sh:datatype gsp:gmlLiteral ] [ sh:datatype gsp:geoJSONLiteral ] ) . dcat-us-shp:DateOrDateTimeOrYearOrYearMonth a rdf:List ; rdf:first [ sh:datatype xsd:date ] ; rdf:rest ( [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ] [ sh:datatype xsd:gYear ] [ sh:datatype xsd:gYearMonth ] ) . dash:StringOrLangString a rdf:List ; rdf:first [ sh:datatype xsd:string ] ; rdf:rest ( [ sh:datatype rdf:langString ] ) .