Importing $fmt.

\n\n"; // generic for each tsv format checkFileUpload( $_FILES['tsv']['error'] ); // read entire file into an array $content = file($_FILES['tsv']['tmp_name']); // the first line of the tsv is always the format with a version number. // currently we hardcode version 1 because there are no others $version = rtrim(array_shift($content)); // Two variants are in use: one where the first token is a static string // "File_Version" and the second where it's the type, e.g. "groups". $versionmatch = '1'; if ( $fmt == 'teams' ) $versionmatch = '[12]'; if ( !preg_match("/^(File_Version|$fmt)\t$versionmatch$/i", $version) ) { error ("Unknown format or version: $version != $versionmatch"); } // select each format and call appropriate functions. // the prepare function parses the tsv, checks if the data looks sane, // and delivers it in the format for the setter function. The latter // updates the database (so only after all lines have first been // read and checked). switch ($fmt) { case 'groups': $data = tsv_groups_prepare($content); $c = tsv_groups_set($data); break; case 'teams': $data = tsv_teams_prepare($content); $c = tsv_teams_set($data); break; case 'accounts': $data = tsv_accounts_prepare($content); $c = tsv_accounts_set($data); break; default: error("Unknown format"); } echo "

$c items imported

"; } function tsv_groups_prepare($content) { $data = array(); $l = 1; foreach($content as $line) { $l++; $line = explode("\t", trim($line)); if ( ! is_numeric($line[0]) ) error ("Invalid id format on line $l"); $data[] = array ( 'categoryid' => @$line[0], 'name' => @$line[1]); } return $data; } function tsv_groups_set($data) { global $DB; $c = 0; foreach ($data as $row) { $DB->q("REPLACE INTO team_category SET %S", $row); auditlog('team_category', $row['categoryid'], 'replaced', 'imported from tsv'); $c++; } return $c; } function tsv_teams_prepare($content) { $data = array(); $l = 1; foreach($content as $line) { $l++; $line = explode("\t", trim($line)); // teams.tsv contains data pertaining both to affiliations and teams. // hence return data for both tables. // we may do more integrity/format checking of the data here. $data[] = array ( 'team' => array ( 'teamid' => @$line[0], 'externalid' => @$line[1], 'categoryid' => @$line[2], 'name' => @$line[3]), 'team_affiliation' => array ( 'shortname' => @$line[5], 'name' => @$line[4], 'country' => @$line[6]) ); } return $data; } function tsv_teams_set($data) { global $DB; $c = 0; foreach ($data as $row) { // it is legitimate that a team has no affiliation. Do not add it then. if ( !empty($row['team_affiliation']['shortname']) ) { $DB->q("REPLACE INTO team_affiliation SET %S", $row['team_affiliation']); $affilid = $DB->q("VALUE SELECT affilid FROM team_affiliation WHERE shortname = %s LIMIT 1", $row['team_affiliation']['shortname']); auditlog('team_affiliation', $affilid, 'replaced', 'imported from tsv'); $row['team']['affilid'] = $affilid; } $DB->q("REPLACE INTO team SET %S", $row['team']); auditlog('team', $row['team']['teamid'], 'replaced', 'imported from tsv'); $c++; } return $c; } function tsv_accounts_prepare($content) { global $DB; $data = array(); $l = 1; $teamroleid = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT roleid FROM role WHERE role = %s', 'team'); $juryroleid = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT roleid FROM role WHERE role = %s', 'jury'); $adminroleid = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT roleid FROM role WHERE role = %s', 'admin'); $jurycatid = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT categoryid FROM team_category WHERE name = "Jury"'); if ( !$jurycatid ) { $jurycatid = $DB->q('RETURNID INSERT INTO team_category (name,sortorder,visible) VALUES ("Jury", 100, 0)'); } foreach($content as $line) { $l++; $line = explode("\t", trim($line)); $teamid = $juryteam = null; switch($line[0]) { case 'admin': $line[0] = $adminroleid; break; case 'judge': $line[0] = $juryroleid; $juryteam = array('name' => $line[1], 'categoryid' => $jurycatid, 'members' => $line[1]); break; case 'team': $line[0] = $teamroleid; // For now we assume we can find the teamid by parsing the username $teamid = preg_replace('#^team0*#', '', $line[2]); break; case 'analyst': // Ignore type analyst for now. We don't have a useful mapping yet. continue 2; default: error('unknown role id in line ' . $l . ': ' . $line[0]); } // accounts.tsv contains data pertaining both to users and userroles. // hence return data for both tables. // we may do more integrity/format checking of the data here. $data[] = array ( 'user' => array ( 'name' => $line[1], 'username' => $line[2], 'password' => md5($line[2].'#'.$line[3]), 'teamid' => $teamid ), 'userrole' => array ( 'userid' => -1, // need to get appropriate userid later 'roleid' => $line[0] ), 'team' => $juryteam, ); } return $data; } function tsv_accounts_set($data) { global $DB; $c = 0; foreach ($data as $row) { if ( ! empty($row['team']) ) { $teamid = $DB->q("MAYBEVALUE SELECT teamid FROM team WHERE name = %s AND categoryid = %i", $row['team']['name'], $row['team']['categoryid']); if ( is_null($teamid) ) { $teamid = $DB->q("RETURNID INSERT INTO team SET %S", $row['team']); } auditlog('team', $teamid, 'added', 'imported from tsv, autocreated for judge'); $row['user']['teamid'] = $teamid; } $DB->q("REPLACE INTO user SET %S", $row['user']); $userid = $DB->q("VALUE SELECT userid FROM user WHERE username = %s", $row['user']['username']); auditlog('user', $userid, 'replaced', 'imported from tsv'); $row['userrole']['userid'] = $userid; $DB->q("REPLACE INTO userrole SET %S", $row['userrole']); auditlog('userrole', $userid, 'replaced', 'imported from tsv'); $c++; } return $c; } /** Export functions **/ function tsv_export($fmt) { // export files in tsv format. Call approprate output generation function // for each supported format. switch ( $fmt ) { case 'groups': $data = tsv_groups_get(); $version = 1; break; case 'teams': $data = tsv_teams_get(); $version = 1; break; case 'scoreboard': $data = tsv_scoreboard_get(); $version = 1; break; case 'results': $data = tsv_results_get(); $version = 1; break; // case 'accounts': $data = tsv_accounts_get(); $version = 1; break; default: error('Specified format not (yet) supported.'); } header("Content-Type: text/plain; name=\"" . $fmt . ".tsv\"; charset=" . DJ_CHARACTER_SET); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $fmt . ".tsv\""); // first a line with the format and version number echo "$fmt\t$version\n"; // output the rows, filtering out any tab characters in the data foreach($data as $row) { echo implode("\t", str_replace("\t"," ",$row)) . "\n"; } } function tsv_groups_get() { // groups are categories. // we only select visible groups as the others are considered 'internal' global $DB; return $DB->q('TABLE SELECT categoryid, name FROM team_category WHERE visible = 1'); } function tsv_teams_get() { global $DB; return $DB->q('TABLE SELECT teamid, externalid, categoryid,, as affilname, a.shortname, FROM team t LEFT JOIN team_affiliation a USING(affilid) WHERE enabled = 1'); } function tsv_scoreboard_get() { // we'll here assume that the requested file will be of the current contest, // as all our scoreboard interfaces do. Row format explanation: // Row Description Example content Type // 1 Institution name University of Virginia string // 2 External ID 24314 integer // 3 Position in contest 1 integer // 4 Number of problems the team has solved 4 integer // 5 Total Time 534 integer // 6 Time of the last accepted submission 233 integer -1 if none // 6+2i-1 Number of submissions for problem i 2 integer // 6+2i Time when problem i was solved 233 integer -1 if not solved global $cdata; $sb = genScoreBoard($cdata, true); $data = array(); foreach ($sb['scores'] as $teamid => $srow) { $maxtime = -1; $drow = array(); foreach($sb['matrix'][$teamid] as $prob) { $time = scoretime($prob['time']); $drow[] = $prob['num_submissions']; $drow[] = $prob['is_correct'] ? $time : -1; $maxtime = max($maxtime, $time); } $data[] = array_merge ( array($sb['teams'][$teamid]['affilname'], @$sb['teams'][$teamid]['externalid'], $srow['rank'], $srow['num_correct'], $srow['total_time'], $maxtime), $drow ); } return $data; } $extid_to_name = array(); // sort data array according to rank and name function cmp_extid_name($a, $b) { global $extid_to_name; if ( $a[1] != $b[1] ) { // Honorable mention has no rank if ( $a[1] == "" ) { return 1; } else if ( $b[1] == "" ) { return -11; } return $a[1] - $b[1]; } $name_a = $extid_to_name[$a[0]]; $name_b = $extid_to_name[$b[0]]; return strcmp($name_a, $name_b); } function tsv_results_get() { // we'll here assume that the requested file will be of the current contest, // as all our scoreboard interfaces do // 1 External ID 24314 integer // 2 Rank in contest 1 integer // 3 Award Gold Medal string // 4 Number of problems the team has solved 4 integer // 5 Total Time 534 integer // 6 Time of the last submission 233 integer // 7 Group Winner North American string global $cdata, $DB, $extid_to_name; $categs = $DB->q('COLUMN SELECT categoryid FROM team_category WHERE visible = 1'); $sb = genScoreBoard($cdata, true, array('categoryid' => $categs)); $extid_to_name = $DB->q('KEYVALUETABLE SELECT externalid, name FROM team ORDER BY externalid'); $numteams = sizeof($sb['scores']); // determine number of problems solved by median team $cnt = 0; foreach ($sb['scores'] as $teamid => $srow) { $cnt++; $median = $srow['num_correct']; if ($cnt > $numteams/2) { // XXX: lower or upper median? break; } } $ranks = array(); $group_winners = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($sb['scores'] as $teamid => $srow) { $maxtime = -1; foreach($sb['matrix'][$teamid] as $prob) { $maxtime = max($maxtime, scoretime($prob['time'])); } $rank = $srow['rank']; $num_correct = $srow['num_correct']; if ( $rank <= 4 ) { $awardstring = "Gold Medal"; } else if ( $rank <= 8 ) { $awardstring = "Silver Medal"; } else if ( $rank <= 12 ) { $awardstring = "Bronze Medal"; } else if ( $num_correct >= $median ) { // teams with equally solved number of problems get the same rank if ( !isset($ranks[$num_correct]) ) { $ranks[$num_correct] = $rank; } $rank = $ranks[$num_correct]; $awardstring = "Ranked"; } else { $awardstring = "Honorable"; $rank = ""; } $groupwinner = ""; if ( !isset($group_winners[$srow['categoryid']]) ) { $group_winners[$srow['categoryid']] = true; $groupwinner = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT name FROM team_category WHERE categoryid = %i', $srow['categoryid']); } $data[] = array(@$sb['teams'][$teamid]['externalid'], $rank, $awardstring, $srow['num_correct'], $srow['total_time'], $maxtime, $groupwinner); } // sort by rank/name uasort($data, 'cmp_extid_name'); return $data; }