@prefix dcat: . @prefix dct: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix modsrdf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a dcat:Catalog ; rdfs:label "Catalogues of classical compositions"@en, "Catalogues de compositions classiques"@fr, "Cataloghi delle composizioni musicali classiche"@it ; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; dct:created "2017-01-24"^^xsd:date ; dct:creator ; dct:issued "2017-01-24"^^xsd:date ; dct:language , ; dct:license ; dct:modified "2018-10-17"^^xsd:date ; dct:title "Catalogue"@en, "Catalogue"@fr, "Catalogo"@it ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Thematic catalog or catalog of works, listing all known works of a composer"@en ], "Catalogue thématique ou catalogue d'oeuvres, listant toutes les oeuvres connues d'un compositeur"@fr, "Catalogo tematico o catalogo delle opere, che enumera tutte le opere conosciute di un compositore"@it ; dcat:record , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; rdfs:label "Stattkus-Verzeichnis"@de ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1985"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "SV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Stattkus, Manfred H." ; modsrdf:publisher "Bergkamen : Musikverlag Stattkus" ; modsrdf:subjectName "Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:title "Stattkus, Monteverdi" ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Claudio Monteverdi, Verzeichnis der erhaltenen Werke (SV)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:issued "2017-01-24"^^xsd:date ; dct:license ; dcat:accessURL ; dcat:mediaType . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1971"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "WKO" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Knape, Walter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Knape, Abel" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "W. Knape" ; modsrdf:subjectName "ABEL, CARL FRIEDRICH (1723-1787)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Bibliographisch-thematisches Verzeichnis der Kompositionen von Karl Friedrich Abel (1732-1787)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:identifier "AWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Schauerte, Helga" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "ALAIN, JEHAN (1911-1940)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Schauerte, Helga. – Jehan Alain"@fr . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:identifier "JA" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Marie-Claire Alain" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Sous la direction de Marie-Claire Alain." ], "Contient un catalogue d'œuvre"@fr ; modsrdf:subjectName "ALAIN, JEHAN (1911-1940)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Jehan Alain"@fr . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "AWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Schneider, Herbert" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Schneider, Auber" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "G. Olms" ; modsrdf:subjectName "AUBER, DANIEL-FRANCOIS-ESPRIT (1782-1871)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Daniel François Esprit Auber"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1989"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Helm, Eugene E." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Helm, C.P.E. Bach" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Yale University press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, CARL PHILIPP EMANUEL (1714-1788)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematic catalogue of the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1905"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "Wq" ; modsrdf:identifierGroup ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Wotquenne, Alfred" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Wotquenne, C.P.E. Bach" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf & Härtel (Leipzig ; Brüssel ; London ; New York" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, CARL PHILIPP EMANUEL (1714-1788)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:IdentifierGroup ; modsrdf:identifierGroupType "alternate" ; modsrdf:identifierGroupValue "W" . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1999"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "W" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Warburton, Ernest." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Warburton, J.C. Bach" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Garland Publishing, Inc" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "The collected works of Johann Christian Bach ; 48"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, JOHANN CHRISTIAN (1735-1782)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The collected works of Johann Christian Bach 1735-1782 : Thematic catalog"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1929"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "T" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Terry, Charles Sanford" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient le catalogue thématique"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Terry, Johann Christian Bach" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Oxford University Press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, JOHANN CHRISTIAN (1735-1782)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Christian Bach"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1990"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd. revue et augm."@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "BWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Schmieder, Wolfgang" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Schmieder" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf & Härtel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN (1685-1750)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2012"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "BR" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language, "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "ISNI 0000 0001 0883 6476", "Wollny, Peter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Wollny, Wilhelm" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Carus" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, WILHELM FRIEDEMANN (1710-1784)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Wilhelm Friedemann Bach : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (BR-WFB)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1913"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "F" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Falck, Martin" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Falck, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "C.F. Kahnt Nachfolger" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, WILHELM FRIEDEMANN (1710-1784)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, sein Leben und seine Werke mit thematischem Verzeichnis seiner Kompositionen und zwei Bildern"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1996"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "BB" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Somfai, László" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient le catalogue thématique"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Somfai, Bartok" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "University of California press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BARTOK, BELA (1881-1945)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Béla Bartók : composition, concepts and autograph sources"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1956"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "Sz" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Szabolcsi, Bence" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Szabolcsi, Bence" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Corvina" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BARTOK, BELA (1881-1945)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Bartok : sa vie et son œuvre"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1955"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique", "(Les catalogues de G. Kinsky et de W. Hess sont complémentaires)"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "WoO" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Kinsky, Georg. Halm, Hans" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Kinsky" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Henle Verlag" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Das Werk Beethovens : Thematisch-bibliographisches Verzeichnis..."@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2003"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "Révision de l’éd. 1957"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique", "(Les catalogues de G. Kinsky et de W. Hess sont complémentaires)"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "Hess" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hess, Willy" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "The new Hess catalog of Beethoven's works, 2003"@en ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Vance Brook Publishing" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (1770-1827)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The new Hess catalog of Beethoven's works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1984"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "L" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Lee, Douglas A." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Lee, Benda" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BENDA, FRANZ (1709-1786)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Franz Benda (1709-1786) : a thematic catalogue of his works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1987"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language, "en"^^xsd:language, "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Holoman, D. Kern" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Holoman, Berlioz" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BERLIOZ, HECTOR (1803-1869)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue of the works of Hector Berlioz"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2014"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "GB" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Macdonald, Hugh" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Macdonald, Bizet" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "BIZET, GEORGES (1838-1875)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The Bizet catalogue"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1980"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "F" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Foreman, Lewis" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Novello" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BLISS, ARTHUR (1891-1975)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Arthur Bliss : catalogue of the complete works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1969"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "G" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Gérard, Yves" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Gérard, Boccherini" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Oxford University press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BOCCHERINI, LUIGI (1743-1805)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematic, bibliographical and critical catalogue of the works of Luigi Boccherini"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1984"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "WoO" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "McCorkle, Margit L." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "McCorkle, Brahms" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Henle" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BRAHMS, JOHANNES (1833-1897)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johannes Brahms thematisch-bibliographishes Werkverzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2013"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "BTC" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Britten-Pears Foundation" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Britten-Pears Foundation, Britten" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "BRITTEN, BENJAMIN (1913-1976)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Britten-Pears Foundation.- Britten thematic catalogue (http://www.brittenpears.org)"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1999"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Banks, Paul (éd.)" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue chronologique avec index multiples"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Britten, Catalogue of published works"@en ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "The Britten-Pears Library for the Britten Estate limited" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BRITTEN, BENJAMIN (1913-1976)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Benjamin Britten : A catalogue of the published works…"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1995"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "SdB" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Duron, Jean" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Duron, Brossard" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Editions du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles", "Klincksieck"; modsrdf:subjectName "BROSSARD, SEBASTIEN DE (1655-1730)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "L'œuvre de Sébastien de Brossard (1655-1730) : catalogue thématique"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "WAB" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Grasberger, Renate" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Grasberger, Bruckner" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BRUCKNER, ANTON (1824-1896)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckner"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1980"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "K" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Kindermann, Jürgen" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Kindermann, Busoni" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "G. Bosse" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Studien zur Musikgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts ; 19"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "BUSONI, FERRUCCIO (1866-1924)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisch-chronologisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Ferruccio B. Busoni"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1974"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "BuxWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Karstädt, Georg" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Buxtehude Werke Verzeichnis"@de ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf und Härtel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BUXTEHUDE, DIETRICH (1637?-1707)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischer Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1982"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Jones, Andrew V" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique des motets attribués au compositeur"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Jones, Carissimi" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "UMI research press" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "British studies in musicology ; 5"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "CARISSIMI, GIACOMO (1605-1674)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The motets of Carissimi"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1982"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hitchkock, Hugh Wiley" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Hitchcock, Charpentier" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Picard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CHARPENTIER, MARC-ANTOINE (1643-1704)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Les œuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier, catalogue raisonné"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1993"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Torta, Mario" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Libreria musicale italiana" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CARULLI, FERDINANDO (1770-1841)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogo tematico delle opere di Ferdinando Carulli"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Gallois, Jean" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Bibliothèque des grands musiciens ; 19"@fr ; modsrdf:subjectName "CHAUSSON, ERNEST (1855-1899)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Ernest Chausson"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1972"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Lesure, Sartori, Cat. Cherubini" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Olschki" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CHERUBINI, LUIGI (1760-1842)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Tentativo di un catalogo della produzione di Luigi Cherubini"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1990"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "CT" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language, "pl"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Chominski et Turlo"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "PWM", "TiFC" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CHOPIN, FREDERIC (1810-1849)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Katalog dzieł Fryderyka Chopina"@pl ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1979"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "KK" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Kobylanska, Krystyna" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Kobylanska, Chopin" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "G. Henle" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CHOPIN, FREDERIC (1810-1849)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Frédéric Chopin : thematisch-biographisches Werkverzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1972"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd. révisée"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "B" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Brown, Maurice J. E." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Brown, Chopin" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Macmillan" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CHOPIN, FREDERIC (1810-1849)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Chopin : an index of his works in chronological order"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1967"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Tyson, Alan" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Tyson, Clementi" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CLEMENTI, MUZIO (1752-1832)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematic catalogue of the works of Muzio Clementi"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1998"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "C" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Cessac, Catherine" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Cessac, Clérambault" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "CLERAMBAULT, NICOLAS (1676-1749)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Nicolas Clérambault"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1980"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "WoO" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Marx, Hans Joachim" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Marx, Corelli" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "A. Volk" , "H. Gerig"; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe der musikalischen Werke / Arcangelo Corelli ; Supplementband"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "CORELLI, ARCANGELO (1653-1713)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Die Überlieferung der Werke Arcangelo Corellis : catalogue raisonné" ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1949"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Cauchie, Maurice" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Cauchie, Couperin" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "The Lyrebird press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "COUPERIN, FRANCOIS (1668-1733)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematic index of the works of François Couperin"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Milligan et Graue, Cramer"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Thematic catalogues series ; 19"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "CRAMER, JOHANN BAPTIST (1771-1858)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Baptist Cramer : A thematic catalogue of his works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "RT" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Threlfall, Robert" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Threlfall, Delius" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Delius Trust" ; modsrdf:subjectName "DELIUS, FREDERICK (1862-1934)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "A catalogue of the compositions of Frederick Delius"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1900"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "K" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Krebs, Carl" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Krebs, Ditters von Dittersdorf" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Gebrüder Paetel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "DITTERS VON DITTERSDORF, KARL (1739-1799)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Dittersdorfiana"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1991"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Allitt, John Stewart" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient la liste des œuvres du compositeur"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Allit, Donizetti" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Element" ; modsrdf:subjectName "DONIZETTI, GAETANO (1797-1848)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Donizetti in the light of Romanticism and the teaching of Johann Simon Mayr"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1986"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "C" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Craw, Howard Allen" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Craw, Dussek" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "University microfilms international" ; modsrdf:subjectName "DUSSEK, JAN LADISLAV (1760-1812)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "A biography and thematic catalogue of the works of J.L. Dussek (1760-1812): dissertation: Phil. Los Angeles: 1964"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1996"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd. révisée"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "B" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "cs"^^xsd:language, "de"^^xsd:language, "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Burghauser, Jarmil" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Burghauser, Dvorak" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter", "Editio Supraphon" ; modsrdf:subjectName "DVORAK, ANTONIN (1841-1904)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Antonin Dvorak : thematicky katalog"@cs, "Antonin Dvorak : thematisches Verzeichnis"@de, "Antonin Dvorak : thematic catalogue"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1990"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Nectoux, Jean-Michel" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Nectoux, Fauré" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Flammarion" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FAURÉ, GABRIEL (1845-1924)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Gabriel Fauré : les voix du clair-obscur"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1984"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "C" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Charteris, Richard" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Charteris, Ferrabosco" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FERRABOSCO, ALFONSO (1543-1588)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Alfonso Ferrabosco the elder : a thematic catalogue"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1961"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hopkinson, Cecil" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Hopkinson, Field" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "the author" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FIELD, JOHN (1782-1837)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "A Bibliographical thematic catalogue of the works of John Field (1782-1837)"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1999"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "CFF" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Fauquet, Joël-Marie" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre avec numérotation"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Fauquet, Franck" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FRANCK, CESAR (1822-1890)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "César Franck"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1969"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd."@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "FWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Mohr, Wilhelm" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue thématique"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Mohr, C. Franck" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FRANCK, CESAR (1822-1890)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Caesar Franck"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1872"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "K" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Köchel, Ludwig Ritter von" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Köchel, Fux" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "A. Hölder" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FUX, JOHANN JOSEPH (1660-1741)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Joseph Fux"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1948"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "L" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Liess, Andreas" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Liess, Fux" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "L. Doblinger" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FUX, JOHANN JOSEPH (1660-1741)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "J.J. Fux : ein steinischen Meister des Barock, nebst Verzeichnis neuer Werkfunde"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:identifier "E" ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Federhofer, Hellmut" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique de la musique sacrée, dans : Kirchen musikalisches Jahrbuch, LIII, 1959, p. 113"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Federhofer, Fux" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "FUX, JOHANN JOSEPH (1660-1741)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Unbekante Kirchenmusik von J.J. Fux"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1996"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "C" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Charteris, Richard" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Charteris, Gabrieli" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Thematic catalogues ; 20"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "GABRIELI, GIOVANNI (1555?-1612)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Giovanni Gabrieli (ca 1555-1612) : a thematic catalogue of his music with a guide to the source materials and translations of his vocal texts"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1976"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hill, George R." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique de la musique instrumentale"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Hill, Gassmann" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Joseph Boonin" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Music indexes and bibliographies ; 12"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "GASSMANN, FLORIAN LEOPOLD (1729-1774)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "A thematic catalog of the instrumental music of Florian Leopold Gassmann"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2009"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "CG" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Condé, Gérard" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "GOUNOD, CHARLES (1818-1893)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Charles Gounod"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1991"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hess, Carol A." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Hess, Granados" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Greenwood press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "GRANADOS, ENRIQUE (1867-1916)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Enrique Granados : a bio-bibliography"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2006"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "GraunWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Henzel, Christoph" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Henzel, Graun" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Ortus Musikverlag" ; modsrdf:subjectName "GRAUN, CARL HEINRICH (1703?-1759)", "GRAUN, JOHANN GOTTLIEB ( 702?-1771)" ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Graun-Werkverzeichnis [GraunWV]"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2005"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "MT" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Tomasi, Margherita" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Tomasi, Grazioli" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Edizioni fondazione Levi" ; modsrdf:subjectName "GRAZIOLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1746-1820)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Giovanni Battista Grazioli (1746-1820) : catalogo tematico"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1904"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "W" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language, "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Wotquenne, Alfred" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Wotquenne, Gluck" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf und Härtel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "GLUCK, CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD VON (1714-1787)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue thématique des œuvres de Chr. W. v. Gluck."@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1978-1985" ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "HWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Baselt, Bernd" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Händel-Handbuch"@de ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter" ; modsrdf:subjectName "HÄNDEL, GEORG FRIEDRICH (1685-1759)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Händel-Handbuc : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs , , . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1957-1978" ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "HoB" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hoboken, Anthony van" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Hoboken, Haydn" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "B. Schött's Söhne" ; modsrdf:subjectName "HAYDN, JOSEPH (1732-1809)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Joseph Haydn thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1993"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "MH" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Sherman et Thomas"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Thematic catalogues ; 17"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "HAYDN, MICHAEL (1737-1806)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) : a chronological thematic catalogue of his works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Halbreich, Harry" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Halbreich, Honegger" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Champion" ; modsrdf:subjectName "HONEGGER, ARTHUR (1892-1955)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "L'œuvre d'Arthur Honegger"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1971"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Zimmerschied, Dieter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Zimmerschied, Hummel" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Hofmeister" ; modsrdf:subjectName "HUMMEL, JOHANN NEPOMUK (1778-1837)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Johann Nepomuk Hummel"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1998"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "L" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Laederich, Alexandra" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "G. Olms" ; modsrdf:subjectName "IBERT, JACQUES (1890-1962)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue de l'œuvre de Jacques Ibert"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1997"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "JW" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Simeone, Tyrrell et Nemcova, Janacek"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Clarendon press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "JANACEK, LEOS (1854-1928)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "A catalogue of the music and writings of Leos Janacek"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1975"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’éditeur"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "M. Eschig" ; modsrdf:subjectName "KOECHLIN, CHARLES (1867-1950)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "L'œuvre de Charles Kœchlin : catalogue..."@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Fog, Dan" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Fog, Kuhlau" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Dan Fog Musikverlag" ; modsrdf:subjectName "KUHLAU, FRIEDRICH (1786-1832)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Kompositionen von Fridr. Kuhlau : Thematisch-bibliographischen Katalog"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1993"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "V" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Verdebout, Luc" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre avec numérotation"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Verdebout, Lekeu" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Mardaga" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LEKEU, GUILLAUME (1870-1894)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Correspondance, introd., chronologie et catalogue des œuvres"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1980"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "M" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Mongrédien, Jean" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Mongrédien, Le Sueur" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LE SUEUR, JEAN-FRANCOIS (1760-1837)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue thématique de l'œuvre complète du compositeur Jean-François Le Sueur (1760-1837)"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1995"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd. revue et compl.1995"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Michel, Pierre" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Minerve" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LIGETI, GYORGY (1923-2006)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "György Ligeti"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:identifier "LW" ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Charnin Mueller, Rena", "Eckhardt, Maria" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique, en préparation ; numérotation déjà présente dans Grove music online"@fr ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "LISZT, FRANZ (1811-1886)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke Franz Liszts. – Munich"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1986"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "Trad. de l'anglais par Corine Derblum de l’éd. révisée de 1966"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "S" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Searle, Humphrey" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Searle" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Editions du Rocher" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LISZT, FRANZ (1811-1886)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Franz Liszt"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1968"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "réimpr. de l’éd. de 1931"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "R" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Raabe, Peter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Raabe, Liszt" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LISZT, FRANZ (1811-1886)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Liszts Schaffen"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2001"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Dunning, A." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Dunning, Locatelli" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Schott" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Opera omnia / P.A. Locatelli ; vol. X"@it ; modsrdf:subjectName "LOCATELLI, PIETRO ANTONIO (1695-1764)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Pietro Antonio Locatelli : catalogo tematico, lettere, documenti e iconografia…"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1981"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "LWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Schneider, Herbert" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Schneider, Lully" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LULLY, JEAN-BAPTISTE (1632-1687)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1979"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "La Grange, Henri-Louis de" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "La Grange, Mahler" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "MAHLER, GUSTAV (1860-1911)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Gustav Mahler"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1968"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Gustav Mahler" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Halbreich, Martinu" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Atlantis Verlag" ; modsrdf:subjectName "MARTINU, BOHUSLAV (1890-1959)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Bohuslav Martinu, Werkverzeichnis, Dokumentation und Biographie"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1882"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "3e éd."@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "MVW" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Mendelssohn, Thematisches Verzeichnis"@de ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf und Härtel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "MENDELSSOHN Bartholdy, FELIX (1809-1847)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der im Druck erschiedenen Compositionen von Felix Mendelssohn"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2001"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient une liste des œuvres"@fr ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "MESSIAEN, OLIVIER (1908-1992)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The Olivier Messiaen page"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1982"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "Éd. revue et augm."@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Collaer, Paul" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Collaer, Milhaud, 1982" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Slatkine" ; modsrdf:subjectName "MILHAUD, DARIUS (1892-1974)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Darius Milhaud"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "NV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Sigismund Neukomm" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Angermüller, Neukomm" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Muzikverlag Emil Katzbichler" ; modsrdf:subjectName "NEUKOMM, SIGISMUND (1778-1858)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Werkverzeichnis. Autobiographie. Beziehung zu seinen Zeitgenossen"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1965"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "FS" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "dk"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Fog, Nielsen" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Nyt Nordesk Forlag" ; modsrdf:subjectName "NIELSEN, CARL (1865-1931)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Carl Nielsen : Kompositioner"@dk ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2005"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "MO" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "OHANA, MAURICE (1913-1992)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Maurice Ohana"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1982"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "MS" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Moretti et Sorrento"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:publisher "Commune di Genova" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PAGANINI, NICCOLO (1782-1840)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogo tematico delle musiche di Niccolò Paganini"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1991-1994" ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "R" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Robinson, Michael F." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Robinson, Paisiello" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PAISIELLO, GIOVANNI (1740-1816)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Giovanni Paisiello : a thematic catalogue of his works"@en ; owl:sameAs , . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "P" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Paymer, Mervin E." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Paymer, Pergolesi" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PERGOLESI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1710-1736)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Giovanni Battista Pergolesi : a thematic catalogue of the opera omnia, with an appendix listing omitted compositions"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "B" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Benton, Rita" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Benton, Pleyel" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PLEYEL, IGNAZ (1757-1831)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Ignace Pleyel : a thematic catalogue of his compositions"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1995"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "FP" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Schmidt, Carl B." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Schmidt, Poulenc" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Clarendon press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "POULENC, FRANCIS (1899-1963)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The music of Francis Poulenc : 1899-1963 : a catalogue"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1994"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Dorigné, Michel" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PROKOFIEV, SERGUEI (1891-1953)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Serge Prokofiev"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1963"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "Z" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Zimmerman, Franklin B." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Zimmerman, Purcell" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Macmillan and co", "St Martin's press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PURCELL, HENRY (1659-1695)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Henry Purcell (1659-1695) : an analytical catalogue of his music"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1984"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "QV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Augsbach, Horst" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Augsbach, Quantz" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Sächsische Landesbibliothek" ; modsrdf:subjectName "QUANTZ, JOHANN JOACHIM (1697-1773)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Joachim Quantz : thematisches-systematisches Werkewerzeichnis (QV)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1986"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "O" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Marnat, Marcel" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Marnat, Ravel" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:subjectName "RAVEL, MAURICE (1875-1937)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Maurice Ravel"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1992"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "L" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Labelle, Nicole" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Labelle, Roussel" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art de l'Université catholique" ; modsrdf:subjectName "ROUSSEL, ALBERT (1869-1937)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre d'Albert Roussel"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2002-2012" ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "R" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Ratner, Sabina Teller" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Ratner, Saint-Saëns" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Oxford university press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SAINT-SAENS, CAMILLE (1835-1921)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Camille Saint-Saëns : 1835-1921 : a thematic catalogue of his complete works"@en ; owl:sameAs , . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1976"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "JC" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Jenkins and Churgin"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Harvard University press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SAMMARTINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1700?-1775)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematic catalogue of the works of Giovanni Battista Sammartini : orchestral and vocal music"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1982"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "trad. de l’éd. de 1953"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "K" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Kirkpatrick, Ralph" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient le catalogue des sonates pour clavier"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Kirkpatrick, Scarlatti" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "J.-C. Lattès" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCARLATTI, DOMENICO (1685-1757)" ; dct:subject ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2002"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Séguier" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SAUGUET, HENRI (1901-1989)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Henri Sauguet, 1901-1989 : catalogue des œuvres"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1962"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "trad. anglaise de l’éd. 1959"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Rufer, Josef" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Rufer, Schoenberg" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Faber and Faber" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD (1874-1951)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The works of Arnold Schœnberg"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1978"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "D" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Deutsch, Otto Erich" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Deutsch" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCHUBERT, FRANZ (1797-1828)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Franz Schubert : Thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2003"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "McCorkle, Margit L." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "McCorkle, Schumann" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Henle" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCHUMANN, ROBERT (1810-1856)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Robert Schumann thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1960"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "SWV" ; modsrdf:identifierGroup ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Bittinger, Werner" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Bittinger, Schütz" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCHÜTZ, HEINRICH (1585-1672)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Schütz-Werke-Verzeichnis, SWV, kleine Ausgabe, im Auftrag der der Neuen Schütz-Gesellschaft"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:IdentifierGroup ; modsrdf:identifierGroupType "alternate" ; modsrdf:identifierGroupValue "SW" . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1981"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Wolf, Eugene K." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient le catalogue thématique des symphonies et des trios avec orchestre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Wolf, Stamitz" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema", "Martinus Nijhoff" ; modsrdf:subjectName "STAMITZ, JOHANN (1717-1757)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The symphonies of Johann Stamitz : a study in the formation of the classic style"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1991"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "GM" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Gianturco et McCrickard, Stradella"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon" ; modsrdf:subjectName "STRADELLA, ALESSANDRO (1639-1682)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Alessandro Stradella : 1639-1682 : a thematic catalogue of his compositions"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1999"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd. révisée"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "TrV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Trenner, Franz" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Trenner, Strauss" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Verlag Dr Richard Strauss GmbH & Co KG" ; modsrdf:subjectName "STRAUSS, RICHARD (1864-1949)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Richard Strauss Werkverzeichnis (TrV)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1955"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "AV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Mueller von Asow, Erich Hermann" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Mueller von Asow, Strauss" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "L. Doblinger" ; modsrdf:subjectName "STRAUSS, RICHARD (1864-1949)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Richard Strauss : thematisches Verzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1983"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "trad. de l’éd. 1979, traduit de l'anglais par Dennis Collins"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "W" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "White, Eric Walter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "White, Stravinsky" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Flammarion" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg ; 12"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "STRAVINSKY, IGOR (1882-1971)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Stravinsky, le compositeur et son œuvre"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2000"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "SmWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Duda, Erich" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Duda, Süssmayr" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SUSSMAYR, FRANZ XAVER (1766-1803)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Das Musikalische Werke Franz Xaver Süssmayrs : thematisches Werkverzeichnis (SmWV)"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1995"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hugon, Gérald" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "M. Eschig" ; modsrdf:subjectName "TANSMAN, ALEXANDRE (1897-1986)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Alexandre Tansman (1897-1986) : catalogue de l'œuvre"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2006"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd."@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "ČS", "ČW" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language, "ru-Latn"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Vajdman, Korabelʹnikova et Rubcova, Čajkovskij"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "P. Jurgenson" ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematic and bibliographical catalogue of P.I. Tchaikovsky's works"@en, "Tematiko-bibliografičeskij ukazatel' sočinenij P. I. Čajkovskogo"@ru-latn ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1965"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "réimpr. de l’éd. de 1897"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Jurgenson, B" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Jurgenson, Tchaïkowsky" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Baron" ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue thématique des œuvres de P. Tschaïkowsky"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1969"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "TWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hoffmann, Adolf" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique des suites d’orchestre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Hoffmann, Telemann" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Möseler Verlag Wolfenbüttel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "TELEMANN, GEORG PHILIPP (1681-1767)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Die Orchestersuiten Georg Philipp Telemanns TWV 55 mit thematisch-bibliographischen Werkverzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1969"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "TWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Kross, Siegfried" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique des concertos pour solistes"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Kross, Telemann" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "TELEMANN, GEORG PHILIPP (1681-1767)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Das Instrumentalkonzert bei Georg Philipp Telemann"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1988"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd.,"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "TWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Menke, Werner" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique des œuvres vocales"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Menke, Telemann" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "V. Klostermann" ; modsrdf:subjectName "TELEMANN, GEORG PHILIPP (1681-1767)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der Vokalwerke von Georg Philipp Telemann. Band I : Cantaten zum gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1984-1999" ; modsrdf:identifier "TWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Ruhnke, Martin" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique des œuvres instrumentales"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Telemann-Werkverzeichnis"@de ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Bärenreiter" ; modsrdf:subjectName "TELEMANN, GEORG PHILIPP (1681-1767)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Georg Philipp Telemann : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke : Instrumentalwerke"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1987"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "W" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Weinmann, Alexander" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Weinmann, Vanhal" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "L. Krenn" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VANHAL, JOHANN BAPTIST (1739-1813)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Themen-Verzeichnis der Kompositionen von Johann Baptiste Wanhal"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "VWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Heitmann, Christin" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VIARDOT, PAULINE (1821-1910)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Pauline Viardot : systematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1980"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "Nouv. éd.,"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Gavoty, Bernard" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Buchet-Chastel" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VIERNE, LOUIS (1870-1937)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Louis Vierne : la vie et l'œuvre"@fr . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1985"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "W" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "White, Chapell" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "White, Viotti" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Thematic catalogues ; 12"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "VIOTTI, GIOVANNI-BATTISTA (1755-1824)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Giovanni Battista Viotti (1755-1824) : a thematic catalogue of his works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1956"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "G" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Giazotto, Remo" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient le catalogue thématique"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Curci" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VIOTTI, GIOVANNI-BATTISTA (1755-1824)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Giovan Battista Viotti"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1974"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "R", "RV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Ryom, Peter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Ryom" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VIVALDI, ANTONIO (1678-1741)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Verzeichnis der Werke Antonio Vivaldis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1948"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "P" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Pincherle, Marc" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Pincherle, Vivaldi" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Librairie Floury" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VIVALDI, ANTONIO (1678-1741)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Antonio Vivaldi et la musique instrumentale : vol. 2 : \"Inventaire thématique\""@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1986"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "WWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Deathridge, Geck et Voss, Wagner"@fr ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "Schott" ; modsrdf:subjectName "WAGNER, RICHARD (1813-1883)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Wagner Werk-Verzeichnis (WWV)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1871"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "J" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Jähns, Friedrich Wilhelm" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Jähns, Weber" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Schlesinger" ; modsrdf:subjectName "WEBER, CARL MARIA VON (1786-1826)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Carl Maria von Weber in seinen Werken : Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1985"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "ZWV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Reich, Wolfgang" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Reich, Zelenka" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Sächsische Landesbibliothek" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Studien und Materialien zur Musikgeschichte Dresdens : 6"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "ZELENKA, JAN DISMAS (1679-1745)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Jan Dismas Zelenka : thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis des musikalisches Werke"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2001"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "es"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Torres Mulas, Jacinto" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Instituto de bibliografía musical" ; modsrdf:subjectName "ALBENIZ, ISAAC (1860-1909)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catálogo sistemático descriptivo de las obras musicales de Isaac Albéniz"@es ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2000"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Pendragon press" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Thematic catalogues ; 22"@en ; modsrdf:subjectName "ADLGASSER, ANTON CAJETAN (1729-1777)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Anton Cajetan Adlgasser (1729-1777) : a thematic catalogue of his works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1971"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Wohlfart, Hannsdieter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d'œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Franck" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BACH, JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH (1732-1795)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach : ein Komponist im Vorfeld der Klassic. – (Neue Heidelberger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 4.)"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1983"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "H" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Hindmarsh, Paul" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Faber and Faber" ; modsrdf:subjectName "BRIDGE, FRANK (1879-1941)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Frank Bridge : a thematic catalogue 1900-1941"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1986"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Wagner, Günter" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Mainzer Studien zur Musikwissenschaft ; 13"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "CORNELIUS, PETER (1824-1874)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Peter Cornelius : Verzeichnis seiner musikalischen und literarischen Werke"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1996"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Pechstaedt, Volkmar von" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "H. Schneider" ; modsrdf:subjectName "DANZI, FRANZ (1763-1826)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der Kompositionen von Franz Danzi (1763-1826)"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1987"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "G" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "es"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Gallego, Antonio" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Ministerio de Cultura" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FALLA, MANUEL DE (1876-1946)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogo de obras de Manuel de Falla"@es ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2010"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "F" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:locationUrl ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Silbiger, Alexander" ; modsrdf:subjectName "FRESCOBALDI, GIROLAMO (1583-1643)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Frescobaldi thematic catalogue online (CFTO)"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique, en préparation ; numérotation déjà présente dans Grove music online"@fr ] ; modsrdf:subjectName "FUX, JOHANN JOSEPH (1660-1741)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Joseph Fux : thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke"@de . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1999"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Sirch, Licia" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Edizioni Fondazione Levi" ; modsrdf:subjectName "GROSSI, CARLO (1634?-1688)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "L'anfione dell'Adria : catalogo tematico di Carlo Grossi"@it ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1986"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Müller-Kersten, Ursula" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , , ; modsrdf:publisher "P. Lang" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Europäische Hochschulschriften ; 16"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "HELLER, STEPHEN (1813-1888)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Stephen Heller, ein Klaviermeister der Romantik"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1997"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Maurer, Annette" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue thématique des Lieder"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Furore" ; modsrdf:subjectName "HENSEL, FANNY (1805-1847)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisches Verzeichnis der klavierbegleiteten Sololieder Fanny Hensels"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2000"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Espinosa, Alma" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Thèse. Contient le catalogue thématique des œuvres pour clavier (orgue)."@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "UMI" ; modsrdf:subjectName "LOPEZ, FELIX MAXIMO (1742-1821)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "The Keyboard works of Félix Maximo Lopez (1742-1821)"@en . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject , ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1999"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Katzbichler" ; modsrdf:relatedSeries "Musikwissenschaftliche Schriften ; 35"@de ; modsrdf:subjectName "MYSLIVECEK, JOSEF (1737-1781)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Josef Myslivecek (1737-1781): a thematic catalog of his instrumental and orchestral works"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1989"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "it"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Sirch, Licia" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi" ; modsrdf:subjectName "PONCHIELLI, AMILCARE (1834-1886)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogo tematico delle musiche di Amilcare Ponchielli"@it . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1991"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "AW" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Austin, David L." ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Greenwood Press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SAUGUET, HENRI (1901-1989)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Henri Sauguet : a bio-bibliography"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1997"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Föllmi, Beat A." ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Othmar Schœck-Gesellschaft" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCHOECK, OTHMAR (1886-1957)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Praktisches Verzeichnis der Werke Othmar Schœcks"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2002"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Bosshard, Daniel" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Ed. Trais Giats" ; modsrdf:subjectName "SCRIABINE, ALEXANDRE (1872-1915)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Thematisch-chronologisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Alexandre Scrjabin"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2002"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Timms, Colin" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Contient un catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Oxford University Press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "STEFFANI, AGOSTINO (1654-1728)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Polymath of the Baroque: Agostino Steffani and his music"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1998"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Endler, Franz" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Liste des œuvres par nos d’opus"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin , ; modsrdf:publisher "Amalthea" ; modsrdf:subjectName "STRAUSS, JOHANN (1825-1899)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Johann Strauss [fils] : um die Welt im Dreivierteltakt"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1996"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd."@fr ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "en"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Kennedy, Michael" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Oxford University Press" ; modsrdf:subjectName "VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RALPH (1872-1958)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "A catalogue of the works of Ralph Vaughan Williams"@en ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "2003"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "2e éd., 2003 (nouvelle numérotation)"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "FL", "L" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Lesure, François" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ], [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Lesure, Debussy, 2003" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Fayard" ; modsrdf:relatedVersion ; modsrdf:subjectName "DEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1862-1918)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Claude Debussy : biographie critique ; suivie du Catalogue de l'œuvre"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1977"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:identifier "FL" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "fr"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Lesure, François" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "note on the catalog"@en, "note sur le catalogue"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Catalogue d’œuvre"@fr ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Minkoff" ; modsrdf:relatedVersion ; modsrdf:subjectName "DEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1862-1918)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Catalogue de l'œuvre de Claude Debussy"@fr ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1983"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "8e éd., version révisée de 1964 owl:sameAs K6"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "K", "KV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Köchel, Dr. Ludwig Ritter von" ; modsrdf:noteGroup [ a modsrdf:NoteGroup ; modsrdf:noteGroupType "abbreviated citation used at the BnF"@en, "citation abrégée utilisée à la BnF"@fr ; modsrdf:noteGroupValue "Köchel 8" ; skos:related ] ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf und Härtel" ; modsrdf:relatedVersion ; modsrdf:subjectName "MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS (1756-1791)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Tonwerke Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts"@de ; owl:sameAs . a modsrdf:ModsResource ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:dateOfCopyright "1958"^^xsd:gYear ; modsrdf:edition "4e éd., version révisée de 1937"@fr ; modsrdf:genre "Catalogue thématique"@fr ; modsrdf:identifier "K", "KV" ; modsrdf:languageOfResource "de"^^xsd:language ; modsrdf:namePrincipal "Köchel, Dr. Ludwig Ritter von" ; modsrdf:placeOfOrigin ; modsrdf:publisher "Breitkopf und Härtel" ; modsrdf:relatedVersion ; modsrdf:subjectName "MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS (1756-1791)" ; dct:subject ; modsrdf:titlePrincipal "Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Tonwerke Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts"@de ; owl:sameAs .