library( geojsonio ) library( sp ) library( rgdal ) URL <- "" dat <- read.csv( URL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE ) URL <- "" syr <- geojson_read( URL, method="local", what="sp" ) # LARGE PLOTS OVER 1 ACRE these <- dat$acres > 1 # define your group sum( these ) # count cases mean( these ) # proportion of data group.colors <- ifelse( these, "firebrick", "gray80" ) # don't change this plot( syr, border=NA, col=group.colors ) # don't change this # WERE HOMES LARGER BEFORE OR AFTER WWII? # # land_use, yearbuilt, sqft # WHICH NEIGHBORHOOD HAS THE MOST RENTALS? # # neighborhood, rental # WHAT'S THE AVERAGE AGE OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES? # # IS THAT OLDER OR YOUNGER THAN NON-COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES? # # age, land_use # WHAT PROPORTION OF VACANT BUILDINGS ARE RESIDENTIAL? # # land_use, vacantbuil #------------------------------------------------------------ # ########## SOLUTIONS library( geojsonio ) library( sp ) library( rgdal ) URL <- "" dat <- read.csv( URL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE ) URL <- "" syr <- geojson_read( URL, method="local", what="sp" ) # LARGE PLOTS OVER 1 ACRE these <- dat$acres > 1 # define your group sum( these ) # count cases mean( these ) # proportion of data group.colors <- ifelse( these, "firebrick", "gray80" ) # don't change this plot( syr, border=NA, col=group.colors ) # don't change this # WERE HOMES LARGER BEFORE OR AFTER WWII? # # land_use, yearbuilt, sqft <- dat$land_use == "Single Family" & ( dat$yearbuilt < 1945 & dat$yearbuilt > 1920 ) <- dat$land_use == "Single Family" & ( dat$yearbuilt > 1945 & dat$yearbuilt < 1970 ) mean(, na.rm=T ) sum(, na.rm=T ) mean(, na.rm=T ) sum(, na.rm=T ) summary( dat$sqft[ dat$land_use == "Single Family" ] ) summary( dat$sqft[ ] ) summary( dat$sqft[ ] ) # WHICH NEIGHBORHOOD HAS THE MOST RENTALS? # # neighborhood, rental table( dat$neighborhood, dat$rental ) # WHAT'S THE AVERAGE AGE OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES? # # IS THAT OLDER OR YOUNGER THAN NON-COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES? # # age, land_use dat$age dat$land_use these.commercial <- dat$land_use == "Commercial" mean( dat$age[ these.commercial ], na.rm=T ) these.non.commercial <- dat$land_use != "Commercial" sum( these.non.commercial ) sum( these.commercial ) length( dat$land_use ) mean( dat$age[ these.non.commercial ], na.rm=T ) # WHAT PROPORTION OF VACANT BUILDINGS ARE RESIDENTIAL? # # land_use, vacantbuil table( dat$land_use, dat$vacantbuil ) these.vacant.sfh <- dat$land_use == "Single Family" & dat$vacantbuil mean( these.vacant.sfh, na.rm=TRUE ) these.residential <- dat$land_use == "Single Family" | dat$land_use == "Apartment" | dat$land_use == "Two Family" sum( these.residential ) these.vacant.residential <- these.residential & dat$vacantbuil sum( these.vacant.residential, na.rm=T ) # 0.039 # does that answer our question though??? # WHAT PROPORTION OF VACANT BUILDINGS ARE RESIDENTIAL? # this is actually the proportion we want!!! sum( these.vacant.residential, na.rm=T ) / sum( dat$vacantbuil, na.rm=T ) # TOTAL VACANT BUILDINGS: sum( dat$vacantbuil, na.rm=T ) # NUMBER OF VACANT BUILDINGS THAT ARE RESIDENTIAL: # sum( these.vacant.residential, na.rm=T ) # PROPORTION OF VACANT BUILDINGS THAT ARE RESIDENTIAL: sum( these.vacant.residential, na.rm=T ) / sum( dat$vacantbuil, na.rm=T ) # 0.85 # 3.9% and 85% are very different solutions !!!