--- title: "Lab 02 - Identifying Groups" author: "Your Name" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: html_document: df_print: paged theme: cerulean highlight: haddock self_contained: true --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width = 10, fig.height = 6) ```
# Data The following report identifies specific tax parcels in Downtown Syracuse, New York (USA). View the dataset documentation here: [Syracuse, NY Tax Parcel Data](https://ds4ps.github.io/Data-Science-Class/DATA/syr_parcels.html).
## Required Packages The following packages are required for this report and loaded with `library()`.
```{r} library(sp) library(rgdal) library(geojsonio) # Load required libraries ```
## Import Spatial Polygons We read in spatial polygons (`"sp"`) with function `geojson_read()` to map tax parcel shapes in Syracuse's Downtown area.
```{r cache = TRUE} url <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DS4PS/Data", "-Science-Class/master/DATA/downtown-syr.geojson") downtown <- geojson_read(url, what = "sp") # Load parcel data plot(downtown, border = "gray60", col = "gray80") # Visualize parcels ```

# Example Solutions The following examples demonstrate how to use conditions to identify specific parcels.
### Example: Tax Parcel Acres Parcels with more than one acre are determined with variable `acres` and condition `> 1`. * Each value in variable `acres` is tested as greater than one, or `> 1` * Values in `acres` greater than one become `TRUE`, otherwise `FALSE` * All `TRUE` and `FALSE` values are stored in object `these`
```{r} result <- downtown$acres > 1 # Each value in 'acres' is tested ```
All `TRUE` and `FALSE` values, for each parcel, are converted into colors.
```{r} group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, # 'test =' accepts TRUE or FALSE values yes = "firebrick", # 'yes =' converts values that are TRUE no = "gray80") # 'no =' converts values that are FALSE ```
All tax parcels in `downtown` are mapped with `plot()`. Each parcel has one of two colors per the above code.
```{r} plot(downtown, # Plots object 'downtown' border = NA, col = group.colors) # Red when TRUE; gray when FALSE ```

### Example: Parcels with Single Families Use variable `landuse` to determine how a tax parcel is used. Determine all possible values with `unique()`.
```{r} unique(downtown$landuse) # All unique values in 'landuse' ```
One of the values in `landuse` is "Single Family". Therefore, the test is whether or not `landuse` is exactly equal to "Single Family".
```{r} result <- downtown$landuse == "Single Family" # Test if 'landuse' is "Single Family" group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, # Provide TRUE or FALSE test results yes = "firebrick", # If TRUE, make "firebrick" no = "gray80") # If FALSE, make "gray80" plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) # Plot with respective colors ```
# Questions & Solutions The following questions ask you to map your results, write your answer, or both. The first question has been completed for you.

## Question 1: Vacant Lots **Question:** *Where are the majority of vacant lots located in the* *downtown? Map your results.* **Note:** *This solution has been provided for you.*
```{r} unique(downtown$landuse) # Print unique values in 'landuse' ```
Now, we create our test statement, `== "Vacant Land"`, and store the results in `result`.
```{r} result <- downtown$landuse == "Vacant Land" group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

## Question 2: Parking Lots **Question:** *How many parking lots are in downtown Syracuse? Map your results.* **Answer:** There are **[x]** parking lots in downtown Syracuse.
```{r} # Use function: 'sum()' # Use variable: 'landuse' # Assign test (logical) output to object 'result' by replacing 'FALSE' result <- FALSE group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

## Question 3: New Construction **Question:** *Where is new construction located in the city?. Map your results.* **Note:** You may use `>=` (greater than or equal) or `>` (greater than) 1980.
```{r} # Use variable: 'yearbuilt' # Find the number of buildings constructed either after or during and after than 1980 # Assign test (logical) output to object 'result' by replacing 'FALSE' result <- FALSE group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

**Question:** *What proportion of commercial properties are built since 1980?* **Answer:** **[X]%** of commercial properties were built since 1980.
```{r} # Use variable: 'landuse' # Use variable: 'yearbuilt' # Count only commercial properties with buildings constructed during or later than 1980 ```

## Question 4: Parcels Valued Over $10M **Question:** *How many parcels have assessed values over $10 million? Map your results.* **Answer:** **[X]** parcels have assessed values over $10 M.
```{r} # Use function: 'sum()' # Use variable: 'assessedval' # Assign test (logical) output to object 'result' by replacing 'FALSE' result <- FALSE group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

## Question 5: Total Tax Delinquent Parcels **Question:** *How many properties are delinquent on taxes? Map your results.* **Answer:** **[X]** properties are delinquent on taxes.
```{r} # Use function: 'sum()' # Use variable: 'amtdelinqt' # Assign test (logical) output to object 'result' by replacing 'FALSE' result <- FALSE group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

## Question 6: Tax Delinquent Parcels **Question:** *What proportion of parcels have delinquent tax payments owed?* **Answer:** **[X%]** of parcels have delinquent tax payments owed.
```{r} # Use function: 'mean()' # Use variable: 'amtdelinqt' ```

## Question 7: Tax Delinquent Commercial Properties **Question I:** *What proportion of commercial properties are delinquent on taxes?* **Question II:** *What proportion of delinquent tax bills are owed by commercial parcels?*
**Answer I:** **[X]%** of commercial properties are delinquent on taxes. **Answer II:** **[X]%** of delinquent tax dollars are owed by commercial parcels.
```{r} # Use function: 'mean()' # Use variable: 'amtdelinqt' # Use variable: 'landuse' # The first answer is tax-delinquent commercial properties over all commercial properties # The second answer is the tax dollars owed by commercial properties (a subset) over all tax dollars owed ```

## Question 8: Tax Delinquent Parcels by Land Use **Question:** *How many of each land use type are delinquent on taxes? Print a table of your results.*
```{r} # Use function: 'table()' # Use variable: 'amtdelinqt' # Use variable: 'landuse' ```




## Challenge I: Parcels Values Over $1M **Instructions:** *Map all of the land valued at over $1 million per acre.*
```{r} # Replace 'FALSE' with your conditional statement result <- FALSE group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

## Challenge II: Parcels Valued Less Than $500K **Instructions:** *Map all of the land valued at less than $500,000 per acre.*
```{r} # Replace 'FALSE' with your conditional statement result <- FALSE group.colors <- ifelse(test = result, yes = "firebrick", no = "gray80") plot(downtown, border = NA, col = group.colors) ```

## Challenge III: Total Commercial Value **Instructions:** *What is the total value of all of the commercial parcels in Downtown?* **Answer:** The total value of all commercial parcels is **[$X]**.
```{r} # Your code here ```

## Challenge IV: Total Non-Commercial Value **Question:** *What is the total value of all of the non-commercial parcels in Downtown?* **Answer:** The total value of all non-commercial parcels is **[$X]**.
```{r} # Your code here ```




# Tips & Tricks Consider the following tips for completing this assignment.
### Creating Logical Values Recall that logical values are `TRUE` and `FALSE`. To produce logical values, we test vaues against a condition, e.g. "greater than".
```{r} x <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50) # Creating a vector of values x > 25 # Testing each value as greater than 25 ```
### Logical Values as Numeric Values Recall that logical values are `TRUE` and `FALSE`, representing `1` and `0`, respectively.
```{r} as.numeric(TRUE) # Changing class to "numeric" as.numeric(FALSE) # Changing class to "numeric" ```
### Logical Values & Arithmetic Because `TRUE` and `FALSE` are actually numeric, we can use `sum()` for total `TRUE` values, e.g.
```{r} y <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) # Creating a vector of TRUE and FALSE sum(y) # Finding total TRUE values mean(y) # Finding proportion of TRUE values ```
### Logicals for Subsetting A subset is a smaller collection of observations (rows) from a larger dataset. Create a subset by placing a logical vector in lieu of row positions. ```{r} index <- downtown$landuse == "Industrial" # Test if 'landuse' equals "Industrial" z <- downtown[index, ] # Extract only "Industrial" parcels ```

# How to Submit Use the following instructions to submit your assignment, which may vary depending on your course's platform.
### Knitting to HTML When you have completed your assignment, click the "Knit" button to render your `.RMD` file into a `.HTML` report.
### Special Instructions Perform the following depending on your course's platform: * **Canvas:** Upload both your `.RMD` and `.HTML` files to the appropriate link * **Blackboard or iCollege:** Compress your `.RMD` and `.HTML` files in a `.ZIP` file and upload to the appropriate link `.HTML` files are preferred but not allowed by all platforms.
### Before You Submit Remember to ensure the following before submitting your assignment. 1. Name your files using this format: **Lab-##-LastName.rmd** and **Lab-##-LastName.html** 2. Show both the solution for your code and write out your answers in the body text 3. Do not show excessive output; truncate your output, e.g. with function `head()` 4. Follow appropriate styling conventions, e.g. spaces after commas, etc. 5. Above all, ensure that your conventions are consistent See [Google's R Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/Rguide.xml) for examples of common conventions.

### Common Knitting Issues `.RMD` files are knit into `.HTML` and other formats procedural, or line-by-line. * An error in code when knitting will halt the process; error messages will tell you the specific line with the error * Certain functions like `install.packages()` or `setwd()` are bound to cause errors in knitting * Altering a dataset or variable in one chunk will affect their use in all later chunks * If an object is "not found", make sure it was created or loaded with `library()` in a previous chunk **If All Else Fails:** If you cannot determine and fix the errors in a code chunk that's preventing you from knitting your document, add `eval = FALSE` inside the brackets of `{r}` at the beginning of a chunk to ensure that R does not attempt to evaluate it, that is: `{r eval = FALSE}`. This will prevent an erroneous chunk of code from halting the knitting process.