--- title: "Your Topic Title" author: "Your Name" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B %Y')`" output: html_document: theme: readable df_print: paged highlight: tango toc: yes toc_float: yes --- ```{r include = FALSE} # SET GLOBAL KNITR OPTIONS knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width = 10, fig.height = 8) ```

# Introduction This code through explores...
## Content Overview Specifically, we'll explain and demonstrate...
## Why You Should Care This topic is valuable because...
## Packages We will use the following packages for the vignette. ```{r} library(pander) library(kableExtra) ``` ## Learning Objectives Specifically, you'll learn how to...

# Body Title Here, we'll show...
## Further Exposition This is based/expanded on the theory/work/extension of...
## Basic Example A basic example shows how... ```{r} # Some code ```
## Advanced Examples More specifically, this can be used for... ```{r} # Some code ```
What's more, it can also be used for... ```{r} # Some code ```
Most notably, it's valuable for... ```{r} # Some code ```

# Works Cited This code through references and cites the following sources:
* Author (Year). Source I. [Hyperlink Text](https://www.google.com) * Author (Year). Source II. [Hyperlink Text](https://www.google.com) * Author (Year). Source III. [Hyperlink Text](https://www.google.com)
## Additional Resources Learn more about [package, technique, dataset] with the following:
* Resource I [Hyperlink Text](https://www.google.com) * Resource II [Hyperlink Text](https://www.google.com) * Resource III [Hyperlink Text](https://www.google.com)