--- title: "R markdown report template" author: "Jacques van Helden" date: '`r Sys.Date()`' output: html_document: self_contained: yes fig_caption: yes highlight: zenburn theme: cerulean toc: yes toc_depth: 3 toc_float: yes code_folding: "hide" ioslides_presentation: slide_level: 2 self_contained: yes colortheme: dolphin fig_caption: yes fig_height: 5 fig_width: 7 fonttheme: structurebold highlight: tango smaller: yes toc: yes widescreen: yes slidy_presentation: smart: no slide_level: 2 self_contained: yes fig_caption: yes fig_height: 5 fig_width: 7 highlight: tango incremental: no keep_md: yes smaller: yes theme: cerulean toc: yes widescreen: yes beamer_presentation: colortheme: dolphin fig_caption: yes fig_height: 5 fig_width: 7 fonttheme: structurebold highlight: tango incremental: no keep_tex: no slide_level: 2 theme: Montpellier toc: yes revealjs::revealjs_presentation: theme: night transition: none self_contained: true css: ../slides.css pdf_document: fig_caption: yes highlight: zenburn toc: yes toc_depth: 3 powerpoint_presentation: slide_level: 2 fig_caption: yes fig_height: 5 fig_width: 7 toc: yes font-import: http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Risque subtitle: DUBii 2020 font-family: Garamond transition: linear editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- ```{r settings, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE} options(width = 300) # options(encoding = 'UTF-8') knitr::opts_chunk$set( fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5, fig.path = 'figures/pavkovic2019_', fig.align = "center", size = "tiny", echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, results = TRUE, comment = "") options(scipen = 12) ## Max number of digits for non-scientific notation # knitr::asis_output("\\footnotesize") ``` ```{r libraries, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE} requiredLib <- c("knitr", "stringr", "vioplot") for (lib in requiredLib) { if (!require(lib, character.only = TRUE)) { install.packages(lib, ) } require(lib, character.only = TRUE) } ``` ## Introduction ### Nice features - The header contains reasonable parameters for different types of compilations with knitr (pdf report, html report, slidy presentation, ...) - automatic update of the compilation date - floating table of contents for HTML slides - code folding (collapsed by default) enables to see the code used to generate the report, whilst preserving a nice HTML report (does not work for pdf or word exports) ## Could be improved - export of pdf slides - slides with two columns (one for the text and one for figures ### Tuning - self_contained: yes makes a self-contained HTML, whcih is heavier (>2Mb even for very small report) but can be sent by email