
Accepting remoteStorage accounts in your web app

var tutorial = (function() {

getStorageInfo takes a user address ("user@host") and a callback as its arguments. The callback will get an error code, and a storageInfo object. If the error code is null, then the storageInfo object will contain data required to access the remoteStorage.

  function connect(userAddress, callback) {
    remoteStorage.getStorageInfo(userAddress, function(error, storageInfo) {
      if(error) {
        alert('Could not load storage info');
      } else {
        console.log('Storage info received:');

      callback(error, storageInfo);

Getting data from the "public" category doesn't require any credentials. For writing to a user's public data, or reading/writing any of the other categories, we need to do an OAuth request first to obtain a token.

This method opens a popup that sends the user to the OAuth dialog of the remoteStorage provider.

  function authorize(categories) {
    var storageInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userStorageInfo'));
    var redirectUri = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/receive_token.html';

createOAuthAddress takes the storageInfo, the categories that we intend to access and a redirect URI that the storage provider sends the user back to after authorization. That page extracts the token and sends it back to us, which is described here.

    var oauthPage = remoteStorage.createOAuthAddress(storageInfo, categories, redirectUri);
    var popup = window.open(oauthPage);

To get the OAuth token we listen for the message event from the receive_token.html that sends it back to us.

  window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
    if(event.origin == location.protocol +'//'+ location.host) {
      console.log('Received an OAuth token: ' + event.data);
      localStorage.setItem('bearerToken', event.data);
  }, false);

To get data from the remoteStorage, we need to create a client with the createClient method. It takes the object that we got via the getStorageInfo call and the category we want to access. If the category is any other than "public", we also have to provide the OAuth token.

  function getData(category, key, callback) {
    var storageInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userStorageInfo'));
    var client;

    if (category == 'public') {
      client = remoteStorage.createClient(storageInfo, 'public');
    } else {
      var token = localStorage.getItem('bearerToken');
      client = remoteStorage.createClient(storageInfo, category, token);

The client's get method takes a key and a callback. The callback will be invoked with an error code and the data.

    client.get(key, function(error, data) {
      if(error) {
        alert('Could not find "' + key + '" in category "' + category + '" on the remoteStorage');
      } else {
        if (data == undefined) {
          console.log('There wasn\'t anything for "' + key + '" in category "' + category + '"');
        } else {
          console.log('We received this for key "' + key + '" in category "' + category + '": ' + data);

      callback(error, data);

For saving data we use the client's put method. It takes a key, the value and a callback. The callback will be called with an error code, which is null on success.

  function putData(category, key, value, callback) {
    var storageInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userStorageInfo'));
    var token = localStorage.getItem('bearerToken');
    var client = remoteStorage.createClient(storageInfo, category, token);

    client.put(key, value, function(error) {
      if (error) {
        alert('Could not store "' + key + '" in "' + category + '" category');
      } else {
        console.log('Stored "' + value + '" for key "' + key + '" in "' + category + '" category');


Now all that's left is to bind the events from the UI elements to these actions, as can be seen here.

  return {
    connect:   connect,
    authorize: authorize,
    getData:   getData,
    putData:   putData,
