! Title: 🏕 Dandelion Sprout's Annoying Banners and Overlays List ! Version: 02April2020v1-Compilation ! Expires: 2 days ! Description: This list was initially made as a kind gesture to https://github.com/theel0ja, who has been using, recommending, and promoting the lists above. This uBO-exclusive list removes all sorts of annoying banners that few other lists take care of, including uncloseable overlays, banners that advertise major browsers, and certain banners that ask if you want to be asked to receive bad browser notifications (It makes sense in context). ! Homepage: https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/blob/master/Wiki/General-info.md#-english !#if !env_mv3 !#if !ext_ubol !#if !adguard_ext_android_cb !#include BrowseWebsitesWithoutLoggingIn.txt !#include I%20Don't%20Want%20to%20Download%20Your%20Browser.txt !#include stayingonbrowser/Staying%20On%20The%20Phone%20Browser !#endif !#endif !#endif