[Adblock Plus 3.13] ! Title: 🗨 Anti-'Google Hangouts' List ! Version: 28October2023v1-Beta ! Expires: 20 days ! Description: Are you a non-user of Hangouts, and are tired of seeing the uncloseable Hangouts section on Gmail, and various Hangouts buttons and pages? Then this is the list for you. ! I (The list maintainer) have been made aware of the phase-out of Hangouts Classic in the 2nd half of 2020. So far it remains to be seen whether this list will retain a reason to exist afterwards or not. ! Homepage: https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/blob/master/Wiki/General-info.md#-english ! 📛 = This category requires using either uBlock Origin or AdGuard. !#if !env_mv3 !#if !ext_ubol !#if !adguard_ext_android_cb ! Removes the Hangouts feed in the lower left of Gmail ||hangouts.google.com/webchat/u/0/frame2$domain=mail.google.com mail.google.com###talk_roster ! Aims to remove Hangouts-related app listings in Google Play Store in browsers play.google.com#?#c-wiz > div > div > div:has(> c-wiz[jsshadow] > div):has-text(/^Hangouts/) ! Removes the Hangouts button from the Google website app drawer 📛 google.*##.gb_h:has(.gb_c[rel=noreferrer][target=_blank][href="https://hangouts.google.com/"]) ! Displays a warning when opening Hangouts' own website 📛 ||hangouts.google.com$document !#endif !#endif !#endif