[Adblock Plus 3.13] ! Title: 📏 Imperial Units Remover ! Version: 22January2024v1-Alpha ! Expires: 10 days ! Description: Are you pro-metric and are tired of seeing imperial unites all over the English-language parts of the internet? If so, then here's a list for you. ! Homepage: https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/blob/master/Wiki/General-info.md#-english !#if !env_mv3 !#if !ext_ubol !#if !adguard_ext_android_cb ! Removing miles from dual-unit distance measurements in Google Maps (uBO and AdGuard only) google.*##html[lang$=US] #ruler span:first-of-type google.*##html[lang=en] #ruler span:first-of-type google.*##html:not([lang$=US], [lang=en]) #ruler span:nth-of-type(2) ! Removes imperial measurements from multi-unit displays weather.gov###myfcst-tempf weather.gov#?#p[class^=myforecast-current-]:has-text(°F) holiday-weather.com#?#.temperature_data_container > :has-text(°F) holiday-weather.com#?#.distance_data_container > :has-text(miles) lematin.ma##.meteo-bloc span sveip.no##.wmsb_f gismeteo.de##.ifnoie !#endif !#endif !#endif