[Adblock Plus 3.12] ! Title: 🎬 Stop Autoplay On Video Sites ! Expires: 7 days ! Version: 24March2024v1 ! Description: Are you tired of having to turn off autoplay on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video sites every time you e.g. go to incognito mode? Do you work in classrooms/courserooms and don't want to accidentally show unfitting videos to your students/coursetakers? Are you worried of having to use specific extensions just for that purpose? Then this list is for you. ! Special thanks to https://github.com/llacb47 for waterproofing large parts of this list. ! Homepage: https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/blob/master/Wiki/General-info.md#-english ! I offer a €15 bounty to anyone who can figure out how to automatically turn off autoplay on Dailymotion through one or more uBlock Origin entries, payable by PayPal. ! ——— YouTube ——— ! Note: Video suggestions after the video is finished, will not be shown. /endscreen.js$script,domain=youtube.com|youtu.be|youtube-nocookie.com| youtube.com, youtube.com, youtube.com, m.youtube.com##.ytm-autonav-bar !#if !ext_ublock /endscreen.js$app=com.google.android.youtube|com.google.android.apps.youtube.vr|com.google.android.youtube.tv|com.google.android.youtube.googletv !#endif ! ——— Vimeo ——— &stream_pos=0&autoplay=true$xmlhttprequest,domain=vimeo.com vimeo.com##.iris_progress-container vimeo.com##.pagination_holder vimeo.com##._16rrx !#if !ext_ublock ! (Has some problems due to https://github.com/AdguardTeam/FiltersCompiler/blob/master/src/main/utils/trust-levels/exclusions-high.txt) vimeo.com#%#AG_setConstant('vimeo.clip_page_config.continuous_play_enabled', 'false'); !#endif ! ——— Rumble ——— ||rumble.com/embedJS/u3/?request=related$xmlhttprequest ! ——— TED ——— !#if !ext_ublock ! Note: Once the outro screen is triggered and blocked, the page has to be reloaded to play the same video again. It also remains stuck on an ominously red-tinted frame when it happens. ||pb.tedcdn.com/bumpers/hls/video/out/$xmlhttprequest,domain=ted.com !#endif ! ——— BBC Reel ——— ||bbci.co.uk/plugins/onwardJourneyHTML/*/js/onwardJourney.js^ ! ——— Dailymotion ——— ! https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/issues/1023 ||static1.dmcdn.net/playerv5/dmp.end_screen.*.js$script ! ——— Ixigua - 西瓜视频 ——— ! Note: Also removes video recommendations ||ixigua.com/api/feedv2^ ! ——— Help wanted for: ——— ! Sites using JW Player (e.g. Mediaite) ! Gfycat ! YouTube Kids !#include uBO%20list%20extensions/StopAutoplayOnYouTube-uBOExtension.txt