[Adblock Plus 3.6] ! Title: 🏘 Semi-public stuff for Dandelion Sprout's Official DNS Server ! Version: 23December2023v1 ! Homepage: https://github.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/blob/master/Wiki/General-info.md#-english ! Description: Spun off from a.txt when I began placing public scrutiny on myself and my DNS server, as I didn't intend for some of the entries in it to be blocked by DNS server users that weren't myself, and I didn't except even hardcore tech experts to know that "$document" meant that the entries didn't apply to the server. !#if !env_mv3 !#if !ext_ubol !#if !adguard_ext_android_cb ! ———Applies to public users:——— ! Syncing allowlist with that of AdGuard: @@||settings.crashlytics.com^ @@||app-measurement.com^ @@||mobileapptracking.com^ @@||pixapi.net^ ! Aims to prevent having NTP timesync requests go through the GFW: |cn.pool.ntp.org^$dnsrewrite=tw.pool.ntp.org |0.cn.pool.ntp.org^$dnsrewrite=0.tw.pool.ntp.org |1.cn.pool.ntp.org^$dnsrewrite=1.tw.pool.ntp.org |2.cn.pool.ntp.org^$dnsrewrite=2.tw.pool.ntp.org |3.cn.pool.ntp.org^$dnsrewrite=3.tw.pool.ntp.org ! ———May apply to public users once I figure out the best ways to do so:——— yahoo.com$ctag=device_tv ! Test to avoid game patches/updates on the go ||sun.hac.lp1.d4c.nintendo.net^$ctag=user_regular ||scsi-download.lp1.scsi.srv.nintendo.net^$ctag=user_regular ! ———Intended to apply to Dandelion Sprout's own personal units only:——— ||google.com^$client='Imres LG 43UH603V 108cm-TV' facebook.com$client='Imres LG 43UH603V 108cm-TV' avs.na.amazonalexa.com$client='Imres Yamaha RX-V685' ! LG ads disqualified by Perflyst ||ngfts.lge.com^$client='Imres LG 43UH603V 108cm-TV' ! ———Carried over from «AdGuard Home Gradual Syntax Inclusion Test List»——— ! This section contains a lot of syntaxes that currently disqualify their entire entries in AdGuard Home. When any of the entries do indeed block access to the very, very legitimate and reasonable Norwegian newssite NRK, they are removed from this section, and (if applicable) changes will be made to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/AdGuard%20Home%20Compilation%20List/AGHtest.py to accomodate for the working entries. ||nrk.no^$1p ||nrk.no^$3p ||nrk.no^$all ||nrk.no^$document ||nrk.no^$dom ||nrk.no^$empty ||nrk.no^$first-party ||nrk.no^$font ||nrk.no^$frame ||nrk.no^$image ||nrk.no^$media ||nrk.no^$object ||nrk.no^$object-subrequest ||nrk.no^$other ||nrk.no^$popunder ||nrk.no^$popup ||nrk.no^$script ||nrk.no^$stylesheet ||nrk.no^$subdocument ||nrk.no^$third-party ||nrk.no^$websocket ||nrk.no^$xhr ||nrk.no^$xmlhttprequest ||nrk.no^$~1p ||nrk.no^$~3p ||nrk.no^$~all ||nrk.no^$~document ||nrk.no^$~dom ||nrk.no^$~empty ||nrk.no^$~first-party ||nrk.no^$~frame ||nrk.no^$~object-subrequest ||nrk.no^$~popunder ||nrk.no^$~third-party ||nrk.no^$~xhr ! https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/1328 (Although it wasn't actually covered by the fix commit) 0 www.nrk.no ! https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/issues/1249#issuecomment-573378507 https://www.nrk.no/ https://www.nrk.no ! RPZ www.nrk.no CNAME . ! TPL -d www.nrk.no ! MinerBlock *://*.nrk.no/* ! dnsmasq address=/www.nrk.no/ server=/www.nrk.no/ ! hosts.deny ALL: www.nrk.no ! BIND zone "www.nrk.no" { type master; notify no; file "null.zone.file"; }; ! PFblockerNG MS-1 https://gist.githubusercontent.com/BBcan177/bf29d47ea04391cb3eb0/raw/7290e0681bcd07415420b5c80a253652fd13f840/MS-1 # NRK ! ———AdGuard Home shows ASUS router addresses as NXDOMAIN for some reason——— router.asus.com repeater.asus.com @@||router.asus.com^$badfilter ! ———Submit to Perflyst at some point——— @@/^localdomain$/ ! ———Incorrect syntaxes——— !#if false /^https://.*[/?]/ /^[1-9].*:[0-9]{1,5},.*/ !#endif !#endif !#endif !#endif